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Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

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Jesus teaches us that His Kingdom is the most valuable thing we could desire. It is worth giving up all we have to attain it. If we find ourselves unable to give up something...we are holding on too tightly to the world.

In this world of temptations and some very good things, we can satiate ourselves on daily life without Jesus. It is actually "work" to keep focused on Jesus and letting Him set our priorities.

The Word's teaching about the Kingdom shows us the high value. The more we read His Word, the more we can appreciate what is to come.

I think if we share our weaknesses in any area--in the things that oppose His Kingdom-- & share how God has revealed these areas in our lives to us--and to see us handle things differently, we can be a witness to our unsaved or floundering friends/seekers.


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

Jesus teaches us the incalculable value and worth of the Kingdom of God. It is to be sough first and with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We are tempted to value it so little because of fear and unbelief. It is a Kingdom not seen with our natural eyes, the benefits of which are recieved by faith. All the world has to offer is immediate gratification for the most part and our flesh battles us for it.

Practicing the presence of God by growing in our faith and living in the joy that His presence affords, exhibiting by our lives that peace that is beyond understanding and serving God and others would help seeking friends to value God's Kingdom more.


What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom?

Jesus teaches us that His Kingdom value is beyond measure and that He values it. It's worth is greater than it's weigh to those who realize it's value. For those who do not realize it's worth one day that will have knowledge of what could have been.

Why are we tempted to value it so little?

Christians are not to walk by sight, yet then that we see can quickly grab our attention. The now and society has a strong influence which can affect our Spiritual eyes. Also because many take advantage of God's grace and frustrates His mercy. Ecclesiastes 8:11 Because sentence against a wicked work is not executed speedily - on this account, the heart of the sons of men is fully set within them, to commit wickedness. Either people are not reverencing God and or because of unbelief..

What helps us to appreciate its true value?

Getting to know Christ. To love Him is to know Him, to know Him is to trust Him, to trust Him is to honor Him, to honor Him is to obey Him.

Compassion is not a human emotion it is the awesome presence of God, it is knowing God, it is experiencing God, it is experiencing Love. (1 John 4:7-8 NKJV) Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. {8} He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. When you walk in compassion you walk in the Spirit, compassion bears all of the fruits of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-25 NKJV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, {23} gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. {24} And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. {25} If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Compassion is totally unselfish, you love the person you are giving to and you don't care if they give anything back to you. Compassion is it's own reward, the presence of God.

There are so many things to know about God but the most important thing is God is full of compassion, God is Love. Everything else in all of creation can be explained by this knowledge. God loves to exercise compassion so He has created a universe that needs His compassion desperately. (Romans 11:32 NIV) For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy (compassion) on them all.

Spiritual growth results from trusting Jesus Christ. "The righteous man shall live by faith" (Galatians 3:11). A life of faith will enable you to trust God increasingly with every detail of your life, and to practice the following:

G Go to God in prayer daily (John 15:7).

R Read God's Word daily (Acts 17:11) - begin with the Gospel of John.

O Obey God moment by moment (John 14:21).

W Witness for Christ by your life and words (Matthew 4:19; John 15:8).

T Trust God for every detail of your life (1 Peter 5:7).

H Holy Spirit - Allow Him to control and empower your daily life and witness (Galatians 5:16,17; Acts 1:8).

How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

By not pretending, by not being hypocrites, by responding moreso than reacting. By not walking around with the persona of a comic superhero, if we fall proceed as God desires with godly repentance. By demonstrating compassion, by being a servant. By not becoming offended when we are treated as a servant. When someone see us (the Believer) they should see the reflection of Christ. The healing through us may not be physical, it maybe spiritual, emotional and or mental. The touch from us may not be physical however it may be the warmest touch a person can feel. Those who have been comfort can by the grace of God comfort others.


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Through the parables of the Hidden Treasure, the Pearl and the Rich Young Ruler, Jesus teaches us that the Kingdom is so valuable, no amount of money in this world put together, will be able to match it that is if a value can be determined in the first place. Therefore we should be willing to give up everything for the Kingdom.

Why are we tempted to value it so little? We find wealth and earthly pleasures more tangible. The "rewards" of wealth are almost instantaneous. The world glamourizes sinful living and indulgence, and persecutes those who choose to walk with God. Unfortunately the modern church also value earthly wealth more than Kingdom living.

What helps us to appreciate its true value? Sometimes we have to pass through fires of sorrow, hardship, pain and see God's deliverance to appreciate the true value of the Kingdom. We also have to spend time meditating on the sacrifice of Jesus and God's unconditional's love, as well as pray always.

How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more? I think its important that I am transparent and walk the talk.


What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom?

He teaches us that it is worth everything...that to enter we need to lay down self, or waht is important to us and follow Him.

Why are we tempted to value it so little?

We are in this world and I think our vision becomes where we think the things we have, the things we possess are definitive of who we are. We become fearful to give up to follow Him, when this is the path with all the prizes....a free trip to HEAVEN.

What helps us to appreciate its true value?

I think we can appreciate it's true value when we see that Jesus gave HIs life for us.....what a price He paid.

How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

I think my testimony has been one of ups and downs, of struggles and triumphs.....but ut has all been done with the glory and guidance Christ Jesus. He has been abundantly good to me and saved me form a life of sorrow....to a life of His joy, His peace.


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

The Kingdom of Heaven is more valuable than anything else we can have, and a person must be willing to give up everything to obtain it.

Nothing is precious than the Kingdom of Heaven, yet God gives it to us as a gift


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

Jesus teaches, the Kingdom is worth everything, it is where we should desire to be forever. The unknown is fearful, and since we have not seen it with our own eye, we may fear it a little. So we don't value it as we such. We need to remember that Jesus gave His life so that we may be with Him in the Kingdom. Then we would appreciate its true value. Hopefully, my friends would see the joy and peace in my life that Jesus, has brought to me, and would want that for themselves.



Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?


1 What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom?

The Kingdom is worth more than anything that is of great value in our life.It has no equal,in terms of worth,it is the only treasure worth having,and keeping


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?


We are blinded by our sin nature and separated from God.

The Holy Spirit helps us in all our infirmities.

God Bless!




Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

He teaches us that the Kingdom of God is the most valuable thing in the universe; more valuable than anything we can imagine.

One reason is that it is not tangible now to our human senses. We can't see, hear, smell, feel or taste it in any physical way but lots of other stuff we think of as valuable is right there in front of us competing for our time and attention.

To stay focused on the things of God and on the promises of God in Scripture. We can ask God for help in understanding and for strength and support to help us in our carnal weakness. He will gives us these and more through His Holy Spirit.

It can show them that none of us can do these things in our own power. It can model a daily walk with our Savior that is yielded to His will.


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

The value and worth of the Kingdom is immense. In the two parables, the implication is that the value and worth of the treasure is so great that both men were willing to sell off all they owned in order to possess the treasure. Often, we are tempted to "under-value" the Kingdom because it is not something that can be seen or touched. The only way we can appreciate its true value is by spending time at Jesus' feet. We need to feel the heart-beat of God and know Jesus with our heart before we can really appreciate the true value of the Kingdom. Valuing the Kingdom means keeping our focus on Jesus and not letting our wealth, riches, possessions, job, etc hinder or distract us from that focus. Our testimony must only be that our walk and our talk has the same focus on Jesus. If not, we will be branded hypocrites.


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

The teachings of Christ are that the Kingdom of God is priceless.. The reason we value it so little is that we misunderstand our cost going into it. Let me explain it with one concept I learned early on in my walk with the Lord.

Just last week I told an employee of mine, "Watch this." I pulled into a driveway of a customer's house I had painted two years prior. I knocked on the door and asked him if he had a cup of coffee. We got back in the truck after talking to the customer for ten minutes or so. I explained to Aaron that not too many painting contractors could do that. I told him that when I do a job for somebody my main concern is not in how much money I make but how well I do the job and how happy I leave the customer. This is what the Lord's word says about that, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. That particular house I discovered a bunch of siding that needed to be replaced before painting. The owners couldn't afford any extra so I replaced it at the same bid price. Sure I didn't make as much money as I wanted, but I gained a friend, a place of refuge so to speak, all because of God's word.

Our testimony should not be solely in the words we speak, but also in our actions. A now friend of mine called me up asking for advice about some problems he was having. He was working with a construction company building houses, and I knew him on the job. I also knew that there were others working for that same company who went to church, so I asked him why he called me instead of one of his co-workers. He said and I quote, "It is because you act different." If we act the same as the world when we enter into His Kingdom where is the attraction, where is the difference?



Jesus teaches us that the value and the worth of the Kingdom are of the most value we can ever have or find. It is worth giving up everything for and worth keeping our eye (setting our sight on Heavenly things) on all the time. It is worth seeking after continuously and is the ultimate to attain.

We are tempted to value it so little because we walk by worldly sight so much. When we seek spiritually, we find spiritually and then our eyes are opened to the Spirit. When we walk by faith, then we see through spiritual eyes the Kingdom around us and in us and in others. We find truth and mystery and find that the Kingdom is SO different from the world! Some women and I were talking in another Bible study about how we learn so much from the world from birth and how hard that is to overcome. It's like ingrained in us and we need to relearn from the Holy Spirit. I liken it to truly being born again. We renew our minds. When we are living in a world with a society (even in the church) that honors and elevates worldly thinking, it's very hard to choose the right path of the Kingdom, because it's so different and the opposite of the world. If we aren't careful to stay connected to God and learn HIS truths and depend on the Holy Spirit to guide us and change our hearts, then we can stray pretty quickly.

We can appreciate it's true value as we live our faith. We come to experience the truth of God's word and we learn of Him and we become His. That's an awesome experience and we come to know His love and faithfulness. We can trust Him, even in discipline or when things we thought were OK, He says no to. We know He's always for us and we can appreciate His way and His decisions for our lives. Our spiritual eyes are opened to a most excellent way and we come to trust living in that realm and the worldly becomes so shallow to us.

My testimony helps others to seek the Kingdom more because I can honestly say, "HE'S ALIVE!" So many people are looking for peace and fulfillment and don't even know where to find it. I once was like that, but Jesus found me and what was once like a story, became REAL. When I can share my testimonies of God with us. God for us. God alive and seeking us today. God who loves us. God who heals. God who makes impossible, possible. God who is faithful. God who is Holy, God who saves.... and share accounts of miraculous sightings and healing and love.....then I see it make a difference. There is hope. There is renewal, there is strength to go on. There is seeking and crying out. There is turning, repentance and growing. It's just so profound to watch someone discover the truth and their Savior and see what He does in them. No one too lost.

I know!

What rejoicing!


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

It is to be sought after as you would search for hidden treasure. It is to be valued above rubies and diamonds it is worth giving our all. We value it so little because we seek after other things and we are too wrapped up in this world. Our first priority is seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteouness. As we live our lives for the Lord, those around us will see the value of seeking God's kingdom. When they see how we handle lifes trials they can see there is value in what we are living and striving to please.


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom?

The value and worth of the Kingdom, God


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? ANSWER: He teaches us that it is more valuable then any earthly relationship or possession. He teaches us of it's great value by likening it to something we can relate to here on earth, like a precious stone, a desired gem, or like a hidden treasure.

Why are we tempted to value it so little? Answer: Because we want to see something far more tangible than the Kingdom of God. We do not want to have faith without sight. We want tangible proof!

What helps us to appreciate its true value? ANSWER: Growing our faith, living in the spiritual realm where Jesus is. Searching, seeking, to know Him more and more.

How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more? ANSWER: This is a very personal question for me, as I just started writing out my testimony for the first time. I pray for the Lord to help me find a way to truthfully, and elegantly tell my story, a way which will encourage and inspire others to get to know our Wonderful Lord and Savior. By giving my testimony I'm hoping that another may read it or hear it, and see and hear the way in which the Lord has changed my life! Thus, drawing them into a better relationship with God!


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?


He teaches me that it is more precious than gold. There is no earthly equivalent to it.

Because sometimes we forget who we belong to and walk in the carnal man (flesh).

I appreciate it more if I stay in the Word, study it , meditate on it. Hearing it from my Savior when He speaks to me makes it more real and valuable. I believe when I speak from my heart and tell what the Lord has done for me It helps them believe if God does it for me He will do it for them. It increases there ability to believe, to seek His face.


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

that its value and worth exceeds anything and everything we can possible imagine. . . That it cannot be bought or earned - it is a gift given to believes that only He can give. . .

I think we value it so little because we know so little about it. . . Knowing Him and knowing about His kingdom is when we can truly value it. . .



Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom?

Jesus teaches us that the Kingdom is worth more than everything we have. It's worth giving up everything we have to attain it.

Why are we tempted to value it so little?

I think because in our Western ideology we have a values system that is centered around material things; what can be seen and felt. Sure, we ACKNOWLEDGE there is a Kingdom of God and we know we want to belong to it, but since it can't be seen or felt or experienced in our three dimensional world view we tend to not think about it all that much. We're kept so busy living life in this fast paced world that we actually forget about Jesus from time to time . . . More's the pity.

What helps us to appreciate its true value?

I think regularly taking stock of our lives and remembering Christ's sacrifice on our behalf, done in the context of regular Bible study and personal devotions, has to help us fully appreciate the value of membership in the Kingdom of Heaven. Bible studies like this one are also an enormous help in bringing understanding of Jesus' often complicated teachings.

How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

From a purely personal viewpoint, I don't think my testimony would help anyone! I'm divorced and don't lead a very victorious Christian life at all. I can't set much of an example as far as getting people to value the Kingdom of God goes because I'm not a good example of a citizen of the Kingdom. The one thing I try never to be is a hypocrite. I live a quiet life and try to do whatever good I can do and not hurt anyone. When asked if I'm a Christian I always say yes. But I don't force my beliefs on anyone simply because I don't want them to stumble by following my flawed example. Don't get me wrong . . . I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, consort with bad women, steal, cheat, or lie. But they're the negative "Don't do's". It's the positive actions of the Christian life where I fall short in my estimation. I live every day with the consequences of my past and all I can really do is try my best not to repeat my mistakes and not to make matters any worse. My only ministry is in Christian giving to God's workers here on Earth and in that way I hope to advance His Kingdom.


Q4 The value and worth of the Kingdom is like the precious treasure or the pearl

which is priceless and worth every effect to make sacrifices in order to achieve

it. As Christians, this is the most valuable asset which is worth more than

anything this world can offer. It is God's gift and graces to His people.

We are tempted to value it so little because of our greed and the worldly

influences and our mind is crowded with the cares of the day and take things for


Out total surrender and focus on Jesus, our daily stripling of self from all

material influences and spending more time in prayers.

By my living my Christian life, sharing and allowing the friend to experience the

love of God in a personal way and on God's promises to His people.


I think that Jesus is teaching us about the value and worth of the Kingdom because we are to set our sights on it. He wants us to know that there is nothing better and that our hopes are not for nothing.

We are tempted to value it so little because it isn


Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

Jesus teaches us that there is nothing on earth that can compare to the treasure of heaven. There are so many times that we get 'caught up' with what is important getting through everyday life that we take our eyes off the Kingdom. Before we know it, we are coveting for things for ourselves before thinking of others. It seems to be a constant battle to stay away from such bondage. Without daily prayer and reading, there would no defense against it. There are so many nowadays getting so caught up in anger about the condition of the world, but oh, that wonderful promise of Jesus return! Order will be restored, the chaos will pass away. His promises are hope, today and forever!!


Jesus teaching is that the Kingdom of God is of great value and is worth so much that we can forego other less vauable things here on earth so as to get it (Kingdom)

We are probably tempted to value the Kingdom less beacuse we have not been able to appreciate (visualise) its true value. We may be able to appreciate the Kingdom's value better by the help of the Holy Spirit.

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