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Positive self-talk and big bank accounts will provide no security for the proud from a fall. Do not be materialistic or go along with shifting ethics we see on tv, magazines, or movies. Instead, reach out to others, to be the hands of Christ in their lives. Hold life precious and do not devalue human life. We are not living for Christ if we have selfish motives. If we respond to God's offer of mercy by trusting in Christ's sacrifice of Himself and declaring Christ as Lord in our lives we do not ever have to face the wrath of God.
We think too shallow, that a God of love could never allow peope to suffer eternal torment. God is "holy" and not based on 'feelings'. He sent his son as a once-for-all perfect sacrifice. Jesus died on the cross so we could live eternally. So now He invites us to respond to him and not the beast; if people can not choose the Lord God they deserve the eternal torment.
Worship is adoration and singing the first songs were triumphal choruses of redemption or deliverance. We sing songs of praise of God's divine works and royal ways. Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty and We Will Glorify, Heavenly Hosts in Ceaseless Worship are some examples of todays songs.
These are saints who are sealed for eternity and are all in heaven with the Lord. Their characteristics are chaste in contrast to the devotees of the pagan cults and they avoided fornication. In loyalty they follow the Lamb wherever He goes and their earthly service may have led them to death. They sing a unique song, and each have a story to tell of God's grace in their lives as we do also. Their truthfulness shows them to be Messiahs followers. Ethically blameless, they follow the Lord.
Q4. Antichrist and False Prophet
ckghayden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
Satans chief instrument is the antichrist and his spokesman the beast of the earth. They are both Satan inspired. They will deceive by being non-threatening, gentle and appealing; however, the voice is Satans. They will deceive the unbelievers, especially with a great miracle of fire to come down from heaven. This however is God sending judgement on the unbelievers. We must continually be on guard against Satan's wiles and keep faith strong. God will protect his own forever and ever. -
Q3. Overcoming
ckghayden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The question is, who can stand? They are those who have conquered with the Lamb, who have been washed in the blood, who have been sealed by babtism. We must have great love for Christ and accept in faith and face the threat of destruction. In that way we will find eternal life. We cannot deny the Savior. We have a life, a gift from God, and we can love and protect that life, but not to the exclusion of not loving the Lord. -
Q2. Woman and Dragon
ckghayden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The woman is the church (spiritual Israel), and God is committed to preserving His people. The dragon is Satan and he hopes to devour the child the woman is about to give birth to, (battle of good and evil), but the child is snatched up to the Father in heaven. The devil is often defeated and Jesus did come. He did die to atone for our sins: he did rise victorious. He is coming again. God's plans never fail. The dragon is doomed. -
Q1. Two Witnesses
ckghayden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The power of their mission comes directly from God. The two witnesses have an unbroken supply of the Holy Spirit thru whom they conduct their ministry. We also have power of the Holy Spirit to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ. The witnesses are brought back to life by God and ascend to heaven in a cloud. -
T This is so wonderful, the numbers are uncountable and from every nation, from all the tribes and peoples and languages. They have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. This too is wonderful no matter what befalls we will live in the presence of God. We are enabled by divine Grace.
The judgement is devastating and shows us we should be trying to save souls for Jesus to protect them from terrible things. Jesus will protect his own, but our prayers will also help deliver the world and history. We need not fear what we don't understand as we are Gods people, he does dwell with us, and does wipe away all tears.
The church is a complete and fullfilled number. The seal in Ezekiel was actually placed on the forehead. Those in Ezekiel live through the tragedy of being conquered. Those sealed in John's vision live through but are not exempted from, the trying times that are coming. They are protected by the Lamb.
"Under the alter" signifies the place of close communion with God. They are martyrs who gave their lives to Christ, but they are sheltered close to God and hve communion with Him. They pray for God to avenge them which is consistent with biblical teaching. We must not avenge ourselves. They are consoled with a white robe, the garb of rightousness in God's sight and told to wait awhile. God has his own purposes and schedule so His people are to be patient.
The Lamb breaks the seals but the storm of destruction is directed to sinful, selfish man. Man's ambition to conquer, drives him to war, which leads to economic crisis and famine and that leads to plagues, disease, and death. Those who stand for Jesus in the chaos are murdered. It is just for all Christians. Make Jesus Christ King of your life and maintain your testimony and trust Him with our todays and tomorrows.
Q5. Equal Worship
ckghayden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
The Creator and the Redeemer are equal in majesty and they are due all our praise. God can do all things: he is power, might, and strength. God has created all things including all in heaven and below. The lamb is an image of humility and sacrifice, and grace. God is the power and Christ is the saving grace giving us eternal life and eventual life with them in the Kingdom of Heaven. -
Q1. Faithful Witnesses
ckghayden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
We on earth are to carry on the church and to live holy and godly lives as we look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. Jesus told us what God asked and did it without fail. To be a doer by speaking out is difficult when most are professed Christians so try to show love and compassion to all and praise God to be worthy