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Q4. What did Jesus intend the Parable of the Soils to teach us about the "message of the kingdom"? Why are these truths so important for keeping disciples from becoming disillusioned?

Jesus intended to teach us that the message of the Kingdom is His message, we are the messengers. We find our motivation and encouragement in the fact that we have the privelige of sowing His seed, telling His story, communication His message. The results are not up to us. Understanding this will keep us from giving up.


Jesus gave us the parable of the seeds, because He know that those who hear some will hear the word then the cares of this world would choke out the message, some will follow for awhile then fall away. It is only the seed that falls on a true heart of repentance will the word produce fruit in their life. We should not be discouraged because Jesus said this would be by the parable of the seeds. God knows the heart of each profession the growing depends on the HOly Spirit and a persons willingness to obey. If you love me keep my commandments, He that saith he loves me and obeyeth not my word is a liar and the truth in not in them. All God asks is obedience, is that not all He asked of Adam and Eve. Those who name the name of Christ need to walk as Jesus walked and talk as Jesus talked. We will not be perfect, but our goal, as was Paul's, is to strive each day to be like the Savior. For to me to live is Christ, to die is gain.


I think Jesus wanted us to know to keep sowing seed!! Not concentrate on where it is being sown, rather regularly sowing! It also helps us to know that not everyone who hears will even acknowledge it--some do acknowledge but not with a whole heart. Jesus is looking for fruit and there cannot be fruit where you haven't sown--or someone else hasn't sown.


Q4. What did Jesus intend the Parable of the Soils to teach us about the "message of the kingdom"? Why are these truths so important for keeping disciples from becoming disillusioned?


The parable of the Sower, is likened to how the Kingdom of God operates.The Sower soweth the WORD OF GOD(Mark 4:14-The sower soweth the word) like a seed.In the exact phrase,it is impossible to harvest a fruit,without planting a seed.PLANTING BEFORE REAPING


What did Jesus intend the Parable of the Soils to teach us about the


Q4. What did Jesus intend the Parable of the Soils to teach us about the "message of the kingdom"?

Jesus intention is that we understand how important good soil is for the seed, God



What did Jesus intend the Parable of the Soils to teach us about the "message of the kingdom"?

Why are these truths so important for keeping disciples from becoming disillusioned?

We are to share the


Q4. What did Jesus intend the Parable of the Soils to teach us about the "message of the kingdom"?

We think and dream in "pictures". I finally "get it" about parables! The Lord has given me several this past year when I just didn't "take in" what He's been saying to me. One day He used a dragonfly hanging by it's tongue suspended from a flower for more than 3 hours on my patio. Even when I touched it to see if it was alive, it didn't flinch or fly away. I thought "How strange!" Then the Lord spoke: "Rest in me, Abide in me, Feed on me". Then His message sunk in and with that vivid picture of the dragonfly's total body weight suspended by only it's tongue feeding on the flower, I'm mindful of my need to "Rest, abide and feed on Him", in a way that I can remember!

Given that the surroundings were agricultural when Jesus gave them the parable, and most of us are acquainted with agriculture, I believe we are to understand that the Kingdom of God is the true LIFE, and that it's invisible in it's workings, but functions just like what we see in nature. Someone must scatter the seeds, first of all.....you and I.....and to scatter them liberally even though they may not have a chance of taking root due to conditions beyond our control. He provides the sun, the moisture, the nutrients.....(through the power of the Holy Spirit according to the receptivity of the soil or heart condition of the hearer) My seed may lie idle along the path for years, but someone else may come along and sprinkle enough moisture that the seed may take root....though not all seed will endure through the growth process due to the things which choke out seed.....the enemy, Satan, does his best to starve the seed, trample it with burdens, or choke it out through other means, but we are to continue to sow, regardless of whether or not it is cultivated.

Why are these truths so important for keeping disciples from becoming disillusioned?

I love that the parable demonstrates that He is the one responsible for what follows our seed sowing and scattering. That frees me up to just obey and share Christ when the Holy Spirit leads. I can't "save" anyone. Only the Lord "saves". And Jesus said "No one comes to me unless My Father draws him".

I'm reminded of a Shiite Muslim man I used to pass almost every morning on my walk, and as we got acquainted gradually, I learned he'd escaped from Iran with the Shah. This led to me sharing Christ with Him. He told me how he would be judged when he gets to Heaven....with a scale where his good and bad deeds would be weighed, and how much of the Koran he'd memorized. I shared that as a believer I would not be judged because Jesus took my punishment for my sin. One day he asked if I could find a Bible for him in the Farsi language. I asked around and was given one by a former Muslim who had come to Christ, and which I gave to Davoud. Later he told me he'd read it from cover to cover, and had hidden it. I have no idea what happened spiritually for him. He was in his 80's and soon didn't come for a walk anymore. But my part was to scatter the seed, and to water as I was given opportunity and to pray for him. I had the privilege of praying with him one day for an injury he'd suffered. The results are in the Lord's hands, and of course Davoud's decision, one way or the other. I don't get discouraged if I don't see results....many choose Christ, others don't, but I scatter out of obedience, pray for those who don't know Him yet, and leave the results with the One Who saves, without disillusionment or discouragement.


Jesus intended to teach us about the message of the Kingdom through the parable of the soils for many reasons. I think He wanted us to understand what the Kingdom of God is about. That is, in sowing the Word of God, but not only that, but of receiving the Word of God.

Yes, we are to sow the Word and to know that it will be received in different ways and to not become discouraged in our mission, but that these things will be. We are still to sow.

I also think this parable is a warning to us in how we ourselves receive the word and has been a great help to me when circumstances have tried my soul. So often when I felt like quitting from discouragement or trials, I have remembered this parable and have been reminded of what Jesus taught. It was a renewal in my mind to persevere and let my roots go down deeper. I'm reminded that the secrets to the Kingdom are revealed to us and this is one of them. He gives us understanding and truth of Kingdom living and we are blessed to have eyes that see and ears that hear. Some never will and we are to be deeply grateful that we have been given the ability to receive and even more that we continue to seek first His Kingdom and more will be added!


One important point this parable makes is that the Word is for everyone. We are not to try to determine the quality of the soil on which we scatter it, but are to share it with everyone. It is not intended for a select few, but is meant to be shared with all. The harsh reality that not all seed will take root and mature due to circumstances beyond our control comforts us when we see that our efforts have fallen short. I do appreciate Pastor Ralph's picture that even the slightest scratch in hard packed soil can allow the seed a better chance to flourish. With each effort to share the Gospel, the ground is further prepared. With many contacts with God's laborers, even the hardest soil may one day grow into a fruitful harvest.


Q4. What did Jesus intend the Parable of the Soils to teach us about the "message of the kingdom"?

We think and dream in "pictures". I finally "get it" about parables! The Lord has given me several this past year when I just didn't "take in" what He's been saying to me. One day He used a dragonfly hanging by it's tongue suspended from a flower for more than 3 hours on my patio. Even when I touched it to see if it was alive, it didn't flinch or fly away. I thought "How strange!" Then the Lord spoke: "Rest in me, Abide in me, Feed on me". Then His message sunk in and with that vivid picture of the dragonfly's total body weight suspended by only it's tongue feeding on the flower, I'm mindful of my need to "Rest, abide and feed on Him", in a way that I can remember!

Given that the surroundings were agricultural when Jesus gave them the parable, and most of us are acquainted with agriculture, I believe we are to understand that the Kingdom of God is the true LIFE, and that it's invisible in it's workings, but functions just like what we see in nature. Someone must scatter the seeds, first of all.....you and I.....and to scatter them liberally even though they may not have a chance of taking root due to conditions beyond our control. He provides the sun, the moisture, the nutrients.....(through the power of the Holy Spirit according to the receptivity of the soil or heart condition of the hearer) My seed may lie idle along the path for years, but someone else may come along and sprinkle enough moisture that the seed may take root....though not all seed will endure through the growth process due to the things which choke out seed.....the enemy, Satan, does his best to starve the seed, trample it with burdens, or choke it out through other means, but we are to continue to sow, regardless of whether or not it is cultivated.

Why are these truths so important for keeping disciples from becoming disillusioned?

I love that the parable demonstrates that He is the one responsible for what follows our seed sowing and scattering. That frees me up to just obey and share Christ when the Holy Spirit leads. I can't "save" anyone. Only the Lord "saves". And Jesus said "No one comes to me unless My Father draws him".

I'm reminded of a Shiite Muslim man I used to pass almost every morning on my walk, and as we got acquainted gradually, I learned he'd escaped from Iran with the Shah. This led to me sharing Christ with Him. He told me how he would be judged when he gets to Heaven....with a scale where his good and bad deeds would be weighed, and how much of the Koran he'd memorized. I shared that as a believer I would not be judged because Jesus took my punishment for my sin. One day he asked if I could find a Bible for him in the Farsi language. I asked around and was given one by a former Muslim who had come to Christ, and which I gave to Davoud. Later he told me he'd read it from cover to cover, and had hidden it. I have no idea what happened spiritually for him. He was in his 80's and soon didn't come for a walk anymore. But my part was to scatter the seed, and to water as I was given opportunity and to pray for him. I had the privilege of praying with him one day for an injury he'd suffered. The results are in the Lord's hands, and of course Davoud's decision, one way or the other. I don't get discouraged if I don't see results....many choose Christ, others don't, but I scatter out of obedience, pray for those who don't know Him yet, and leave the results with the One Who saves, without disillusionment or discouragement.

Hello JanMary...I was blessed by your post.

Just like you I have been struggling,whether the seed I have sown has grown or not.And I was always drawing back ,if I teach right or wrong or what..It is all about myself,when IN FACT THE TRUTH IS ..IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM(JESUS)..AND HIS WORDS...

WE plant as he has commanded,commisioned us to do(Matthew 28:20- Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you : and , lo , I am with you alway , [even] unto the end of the world Amen )


God Bless you.



Jesus wanted to convey that the Kingdom could be easily sabotaged by earthly things, such as riches, pleasures and worries among other things. He intended us to know that there are several types of faith. The one which we should seek always is the one ROOTED in deep, rich, soil. Or faith must take ROOT and GROW to be healthy. We must seek a true personal relationship through asking for forgiveness and repenting our sins,in order that we may have a closer walk with the Lord. Worries, pleasures and greed can impede our relationship with Christ. We must open our hearts to true repentance in order to grow our faith and enjoy the fruits of the spirit. And to receive God's complete and utter gift to us, the gift of forgiveness and salvation.Jesus's teaching in this parable is to get us thinking about what we let impede our growth in him. And what we can do to enhance and grow our faith. AND what types of things can destroy our faith and carry us away from Jesus and his Kingdom instead of leading us to him.


The parable can be read on so many levels: It is about each of us as Christians to help us be aware of the challenges of leading a Christian life. So many things tempt us and draw us away from Christ. As a child, I remember falling asleep in a rowboat tied to a dock. I woke up abruptly and thought the boat was in the same place as when I fell asleep. I opened my eyes and was startled to find that I had drifted in a different direction and felt disoriented. I have felt the same thing spiritually. At times, my faith falls asleep and I am unaware of it -- caught up in all the distractions of my life. Suddenly, I look up and am surprised at where I am. Jesus awakens me, forgives me and guides me back on track; Sometimes it is through a sermon, a Bible study or verse or someone just saying "aren't you going to be late for Church?" Let us pray that we can be the gentle wake-me-up for people close to us who are getting caught in the thorns or are hardening their hearts because of the difficulties they face. How can we judge? We can sow the seed but God provides the plow,the rain and sun.

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