Pastor Ralph Posted September 16, 2010 Report Posted September 16, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? Quote
SoiKosum Posted October 17, 2010 Report Posted October 17, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? The passage tells us that one group will be taken away to be saved, and others are left to experience terrible destruction and punishment. This should create an urgency in our lives - urgency to get our hearts right with God. There won't be time when the Kingdom comnes. This separation will take place instantly, without warning. We must be ready now for the coming of the Son of Man. At the same time, we should also share this urgency with our neighbors. As the saying goes, there is no time like the present. Quote
Travis63 Posted October 17, 2010 Report Posted October 17, 2010 (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? There is so much that it teach however in short Jesus uses some of His favorite symbols to illustrate a. When he returns there will be two groups of people living upon the earth-the lost and the saved (the sheep's and the goats). Some at this time will try to save their lives and they shall loose it; those that lose their life shall have it preserved. Two men in one bed. A bed generally connotes sleep, and Jesus used sleep as a symbol of death. He said to the disciples, "Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep." "Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead." John 11:11, 14. In the resurrection at the last day, there will be two kinds of people sleeping in the grave-the lost and the saved. Two women grinding together. In Bible often it a woman is a symbol of a church (Jeremiah 6:2). Grinding grain represents working with the Word of God. When Jesus comes in His glory, there will be two kinds of churches-the false and the true (church = the body). Both will be outwardly ministering to congregations, but only one will be redeemed. Two men in the field. The field represents the world (Matthew 13:38). When Jesus comes again, there will be two kinds of missionaries laboring out in the field-the false and the true. This is why He said, "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7:22, 23. How should this affect our lives? By way of the Spirit's empowerment we should strive to live according to the will of God. How should this affect our testimony? Our testimonies should be as that of the disciples that honored Christ, that were by His grace obedient to His commands, that loved Him. Revelation 19:10 I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. How should this affect our love for our neighbors? We should be obedient to the command of Matthew 28:19 and others, our lives should reflect that of Christ He is the greatest example to a Believer. As we follow others that follow Christ we should only follow them as they follow Christ. Quote
l.a. Posted October 18, 2010 Report Posted October 18, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? There will be a time when we will no longer have a choice to follow Christ; the day is not known to us and will arrive suddenly. At that time, we will be divided in two groups; those who believe in Jesus Christ and strive to live according to His teachings, and those who don't. Jesus told us that He wants us all to repent and live with Him eternally. The same loving God who sacrificed so much for me, made the sacrifice for us all. He has left it up to us to show love and mercy for His Name's sake. He has asked us to spread the good news about Christ and our opportunity for salvation through Him. It needs to be our honor to spread the love we have experienced to others. Quote
nurselaino Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? Luk 17:33 Whosoever shall seek to gain his life shall lose it: but whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. Luk 17:34 I say unto you, In that night there shall be two men on one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Luk 17:35 There shall be two women grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Luk 17:36 There shall be two men in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. At this time we will be separated according to those "saved" and those "unsaved". To me this just shows how important I live each day for God. How would it be if the day He returns is the day I fall behind on my faith. It also just shows how important it is to share with those we love the gospel and how much we need to pray for the unsaved. I dont want one of my loved ones to be left behind and if they are because of my lack of sharing with them I really wonder how I can face the Lord. Quote
charisbarak Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 When the King comes He'll claim His own and judgement awaits those who are not His. We should live our lives as though He were coming today. Our testimony should be a relection of our lives and we should be loving our neighbors as Jesus would. Part of loving them would be witnessing to them. Quote
masika Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? Christ Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? This passage is telling us that when we are doing the daily tasks of our life...working, chatting, sleeping at night ....that SUDDENLY...with no warning at sirens, no hoopla....the world as we know it will change. His Kingdom will come.....we will be taken to exactly waht context this will be....I do not know...I just know to be with Jesus will be wonderful. We should be living as this day were our last, getting ourselves right....loving, testifying, there a better wa to show the mercy and grace of our Christ Jesus ??? We should be kind and bearing all we await that day of glory. Quote
haar Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 Jesus taught that when the day of the Lord comes, two may be togather when one will be taken and one will be left. This means that the righteous will be taken for the Kingdom while the one left will be left to face judgement. We therefore have to live righteous life according to the Word of God so that we will be ever ready when the day of the Lord comes suddenly. Quote
Jen Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? Some will be right with the Lord and some won't be. J. Vernon Mcgee says this is not speaking of the Rapture. I don't know but it tells us that some will be saved and some not. And the Lord knows who are His. When I get rid of my 'self' and look at people as God does I see souls that need the Lord and it changes my perspective on things. I am a soldier for the Lord and I need to conduct myself as such. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the powers of darkness. I need to be aware of that and to act accordingly. I need to think of God's glory and what the Lamb suffered for. May the Lamb have that which He suffered for. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
hanks Posted October 20, 2010 Report Posted October 20, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbours? The Lord Quote
s8nfighter Posted October 20, 2010 Report Posted October 20, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? There is a misunderstanding about the Kingdom of God with a lot of people. A kingdom is a population of people with one ruler, therefore the kingdom of God is a population under the authority of God. When I became baptized I entered into this kingdom expecting all the privileges the King had to offer, I entered into it knowing there would be great responsibilities also. Those responsibilities are not only to the King but to His subjects also. His kingdom has been set up in a foreign land as it is now but when Christ returns along with judgment will come a new heaven and a new earth. We enter into this new kingdom or not. We have been given a new life in Christ and Jesus says that we have been given a responsibility also, (You are the light of the world). A song by Suzanne Prentice titled "You Can't be a Beacon" explains a little of how we are to be the light. How can you ask for truth when you do not truthful live How can you ask forgiveness when you don't forgive I don't mean to bring you down or speak to you unkind But you can't be a beacon if your light don't shine You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine There's a little light in all of us by God's design And you can't be a beacon if your light don't shine How can you ask a child to be honest and true When he can only judge what's right by what he sees in you How can you offer vision yet walk around blind No you can't see a beacon if it's light don't shine You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine There's a little light in all of us by God's design You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine May God's love surround you, may you find a brighter day May He grant you the peace you seek in every way God's light burns in each life, in yours and mine And you can be a beacon if you just let it shine You can be a beacon if you let it shine You can be a beacon if you let it shine There's a little light in all of us by God's design And you can be a beacon if you'll just let it shine (Suzanne Prentice) The answer to this question I have always wondered, How can Jesus find you when he comes back if your light doesn't shine? Darrell Quote
beliver Posted October 20, 2010 Report Posted October 20, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? We do not know the hour of Christ's coming we just have to be ready. Those who are saved will be taken, those who do not know Christ will remain to go into the tribulation. We can not judge according to the flesh, but the Bible says you will know them by their fruit, we should be fruit bearers, but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, gentleness, patient, longsuffering, meekness, temperance, all these things need to be part of our daily walk with Christ. Until then we need to be about the Father's business of winning souls and keep our lives pure and holy. Not everyone that says unto be Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of God, but those that do the will of my Father which is in heaven, what is His will that we be telling others about Jesus, that is the only reason we are here, God could have chosen to use other means, but He chose those who are saved to tell others, our job is to tell, His job is to convict and save, we do not save them Christ does the saving, we are only His vessel to tell others. Quote
PATCH Posted October 20, 2010 Report Posted October 20, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? There will be some who are saved and will go on to receive eternal life whilst others will face eternal punishment and destruction. Since we do not know when exactly Jesus will come again, we should live our lives in the fear of the Lord as if He is coming back today! We want to be able to face God and hear the words "Good and faithful servant". We cannot assume that just because we have received salvation at some point in our lives, our salvation is guaranteed. We have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. The trust and faith we have in God must also be manifested in our daily living so that others will be drawn to Jesus. We must pray for God's mercy over those who do not know Jesus and wherever possible share the good news with them. Quote
alexandria Posted October 20, 2010 Report Posted October 20, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? I think that our passage teaches us to be ready, with a strong faith in Jesus and God, and to know that if we are ready and prepared, we do not have to worry or be concerned about being left behind. If we believe, without doubt, as Noah did, there is no question that we will be taken with jesus, to his Kingdom to reign forever and those who are left behind, are those who refused to accept Jesus and to follow God faithfully. Those who are left behind will be judged accordingly. It should affect our lives in such a way, that we will not question or doubt that Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only light, which guides us to this point and prepares us for Gods final reign with his faithful followers in his Kingdom. So we will make every effort to be as God wants us to be, free of sin and as faithful to God the Father, God the Son and God the holy Spirit as it is possible for us to be, with the help of God. Our lives will be affected in such a positive way, that everyone will see the light of Jesus shining through us and our lives will be lived for God, not for material possessions. Our testimony should always be a positive one and we should always be prepared to defend our belief in god, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. If we ask God for guidance and for the right words in every situation, we should be able to testify, for our God, in such a positive way that those who question us will also want what we have. Our love for our neighbors, should always shine like a beacon in the night and we have to remember that our neighbors does not just mean those who live in our community, but also those who live in other countries. We are called to love all our neighbors, meaning everyone, even if we do not agree with their doctrine, or their beliefs which can, if we let it, cause hatred and wars and this is what we don't want. If everyone in the world practiced this one commandment, imagine what a wonderful beautiful world this would be. Quote
jmlhopeful Posted October 20, 2010 Report Posted October 20, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? A person's eternal destiny is not determined by being close to those who are righteous. Each person stands before God alone. Therefore, we should be morally and spiritually ready. We should live as if Jesus were returning today. Quote
Seeking His Face Posted October 20, 2010 Report Posted October 20, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? I respond differently to situations if I realize as a child of God that today could be the day, today could be my last day on earth. Things that seemed so important are not anymore, Others become my concern. My Father's will for me takes 1st place. I realize in my humanness I forget,and revert to my old ways. But! as His child I can have the mind of Christ and He will keep me. Quote
Guest Windy Posted October 21, 2010 Report Posted October 21, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? We should be constantly ready, we need to live our lives as an example, to show the world Jesus, through us. We want our loved one and our neighbors all to be with Jesus, so we need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit, to speak to their hearts. I don't want to see anyone go to hell, and I know some have harden their hearts and are well on the way. But there is hope for them if we pray and show them that Jesus is the only way. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted October 21, 2010 Report Posted October 21, 2010 First of all, I don't know anything about any "secret rapture" so I'll just answer the question as best I can. The very fact that two will be in a bed and one will be taken at exactly the same time as two will be working in the field and two will be grinding corn tells me that this event ,this "taking of believers" will happen in an instant, simultaneously, all over the world because while it's daytime on one side of the world, it's night time on the other. This, by the way, would have perplexed the people of the day who believed the earth to be flat. We have no problem understanding the simultaneity of the event but Jesus' hearers certainly wouldn't have understood. How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? Since we don't know when it'll happen we should be on our toes and ready just in case it's about to happen. There may be no opportunity for a deathbed confession, repentance, and acceptance of Christ, after living a life devoted to our own pleasures, wants, and needs. We're told elsewhere in Scripture to do what we can to hasten Christ's return. We're told that the Gospel will be preached to all the earth and then the end will come. We should either do the preaching ourselves or equip those who are called to do the preaching . . . the missionaries, pastors, para-church organizations, etc. I believe everyone should do a bit of preaching him/herself. Even if it's nothing more than a life lived in reverence to God that sets an example to the unsaved of how Christians conducts themselves. I doubt very much if you'll ever see me on the street corner wearing the sandwich boards and proclaiming "Repent! The end is nigh!" I honestly think that holds the name of Christ up to ridicule. What I will constantly try to do is, by God's help, live in such a way as to be a positive influence in a lost world. Quote
Delivered Posted October 21, 2010 Report Posted October 21, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? The passage teaches me that the righteous will one day be separated from those that live lives of unrighteousness, those that are taken, are those who have an intimate, close relationship with the one receiving them, for they have been going about their daily lives, anxiously awaiting for this day to come -- those that are separated, sent away, are those who do not have a relationship with Christ, they are living each day as they come, making no preparation for the Great Day of Christ Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 21, 2010 Report Posted October 21, 2010 The passage teaches us about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes is that it will be immediate and we will not be able to ask for forgiveness. We need to keep right with God. This should affect our lives so that we keep right with God. We should be reading the bible and praying. Our testimony should be about the coming of the Kingdom and our love for our neighbors should be that we tell them about the Kingdom. Quote
Ramon Posted October 21, 2010 Report Posted October 21, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? Answer: The passage teach about the Second coming of our Lord Jesus to separate His Chosen people,those who endured to the end.He will established His Kingdom,having only His people dwelling therein.And They will be my people,and I will be their God..Jeremiah 31:33 - But this [shall be] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those day, saith the LORD, I will put my in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. It also teach us that,those that are not saved,those who believe not the Gospel,will be left,even though it is your wife/husband(as signify in slleping in one bed),child,mother,etc. The separation is real:IT IS EITHER YOU ARE SAVED OR YOU ARE DOOMED. There is no middle man,or fence sitter. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18-For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise: 17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words. It also teaches us to be watchfull,and to spread the Good news of Salvation to everybody,starting from our Family and to the World,for we don Quote
jr4624 Posted October 21, 2010 Report Posted October 21, 2010 Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors? When the time comes, there will be no further opportunity to get right with God. Wherever you are at that moment in your relationship with God, that is where you will be eternally. Those who are prepared will be saved. Those who are unprepared will be lost. It won't matter how close someone is to another who is saved, if their hearts are not in the proper condition, they are subject to judgement. It is pretty much the same as at the time of each of our deaths. They will have doomed themselves to live forever apart from God in the eternal fire and punishment that is hell. It should have the effect on our lives of making us motivated to be sure we are living a life that is pleasing to God. Our testimony should include an explanation of how we came to realize our sinfulness and opposition to God, the reasons why we came to admit that we need a Savior, and the reality of God's judgement. In this way we can tell others how important it is for them to think about these issues and make a decision concerning their own lives. If we do indeed love our neighbors (everyone who share this world together), we should be extremely motivated to share the whole gospel with them. They need to know that sin is real, and hateful to God. They need to know in their own hearts that they are sinful and subject to God's judgement for that. They need to know that the penalty for sin is eternity in hell. And most importantly, they need to know that there is a Savior who will pay their penalty for them if they ask. If we love our neighbors, we should be trying to make sure they have all this information so that they have the chance to escape the impending day of wrath. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted October 21, 2010 Report Posted October 21, 2010 This passage teaches us that the separation and judgment will be swift, quick and final. It will be unexpected and we should be mindful of our lives every day, because we don't know the day or hour and we should be prepared. This should affect our lives in day to day living. Hour to hour, minute to minute. I have recently had the Holy Spirit reminding me of this daily. I'll be doing my every day living and He'll suddenly speak to me, "If I came right now....would you stand approved?" Sometimes I can say yes and sometimes I'm convicted, even in small ways, but I am always`reminded that I need Him every hour and how`easily I lose focus! This should also affect our testimony. When I am called to testify and am tempted to not say or witness, I'm reminded there may not be a tomorrow for any of us. What if that was the last day for who God sent to you? Was I faithful to be a witness when called? Would I regret I wasted an opportunity or didn't live every day as a testimony? The same in loving others. Could my unconditional love make a difference TODAY? There may be no tomorrow. No time left to say "I love you." No time left to win someone with love. No words to say when we are asked, "Did you love? Did you forgive? Did you live for Me and show who I Am?" This is`serious meditation! One we don't take seriously enough or respect God with! Quote
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