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Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to "seek first His Kingdom"?

To seek God, to know Him, to be in relationship with Him. To allow God to reign and rule in our lives moment by moment and not selectively. To walk (live) according to His will alone and not ours plus His, nor not His when we choose to or it is preceived most conducive.

What does it mean to "seek first


Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to "seek first his Kingdom" and to "seek first


Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to


Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to "seek first his Kingdom"? What does it mean to "seek first


The promise is quite simply what it says: if we seek God first, He will provide us with all our physical needs. That does not necessarily mean everything we desire, but all that we need. However, I believe that anyone who follows this demand from Jesus will find measure in abundance


To seek His kingdom is to be salt and light in the earth. Seek Him hungrily every day. To seek His righteousness is to desire to be more like Jesus & spending time each day with Him letting Him change us. We need to thirst for His righteousness as for water...

The best way to support our families is to live the way God proposes. We bring blessing to our family when we are close to God.

The promise is that He will meet our every need!! Oh, that our faith would grow by leaps & bounds!!


Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to “seek first his Kingdom”? What does it mean to “seek first … his righteousness”? How can we both seek the Kingdom and support our families? What is the promise found in verse 33?

To seek God first is to put the issues of His Kingdom on the front burner of our lives.To seek His righteousness is to seek His right way of conducting our lives here on earth.

God promises to take care of us. He asks that we cast all our cares on him. Does that mean that we should not work or own businesses? No! It means that we trust not trust the wealth but the God of the wealth.


In vs. 33, "Seek first His Kingdom" means to put seeking after God first on your list....every day. We seek after Him through prayer, through Bible reading, in seeking what He would have us do each and every day, repenting of sin, asking that He be with us and beside us, directing and guiding every moment. We should be aware that He is the vine and we are the branches and apart from Him we can do nothing. We should make every effort to be connected from sunrise to sunset and I dare to say He never sleeps nor slumbers, so He's right there through the night too!

When we put God first, we submit to His will in our life and not because we have a set of rules to follow to look good! We take His hand in love and trust asking how we can serve Him each day. We become aware of who He is and of what He taught (and still teaches us by the power of the Holy Spirit)and we conform to be true followers by that power. Our own righteousness is as filthy rags, but His is what we need. But to attain that, we have to be connected, in relationship and willing to submit to our first love. HE is the bread of life and our living water.

We can seek the Kingdom of God and support our families but only through Him. He gives the blessings. He is the provider. Even in times of life challenges and our circumstances of job loss or tragedy, I have never seen God let go of us. We have had miraculous provision, unfailing comfort or we have just plain seen we didn't really need all we thought we needed. In those cases we were "re-adjusted"! For our spiritual benefit. It wasn't always what "I" thought it should be....but I'm thankful HE always knew best.

God does though, expect us to use our talents, be good stewards of all He gives us and be honest, good workers here. But in humbleness, we know He provides everything we have, from the talent, to the health to be able to work, to the wisdom He gives in directing on what to do with it all. Still, in each of those areas, we are to serve HIM the best we can according to HIS plan....not ours.

Verse 33 promises all things will be added to us when we seek Him and His righteousness. And He is faithful!


If we read the whole passage we get the full picture. We are to put the concerns and our responsibilities to God's Kingdom first on our list or priorities and let God provide our everyday needs. From personal experience I can say this works. Put your offering to the Church or whatever Ministry to which you've determined to contribute first in your allocation of finances and just watch God ensure you have enough left for all your material needs. The much maligned but often very insightful Good News translation puts it thus: Your Father already knows you need these things (food clothing and shelter). We are to be in prayer firstly for the advancement of the Kingdom . . . then ask God for out material needs. That's often hard to do when the pressures of this life crowd in.


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To seek first the kingdom of God means to put God first in all that we do. That includes our families and money. When we are seeking what God wants in our lives we will be seeking the kingdom of God. What and how would God have me to react in each situation and each decision, seek first God. By seeking His righteousness we are seeking each day to be conformed to His image and to act as He would act, seek after the things that God loves, love, joy, peace, long suffering, patient, gentleness, meekness, these are the things we should be seeking. When we are seeking after God and His righteousness the Bible says that if God takes of the birds will He not take care of you. As we seek God and righteousness, God will take care of us, we need to make sure we have our priorities right and God will meet our needs not our wants. Bob and I are missionaries and we live on $600 a week and travel full time in an RV and I can say that God has meets our needs and we have helped others also. As we are seeking God and his righteousness all these things shall be added unto you. I know God has done that for us.


We should turn to God first for help. we should fill our thoughts with his desires and take his character for our pattern and serve and obey him in everything. Seeking the Kingdom and supporting our families does not have to be mutual exclusive of each other. What we should do is seek God first and He will take care of the rest.


Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to "seek first his Kingdom"? What does it mean to "seek first

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