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Everything posted by WinstonY
Q1. The Spirit Upon
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Q1. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 51:11) What is the primary purpose of God putting his Spirit upon selectedindividuals in the Old Testament? What effect does the Spirit seem to have upon their relationship with God? The primary purpose of God forgiving selected individuals his spirit in the Old Testament is to enable them to do something special for the Lord God. The coming of the Holy Spirit upon the individuals appears to enhance their relationship with God, to make them more aware of God's presence and to enable them to do the work that God has asked them to do. -
Q3. Teaching Priests
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Love, Worship, and Marriage (Malachi 1-2)
Q3. (Malachi 2:1-9) In what ways do church pastors and teachers fall heir to the role of “teaching priests”? Which of the roles of teaching priests do you see as most vital in your situation? pastors and teachers can become teaching priest by performing The Following duties- Offering true instruction (verse 6a, 7b). Walking with God in peace and uprightness (verse 6b). Turning many from sin (verse 6c). Serving as messengers of Yahweh (verse 7b). Preserving and guarding knowledge (verse 7a). offering instruction is probably my chief importance -
Q2. Fearing God
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Love, Worship, and Marriage (Malachi 1-2)
Q2. (Malachi 2:5; 1 John 4:18) What does it mean to “fear God” in Old Testament days? Should we “fear God” now, as Christian believers? How does fear of God interface with our love for God? How does our love change the fear? to fear God in Old Testament days meant to have a loving fear off displeasing God and the consequence there off. Yes we should fear God nowadays for there can be consequences for displeasing God. If we love God then we will fear the consequences of not a pleasing him. Fearing God is about respecting God and his power and His glory. -
Q1. Respectful Worship
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Love, Worship, and Marriage (Malachi 1-2)
Q1. (Malachi 1:6-14) How were the people and priests disrespecting God with regard to offering sacrifices? In what ways do we today disrespect God in our attitudes toward worship, in giving to God, and in regard to holy things? What is God saying to you personally as you ponder this? The people were disrespecting God by offering sacrifices that were deficient in God's eyes. Possibly the animal was blind, deaf or lame. God does not want a sacrifice that is less than perfect. It is not a so much that's a sacrifice is in perfect but the attitude of the person who is offering at the sacrifice is very imperfect and repulsive to God. In this day and age we also must be careful in the way that we come before God and put other things before a God's things. We must serve God with all our heart and with all our mind and all our soul and our neighbor as ourselves. If we do not do this then we are disrespecting God, we are tarnished before God site and it is possible that he will not give us the cloak of righteousness so that we can stand before God and not show stains that we have obtained during our life on Earth. God is saying, " Do You Love more than these"? -
Q4. Disappointment
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Repentance and Revival (Nehemiah 8-13)
Q4. (Nehemiah 13:30-31) How should you respond when the people you are ministering to disappoint you? How must you treat them? What must you do to sustain your own faith and spiritual momentum in times of discouragement? when people disappoint us we should smile, pray and continue to serve God. They should be treated with dignity and respect. Our faith in our spiritual momentum in times of discouragement can the supplemented by praying to god for help and encouragement. In all this we continue to serve God. -
Q2. The Compassionate God
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Repentance and Revival (Nehemiah 8-13)
2. (Nehemiah 9:7-35) Why is God's compassion emphasized so strongly in Israel's history? How can God's compassion be present even in times of tough discipline (Hebrews 12:7-11)? How does the compassionate God of the Old Testament relate to Jesus giving himself as a ransom for sinners (Mark 10:45)? It is important for the people to know off God's compassion for it helps them to understand they're past their present and their future. One of the main ways that we learn of God's compassion is by reading the scripture of those things that happened in Years Gone by. It is important to know that compassion can exist even in a discipline. People nearly always love their children, but it is still often necessary to discipline them. Not to discipline when a child has gone wrong is not to show love but contempt. The compassionate of God off the Old Testament send a Jesus his son to be ransomed for our sins. If God had not been and is not compassionate but to us people then he would not have sent his only son to be ransomed. -
Q3. Leader Integrity
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Repentance and Revival (Nehemiah 8-13)
Q3. (Nehemiah 13:1-5, 7-9) Does God set higher standards for leaders than for others? If so, why? What results in the people when leaders become corrupt? How can you keep this from happening to you? If God shows you corruption within, how can you recover from it? Yes, God does set higher standards for leaders because they are to be an example for the people. Often, When leaders are corrupt then the people will follow. But sometimes the people will cast of the leaders out. We can pray to God for strength to throw the corruption out! Quote th -
Q2. The Compassionate God
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Repentance and Revival (Nehemiah 8-13)
2. (Nehemiah 9:7-35) Why is God’s compassion emphasized so strongly in Israel’s history? How can God’s compassion be present even in times of tough discipline (Hebrews 12:7-11)? How does the compassionate God of the Old Testament relate to Jesus giving himself as a ransom for sinners (Mark 10:45)? God emphasizes the compassion of God very explicitly as it appears in the history of Israel because a it is very important and would not have occurred if all Heather of being left to the Goodwill of the people. Salvation history is dependent upon God who is the founder of all mercy and compassion. It is only through this mercy and compassion of God that people are able to ascend to heaven to be with God for eternity. The why is this? The reason is that through God's grace he gave to us, Gentiles and Jews, the gracious gift of salvation by his son Jesus Christ who died on the cross that day 2000 years ago and in three days was raised from the dead. He ascended into heaven and now sits on the right hand of God the Father. From there he is our advocate, he covers off with a cloak of righteousness which he provides for us. It covers our ugliness of sin and we are closed in righteousness as we stand before a god of the father. Christ then speaks and recommends us to God, we are introduced to God and to an eternal relationship with him where no longer Satan has access to us to tempt us to do sinful and evil Deeds. No more will be have to bear the Barb of the evil one but we will stand forever in the presence of God singing his praise - Glory Hallelujah forever. because we are just some by God it does not mean that God does not love us and will not provide us with his grace if we can repent for those things that we have done. it seems that the only way, or the best way for our sins to be forgiven is 4 Jesus to have died on the cross for us. They're on the cross and when he descended into the Eternal Darkness he no doubt experienced sufficient pain and suffering so that I are penalties for our sins we're paid in full and that we could enter before God's presence with a cloak of righteousness and that we would be able to be in an eternal relationship with God forever and ever. Amen. A -
Q1. Revival and Joy
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Repentance and Revival (Nehemiah 8-13)
Q1. (Nehemiah 8:1-12) Why does the reading of Scripture bring such sorrow to the people? Why is Scripture reading so important in personal spiritual revival? What place does the Spirit have in this? What is the relationship between joy and faith in God’s compassion and love? as most of the people were illiterate and had no scriptures available to them as obviously there was no printing press. Hence many of them, actually most of them had never heard the scripture read before. Also on this occasion they were Levites going around the crowd helping the people to understand the word that they were hearing, explaining it to them and helping them to understand. The people therefore had no comprehension that they were in violation of God's law and upon hearing it they were placed in the depths of Sorrow for there were afraid of their souls. It is for this reason that scripture reading is so important to a person's individual Spiritual Development. the holy spirit is very important in all of this. It is the holy spirit that rests upon the people in a revival, open their hearts and bakes them assessable and accepting of the word of God. With this action of the Holy Spirit the word will roll off the people like the water off a duck's back. joy and faith is a response that people make to the opening of their hearts and minds and souls to the word and to the spirit. One can hardly be filled with the Holy Spirit and not also be filled with joy and faith. -
Q4. Subtle Temptations
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Restoring the Wall (Nehemiah 2:9-7:73)
Q4. (Nehemiah 6:1-14) Why do Nehemiah’s enemies want him to travel away from Jerusalem? Why do his enemies bribe the prophets? How are they hoping to hurt Nehemiah’s integrity, will, and authority? How is your enemy trying to make you stumble? the enemies of Nehemiah want him away from Jerusalem so that they can more easily assassinate him. the prophets are bribed so that the enemies of Nehemiah will be able to assault him with these new charges. if the enemy can make a Nehemiah stumble then they will be able to undermine his authority with the people and thus be able to stop the project of the rebuilding of the walls. -
Q3. Oppressing the Poor
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Restoring the Wall (Nehemiah 2:9-7:73)
Q3. (Nehemiah 5) Why doesn’t Nehemiah wait until he isn’t so busy to deal with the complaints of the poor who are being oppressed? What is the chief motivation of their oppressors? How does Nehemiah deal with the issue? Why are church leaders sometimes quicker to deal with the complaints of the wealthy than those of the poor? What motivates these leaders? hunger does not wait, does it? The chief motivation off the oppressors is profit and self-interest. Nehemiah demands in regulates that there be interest no higher than 1% per month and the people who are starving are provided for. because wealthy people are more ready to pay bribes Evan the poor then it is to our advantage to please the wealthy. -
Q2. Threat - Response
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Restoring the Wall (Nehemiah 2:9-7:73)
Q2. (Nehemiah 4) How does Nehemiah respond to his enemies’ ridicule? How does Nehemiah respond to military threats? What effect does this have on construction? How does Nehemiah respond to discouragement and fear in the people? How do you respond to discouragement and fear? What “walls” need to be rebuilt in your life to protect you from temptation and sin? Nehemiah response to the ridicule of the enemy bye encouraging and preparing his people for anything that the enemy might do. He divides the workmen in to pairs, one to work and one to bear arms. He also encourages each worker to keep his sword by his side as he works. Thirdly he organized a response that when he blew his trumpet the workers were to Rally who it to him to repel any attack. This preparation encouraged the people and kept them working on the project. Nehemiah also encourage the people to trust and pray to God. We must often respond to our fears in the same way as nehemiah's people did . -
Q1. Team Building
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Restoring the Wall (Nehemiah 2:9-7:73)
Q1. (Nehemiah 3) Why does Nehemiah need to build the walls quickly? Why does he assign so many teams? What motivates these teams? What kinds of problems would Nehemiah need to solve with so many teams working simultaneously. it is necessary for Nehemiah to build the walls quickly so that the enemy will not be able to organize a resistance to destroy his work as they had done before. This was done by organizing a number of teams, 41 and all, so that these could work simultaneously in support of each other. the motivations off this teams would be for their religious spirit. Jerusalem is a center part of their religion and in order to develop that religion properly it is necessary to have the temple building secured. In order to do this it is necessary to build a wall. Nehemiah would have many problems to overcome. He would have to organize instruct and enthused of the population to work on the project. The really the total number of people in New Jerusalem was actually quite small in comparison to a modern city of today. There would be problems in disputes that would need to be ironed out, Nehemiah must have been a good organizer. It would be necessary to have the teams all working at the same time so that one the work could be done faster and secondly to enable the city to have protection from its enemies. -
Q2. Grounds for Appeal
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Nehemiah’s Prayer (Nehemiah 1:1-2:8)
Q2. (Nehemiah 1:7-11) What is the basis of Nehemiah’s appeal? How does he argue his case before God? What do we learn from this about intercession? the base off nehemiah's appeal is that God has given a promise or a covenant to the people of Israel and that God keeps his promises. The people of Israel in nehemiah's opinion have reformed and are living according to God's word he therefore appeals to God that he must therefore keep his word. when we are serious in approaching God In Prayer we must first magnify praise and glorify God and then stay our supplication with the expectation that God will keep his promise to the people. -
Q1. Continual Prayer
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Nehemiah’s Prayer (Nehemiah 1:1-2:8)
Q1. (Nehemiah 1:1-6) Why does Nehemiah pray day and night for four months? Why does he fast and weep? Isn’t that excessive? Nehemiah prays day and night because he sees his fellow man in Jerusalem are suffering in their situation with a ruined City hidden very little hope for the future. He fasts and Weeps because he wants to purify himself before God so that God will be willing to hear his supplications. -
Q3. Servant Leaders
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Prophecies of the Messiah (Zechariah 7-14)
Q3. (Zechariah 11:4-17) Why is God so condemnatory towards shepherds or leaders who take advantage of their office and exploit the people? What is Jesus’ standard for leaders (Mark 10:42-45). What would it look like in government, if we followed Jesus’ standard? What would it look like in your workplace? In your church? In your home? God is hard on poor leaders who oppress the poor because God loves the poor, he has a preference for the poor and throughout the Bible this is made clear. leaders are to Serve the People. too often people, leaders, work to benefit themselves rather than the people. it is the standard and would look great. -
Q4. Arrow Prayers
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Nehemiah’s Prayer (Nehemiah 1:1-2:8)
Q4. (Nehemiah 2:4) What danger is Nehemiah in? Why does he pray quickly and silently before he answers the king? How does this quick “arrow prayer” relate to the four months of prayer he has just finished? Nehemiah, at this moment, when he is about to ask the king a favor that could conceivably be seen as a threat and the condemnation of the Kings policy, he is no doubt afraid of losing his head. Nehemiah is, no doubt, praying for his words to be subtle and wise and to make the King open to his coming request. The god would know off Nehemiah's earlier prayers and these prayers would being too give Nehemiah the strength and courage to face the king. -
Q3. Strategic Witness
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Nehemiah’s Prayer (Nehemiah 1:1-2:8)
Q3. (Nehemiah 1:11) In what way does Nehemiah’s situation compare to Esther’s? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this? nehemiah's situation is similar to that of Esther’s in that both are more or less called upon to intercede for their people with the King. This can be very dangerous even if you are loved or are in favor with the King if you insult the king you can lose your head. Consider Ann Boyle, a queen of Henry the eighth. It seems that God works through people. God puts his people in a place and in a situation where they are able to intercede for God's will. It may not always be expedient to act for God but if we are God's slave and servant we must act as he directs us. No, this has never happened to me. I suspect that one would have to pray as Nehemiah did in order to carry out God's will. -
Q2. Grounds for Appeal
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Nehemiah’s Prayer (Nehemiah 1:1-2:8)
Q2. (Nehemiah 1:7-11) What is the basis of Nehemiah’s appeal? How does he argue his case before God? What do we learn from this about intercession? The basis of nehemiah's appeal is that God has promised that if the people are repentant off their bad actions towards God and have returned to God then God and are keeping his Commandments and doing them then God will return them to Jerusalem. Nehemiah asks God to live up to this promise. A prayer of intercession, if model after Nehemiah 'so prayer, will magnify God, will be a confession of sin and then will put forth a request to God which is based upon the goodness of God's mercy. we learn from the sprayer that we must anticipate that God will answer our prayers, be willing to worship and glorify God and to do his bidding. -
Q1. Continual Prayer
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Nehemiah’s Prayer (Nehemiah 1:1-2:8)
Q1. (Nehemiah 1:1-6) Why does Nehemiah pray day and night for four months? Why does he fast and weep? Isn’t that excessive? Nehemiah prays and night and day because he wants to get the Lord God's attention, he wants to be heard and he really desires that God speaks to him and hears him before he goes in to see the emperor. It is something which is very important to Nehemiah. Nehemiah fasts because when one is fasting one is firstly in denying himself for God, secondly when one is fasting not one will often have visions. No!!! this is not overreacting. It is a matter of wanting something very much, something which is very important to you and something that you are willing too fast for. In this day and age most of us do not take our religion seriously enough so that when we want something we never fast for it. Maybe it was something that we should encourage and try ourselves. Maybe it will get God's attention. -
Q4. Shecaniah's Solution
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Confession and Repentance (Ezra 7-10)
Q4.. (Ezra 10:2-4) Do you think Shecaniah’s solution to the people’s sin of intermarriage was from God? Can you think of any other examples in the Bible of prophetic “words of wisdom” directing God’s people at crisis points? How do the people respond to Schecaniah’s radical solution? How does Ezra implement it? no, I do not Shecaniah’s solution to end intermarriage was from God for it seems to be very uncaring when one considers the children of the marriage. Maybe this is the proper solution but I cannot help but think of the harm that will come to the children and also to the wives. It seemed as though the Moses quite often was directed by God at certain crisis points. The men all seem to think it is great. Ezra tells the people- make confession to the Lord. Separate yourselves from the peoples of the land and from your four and your foreign wives. -
Q3. (Ezra 9:3-4) How does Ezra react when he hears of the sin of intermarriage? Does he react for show? Does he over-react? Why does he grieve over the sins of the people? What is wrong with us if we don’t grieve over the sins of God’s people? Ezra a does not react for show and he does not over react he acts perfectly normally for a follower of God. The sins of the people in intermarrying are directly against the law of the Lord for Jewish people and Ezra is shocked and at this moment does not really know what to do about it. This is why he grieves. often people of this age do not react to sins because they have being come so normal and frequent that we are hardened to them. We must however react to sin as it did Ezra.
Q2. Care with Money
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Confession and Repentance (Ezra 7-10)
Q 2. (Ezra 8:24-30, 33-34) Why does Ezra weigh out the gold and silver vessels when he entrusts them to individuals, and weigh them again when they are delivered to the temple? Is this an act of distrust? If not, why are steps to prevent embezzlement good for Christian organizations? Ezra weights all this gold and silver in order to ensure that it is not stolen. You know, this is not really a matter of distrust, it is a matter of making sure the money arrives safely. Steps to prevent embezzlement are good because it removes the Temptation that might make people do something which is not really what they want to do. If the treasure is weighted and recorded this whole help prevent the temptation and enable of the goods to arrive safely. -
Q1. (Ezra 8:21-23) Why does Ezra call the people to fast? Does fasting compel God to answer our prayers? What does fasting accomplish in us? Ezra calls the people to fast so that they can find God's will and they asked God to be with them on their journey and upon their venture. Fasting helps us to come before God and to Humble ourselves so that we can pray to him in a meaningful way. Fasting can bring us closer to God.
Q4. Messiah
WinstonY replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Prophecies of the Messiah (Zechariah 7-14)
Q4. (Zechariah 12-13) Paul was broken-hearted for his countrymen the Jews, who had rejected the Messiah. We should be too. When do you think the prophecy will be fulfilled that says, “They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn…?” (Zechariah 12:10). Concerning the fountain that cleanses from sin and impurity (Zechariah 13:1), has that been fulfilled, or will it be future? Why will it please God so much when all the Jews finally believe in Jesus? The prophecy will be fulfilled in God's own time. There is no way that we can influence this great event, we must only pray, live our lives as wants us to and to be awake and ready for his return. Jesus did that tell us "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Mark 13:32. It seems quite clear that Zechariah12.10 refers to Jesus on the cross. We read inverse 10 off he who was pierced and she'll be mourned. As well the outpouring of the spirit with grace and mercy certainly sounds like the Holy Spirit. So it would seem that this refers to the time of Jesus death and after Pentecost. God will be pleased because he wrote through Saint Paul in Galatians 3:28 that " there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. " this is the unity for which God is working.