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Everything posted by heatherdills
The significance of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God's right hand in the heavenly realms is that Christ has jurisdiction over everything. He controls them for the glory of God. These spirit beings and powers are "under his feet" in that Christ has dominion over them and is the most high of all ages.
Q1. Incomparably great power
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Power in the Church
Paul prays that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power" so they would recognize God's work among them. Their eyes are focused on the earthly instead of the heavenly. This power operates in faith according to 1:19. The miraculous event Paul uses as an example of this level and type of power is the resurrection of Jesus and his ascension to the throne. -
Hi! My name is Heather Dills and I am from Riverview, FL. I am a new believer and recently accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. My husband and I attend Church Alive in Brandon. They are a new church and thought this study would be appropriate since we are still in the growing and shaping process of the body. I want to learn how I can be helpful to my pastors and supportive of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Q5. Coming Soon
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
If I were convinced that Jesus Christ would return in my lifetime, it would affect my life by how I treat people and how I live my life. Things I would do differently than I do now are encouraging people to find the Lord, to get their hearts right, and to praise Him with all that we have. -
Q4. Outside the City
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
These things point to salvation by the grace of God rather than mere savation by right living are being washed of their sins, repentence and faith. Holy living is important toGod because it shows Him that our hearts are seeking Him and His glory. Although as sinners we are not perfect, our intentions are what God is searching. -
Q3. Holy City, Bride, Church
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
John's vision of the Holy City tells us that Jesus looks at His Church at his mate. They are now joined together in a perfect and holy union. -
Q2. Water of Life
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
The "water of life" represents eternal life. It is a free gift because it was paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. "The Spirit and the Bride" should extend that invitationby reaching out to people to bring them to our Saviour, the lord, Jesus Christ. -
Q1. Promises Fulfilled
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
The significance of the fact that in heaven "God himself will be with them" is that we will be able to see God's face and hear His voice on a daily, physical basis. The promises in 21:4 can only be fulfilled in heaven because that is the only place that is perfect and holy. I am especially looking forward to no more pain-physical, emotional, or spiritual. -
I have no assurance that my name is written in the Book of Life except for my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him alone am I given eternal life.
This awesome scene of judgemnt is so frightening because it is final. One is either in the Book of Life or one is not. The other books held judgement of those not in the Book of Life and had every deed done to be judged. People seem to resist the idea of a final judgement because we see God as loving and forgiving. We do not fathom that at this point of judgement that these people have had every opportunity to accept Christ, but their hearts have been hardened against Him.
The implications of Christ's title: "King of kings and Lord of lords" for my life are that he is my all in all. He is the supplier of my needs and my strength. For the everyday world that surrounds me He is the reson it exists. He controls every situation to bring about His ultimate glory.
Q1. Marriage Supper of the Lamb
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. The Millennium (Rev 19-20)
I am both admonished and encouraged by the two themes by the strenghtening of my faith. The Bible is God's Word and here it is, the consummation of all its stories and commands, coming to fruition for His glory. -
Q4. Living in Babylon
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Alas, Babylon! (Rev 14-18)
Thye balance lies in not being full of the world, but involved enough to help people find their way to Christ. We should fulfill the command, "Come out of her, my people," as soon as we accept the Lord, Jesus Christ, as our savior. We can do this by altering our lives to filter out the things that are not pleasing to the Lord and to start showing others the errors in their ways. (Not judge them, but give counsel when asked.) -
Appropriate worship from studying the songs in Revelation are awe and reverence to God by giving Him all the honor and glory for His creation.
Q2. Eternal Punishment
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Alas, Babylon! (Rev 14-18)
Everlasting punishment is difficult for Christians to accept because we have seen God's love and mercy for ourselves. Ways eternal punishment might be considered just punishment are for unbelievers, the unrepentant, and the ones who do not obey and seek the Lord for their salvation. -
The 144,000 provide an ideal for all Christians to emulate in that they are redeemed from the earth, they kept themselves pure, they follow the Lamb wherever He goes, they were offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb, and they were blameless.
Q4. Antichrist and False Prophet
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The Antichrist will astound people bystretching out every conceivable thought we can reason and will blaspheme against God, as well as persecute those who follow Christ. The False Prophet will execute many false miracles and force people to worship the beast and bear his mark. -
Q3. Overcoming
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
Revelation 12:11 means that we, as brothers and sisters, have conquered sin by Jesus Christ and by faith and selflessness in our testimony. The blood of the Lambhas to do with this because He died to save us from our sins. Loving our lives prevents spiritual victory today because it makes us unworthy of following Christ. Our lives are His because God made them to begin with. We are merely instruments in His divine will. -
Q2. Woman and Dragon
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The vision of the woman and the dragon tells us that good overcomes evil in the end through the power and majesty of God in the cosmic battle in Jesus' day amd our own. The comfort that we disciples should draw from this passage is that God will not let us down. He has a plan and it will be fulfilled. -
Q1. Two Witnesses
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
Positive characteristics of the two witnesses that we should emulate in our day are faith, obedience, and testimony. Their reward is victory over their adversaries and disbelievers in Christ, as well as everlating life with our Heavenly Father. -
In Revelation 6-10 the judgements revealed are bitter. However, the promises kept to the faithful are sweet. We tend to reject what is hard for us to understand because we have been taught to accept what can be physically seen and proven. It is hard to fathom that God is why we are here and that he makes things they way they are.
The kind of people who make up the great multitude before the throne are people from every race, color and language. Their origin is earth. Their spirit within them causes them to worship the Lord. The first verse of Amazing Grace has to do with 7: 14 in that Salvation comes through Jesus Christ and they realized it and have been made pure through his grace and mercy ( and blood).
Q3. Seal of the Living God
heatherdills replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. The 144,000 (Rev 6-10)
We learn from 7:14 that God does not want to harm those whom he has chosen left on earth. This seal is supposed to protect the 144,000 from the judgements. -
The Lamb initiates the great storm of destruction represented by the Seven Seals. It is directed to unbelievers. Yes it is just. God has given us many opportunities to turn to Him, now he is going force us to choose.
From what is revealed in the Fifth Seal the Church has "lost" its faithful on earth. These souls are under the alter in Heaven. Their proximity to the alter signifies they are close to God. They were killed because of their witness. They ask for vengeance because the ones left are the ones that had killed them. It is a Christian prayer only if it fulfills God's purpose, and in this case it does. The white robe represents holiness. From their instruction to "wait a little longer" we learn that God demands obedience and patience.