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Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The kingdom of God will not change men’s outward condition, but their hearts and lives. When it comes, it makes those humble, serious, and heavenly, that were proud, vain, and carnal,—It weans those from the world that were wedded to the world. Therefore look for the kingdom of God in the revolutions of the heart, not of the civil government. The kingdom of God is among you. "You enquire when it will come, and are not aware that it has already begun to be set up in the midst of you. The gospel is preached, it is confirmed by miracles, it is embraced by multitudes, so that it is in your nation, though not in your hearts.’’ Note, It is the folly of many curious enquirers concerning the times to come that they look for that before them which is already among them.

Brothers and sisters take hold of what you have, nurture it share it, we need look no further as to our future our King Jesus reigns within our hearts.

All praise and Glory be to Him our Lord and King. Amen


In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The Kingdom of God is present with Christ Jesus in His teachings, HIs personality, His love, His mercy, His healing, His kindness....in Him. So if it is in Him, it is in me, it is in you, if we believe and love Chirst Jesus. The Kingdom of God is present today because I am in Chrsist Jesus. I am His so He dwells in me....someday He will come and we will be with Him but for now He abides in me.....


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?


Jesus was the fullfillment of the Kingdom promised to the Old testament saints. His teachings, His love, His willingness to come to this sin cursed world to die for the likes of sinful men. He is the creator and sustainer of this world, yet He chose to take on the form of a man, to fullfill all righteousness. When we accept Christ as Savior and Lord, his Holy Spirit indwells us and we also can change our vile bodies into something useful for the King of Kings and Lord of Lord. We too can have the victory over sin.


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The Pharisees asked when God


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus, and in what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

Jesus came representing the Kingdom of Heaven, Gods righteousness, Gods laws.

Jesus ministry is teaching us the importance of Gods laws, that they be written on our hearts it is Gods promise to Israel and to us today, that Gods Kingdom, His laws will rule in our hearts, preparing us for the great day when the Messiah will come, not as a Lamb, but as the King of Kings, who's Kingdom will be ruled with a rod of "righteousness" - in Jerusalem, where God as placed His name.


In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus?

In His Person by whom He was, in His ministry as He was in the Father's will. As He walked (lived), through His teachings, His kindness, His love, His compassion, His healing etc...

In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

Today is by His Spirit, through vessels that yield to Him, that adhere to Him. Just as it was then so it is now, this passage of Scripture does not indicate a physical kingdom. A kingdom that has its throne in the heart of those who receive Him, those who yield their hearts to Christ Jesus.


In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus?

Jesus's first coming began in earnest God's defeat of Satan and the establishment of His Kingdom. The Davidic kingdom was just a portent, a shadow, an earthly preview of the Messianic Kingdom. Jesus's whole preaching ministry was centered around the coming of His Kingdom. All his miracles were demonstrations of His Godly power. By gathering disciples He was laying the groundwork for the spreading of the Gospel, the good news unto salvation. The culmination of His Earthly ministry was His death and Resurrection. THAT is what defeated Satan! In accordance with the free will God has given each and every person ever born, He has delayed Christ's second coming to allow as many as possible to come into the Kingdom, as Peter tells us in one of his letters. I still get goosebumps when I read the account of Jesus in the Synagogue reading the word of the prophet concerning his coming and then saying that this passage has come true as you have heard it being read!

In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The Kingdom of God is being advanced through the work of the believers in Jesus Christ. Every convert to Christianity brings the Second Coming that little bit closer. The Kingdom is indeed in the hearts of every Christian.


Q1. (Luke 17:21)

In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus?

In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

As Jesus begins His ministry here on earth, He starts to initiate God


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

One interpretation says that the Kingdom of God was present in the Person and Ministry of Jesus as the Lord taught, discipled and exercised God's authority on earth. If this were the case, then similarly today, the Kingdon of God is present in us as we teach, disciple and exercise God's authority on earth, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We can go further by saying that the Kingdom of God is also within us as we carry out God's commandments by the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling in us.


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The Kingdom of God is present in Jesus because He was the Son of God, chosen and accepting of the plan to save us. He lives His earthly life totally in God's will. He seeks God's will and guidance so completely; He is the Lamb without blemish. We were freely given the gift of the Holy Spirit and God's Word to persue God's kingdom. The choice is ours; He provides everything we need to persue and experience the kingdom.


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

It was present in Jesus himself who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords of the Kingdom of God. The pharisees were asking the very King himself because they were willfully rejecting the truth of the Kingdom of God. They didn't want the Kingdom of God, they wanted their own world system which was very good to them. They asked questions to put on a false pretense for all to see of their "spiritual nature" to advance their importance and worldly standing.

The Kingdom of God lives in the hearts of the redeemed by the blood of Jesus, through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Our King is alive and He reigns in our hearts. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

I pray that God would light a fire in each of our hearts that would lead us to proclaim to an ignorant world His Kingdom has come and is now here through His Spirit in His people. May each of us have a burning love for Him in our hearts that does not waver but burns brightly in a dark, threatening world.


Jesus - the Kingdom of God - walked among them; preaching, teaching and healing. Today He lives in us through the Holy Spirit and we walk among the people - hopefully living out the Kingdom for all to see.


The Kingdom of God was present in the person and ministry of Jesus Christ in the sense that the son of God who is God himself represented the kingdom wherever he was. Similarly, the omnipresent Jesus is God who is with us because that is his name- Emmanuel (God with us). His presence in our hearts signifies his kingdom with us.


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

Jesus is the Kingdom, the love He showed and taught. The love for God, for each other, this is Jesus ministry. The Kingdom is in us, if we are in Christ Jesus and He is in us, then Kingdom is in us. It is what God is doing in peoples hearts, it is the work of the Holy Spirit in they lives, this is the Kingdom. Our lives are on display for the world to see, to show the world the love of Christ, the Kingdom of God. :rolleyes:


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The purest Living Water was flowing in and out of their lives on a daily basis, much as He does today in our lives, in the form of the Holy Spirit. In their day, He was walking amongst them in the flesh. In our day, He lives inside of us, inside of the house of flesh, our Sukkah. Christ in us, the hope of glory. When you and I have the kingdom of Christ established in our heart, it is because Christ is formed in us. We have Christ


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus?

The Kingdom of God was present in Jesus himself when he came on earth in flesh and its presence had already been begun since Jesus taught, gathered disciples, and exercised God's authority on earth

In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The Kingdom of God is present now in the Person of Jesus, who lives now and forever. It is present forever in the Person of Jesus


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?


The Kingdom of God is available for everybody. Each person has the potential to house the Kingdom of God..with one condition.FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE..

Every Christian probably could have memorize John 3:16,up to the last Word.In order for us to received the Kingdom Of God,there is a condition.

When we speak about


The sense that the Kingdom of God was present in the Person and ministry of Jesus is that Jesus was wholly God and wholly man. Jesus is the one that started calling the disciples together in order to teach them about the kingdom.

The sense that the Kingdom of God is present today is that He left us a comforter so we could go to him at anytime that we needed Him. He is the one that guiding us today.


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The kindgom of God is present within us individually and within your midst. It is not a visable one, but present nonetheless.


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

He was Given all power and authority by God, to do His will.

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit of every believer. He makes His abode within us.


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? The Kingdom was present because God incarnate in Jesus was Himself present at that time

In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today? The kingdom is present today through the presense of God in the form of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The Kingdom of God was present in every sense in the ministry of Jesus. Jesus, the living word of God, demonstrated the full grace of God through his, actions, teachings and his death on the cross. When presented with the offer of everything the world has or to follow the word of God, Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." When days away from his death Jesus said, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." In his teaching when he said, "Pray this way, 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

In times of a crisis, hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Hatii, 9/11, a fire that takes everything from a neighbor, or the illness of someone close, the Kingdom of God's presence is shown. But then when the crisis is over it is back to what we call normal, not so much. I remember what the Levites said in the book of Nehemiah, and it is much the same today. "But as soon as they were at rest, they again did what was evil in your sight. Then you abandoned them to the hand of their enemies so that they ruled over them. And when they cried out to you again, you heard from heaven, and in your compassion you delivered them time after time."



Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The kingdom of God was present in the present and ministry of Jesus because Jesus and God are one and we know by the way he did his father work without question why. The only time Jesus question God was when he was on the cross and then he said not my will but your will be done. We saw his kingdom when he made people see, rise people from the dead, and when he know that one of his disciple was going to betray him but he went on and did his father work.

The kingdom is here today because God give us the same power that he give his son, we have to believe that we have the power to rise people from the dead and the blind to see, the limb to walk, people are saved by heard the word of God being taught.


Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus?

Jesus has always been present on earth, since Genesis 1:1 when He and the Father and the Holy Spirit formed the earth, but the Kingdom of God didn't come until He was born in a human body to manifest the Kingdom of God. The revelation began with Jesus' public ministry and teaching, and this is what I believe He was saying when He spoke about the Kingdom of God being among you..."I AM"....in your midst. And to those who personally received Him as Savior, "I AM" in you.

In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

The Kingdom of God is present today in the form of the Holy Spirit's indwelling believers. Through His life giving rivers of living water which flow from within believers, the Kingdom is manifested as the Gospel is presented, as well as when we live out His life here on earth. It's the invisible Kingdom believer's live in regardless of which country we presently reside.

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