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Holiness of a Church is constituted by by the following characters : It is dedicated to God , sacred , this means that it pure , perfect and worthy of God .

The Church is holy because of Christ's sacrifice . He loved it so much that is why He give up His life to her by dying on the cross .

  • 6 months later...

The church is to be Holy and set apart for service to God. Christ was the loving sacrifice for the church and the bride is the grateful people who serve Him. All is done out of love for our Savior. We love, because He first loved us. We can't serve whole heartedly until we truly know what has been done for us and what has been given to us. It is our deepest gratitude that awakens our love for Him and cultivates a pure heart to truly serve HIM.

The church is Holy because of what Christ has done for her. His death on the cross is her salvation and yet, we as the church are also continually cleansed " through the Word." The Word of God convicts and cleanses us daily. We are being made Holy through the Word. It is crucial for Christians to remain in the Word. We remain in Christ that way. He is the living Word. We live out what He shows us. We have attained salvation through Jesus Christ, yet we are working out our Salvation for our salvatrion yet to come.

(1 Peter). We are called to "Be holy as He is holy."

We can be holy without being legalistic or judgemental towards others by remembering that though we are striving for the highest goal, we also fail so often. We realize our own imperfections and we remember the grace shown to us by God and we extend that grace towards others. We remember that each one is a masterpiece in the making. He who started the good work in each one will complete it. None of us are done yet. No one has "arrived". All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We are all in need of a Savior and we all need to help one another to grow into all that God wants us to be. We help others where we can and we accept help when we need it. In love. Truth in love and love in truth. We must do

all things from a pure heart because He first loved us. Then we won't be in it to condemn others or to serve for selfish motives like power or money or self gratification.

The church is to be Holy and set apart for service to God. Christ was the loving sacrifice for the church and the bride is the grateful people who serve Him. All is done out of love for our Savior. We love, because He first loved us. We can't serve whole heartedly until we truly know what has been done for us and what has been given to us. It is our deepest gratitude that awakens our love for Him and cultivates a pure heart to truly serve HIM.

The church is Holy because of what Christ has done for her. His death on the cross is her salvation and yet, we as the church are also continually cleansed " through the Word." The Word of God convicts and cleanses us daily. We are being made Holy through the Word. It is crucial for Christians to remain in the Word. We remain in Christ that way. He is the living Word. We live out what He shows us. We have attained salvation through Jesus Christ, yet we are working out our Salvation for our salvatrion yet to come.

(1 Peter). We are called to "Be holy as He is holy."

We can be holy without being legalistic or judgemental towards others by remembering that though we are striving for the highest goal, we also fail so often. We realize our own imperfections and we remember the grace shown to us by God and we extend that grace towards others. We remember that each one is a masterpiece in the making. He who started the good work in each one will complete it. None of us are done yet. No one has "arrived". All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We are all in need of a Savior and we all need to help one another to grow into all that God wants us to be. We help others where we can and we accept help when we need it. In love. Truth in love and love in truth. We must do

all things from a pure heart because He first loved us. Then we won't be in it to condemn others or to serve for selfish motives like power or money or self gratification.

  • 6 months later...
Q3. (Ephesians 5:26) What constitutes "holiness" of a church? Is the church holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her, or because of her own actions, or both? How can we be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another? Exposition

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  • 3 weeks later...
Q3. (Ephesians 5:26) What constitutes "holiness" of a church? Is the church holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her, or because of her own actions, or both? How can we be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another? Exposition

This is difficult for me because I tend to be a bit legalistic. Holiness is, in essence, placing yourself in God's hands to mold and make you into what He wants us to be. It's both doing and not doing. Not continuing in the sin He saved us from, and also changing for the better to become a new creature He intends us to be.

The church is holy because of His sacrifice for her. Even though the word says "If you love me keep my commandments".

It also says that "our righteousness is as filthy rags". The only thing holy about us is the blood of Jesus we are covered in.

but I personally still believe you should obey and keep His comandments. James says it this way "Faith without works is dead" I have taught my children from the time they were very young to show me you love me rather that just saying you love me. How do we show love? by honoring and obeying. Putting HiM first.

I'm still working on the legalistic part and judgemental part - but I think that if I will keep my focus on HIM and not others and on what I am doing or not doing then I won't have time to judge others. Like I said I'm still working on it :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  • 4 months later...

Q3. (Ephesians 5:26) What constitutes "holiness" of a church?

"Holiness" is being separated and set aside for God.

Is the church holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her, or because of her own actions, or both?

The church is holy only because of the work of Christ to cleanse and redeem her, setting her aside for God's use thus making her holy.

How can we be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another?

We can be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another by living out the commandment to love each other as we love ourself.

  • 4 months later...

Q3. (Ephesians 5:26) What constitutes "holiness" of a church? Is the church holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her, or because of her own actions, or both? How can we be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another?

The holiness of a church is connected to the process of sanctification. To sanctify means to set apart. The church is already sanctified and is being set apart day by day. The church is going through a process of moral and spiritual preparation, similar to the one year course of beauty culture which Esther took before being presented to King Ahasuerus, Esther 2:12-16. The process of sanctification is carried on by the washing of water by the Word of God. This means that the lives of believers are cleansed as they hear the words of Christ and obey them. Jesus said to His disciples in John 15:3: "You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you." Just as the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses once for all the Christian from the guilt and penalty of sin, so the Word of God cleanses the believer continually from the defilement and pollution of sin. This verse teaches that the church is being bathed at the present time, not with literal water, but with the cleansing agent of the Word of God.

We are made holy by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for us. Our actions are in response to the action of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. However, each person must respond and choose holiness or worldliness; salvation or rebellion; Heaven or hell, etc.

Legalism and judgmentalism have nothing to do with being holy. In fact, both of these traits are sinful. Both are grounded in personal pride and arrogance. Jesus was neither legalistic or judgmental, but a compassionate, ministering spirit. He was about saving the lost. Judgment day will come in its own time. Now is the time for salvation.

Q3. (Ephesians 5:26) What constitutes "holiness" of a church? Is the church holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her, or because of her own actions, or both? How can we be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another? Exposition

Holiness is sanctification which is to be set apart to God and the resultant state and I think it refers to the universal church, not "a" church. And however the Lord works it out , I believe it is a done deal because of his sacrifice for us and our acceptance of that sacrifice and his operation and orchestration as head of the church It is as sure, I believe, as we are presently seated in the heavenlies, though in our space and time, we appear not to be. We aren't saved by grace and kept by works or performance, and I believe it is a work of grace by the Spirit, a state predetermined by God for believers. If we're legalistic and judgmental, we're in need of a revelation of the Lord himself, just as the Pharises were.

I personally find that the more I focus on myself and my behavior, the more I revert back to legalism so I don't think it's healthy to be judgmental toward ourselves either. Phillipians says that Jesus is faithful to finish in us what he has started.

There's no more wonderful place to be than when we can rest in that.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Ephesians 5:26) What constitutes "holiness" of a church? Is the church holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her, or because of her own actions, or both? How can we be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another?

15But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."[a] I Peter 1:15-16.

The first thing that has always come to mind when I think of the word "holiness" is perfection but we are not perfect, so, I don't know. I wonder if sometimes we zero in too much on the "what" to do to make ourselves holy/perfect rather than understanding "why" we are holy. But then maybe they both go hand-in-hand. We are holy because He is holy but also we can strive to be more holy/Christlike when we study His Word and put it into practice.

We can refrain from being legalistic and judgemental if we practice agape love. Sometimes I don't think about that as much as I remember that I am a sinner saved by grace and have no right to judge others becuase Christ died for my sins, all of my sins...the open and the secret...just like He did for everyone else.


Thanks for the scriptures.

  • 4 months later...

The church, which is the people in the building, are sanctified in three ways. 1., by the blood of the Lamb, 2., by the Holy Spirit and 3., by the Word. Sanctified is to be set apart for God's purpose and we are made holy by Him as we cannot attain holiness on our own because of our sinful nature. Our job is to stay in and abide by the Word which allows the process to grow. By doing this we will avoid carnal or religous interpretations. It is the way to maturity and takes us through the stage of judgemental and legalistic battle.


A holy church shows signs of being dedicated and set-apart from the world to be a good work of the Lord, and do His will. We are made only holy on by Christ's giving up of Himself, and we walk in that holiness by loving God with our words and deeds to others. And following Christ's example should keep us from being legalistic and judgmental.

  • 1 year later...

(Ephesians 5:26) What constitutes "holiness" of a church? Is the church holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her, or because of her own actions, or both? How can we be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another?

"...Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word...." (5:25b-26)

Christ loved the church, sacrificing himself for her. To make holy or sanctify "by the washing of water" means an act completed by Christ. It is done through his word, because of his sacrifice. This spiritual cleansing is something Christ does for us. This idea is not new to Jewish thought. Ezekiel of how Israel was bathed in water, anointed with oil, clothed in beauty, adorned with great riches, and fed with the best of food. The only way we can be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward other people is to remember we are only made holy and sanctified through the great sacrifice of Jesus, not by our own actions. --- "there is none righteous, no not one."

  • 10 months later...

Holiness is being set apart for God. We are not holy in and of ourselves, but we do have our righteousness in Christ Jesus. He gave His life for us to make us holy, cleansing us by the washing with water through the word. That's the done deal in the spiritual....yet in our flesh, we know we are not perfect. It is only through Jesus we are holy and set apart, but the process of growing out of imperfection into perfection is our sanctification through the word. When we take an active part to read the word, BELIEVE the word, know the word and meditate on the word, then we transform every day in renewing our minds with the truth which in turn changes our lives. This is all in Christ also, as He IS the word and bread of life. Apart from Him we can do nothing yet with Him all things are possible including the transformation of the inner workings of ourselves.

Anyone who is judgmental is under an erroneous thought process that "they" have done something "better" or "more right" than another. It's a tendency to look down on another persons sin without fully realizing our own. We ALL sin and fall short and no one sin is worse than another. The sin of immorality by one person is frowned down upon and met with the sin of arrogance by another. Both sin. But when we see ourselves as sinners and the grace by which we have been forgiven, then we forgive others. We don't "condone" sin, but in humbleness it becomes more about having your heart broken to see someone restored and knowing the love of Jesus and coming into right relationship again more than looking down on sin or condemning for the sin. We(truly)love the sinner, yet hate the sin at work in the flesh. Knowing we ALL fight one kind of battle or another in our flesh, we look on in compassion and love and try to restore in truth. All the while, we are growing in ourselves too....because we are reminded of our weaknesses also. No room for arrogance there! By the Spirit, the desire is for everyone to know Christ and to be transformed and become children of God.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Ephesians 5:26) What constitutes "holiness" of a church? Is the church holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her, or because of her own actions, or both? How can we be holy without being legalistic and judgmental toward one another? Exposition

1. how nice the christians behave towards eachother

2. because Christ sets us apart

3. by behaving nice?

  • 2 months later...

Q3.(Ephesians 5:26)

What constitutes "holiness" of a church?

A Church that is cleansed from all sin, pure, perfect, without any blemish, and separated entirely to Jesus Christ and to His service

Is the church holy because of Christ's sacrifice for her, or because of her own actions, or both?

Only because of our Saviour

  • 7 months later...

The church is holy because Jesus has set her apart, loved her, washed her sins,hurts and guilt away, and has set her apart as his own beloved bride. Holiness is something that Jesus does for us. We do not make ourselves holy. This levels the playing field because we all must stand at the foot of the cross together. We are called to be holy just as He is holy. We, the church, must stand together, submit to the Holy Spirit's sanctifing work, and humbly serve one another in love just as Christ has served and loved us.

  • 1 month later...

3a) Holiness of a church,comes from Christ’s sacrifice, paying the cost,his blood covered us, washed by the word of God, purifying us.

b)Christ initiated it, draws his church to him &builds us up,through his word,he renews our minds &heart,changing us,strengthening us,saving us.Through prayer reveals to us what he wants to perfect in us, causes us to repent, pull down our pride. we need his help to behave as he asks

C)Focusing on Jesus,his agape costly love for us ,our actions showing love to others,building others up,through holy spirit working through us, will prevent us being legalistic &judgmental with others.

  • 2 weeks later...

a. Pure and blameless, washed in the blood......with sins forgiven.

b. God has done the work, made the way for the church tobe holy, but the chruch MUST remain true to Gods teachings, His will

c. we must keep our eyes on Jesus to follow His teachings. We aren't to judge nor condem one another, just love each other as Christ loves us.

  • 3 weeks later...

The thing that constitutes “holiness” of the church is Jesus Christ. He is the one that sacrificed for us. The church is only holy because of Christ’s sacrifice for her. We had nothing to do with it. We can be holy by just knowing that we did not have anything to do our salvation except to accept the grace of Jesus Christ.

  • 3 years later...

A "holiness" of a church, is a church that was washed in the blood of Christ. A church can not become holy by her own actions. We need to have the love of Christ in the people that belong to the church. There can not be an judgement toward the members of a congregation, there can only be a judgement toward their actions. We need to mentor each other. We need to set examples for each other. We need to gently, but firmly with love call each other on the carpet for mistakes that are being made. We need to extend forgiveness to them.

  • 2 months later...

what constitutes holiness in a church?

holiness for church constitutes being set apart for Christ. just as a bride is set apart for her husband and sanctified for him then the church is sanctified and set apart for Christ.the brideand as well the church having a bath in water washed in Christ's blood and anointed in oil dressed in fine linen and covered with costly clothes. the church has been a beautiful for the Lord.

the church is being set apart for God, for Christ and as such should remain faithful to the end. but just as in some bible prophecies it is possible for the church to prostitute itself before the world. this is something which the Church must be careful off and strive to be true.

  • 5 years later...

In his word God said be holy because I'm holy.Yes, Jesus sacrifice for the church that is why the  word says by His blood we were cleansed for our sins.

How can we be holy without being legalistic and judgemental towards one another? Since God is Love.We as a church also gave us that to love one another.Love perfect everything. 

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