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Everything posted by starangel2
Q4. Conquering Overwhelmingly
starangel2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
some of the early Christains were killed for thier beliefs and some were put in prison Today some Christians are killed for their beliefs and some are put in prison. but most are safe here in the US It reassures us that Jesus is with us today ans He was always with Chrsitans. we overwhelmingly conquer in that we stay in Christ and can't be spiritually killed. -
If God is for us who can be against us. I think that means that if your in Jesus Satan can't get victory over you. The evidence that God is for us in that He sent His son to die for our sins. It makes me feel loved and worhtwhile. It affects hope that a mighty God would do that for me. I act like a victorious Christain He graciously, through grace, Not that we deserve anything. Give us all things.
Q2. Conformed to Jesus' Likeness
starangel2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
What does it mean to be confomred to the LIKENESS of his Son. to put others first and to be self-less and forgiving and loving and have the Holy Spirit.. It involvess putting others first and loving the unloveable We are predestined to be in the likeness of his son. But I think that it takes our whole lifetime to be totally conforned because we are in sinful flesh and even though we strive to get it right we always fall a little short. It is only through the Holy Spirit that we can be in the likeness of Jesus and that's the part that makes us his brother and sisters. In that we have the Holy spirit. It is onlly by the HOly Spirit that we can attempt to be like Jesus. -
Q1. The Promise of Romans 8:28
starangel2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
the promise is that all things work together for the good of those that Love God. The two qualifications to the recipents of this promise is that you accept him and obey him through His Word. That all things will work for my good. -
A person without hope is depressed. and there are a lot of depression in this time. look at all the ads for depression. The world needs Jesus A person who has lost hope conducts his life in a state of depression. Listless and without joy A person who who hold and eager expectation of a better future is Gal 5. 22 love, joy, peace, long suffering, patience, kindess, goodnes, faithfullness and self controlled. We should be motivated to share the gospel with others.
Q5. Being Led by the Spirit
starangel2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Learning to Walk by the Spirit (Romans 8:1-17)
to put to death the deeds of the flesh takes the power of the Holy Spirit. He frees us from sin. It would look like He was enjoying going to church and looking forward to a heavenly eternal kingdom and fellowshipping with the Saints here on earth. To be led by the Spirit is to worship, read your word, pray, witness and fellowship with the Saints. We can only do this through the Holy Spirit. -
if we can stay out of the world we are not compelled to sin. But sin is anything that you think do or say that breaks Gods laws. And it is impossible in this world to not come in contact with sin. And there fore we sin also by wrong thoughts. We can live without sin if we stay in the Scriptures and around Christians who are also trying not to sin. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We get such a deafestest attitutude because the world brings bad thoughts into our lives. Like Lot we are vexed by an unholy world.
Q1. The Weak Link, the Flesh
starangel2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Learning to Walk by the Spirit (Romans 8:1-17)
Obedience to the law won't save us because we cannot keep the law perfectly. the weak link is us in our sinful flesh. We are always in some kind of sin. Only Jesus was able to live in this world without sinning. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It takes a perfect sacrifice for sin to save us. And that would be accepting Jesus as your Savior. He was and is the only perfect sacrifice for sin. God bless -
Q4. Total Depravity
starangel2 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Struggling with Sin in Our Own Strength (Romans 7:1-25)
I think total depravity is when man becomes godless. He goes so far into sin that He is not in the character of godliness any more. Man was basically good in the begining and then came the fall. Now we are mortal and want to follow the **** of the flesh. -
I think that God gave us the Law to reaveal His true righteous character. Without it we would be lost and not able to even strive for the prefection that was Jesus. Jesus is the only one who came in the flesh and understood the true rightousness of God and could keep all the law. Without Jesus we wouldn't be able to walk upright. We are truly an fallen creation. We covet and have unforgiveness in our hearts. And truly are underserving of forgivness but in God's graciousness He forgives us. We shold be truly grateful that we live in the time after Jesus went to the cross for our sins. We are in a battle with our very own flesh it is our worst enemy.
Iknow that God can set you free from sin. When I first became a Christian I wanted to work with the children. But I smoked. Knowing that was a bad examle to set for children I asked God to set me free from the sin. And He did. All i did was put the cigarettes on the table and promise to give them up for a day. When I walked away I forgot all about smoking and two days later I thought about the prayer and realized I wasn't smoking anymore. It was a miracle. I had smoked since I was 12 and now I was 39. I never went back to smoking again. God is good and He is great. Hallelujah. Now when I give my testimony to that in jail I tell the girls if he can do it with cigarettes He can do it with drugs. It was an addiction I smoked 2 packs a day. I'm free and have been since 1991. Thank you Jesus. I do work with children also I am a Sunday School teacher and have been for years.
I think Paul is talking about our death to sin is our changing desires. We no longer want to sin and recoginze that some of the things that we haved done are sinful. We now want to be righteous in Christ and fellowship with the Christ and the Holy Spirit. He's talking about our new changed desires and teh death of our old desires. It becomes our own when we accept Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit. It is real. My desires changed when I became a Christian. I now love to go to church and read my Bible and fellowship with the saints. Off with the old and on with the New. Happy New Year in Jesus everyone.
It brings about a new life in Christ which comes when you bury your old life in the water as in a grave and when you come up you are a new person in Christ. We are symbolized by our new birth in Christ. I was baptized in the Jordon River just like Jesus in 1997. It was an awesome experience. I was able to take a tour of the Holy Land that year. It was an amazing time. But most of all I cherish the Baptism.
Adam is the first man and there fore he is the first created being in God's image but he was not perfect. He sinned and He died because of the sin and therfore we all die for we are his offsrping. Jesus is the head of the church and never sinned therefore when we come into Jesus and are forgiven of our sins we are granted eternal life by grace. His death or blood sacrifice is our atonement for sin as a price had to be paid and He paid it for us. If we accept Him and follow after Him then we will get eternal life.