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Everything posted by sunilbernard
Q4. Meditate on the concept of God as a Spring of Living Water or a Fountain of Living Water for you. What does this say about God? About your thirst? About your future? Water is a major source of life. Every civilisation developed on the banks of rivers. Whether the water is for the body, for crops, for trade or anything, water has a major role to play in our lives. In our spiritual lives, the living water is provided by God who is the spring of living water. Spring is a source in the ground that constantly replenishes itself. It is a natural source. God is a living spring in our life. A source of never drying energy, replenishment, life giving fluids and spiritual energy that never runs dry. Having such a source of energy is our fortune. If God be for us, who can be against us. Our source of energy and strength can be tapped at all times. His doors are always open. I can always go to Him and quench my spiritual thirst; there is no need to look for thirst quenching cool drinks. My future is cool and secure!!!
Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? Its not sometimes. We always resist. Our first response to trouble is to seek guidance from friends and people in top positions. When everything fails, then we helplessly say, 'God! you are my helper' We never learn from our mistakes. But all is not lost. Leaning not to our understanding needs contant fellowship with our God, our help and defender. We have to kill our pride, preoccupation, perception of life from our point of view and surrender our everything to God. Let Him handle our affairs. Our willingness to submit, removing our biased thinking, paradigm shift are some of the things that are required of us if we are to be indeed shepherded by the Good Shepherd.
Q2. The Lord Is My Shepherd
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord Our Provider
Q2. (Psalm 23) Can you remember any times when God has cared for you as a Shepherd -- in times of blessing and in times of trouble? What are you facing right now where you realize your need to rely on God as your Shepherd? God's mercy is infinite. Every moment of my (our) life is just a reflection of His grace and mercy as a loving Shepherd, leading, guiding, protecting and refreshing. This shepherd's character is so wonderful and true to our Lord's characteristics. David, out of experience, wrote this wonderful 23rd Psalm which even a child knows. Two years back my mother passed away after a brief illness and few months back my mother in law passed away after fighting with cancer for three years. These are the two close encounters that I had with death but the Lord's hand of guidance was clearly visible. He prepared all of us as well as my dear ones who passed away. It was a time of joy for us because all of us knew that our loved ones were surely in the presence of the Lord. Right now, I am facing the future of my grown up children, one of them working. I know who holds the future and I know He holds my hand. So I stopped worrying about them, but constantly pray that the Lord would guide my children in the correct path. We are also facing the challenging position of our nephew, aged 8, suffering from a terminal disease. No scope of recovery. Sometimes he is normal, sometimes suffering terribly. My brother in law's family is in constant fear of death and they sometimes question God. Natural. We are praying that God would be merciful to this family and not let it be destroyed. He is a refreshing Shepherd. We pray that the Shepherd would draw close to this family and offer them His succor. -
Q1. (Genesis 22:1-14) Do you think Abraham was really expecting God to provide a sacrifice, or that was just what he told Isaac? What support do you have for your position? Did you ever receive a last-minute provision from God? In what circumstances can we expect God to supply our needs? Any conditions? Definitely yes. Look at 22:5. What does Abraham say to his servants? He said to his servants, 'Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.'" (Genesis 22:3-5) Doesn't this verse clearly give us an idea that Abraham knew very well that Isaac will be with him when he returns after the sacrifice. What a great faith!!! Last minute provisions are always miraculous. There are so many instances we can quote out of our own lives or lives of our near and dear ones who have benefited from the last minute provisions of our Lord. Yes, God will supply all our needs as long as we are in true need, not our wants. Conditions do exist. Again we can go back to Abraham's story. "On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided." (Genesis 22:13-14) Yes, we have to be on the mountain of the Lord. What is the mountain of the Lord. It is holiness, friendship with God, closeness or constant fellowship with him. When we are that close, we will know what to ask the Lord according to His will, and God will surely honor our request.
Q4. God Our Keeper
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God our Fortress and Protector
Q4. (Psalm 121). What does it mean that God is our Keeper. In what ways does he "keep" or "guard" us? Keeper is known as Guard. There is a doorkeeper at posh hotels, gaurds at big bungalows, at banks and places of importance. Their job is to safegaurd what is inside from hostile elements. Our God does that exactly. He keeps us away from all kinds of harm and danger. Protects us, physically, spiritually from all opposition and strengthens us from the inside. Protection is for defense as well as for growth. We grow knowing well that there is a keeper out there who will not allow anything to stunt our growth in the spirit and in fellowship with the Father. Gaurds us from falling into various temptations and wayward dealings. All this is done, provided we let God be our Keeper and Gaurd. Otherwise we will be exposed to the evil elements and be annhilated. Our God and Keeper does not let that happen. -
Q3. In what ways is God a Rock in the above verses. What functions does a rock perform in Palestine? A Rock is place of strength, firmness, longevity, steadfastness. The God of Israel, described as a Rock performed all the above functions. He was depicted as a Rock comprising of all the above strong characteristics. Above all this, a Rock was known as a place with caves and holes, which enabled the fugitive to escape from the enemy's pursuit. God's functions are all included in saying He is a Rock. As sure as the rock, as firm as a rock, as everlasting as a rock, etc are all allegories referred to God. He also signifies the rock out of which all humanity is hewn out. Yes, He made us in His image, the image of a steady and firm rock. We need to look at ourselves as pieces hewn out of that rock and have the same characteristics of the original lodestone. Palestine is part desert, part mountainous area. The rocks and caves provided the much needed shade, and escape from the elements in case of emegency. Places of worship are built on mountains in Palestine, as elsewhere.
Q2. God Our Shield
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God our Fortress and Protector
Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield? In what ways is he our glory? In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"? What does this teach us about God? About ourselves? A shield is used as a defence mechanism. It is used for self protection. When someone or something tries to hit us, automatically our hands are lifted up in defense. The Lord acts as our defense mechanism. He automatically comes in between us and the evil forces that tend to attack us. God loves us and wants that nothing evil befalls us or attacks us. He is there already acting in defense to protect His beloved. God's protection is always available and we are not expected to apply for God's protection. Just the fact that we are God's children makes us eligible for His protection. We are weaklings. Natural beings. Whereas the enemy is supernatural and has supernatural powers. Only God can deal with the enemy. So as such we are to submit totally to His care and keeping. We need to simply put our trust in Him and honor Him and submit ourselves to Him. He will do the rest. . -
Q1. Shelter of the Most High
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God our Fortress and Protector
Q1. (Psalm 91) What is the protected one required to do in times of danger (verses 1-2, 9). What metaphors are used of God's protection in this psalm? What is the common function when someone is in danger? They run for cover, for protection for safegaurding themselves and their properties. Its natural that we turn to a superior force to escape the danger at present. The Lord gives a clear cut path for escaping in such times. Come to me He says. Jesus said in Math 11:28. Come to me... I will give you rest. In other words, the promises of God existed from time immemorial. We have to turn to God our Refuge, our Fortress, our Defender. We have to implicitly trust our Protector, our Refuge. He provides the required safety, sanctity and comfort. Our part is to accept in implicit faith. Not worry about why this trouble at this time. We as humans are not capable of understanding trouble as it comes. Our only wish is that it goes away. But God wills something else. Its not necessary that we know why!! Its enough if we simply put our trust in Him and let God do His part. The metaphors that are used for God's protection of us are: Shield, Strong Shield, Dwelling place, Buckler, Refuge, Keeper, Shelter, Hiding Place, Shade, Fortress, etc The Psalmist has used the maximum adjectives to describe the safety of being under the shadow of the Almighty. In other words, we need not fear or get apprehensive about anything because HE CARETH FOR US. 1 Pet 5:7 -
Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9? Confession is made with the mouth. But the underlying current stems from the heart. Unless the heart accepts, the mouth will not testify. So when we confess with our mouth that Jesus is 'Kurios' Lord, we accept the fact of the Trinity and the Divinity of Jesus as one with the Father. The Father God, Lord of lords and King of kings, who took the form of man to enable us to come to Him and have His righteousness and enjoy His fellowship. What a marvelous plan of Salvation!!![/font]
Q3. Lord of Lords and Governments
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. God Our Lord and King
Q3. What are the implications for governments that Yahweh is the King of kings and Lord of lords? What are the implications of removing God" from a nation's currency and pledges, and ardently secularizing national life? Where does that put a nation with regard to God the King? The implications of a government that respects and obeys the laws of Yahweh as the king of kings and Lord of Lords, are a number of blessings and righteous governing. When the Government obeys the laws of the Lord, the subjects are blessed by default. I perfectly agree with Picledilly. He has put it in a very succint way. If we let God rule us, then everything will be good as He is the creator and owner of everything that is here. He is a good Lord and just God. There is no unrighteousness in Him and His rule is perfect. Psalm 19 puts it across very clearly. But if we relegate our God to churches only and not let Him rule the hearts and minds of Government servants, then there is chaos and ultimately Godlessness, to which we are heading right now. Its high time that we realise our mistakes and undo what is being done in a systematic way. -
Q2. What are the personal implications of Yahweh being your King and of Jesus being the Messiah sent from God? What are the advantages of being the subject of Yahweh as King? What does it mean for you to submit to the King on an everyday basis? How does a person reject Yahweh from being King over him or her? 4]When I accept Yahweh as my King and Jesus as the Messiah sent from God, it means that I am a subject of the Most High King. I am a privileged citizen of His Kingdom. I am eligible for all the benefits that the King gives to His subjects. By the King I am recognised as His subject, His citizen. He empowers me and holds me responsible for the works that He has entrusted me to do. Through Jesus, I am renewed in the Spirit day by day, held close to Him and enabled in the Spirit to obey Him and do His works. Walking in the footsteps of the King and obeying Him always means I am in subjection to the King. Obeying His laws, doing my duties and shouldering my responsibilities gives me added joy and satisfaction. If I don't do the above, then it means that I am my own king and don't accept the authority of anyone in my life.[/color] [/size]
Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us? Tithing is a mandatory order given to the children of Israel. Through tithes, God fed the Levites (His tribe set apart for serving Him) All the physical needs of the Levites were met through the tithes given by the Israelites. The concept of tithing was existing since the OT times when the kings demanded the tithes so that the civic amenities of the people were catered to. People who tithed, accepted the authority of the kings over them. In todays times also, the work of God will be done provided we tithe faithfully. The servants of God's needs are met through the tithing of faithful and loyal believers. Tithing gives us a sense of participation in God's ministry. We not only benefit others but also ourselves as God surely honors our commitment and rewards us in His own time.
Q4. Justice, Vengeance, and Mercy
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness? Justice = Reward/Punishment for sins done Vengeance= Implementation of tit for tat Mercy= Undeserved grace/clemency Our God who is Holy, Righteous and Just, cannot forgive sins without punishing them. Its beyond His standard. His character demands that justice should be meted out to sinners according to thier level of sins. Vengeance is mine says the Lord. Its His prerogative to administer justice and punishment. He hates sin but loves the sinner. There comes the significance of the Cross. Jesus took our punishment on the cross meeting all the requirements of a Just and Righteous God. God administered all the vengeance and justice on the Cross to Jesus who in turn gave us His mercy in taking our place on the Cross. -
Q3. Helper of the Fatherless
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? We should follow the footsteps of our Lord. He is kind and generous and protective. So should we be. We have plenty of opportunities to do this. Sometimes we neglect it thinking that organisations like Red Cross etc are there to take care of them. Its true they are there but we too have a God given responsibility to our Society and to the weaker sections of our Society. God honors our commitment and promises rewards that will be more than equal to what we do. Its not because of rewards but because its God's mandate for every Christian. Our actions should reflect the love of Christ in us. Agape love, that is not expecting returns and rewards. They should stem out from a heart that is full of Jesus' love. Its natural. When Jesus lives in us, He will create that love and give us the means to deliver. -
Q2. Relativity and Righteousness
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) God is not relative. Period. If we compare black to white, we have something to relate to. But God. To whom can we relate Him? There is no question of relativity as far as God is concerned and His charateristics. He possesses characteristics like Righteousness and Holiness which are unique to Him. We cannot take those terms and use them in our everyday life as if they are coins in a market. If we do use them, then they must reflect the Author. His righteousness and Holiness must be found in us. As He commanded us, BE HOLY BECAUSE I AM HOLY, it is imperative that we follow His dictate. We dare not believe in todays theories and functions which say everything is relative. That's absolute non-sense. It is the idea of high society strata seeking to justify thier actions. God and His Son Jesus are absolutes. We have to firm and bull headed in this theory. There are no options. Take it or leave it. There is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Eastern philosophy says all religions, in their own ways, lead to heaven/moksha. Again utter non-sense. Effective approach is the simple and true approach. Face the facts. There are no two ways about it. Either you relate to Jesus or not. Otherwise all relativism will lead to relative destruction of the soul. -
Q1. (Isaiah 6:1-8) How does a realization of God's holiness affect Isaiah? Why is Isaiah afraid? How does God make Isaiah holy? What is the symbolism of the coal from the altar? Now made holy -- dedicated to God -- how does Isaiah respond to God? What a magnificient study. Aren't we all glad that we are all back studying together the word of God along with our wonderful Pastor. Hallelujah!!!! Yes, when we are in the presence of a PM/Governor/or some big political dignitary, we are awed and silent and scarecely utter a word. Isaiah had the same effect. Only it was magnified a trillion fold. What magnificience, what glory, what majesty!!! I envy Isaiah. He had the wonderful vision at least. But he was not considering himself lucky to have seen the magnificient vision. He was scared to death, as all Jews are according to Exodus. He was not only overawed by the glory of His throne, but also afraid that he would have to die because he has seen God on His Throne, in all His splendour. But help was at hand. The angel took a fiery coal and touched his lips. The symbol of cleansing done by the angel. Sin had to be burnt up. Destroyed. Like a virus or bacteria in the water which is killed by boiling for 20 minutes. Isaiah was grateful for the cleansing. He immediately volunteered for work. How ungrateful we are sometimes for God's mercies. May God be merciful to us and give us grateful minds to honor Him and be thankful to Him.
Q4. Creator of the Ends of the Earth
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. God Our Creator
Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31. What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator? Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the earth was founded? This is the passage that is repeated at the end. After seeing the wondrous works of God, there is no scope for the fool to assert that there is no God. Because he is a fool, he says that. God has given us wisdom. It is said that the brightest and most intelligent person has used just fraction of 1% of the brain power that God has given us. Looking at that we can imagine what a magnificient God we have. Our most eloquent descriptions of the creation are just not enough to bring to light the majesty and power of God. As mentioned in the first chapter of Romans, there is no scope for the human being to escape the fact that there is a Great Creator behind all this Creation and they cannot be like an ostrich and say there is no God. We as disciples of the Lord God Almighty, do need to proclaim that fact more often and worship Him in the true spirit. Our God is an awesome God..... so goes the chorus and many like that. Yes, we have an awesome, powerful, magnificient and altogether lovely Creator with us, always. What a privileged lot we are!! -
Q9. (3:21) How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? How can you help this happen? Love is the central theme of God because the Bible says, God is love. When we, as the church, believe that God dwells in us and in our church, LOVE overflows. Agape love, love that transcends all meaning. When that kind of love is prevalent in our church, the God of love is glorified. Love conquers everything, covers everything and accomplishes everything. Do we need more? When we love God and God loves us, then everything that brings glory to God is done in His church. I can help this to happen by being more loving towards my fellow believers and tolerant towards non believers. The love of God in me would accomplish his purposes fully and bring glory and honor to HIM.
Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? We pray impoverished prayers saying 'Thy will be done'. Yes, its true, His will should be the ultimate criteria. But when we know for sure it is the will of God, it gives us confidence and boldness to demand from the Lord and expect miracles and show of strength. We have a God on our side who does things amazing and powerful, beyond our expectations. That is the energy we get when we fully realise the potential that we have within us to submit our prayers to a God who can do all things. Phil 4:13 goes well with this.
Q7. (3:19) Have you ever prayed for a fellow believer that he or she might be "filled with all the fullness of God"? What would you be praying for with that kind of prayer? How does this prayer relate to Ephesians 5:27 and Colossians 1:28? Yes, many times. We need to pray for one another like this. Lifting up our fellow believers in the presence of the Lord and interceding for thier spiritual strength is mandatory. By praying for them we will be protecting them from the evil forces and filling them with the fullness of God. They are fellow believers doing wonderful service in the Lord's vineyard. They need all the support of prayer for the spiritual benefit. The ultimate aim of the believer is to be like Jesus. Become a full member of His fellowship. The fullness of Christ is every believers dream. That is what Paul is trying to convey to the Ephesians and Colossians
Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? Love, as we understand in our human mind is in the realm of the flesh. We love on a reciprocal basis. We return love when someone loves us. We return friendship when someone befriends us. But Christ's love is beyond comprehension. How could a person die for sins that he did not commit and for a person he never knew? Humanly that's impossible. But the agape love makes it possible. The agape love's dimensions are beyond any measure. There is no yardstick to measure it with!! To comprehend that kind of love, needs spiritual experience and spiritual eyes. With human values and limitations, its not at all possible. But with the Holy Spirit of God residing and working in our lives, its possible that we can experience that kind of love. Why experience this love? So that we might be able to share that love with the same zeal and sincerity of Jesus. I have loved you with an everlasting love, thou art mine says our God. We are His children, adopted into His family. Being His family, we would endeavor to add others into His family with the aid of His agape love in us. There is no end, no finish to this kind of love because agape love keeps on flowing out. It springs out of an ever increasing source of joy and love. That source being Jesus in us.
Q5 (3:16-17) Why does Paul pray for strengthening of the inner man? How would we pray this prayer today? Why does he pray that Christ dwell in the believers' hearts? Isn't this already an established fact? It is very clear to a believer that there is always a clash of interests in a human being, in the spiritual realm. The battle is between the flesh and the spirit, the spirit being the inner man and the flesh being the outer man. Even Paul expressed it helplessly saying who will save me from this predicament!! But he had an answer to his question. The grace of God. To strenthen the inner man, the spirit, we need to be in constant communion with our Father, God in heaven. Friendship increases Fellowship. Fellowship with God increases the spiritual strength of the inner man. To win the battle, the spirit needs strength and that is derived through prayer and constant communion with God. We need to pray this kind of prayer with all sincerity. God needs our undivided attention and devotion. Then only the spirit of God will come and dwell in us to strenthen us and win our battles against the devil and his angels. We need to constantly deny our self and submit to the authority of the Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is in total control then the whole majesty and power of God is displayed in our lives. It is a daily process. Not a one time job. Not like acquiring a passport. Passport is a qualification whereas Visa is an authority. We've got to have visa stamped in our lives daily so that we have the authority to enter into the lion's den and conquer him.
Q4. (1:18) Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? How do you develop this faith in yourself? How do you pray for it for others? We have a God who is all powerful, Omnipotent and Omniscient. His power is beyond anything comparable in this world. Faith is dead without works, James says. To have a working faith in our lives, we need to believe in the author and giver of Faith. Then our faith will be a practical one. Faith which accomplishes God's will and purposes in our lives. If we can blindly believe that we can accomplish greater miracles than Christ did and go to put our foot forward in doing them, then that faith will be working in our lives. That's why its imperative that we believe in that incomparably great power that's available for us and it is at our disposal to be used for His glory. As the physical body develops due to exercising, so also faith develops when we begin to exercise it. As already noted, faith, without works is dead; so we need to exercise faith and start accomplishing God's purposes in our lives. Faith grows as we begin to use it. From depending upon God to feed us daily our daily bread to looking to God to turn around the most wicked terrorist to healing the last stage cancer patient; all these things can be accomplished if we pray according to His will and start believing that this is the will of God. The prayer is same. That the Lord would open the hearts and minds of His children that they may see and experience His power and use it to accomplish His purposes in thier lives.
Q3. (1:18) What is the result in prayer and faith if believers think that God is poverty-stricken? How does knowledge of a "glorious inheritance" motivate our lives? Our prayers? How can you pray for others to glimpse this inheritance? If the believers think that God is poverty stricken, then the result would be nil because the very prayers will be formal and name' sake. They will be mouthing the prayers without any conviction. In effect, it will be a waste time. Whereas the knowledge of our glorious inheritance will prod us to pray with expectancy, to live our lives full of zeal and vigor. Motivation is there to excel in our endeavors and earn brighter crowns and bigger mansions, so to speak. We know we will rewarded according to our efforts. 5 Talents will be added 5 more and 2 talents will be added two more. The incentive to fare better in the kingdom of God is the crown of glory that the glorious King will give to us. Our prayers will be in sync to our lives and in return we will pray for others that they too would be exposed to this glorious vision and do better in thier lives.
Q2. (1:18) How has your Christian "hope" changed your way of living? What is the result of Christians with only a meager or minute hope? How would you pray for hope to be borne in others? Christian Hope is the best a person can have. If a person doesn't have hope, then there is no use living. If he lives for the present only without any inkling of what there is in the future for him, there is no purpose in living. I have changed for the better. I know there is lot to be accomplished while living now. I know that my future is very well taken care of. I know there is a crown waiting for me at the end of my life here and I know what lies there for my next 'future'. What a wonderful hope. Christians without this hope are the ' living dead'. People who don't expect much accomplish nothing. Thier life is a sham, humbug, a caricature for the real one. They scrape through their skin of their teeth, so to speak. What a hopeless life !! Instead living like prince and princesses, they live like paupers, living on the crumbs that fall from the Kings table. What a miserable life. In fact they should be the most pitied people. Praying that thier spiritual eyes may be opened and that would see and experience the riches and glory of Christ right here so that they will have the hope of better than this to come. Praying that their spiritual ambience will broaden to take a peek of the vision of the Glory of Jesus that they will be sharing in future with Him.