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Everything posted by sunilbernard
Q4. Abraham's Achievements
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. Death of Sarah and Abraham (23:1-20; 25:1-11)
Q4. Which of Abraham's achievements inspires you the most? As you reflect on his life, what stands out for you? Achievements wise, Abraham started the worship of Yahweh, separated from his idol worshipping clan. He remained faithful throught his life to the one God, Yahweh. In my mind this is the most important achievement of his life. His worship influenced even his servant, who was successful in his mission mainly due to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in his life. Even the servant worshipped openly the God of Abraham. What a tremendous influence Abraham had on his people regarding the worship of Yahweh. The outstanding effect of Abraham's life is his obedience and faith. The more he obeyed, the more faithful he became and vice versa. This is a very important lesson for each of us. The more faithful we are to our Lord, the more obedient we become. This is a basic function of a Christian. Obey and serve faithfully. May the Lord implant these characteristic in us. -
Q3. The Servant's Prayer
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. Death of Sarah and Abraham (23:1-20; 25:1-11)
Q3 (24:12-14) What do you think of the servant's prayer and test of God? Did the servant find the right girl on the basis of his hasty prayer? If not, then how? The servant came under an oath to his master. So he must have been praying earnestly to the God of his master to make this trip a successful one. Upon arriving in Nahor, he wants an assurance from God that he will send the right girl for selection. So has prays that simple prayer asking the Lord to fulfil the conditions laid down. This servant has learnt to have faith in the Lord just as his master. And the Lord answers his faith too. The servants prayer was faith based. He knew that the Lord will answer him. So he makes the conditions and in the process, gets the correct girl. The prayer was not hasty, but a well thought out simple prayer, seeking answers. How many times we beat around the bush, giving all kinds of excuses for our demands and supplications. We should learn to be direct with the Lord. He knows our needs. We need to be faithful in communion and fellowship with the Lord for results. -
Q2 (23:3-20) What is the significance of Abraham's faith in God's promises at the same time as he pays dearly for this small property? What does this tell us about faith? God promised that this whole land will become his inheritance. But for that to to happen, some practical steps had to be taken. This step of purchasing the land for the burial led to the initial process of inheritance. Abraham was sure that in due course of time, the land will be his. He wanted to live in peace among the people. So he paid a small fortune for that small piece of land so that the Lord's promise will take effect through this step. The Lord works through humans. What has to be done, will be done, mostly through His designated workers. Sometimes, supernaturally, but most of the time, naturaly. Abraham's foresight is commendable. He believed that, ultimately, the whole land will come to his people. But in the process, he never gave importance to wealth. Wealth will come and go but the process of inheriting the Lord's promises will be his for sure. He took concrete steps to ensure that. Therein we see his immense faith in the Lord.
Q1. Sarah's Legacy
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. Death of Sarah and Abraham (23:1-20; 25:1-11)
Q1. Take some time to review Sarah's life and legacy. What were her strengths? Her weaknesses? Where did she show faith? Where did she lack faith? Sarah was a practical woman. As such she gave her full support to Abraham wherever he went. She complimented Abraham in all his endeavors. Logistic support at home is essential while in the service of the Lord. Sarah was able to do exactly that. She believed the Lord in due time and had complete faith in Him. Being practically oriented, she lost track of her faith when things didn't materialise as planned. Her weakness was taking control of things and not leaving them in the hands of the Lord. Many of us do the same thing. Take lessons from this study and give God the preeminent place in our lives. :rolleyes: -
Q4. How does Abraham's near sacrifice of his beloved, only son Isaac help you understand better Jesus' crucifixion? The underlying principle in this episode is the love for God. Unless you love someone, you are not willing to sacrifice something for them. God loved us so much that He gave us His only son as a sacrifice for us. Abraham's love and obedience unto the Lord helps us understand this scene better. Through Abraham's love for God, we also come to the faith that Abraham had in God. He positively knew that God would surely provide the sacrificial lamb. That's why he tells his servants WE will go there to worship and WE will come back. What positive frame of mind!!! God's plan for salvation is embedded in Jehova Jireh. What a great plan !!!
Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh? There are so many instances where God has taught me to trust Him completely. The space here will not be enough to enumerate them all. But His experiences are like the potter's fire, purifying and burning the chaff and bring out the best in me. I can surely vouch for that. Day by day the chaff is being burned and the shine is coming out. God has provided me in the past and trust Him for the future too. Most of us face financial problems. Not all of us are Bill Gates. But we have a promise keeping Father who fulfills all the promises and we are sure of the results.
Q2. Can we really know God until we can trust him with our whole lives? Have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ? If not, why not now? If you have, what has that surrender entailed for you? How has God blessed you in return? Knowing God is a life long process. We cannot know Him for sure until we see Him face to face, in Heaven. But here, we can experience Him, His love, His faithfulness and His companionship. Through these, we can sample a bit of Him. In such background, if we let Him direct our life, we can see the effect ourselves in our own lives. The hardest part is surrendering our whole life to Him without any reservations. Its easy for us to get immersed in a worship service on Sunday and sing whole heartedly, I surrender all, but on Monday morning when we face some problematic issue, do we let God take control? There lies our spiritual maturity. When we let God direct our paths, in essence, it is the best that can happen in our lives. Yes, I have committed myself to Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior and Lord. This has changed my life in a drastic way. My life is controlled by Jesus and my actions and paths are in His control. Result, I don't end up in a muddle. Spiritually, I am growing in leaps and bounds. That is a great blessing for me. I am responsible for so many things and God is leading me in them in accomplishing His will.
Q1. Testing Our Faith
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Abraham Offers Isaac on Mt. Moriah (chapter 22)
Q1. What effect does Satan want trials to have in our life? What effect does God want them to have? The effect really depends upon how we respond to the trial. Have you ever been through a trial that strengthens and invigorates you at the end? Have any of your trials inspired others or have you been inspired by another's trial? Satan wants us to cower in a corner full of self pity, despair and faithlessness. He is a deceiver and his work is to lead God's children away from Him through his deceit. Whereas God wants us to fight the battle with His strength. God wants us to face the problems in life with a strong attitude saying, if God be for me, who can be against me!!! God wants us to come out of the fire with flying colors, purified and shining like Gold. Yes, many times I went through the fire of God and came out without a hair being singed. I praise God for the mercy He has shown on me and for leading me through the dark valleys. I am what I am today because of His grace and mercy. I don't know about others being inspired by my trials but I am inspired by the trials my mother in law is facing right now. She has bone cancer and she is fighting it with the help of the Lord, without despair and not wallowing in self pity. She is a great inspiration for our family. -
Q4. El-Olam, the Eternal God
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Isaac Born, Ishmael Banished (chapter 21)
Q4. (21:33) How does the realization that God is El-Olam, the Eternal God, effect you? How does it alter the way you live your life? God who is Eternal and Everlasting, has me in His sights always. Psalmist says before I was concieved in my mother's womb, Thou hast taken care of all my days... When such is the care that I get from an eternal God, what else is there to fear about or worry about!! That realisation itself is stupendous. What am I that the Almighty God should care so much for me? I am a special person created specially for His work. That truth alters the way I live my life. Not for selfish and immediate needs but for earning the eternal riches through Jesus Christ, my Lord. My life should be poured out as a drink offering as St. Paul says in his epistles. It gives me a new impetus to drive forth in top gear for the Lord's work and for His glory. -
Q3. In what ways has God blessed Abraham in this difficult chapter 21? Given what we know about Ishmael's character (16:12; 25:18), how has Abraham been blessed that he sent him away? How has Isaac been blessed? What might have happened if Ishmael hadn't been sent away? Have you ever been rejected or sent away? Were is God in all of this? God has blest Abraham by reminding him of His promises, even though he has to send Hagar and Ishmael away. God is not angry with Abraham for taking things into his own hands and not waiting for Him. That's God's special blessings for Abraham. Ishmael's rough character would have certainly caused lot of trouble for Abraham's household. It was a blessing in disguise that Abraham was forced to send Hagar and Ishmael away from his home. He has peace in his home now that they are gone out. That was the blessing Abraham enjoyed in this episode. Isaac was blessed because he was restored his orignal rights. If Ishmael was around, he wouldn't have got his birthright. God's promises through Isaac were fulfilled because of this family dispute. I have not been sent away but rejected many times. But I believe that God is Soveriegn and He holds my future in His hands. I am secure in Him. No hassles for me. As God was in control of this particular family and guided their destinies, so also He will be in total control of our lives, if we submit to His will and let Him have the dominion in our lives.
Q2. Where Is God?
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Isaac Born, Ishmael Banished (chapter 21)
Q2. (21:8-10) What motivates Sarah to demand Ishmael's expulsion from Abraham's family encampment? Is she righteous in this? Have you ever tried to force your spouse to act against his or her principles? Have you ever been forced yourself? Firstly, Jealousy and inherent fear that Ishmael may inherit the property (as first born) and her son Isaac left with leftovers. Secondly, equality in status. Because they were playing together, it shows the position both the kids enjoyed in Abraham's household. Sarah wanted to seperate the equality and maintain the Owner-Slave positions between the siblings too. Since that was not possible at home, she wanted Hagar and Ishmael out of her camp. Sarah was not right in this regard because she took recourse to her will. She did not wait on the Lord for His promises to be fulfilled. She was egoistic in this. One wrong decision of giving Hagar to Abraham for procreation purpose led to so many wrong repurcussions. And everwhere Sarah was wrong. How true in our lives, that we try to cover up for one little mistake with so many other wrongs. Fortunately for me, I have never forced my spouse to act against her wishes, good or bad. There are pros and cons for this action, but I believe in the Sovereignity of God. He is the one who controls us. Though I was forced to do things much against my wishes, ultimately they proved good because God was in control of my life. -
Q1. Laughter at Isaac's Birth
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Isaac Born, Ishmael Banished (chapter 21)
Q1. (21:5-7) The name Isaac means "he laughs." What is Sarah's laughter like now compared to her laughter in 18:12-15 and Abraham's laughter in 17:17? What does this tell you about God's sense of humor? Comparatively, Sarah's laughter is pure ecstacy and joy unspeakable. Previously she laughed derisively out of sheer unbelief but now she is laughing along with others at the promised son that was given to her. God's sense of humor is practical in this case. He wanted Abraham to name his son Isaac (he laughs); the very name intended by God is a source of joy. God wanted the laughter of Abraham and Sarah to be practical. Derisive laughter turned into pure joy and thanksgiving. -
Q4. Lot and His Daughters
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. The Destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19)
Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? They did it to have children and continue to have a family of their own. Nothing wrong in their thinking. Only the means adopted were wrong, as the saying goes, the ends don't justify the means. This action of thiers meant that they didn't have any moral values. Thier faith was non existant. Because the city itself didn't have any moral values. They grew up in such a place. We can't find fault with their thinking. Lot turns to drinking to drown out his sorrows. He has lost everything and finds no reason to enjoy life. All because of wrong decisions made right from the day of separation from Abraham. How terrible. This sordid incident has a lot to teach us as family. We have to make the decisions depending on the Holy Spirit's guidance. Where we decide to live, what schools we send our children to, which church we go to, the parties we attend and the friends we have. All these affect the family immediately. We should be very careful in these matters if we want to really care for our family. In essence, the Holy Spirit should be our guide and helpmeet. -
Q3. Lot's Wife
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. The Destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19)
Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33? She was probably dumbstruck at the sounds and light emanating from behind her and her curiosity (got the cat) got better of her. Or she might have wanted to have one last look at her old town. Its hard to forget one's roots, you see. Or she might have stopped to take a break from her running and casually looked behind to see what was happening, forgetting the Angel's warnings. Whatever, she lost the race by a whisker. I have struggled many times with this kind of sin. Sins of the past ensnare you, making you drag your feet or rather go slow in the work of the Lord. This is a subtle temptation. We should never give in to this. The time available for us is short. If we don't make use of it judiciously, we will be accountable for our sins of commission. Jesus warns us not to look back and go back to our old habits, traits, and ways. Focus on the things above, not on the things of this earth. Let us heed Jesus' warnings and go forward, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. -
Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us? Because of natural tendencies. No one would leave the security, comfort and familiarity of home sweet home. But in spite of the Angels' warnings, Lot lingers behind. Ultimately, the Angels had to literally drag these four people out of the city. Many times I have succumbed to temptations, instead of fleeing them. Looking back, I see the mercy of God in not destroying me but having compassion on me. I thank God for that. The lesson is that we have to obey the Holy Spirit's directives in our lives. No matter how secure we feel in our sorroundings, once the orders are given, we have to march. There is no other alternative.
Q1. Homosexuality
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. The Destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19)
Q1. (19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject -- please!) Christians have to take a stand against homosexuality. That is Biblical. But as God loves everyone, homos included, we should also love them as our neighbors. Condemn the sin but not the sinner. That is Biblical. That's the balance we can talk about in our days. Unless one is born of the Spirit, we cannot do the works of the Spirit. It is possible to love the sinner and hate the sin, if the Holy Spirit lives in us and takes control of our actions in our day to day life. The church should never be silent in this regard. The topic should be addressed openly. Some may get hurt and disgusted but the truth is there for everyone to see. Bush won the electoral platform because he condemned the gay marriages, one of the electoral issues. Church should condemn this sin from every platform but allow the participants to come to the truth and change for the better. God and Bible condemn this behaviour and so the church should follow suit. But love should never be extinguished just because of this behaviour. -
Q4. On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God? Do you think God desires us to do the same? Why or why not? Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God? What will it take for us to please him in our prayers? Jose, and Sgt have quoted the same verses that were in my mind regarding this. Its wonderful how God is working in and through us and uniting us in His bonds. Abraham addresses God so boldly because he knows the ground upon which he is standing before God. Abraham is very sure of himself before God. Here he is an absolute picture of confidence. Like we appear for an exam, well prepared and confident that we will do the very best. With that confidence Abraham addresses God and strikes a bargain. Yes, God does require of us the same attitude when we pray. Math 21:22. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in my name....We should know the mind of God before we ask anything from Him. When we are sure of the mindset of God, that gives us the boldness to go to Him as Abraham did and strike a bargain with Him. God was pleased with Abraham's ways and his confidence in himself. Abraham was correct in his principles and his way of intercession was firmly founded on God's will. That's why God was pleased with him. Unless we know the will of God, we can't pray in the Spirit. When there is close communion between us and the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God communes with God with groans unutterable and beyond our thinking. That is the way that we should start intercessory prayers for them to be heard by God.
Q3. (18:19) In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. In what ways is this difficult? In what ways is this easy? What are the special challenges? Keeping the way of the Lord, which is right and just is a very challenging proposition for the 21st century individual. In no way can you walk the straight and narrow path except if you are in the Lord. There are turns and twists at every moment and its very difficult to keep to the correct track. Peter's advice to the believers in 1 Peter 5:8, be sober, be vigilant...has to be memorised and taken cognisance of. Unless we are aware of the devils traps, we cannot escape them. That can be done only with the Lord in us. He that is in us is stronger than he that is outside of us. Claim His promises and live the life according to His will. Only then can we adhere to keeping the lifestyle of the Lord. Special challenges are in the field of Integrity, Knowledge of the Word of God, Loving our neighbors as ourselves, Practising a witnessing life and living in constant communion with the Lord.
Q2. (18:16-19) How can fathers and husbands strike the right balance -- of being godly, caring leaders without being dictators? How can mothers and wives strike the right balance -- of being submissive and at the same time being open about their needs and desires? (I know of no Christian cookie-cutter answer to this. It must be contientiously worked out within the crucible of marriage.) Jose has summed it up correctly. We need to be based on the word of God for our daily actions and decisions. That way the correct balance between loving, caring and dictatorship rests. Any decision, taken with the background of the Word of God, appeals to either spouse and there is no opposition for it provided they both are grounded in the Word of God. Love conquers all. Hatred, jealousy, one-upmanship etc are all covered by the all conquering love. In love, there is no place for self. When self is given up, the natural consequence is harmony. And harmony is love between the husband and wife and children. Who can beat that?
Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? It reflects in our state of mind whether we believe in a God of miracles or not. If we insist on science and require proof of everything, then we will not accept the miracles that do keep happening in our daily lives. If we believe in God who does miracles, then we will give thanks to God even when we get back home safely in the night. There is no reference anywhere that says God will stop doing miracles. God does care for us, His children. He needs to keep doing miracles for our well being and to glorify His name. Weaving through the worst traffic and getting back home, safely, everyday itself is a miracle (in India). My son fell down from the first floor of our building and not a scratch was found on his body. Like this I can quote from my life as well as other's lives' that testifies to the fact that God is still working and doing miracles in our lives. By trusting Him and submitting to His will, we can be active in our faith and expect great wonders from our living Lord.
Q4. In your own words, how would you explain why circumcision is now obsolete for Christians and that baptism is now sign of the covenant? Circumcision formed a ritual that was part of the Mosaic Law. It formed a physical part of the ritual. For Christians, circumcision of the heart is more required than of the body. In Christ's death, we see our sins being cut away, as in circumcision, and a new, risen from the dead (sins) body given to us. Thus physical circumcision holds no value for a Christian. Baptism of the believer is more required for a Christian as this signifies our sinful body dying and being buried and rising up with the power of the Holy Spirit. Because of the death of our Lord Jesus on the Cross, the roles have changed. The role of circumcision has been transformed into the role of baptism, which every Christian believer ought to undergo, as a witnessing point to the world.
Q3. Heart Circumcision
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. The Covenant of Circumcision (Genesis 17)
Q3. What does it mean to have your heart circumcised? Why is this a necessity for all true believers, both Jew and Christian? How can we keep our faith active as an inward expression of love rather than become only an external religion? Have you ever struggled with this? Circumcision is cutting a portion of your body. Spiritually, it signifies that we should trim our branches as Jesus told in John 15. Unnecessary weight will hamper fruit bearing and will not contribute to spiritual growth. This is mandatory for all Christians, whether Jew or Christian. Because unless one is stripped of all unnecessary baggage, fruit bearing doesn't take shape. Circumcision of the heart is required to make the heart owe allegiance only to the living God and no one else. It is also a sign of the covenenat that we have to make on our part to be eligible for God's blessings. The heart is inside the body. It is the main source of life for the body. When the heart is circumcised and surrendered to the Lord Almighty, the body is dedicated to the Lord inwardly and from the inside, good things come out such as in Gal 5:22. My life, as most Christians, is full of struggles. Always there is a tussle going on in the spirit world for my allegiance. I am up and down but not out. I always spring back and take the Lord's help in not getting drowned. -
Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify? It signifies that Abraham and all his household have fulfilled thier part of the covenant. Since this covenant is two sided, it is natural that God expects Abraham to do his part. It signifies that now Abraham and all his descendants are eligible for God's promises. Abraham's part requires action to be taken on his part. He knows that and takes the measure required by God. He, along with all his household get circumcised immediately, in obedience to God's commands. Abraham is all concerned that he should obey God. His obedience on the same day signifies his level of obedience. There is no hesitancy and dilly dallying. Often when we procastinate, we lose the importance of the event and ultimately we forget altogether. In order that such a situation doesn't arise, Abraham does the job immediately. Now he can rest assured that God is happy and he is assured of his promises by God.
Q1. (17:1-2) When God tells Abraham, "Walk before me and be blameless," is he requiring moral perfection? What kind of blamelessness does he require of Abraham? Does he expect more (or less) of Christians under the new covenant? [I]God is not asking for moral perfection from Abraham. All that God is asking Abraham and us too is that we walk before Him. Walking before someone who is watching from behind puts us in a moral fort. We feel that since God is watching our every move, we have to behave ourselves. In another way, we are assured that since God is watching us from behind, He will take care of us even if we trip and fall. God is always there around to lift us up. That should give us comforting thought that we need not fear any circumstances as God is right behind us to take care of things .[/i]Obedience to God's laws is what God desires from each of us as He desired from Abraham. As long as we try to obey God, we will be blameless. As Christians under the new covenant, God expects more from us as we have the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. Abraham didn't have this continous support, that's why he went astray because God's promise didn't materialise as he expected soon. We haver much more responsibility and much more guidance. So naturally, God expects more from us.
Q4. Disciple Lessons from Hagar
sunilbernard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
Q4. What lesson is God teaching you out of Hagar's experience? Which situation that God is calling you to is most difficult for you to submit to? Hagar's tribulations are an eye-opener for every Christian. Firstly, don't take God's promises lightly and go ahead with your own plans. Second, don't ill-treat the working staff in your home. Third, remember that God cares for you no matter what you do. Either good or bad, He still cares for you and is looking down on His children. 2 Chron 7:14 Fourth, don't get discouraged by trying circumstances. Go ahead and depend on God. Fifth, strain your ears to listen to the voice of the Lord. God is always speaking in so many different ways. We have to tune our ears to received His word and obey it. So far whatever God gave me to do, I have been able to do without much trouble. In future, I have to keep on the tracks as times are changing and my talents are also changing, taking different tasks. By the grace of God, so far I have not faced any difficult situations. But if the need arises, I am sure God will take care of the situation and make me victorious over the circumstances.