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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Norm

  1. I just want to thank you Pastor Ralph for the joy and comfort you have given to myself and so many others through your wonderful studies. We are all greatly blessed by your efforts and availability to the Lord's will and work. I have been battling Hepatitis C the whole time I have been involved with your studies plus a few years before, ten altogether, and your studies have been a weapon in the fight against this virus. My wife a teacher of 22 years here in South Florida has recently suffered a sudden onset of mental illness that none of us saw coming and we do not know if she will ever be able to teach again, this is a very bad thing. She has been Teacher of the Year three times and has helped literally hundreds of high school kids get through those troubling years and all in the public school forum. My 15 year old son is really suffering as he just can't get his mind or faith around what has happened since Thanksgiving. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we travel this difficult road and search for God's will in all this. We are planning a move back to California this summer to be closer to family so perhaps one day we will visit your Church, a day I would truly cherish. I will always be praying for your ministry and if the Lord opens a window he has yet to open we will be able to support you financially as this is a work worthy of digging deep into our pockets. I hope all the other saints here realize that people from all over the world can sow and reap the riches you have planted for us with the Lord's help. Again thank you for all you give us.
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