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"Seek first His kingdom" means that we put God first and foremost in our life,above any of our desires or goals.

"Seek first His righteousness' means we are to pray for God's reign in our life and in the world.

The promise found in Matthew 6:33 is,if we put God first in our life,then He will supply are needs for food,clothing,and shelter.


2a)seek first his Kingdom, means put God first in everything, make his priorities e.g. concern for the poor & those in need of his love & grace, our priorities, in all areas of our life. We are to pray that our thoughts & actions will be salt & light in our dark world, to be agents for change,seeking as an act of faith.:) b)seek first his righteousness means developing our relationship with God by obeying him, letting him break our hard hearts & mould us more into His image, a dissatisfaction with our own imperfections, allowing God to do his work in me. c) They go hand in hand. If we seek the kingdom first & live as he instructs to have good values, He will provide through what we earn to feed & protect our families,& others in need,B) d)If we seek Him first, put our trust in Him & serve Him, He will provide. He promises to take care of us &our families; he feeds us Spiritually & satisfies our hunger. :D

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:37 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to "seek first his Kingdom"? What does it mean to "seek first

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:37 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to

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  • 2 weeks later...

we are to seek god's kingdom first above all things it means to live god;s word and understand it in order to over come are sins [c] if we believe in god and ask for his help he will see that we have whatever have to have to support are families

  • 2 weeks later...

First thanks for the excellent questions and prompting me to think. It means before anything else the most important thing is the kingdom of god. Not to point out the obvious but in Luke 17:20 he says "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:


To seek the Kingdom is to have a mind and heart that constantly seek Jesus, who is the Kingdom incarnate. To seek His rightousness is to look within what Jesus says, both in the Bible and in what the Spirit says directly, for guidance. I can support my family by doing these "spiritual" things, but also by taking Paul's admonitions regarding the need to work to heart. The promise is tricky. As a folk musician I know well the depression-era song about the preachers who promise you "pie in the sky when you die." It would be tempting to think that Jesus is saying that your earthly wants and needs are irrelevant so long as you seek the Kingdom - that it won't matter if you starve to death because there is a place for you in the Holy City. On the other hand, it's tempting to see this verse as a validation of "Prosperity Theology," in which preachers say that if you are just holy enough you will receive a new car (insert perceived need here). In fact, devout christians sometimes never get "pie" in this world. I think Jesus message is again one of focus - if you focus on your "wealth" - in this case "earthly needs and desires" you will miss the great gifts of "a satisfied mind." (some of you will recall this old hymn, which concludes, "farther along we'll understand why."

  • 4 weeks later...

What does it mean in verse 33 to "seek first his Kingdom"? We are not only to pray for it, but seek for it to come about. Christians are to seek God's Kingdom now and not be satisfied with the reign of evil. We are to be doers who leave changed lives in our wake.

What does it mean to "seek first

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to

  • 1 month later...
  On 9/16/2010 at 6:37 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to seek first his Kingdom? What does it mean to seek first

  • 9 months later...

What does it mean in verse 33 to �seek first his Kingdom�?

To accept Christ as your Saviour and then to build your relationship with Him. To seek and do God's will. To learn more and more about God all the time, to seek Him in everything you do and experiance.

What does it mean to �seek first � his righteousness�?

To do His will. To change yourself with His help to become righteous as well. To chance your character to reflect his Character.

How can we both seek the Kingdom and support our families?

By seeking the Kingdom 1st, He will provide

What is the promise found in verse 33?

If we seek Him and His Kingdom 1st God will give us all we need.

  • 4 months later...

First, the Kingdom of God is a very literal realm, but it won’t be manifest in fullness until Christ returns to literally re-establish and expand the governmental Davidic kingdom.

Second, I think that God’s Kingdom on earth in this age of grace that precedes that reign is primarily a spiritual one - “Christ in me” (John 17:20-23; Colossians 1:27)! So our journey and efforts to seek the Kingdom are all of, by, and through the Spirit’s work in us, not by human works.

Romans 14:17 says that the Kingdom of God is a matter of righteousness, peace, and joy.

  • The righteousness we’re to seek is the holy life of Christ that already dwells in believers. I think we find it in the process of sanctification, as we die to the old nature and develop more and more of His character. According to Romans 1:17, our greatest responsibility in this is to live by faith. Faith, of course, is what the Spirit uses to produce the righteous fruit of the Kingdom through our thoughts, words, and deeds.
  • The peace we are to seek is the unexplainable satisfaction and calmness of spirit found through the activation of our faith and release of all concerns to God through prayer with thanksgiving, Philippians 4:6-7. A grateful attitude is like an open door through which the Spirit can rush in! Also, the most important peace we should rest in is found in that wonderful angelic announcement (Luke 2:14) when Jesus was born that God has established peace between Himself and humanity! By nature, we often still live with an enemy-mindset and part of what we should seek in the Kingdom is learning to live with God as friends.
  • The joy of the kingdom we are to seek is found in obedience to our Master and in living out His love, which is supremely described by Jesus in Matthew 22:37-40 as loving God with all our being and loving others as much as self. John 15:9-12 also records Jesus’ revelation that this joy comes from Him in abundance as we abide in His love by keeping His commandments, especially to love others as He has loved us. Hebrews 12:2 tells us that this joy is our motivation to endure through the pain and testing of earth. This kind of joy is strength (Nehemiah 8:12b) and healing (Proverbs 17:22).
  • To seek something is to engage in a relentless search, to expend every possible effort in finding it, to constantly think on it. Jesus promised in Matthew 6:33 that when we seek these things of the Kingdom we won't need to pursue the practical things of earth that way because He will provide them for us.

Since this approach to the Kingdom is spiritual, we are to maintain a spiritual mentality as we live everyday life. If we understand everything we do in light of this spiritual realm, it all becomes about/for eternal purposes. Our responsibilities to family or employers or church, for example, are actually in service to Christ. In following His excellent character and submitting to the Spirit’s leading toward the Father’s will, we must serve, provide for, and nurture with excellence as unto Him - as an attitude of life, not an event in life. We must avoid the thorny soil of letting a pursuit of worldly concerns become a weedy focus that crowds out spiritual growth of faith and obedience.

  • 7 months later...

To seek God’s Kingdom means we should turn to God for everything in our lives as well as pray that His Kingdom comes about here on earth as it is in heaven. By seeking his righteousness we should take on His characteristics (the fruit of His righteousness), meaning His character, keeping our thoughts and desires on Him, and obeying and serving Him. We can seek the Kingdom and support our families when we keep God first in our lives, He will take care of our families. We must trust and believe his promise that if we do put Him first in everything, “all these things will be given to us as well”.

  • 3 months later...

Seeking first the kingdom can mean placing God at the centre of all we do, him being our compass, our reference point, the over riding influence affecting all our decisions and our actions. 

Seeking his righteousness can mean actively striving to develop a heart, character and personality identical to that of Christ.  Though we may never fully achieve this goal, we can still pour all our efforts into readjusting and realigning who we are so that Jesus remains the target or destination of all of our pursuits. 

God’s character is worked out in our lives through relationships, so we seek the Kingdom through the way in which we serve and relate to others. 

God promises to fulfil our needs as we seek his Kingdom.  However, it could be that our needs being fulfilled is a natural by-product of seeking God’s Kingdom.

  • 8 months later...

I believe "seek first his Kingdom" means to turn to God for everything. God is to take up your thoughts and desires.  We should pattern ourselves after Him.  Seek him in all that we do until it becomes just like a breathe.  Seeking God's righteousness is thirsting after him wanting more and more.  If we know God and serve him and try our best the rest will be given to you.  The promise is to serve God and thirst for more always wanting more and He will take care of you.  We can serve God in the workplace as well.

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