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Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can’t seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?

God must be first in our lives, and if we have money, we should be using it to farther God's Kingdom. After all, it is God's money to start with. A wealthy person can serve God, if God is first in their heart. It like the woman, who feed Elijah. Each time she went to get flour and oil, there was always enough for her, her son and Elijah. Each time I think I'm down to the last penny and I give it to God, there is always enough for my family. God provides, if we have enough faith and trust in Him. Money is not a bad thing, the love of money is, if you love money more then God, it is a really bad thing. If you are a good steward with what God gives you, and God is your first love, money can be a good thing. It comes down to who your master is! :rolleyes:

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Christians can be rich and love the Lord. If seeking wealth is your prime concern, then you are serving mammon. "The love of money is the root of all evil." I Tim 6:10. Love money? then you don't love God. You have new idol taking the place of God!


Q1. (Matthew 6:24)

Jesus seems to make it sound like you can't seek wealth and God simultaneously.

Does he really mean this?

Is this hyperbole?



Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?

Jesus emphatically states that a servant cannot serve two masters at the same time. It is a fact of nature; our hearts and duty will be divided and fail altogether in our duty to one or the other. One we will hate and the other we will love. The choice is ours, we either put God first rejecting the rule of materialism or we live for temporal things and put God aside. Jesus said in Matt 22:37:


Jesus said we can't SERVE God and money at the same time. I think this means that one or the other comes first and has priority. This also goes back to the lesson too of seeking first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these things will be given to you. We can't as an old saying goes, put the cart before the horse. We serve God and He is first. If He so desires to increase our wealth, well then we know who increased it, who really owns it and we will still serve GOD with it! If He doesn't increase our wealth, we are content with the blessings he HAS given us and serve as we can with them. As the widow did with her mite. But either way...we serve HIM. This is where God is LORD in our lives. He's above everything and everyone and we submit to His will in all things. Money in itself isn't bad...and much good can come from it. God's kingdom can be advanced with it. But it takes a very grounded person to deal with it. If God gifts you with it....it's for His Kingdom and you are responsible for that.

Yes, Jesus really meant this. This is not exaggerated and is a fact if understood correctly.

Yes, the rich can serve God. In fact, they are CALLED to serve with their money. I know some very wealthy people who do so from a very sincere heart. They serve God with money and in giving of themselves. Unfortunately, I also know wealthy people who do not, and use money for power and leverage for their own satisfactions...even in the church. The one serves God....the other serves money.


Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can


Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can’t seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?


I think Jesus is talking about the HEART of the people.

If we notice in Matthew 6:24


we have to be a bit candid here.

we have to choose one - otherwise why did Jesus in mark 10, tell the young man to sell all he had and give it to the poor and come and follow him?

it means there is actually no balance here.

the only measure is .... have you given all to the poor????

we see mean tycoons who say "bless my heart" and yet they continue to bleed the poor among them to death.

in true stewardship where one works for the good of the other, all should be channeled through the body of Christ to benefit all.

if this was done the church would be - a huge all equal employer where all needs would be met equally to all and not as it is now with a rfew good guys giving alms to the poor.


read between the lines.

sorry i`ve hurt a few toes.




Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can’t seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?

After being in business for 25 years -- I have been serving as a missionary the last 20 years ... Part of my work has been traveling our homeland country raising financial support for missionaries. I think I'll seen it all. As I reflect on our Lords lifestyle and teaching I notice: 1.He lived simply and did not covet power or money (these are often associated with each other). 2.He did not have a top salary position -- rather he was a servant and apparently was broke most of the time! He had to perform a miracle using a fish, to pay the temple tax - which indicates he wasn't carrying any money with him -- and there were no credit cards!

Jesus teaches us that money is a powerful god and will easily enslave us! he warns us that anything that becomes more important in our lives than obeying and serving our Lord -- for us is sin and must be repented of or it will draw us away from serving the Lord. Money represents prestige, power and control. Those who have much money have the power to rule over others and call the shots. This is the worlds agenda … money is something everybody wants more of and the more you have the more you want. If only we had the same attitude towards Jesus! Interestingly the most miserable people I have met have invariably been wealthy.

we must be careful to note that it's not the money but the love of money that is the problem and I praise God for the many wealthy businessman and other rich benefactors of the Lord's work who give large sums of money regularly to support the Lord's work and help send the gospel out into all the world.


Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can’t seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?

Nothing should come before your relationship with God, not money ,family,job anything! God has 1st place. I believe it is figurative, and yes wealthy people do serve the Lord. It all depends on what you consider wealth? Matt 6:33 says seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all these things will be added .


There are many wealthy Christians. I would like to think that they were Christians before they became wealthy or born in to a Christian family who happens to be wealthy. Unfortunately, there the people who become Christians after or because they have gain wealth and fame. god know what is in the heart of man. What Jesus is telling us to first seek Him and He will give us the desires of our heart. God wants us be like babies dependent their parents for their every need. God will take care of our every need because He knows us best.


Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can't seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?

yes, I am convinced that this statement is literal and Jesus truly means it. I say this based on the definition of the word "SEEK" - to search for, to try to reach or obtain. Based on this definition it would be "IMPOSSIBLE" for me, or for anyone else, to search fro gold in the state of California and the state of Alaska at the same time - either you are in California seeking, search, or trying to obtain the gold - or you are in Alaska doing the same - you cannot be in both places at the same time - so, as Jesus has proclaimed in Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

However, Jesus does tell us how we can have both in the 33rd verse But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

YES, I believe that the wealthy as well as the financially challenged, as well as those in between can and do serve God and are both sincere and effective in their service to Him. . .

Again, as Jesus said "No one can serve two masters" - everyone has to choose whom they will serve and be faithful in that service. Prioritizing - that is putting God first, and keeping Him first in our lives allows Him to bless us with whatever our needs and desires may be. If we need or desire Jesus says that we should "ASK" - "SEEK" - "KNOCK" - and by so doing we will "RECEIVE" - "FIND" - "BE INVITED IN". . .

JOSHUA CHAPTER 24 - 14Now therefore fear Jehovah, and serve him in sincerity and in truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River, and in Egypt; and serve ye Jehovah.

15And if it seem evil unto you to serve Jehovah, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah.

We can live for and serve God faithfully when we understand and accept that it is a choice that when made - has to be exercised everyday and in every situation.

MATTHEW 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and men of violence take it by force.



Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can’t seek wealth and God simultaneously.

Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?

Yes, Jesus really means this literally! We need to be seekers of His kingdom first and foremost.And, also we have to evaluate the reason for pursuing wealth, is it to serve for the purposes of God or is it for personal gain? And yes wealthy people can serve God so long that their wealth has no hold on them.Remember the rich young ruler.


Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can't seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this?

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

I think when we serve Him as our One Master, we will find that all the rest to equip us in serving Him and the Kingdom, just falls into place. If we are here just to seek wealth, we may actually find it and miss the kingdom all together because we didn


Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can't seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?

Matthew 6:24 - "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

I think that a person who has wealth, can be a true Christian. As long as the person acknowledges that their success is as the result of following Christ and allows Christ to be his or her guide. A Christian can only have one master and that is Jesus.


Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can't seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this?

I think He answered this when He said "Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, THEN all these THINGS will be added unto you. We don't seek wealth or money, we seek Him. We seek His face, not His Hand. He said "My Father knows what you need"...so we don't always need to focus on "stuff", but rather on His priorities.

Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?

I believe He's laying out His priorities for our lives. He is to have first place. To seek after wealth and money is to to deter us from seeking His face...relationship with Him. Many wealthy people serve God....my family in our trials of loss have been the recipients countless times of wealthy people's generosity, as the Lord has moved them to share their resources with us. I see this as "them having money, not money having them".


Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can

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