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  1. Hello Kent, Q.1 Jesus as( Faithful Witness)Jesus loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own Blood.Chaper 1,verse 8, I am Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the ending,saith the Lord,which is ,and which was,and which is to come,The Almighty. Q.2 Why are we afraid to be a clear witness, Rev.Ch.1,v.10, I was in the Spirit,this shows John was walking in the Spirit,Roman'sCh.8,v 1, There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Jesus Christ,who walk not after the flesh,but after the Spirit. I fill that until I can stay walking in the Spirit I won't be a clear Witness and show the light of the Lord, here or in any country., God Bless You all, Love Kent
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