Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive?
Heathen religious practices may be equated with feng shui, charms, numerology, superstitions, which are now practised by more and more businesses. They open doors for darkness to penetrate into our lives when we choose not to depend on God but on human created things. We sometimes don't realise it but the moment we think we can only succeed if we doing certain things in a certain superstitious way, we have given way to be controlled by darkness. Even the language we speak (e.g. It worked like a charm!) give hints on how we let such things seep little by little into our lives until it crowds out our Lord and Saviour.
What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with?
"As long as it does not hurt anyone, it can be done," an honest and innocent looking statement but a powerful weapon of the enemy who tempts us into sin with the precept that, "It is OK, it is nothing, go on, it won't hurt you."
What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?
The real compromise is when we decide that we need something else other than God to be joyful and to be fulfilled.