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Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

The Kingdom is personal, not national or ethnic, and its entrance requirements are repentance and spiritual rebirth.

Nicodemus did not understand this because from the Bible he knew it would be ruled by God, it would be restored on earth, and it would incorporate God


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

4 Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mothers womb and be born?"

5 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Jesus is teaching about the spiritual nature of the Kingdom of God. He is teaching that there must be a change. A change from the natural to the spiritual.

Nicodemus doesn't get it. His remark about being naturally reborn from his mother a second time reveals his lack of understanding about what Jesus is teaching him.


(John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God?

The nature of God's kingdom, the character of God's kingdom differs from what He has allowed. Because a change is required that gives us a basis to begin. The Kingdom must reflect His character, He is love, he is merciful and kind, He is holy, He is righteous, He is just, He is without spot. The Kingdom although not tangible, it is tangible, being that God is a Spirit it is spiritual. Having said so, do to the choice afforded mankind some will not value that characteristic of God nor will they adhere to His yearning for them. Some will become more than causalities in the spiritual war that is as well at hand.

Do you think Nicodemus understands him?Partly

Partly because Nicodemus as did many of the people of his ethnic groups were greatly oppressed and had been for some time. They wanted to come from under that oppression. They had long sought a kingdom like that of old, perhaps when David was messiah (king). He believed knew it would be ruled by God (God's guidance & influence), he believed this kingdom would be restored on earth, and it would incorporate God


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

The nature of the kingdom of God is spiritual not physical. When we are born again things change we no longer walk according to the world's standards, but we walk as Jesus walked. We are different from the world and their beliefs. Our purpose know is to serve a new master, not the devil. We have a new direction and a new life in Christ. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old things are passed away, behold all things become new. I do not think Nicodemus really understood the Lord, for he spoke of going back into his mother's womb. He did not understand that there has to be a spiritual change in a person. We change from carnal to spirtual when we are born again. We will never be perfect in this physical body, but we strive to more like the Master each day. Our goal is to please Him and tell others about their need of salvation. Jesus is not willing that any perish but that all should come to repentance.


What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God?

We know from the teachings of Christ Jesus that it is a spiritual kingdom......spiritually discerned and spiritually entered.

Do you think Nicodemus understands him?

I think it would have been a deep question for Nicodemus.....he was in the ruling class of Jewish leaders and also followed all Jewish law....yet, he saw, he saw with human eyes and felt that tugging by the hand of God. Perhpas he kept questioning but I think that God opens our mind by our thoughts and questions.

Why or why not?

I think he opened his mind first and then God still wooed him to come and seek out the Savior.....Nicodemus had a hunger for the truth. Even thought the Jews were expecting a military leader I think he saw this was the King.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

Jesus is teaching that there is an undeniable condition of entry to the Kingdom of God. We must be born again . . . born from above (by the enabling of the Holy Spirit) . . . born of water and the Spirit. I think Jesus is intimating that there is a definite "birth date" involved. "The Day I first believed", to quote the old hymn. Of course there are plenty of people who can't accurately name the date they became a Christian. My old pastor was one such person, my mother is another. They both grew up with a knowledge of Jesus and in a Christian home environment and gradually came to depend on Jesus more and more as their faith in Him increased and their knowledge of the saving Grace of God brought them to own Christ as Savior. There was no specific day on which they became Christians. It happened gradually. For the majority of us though there is a day on which we acknowledged Jesus as our Savior. I think Jesus is telling Nicodemus that to become a Christian, a believer in Jesus as Messiah, he must begin anew . . . be born again or born anew. Day one, year one. This is only possible through the Grace from above (Heaven, where God lives). Hence the alternative translation "Born from Above". I think I might just have answered the next question as well!

I don't think Nicodemus does understand what Jesus just told him. His questioning reply about being physically born again shows clearly that he doesn't understand at all what Jesus meant. I agree with Pastor Ralph too on Jesus' being off hand and off topic with Nicodemus. Remember, though, that even in his human form Jesus is still able to know the thoughts of men. I believe that's why Jesus said what he did. He knew Nicodemus' heart. He knew the conversation was going to turn to the requirements of entry into the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus came at night. Jesus may well have been dog tired from a huge day. He simply cut to the chase. Notice Jesus offhandedly dismissed Nicodemus' compliment without even remarking on it. He knew why Nicodemus was there, so why waste time on small talk. He was also aware of Nicodemus' standing and the various offices of authority he held. Nicodemus would be someone you'd recognize on the street. His keeping of the Law of Moses would have been flawless by human standards too. As a Rabbi Nicodemus would have been a mature, highly intelligent man who wouldn't take offense at Jesus' bluntness.

One more quick comment here: Jesus also knew he was going to be recorded for all time in Scripture for his statement so he made sure he got to the subject matter without delay.


I don't want to say something incorrect, but I've heard that the Jews were familiar with the term "born again." But it referred only to Gentiles who converted to Judaism. Perhaps the thought of being lumped in with the Gentiles was so appalling to Nicodemas that he scoffed at the idea with his extreme example of being physically born again.

I don't know exactly what Gentiles had to do to be considered converted, but I'm sure it meant denying old belief systems, taking on a totally new one, new lifestyle, habits, everything. A total change.

And as far as physical birth goes, as an illustration, several things take place when a child is born. His/her connection with the mother is severed. He/she starts to breathe for the first time and changes take place within the heart and circulatory system. I see interesting parallels there, especially between breathing and receiving the Holy Spirit.


Q 1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God according to the scriptures Nicodemus studied (1Chron. 8:5) was a euphemism for the “Kingdom of Israel,” where peace and holiness will reign, Jesus was teaching that the nature of the Kingdom would be that of a regenerated soul, a spiritual rebirth, born of water, made clean, receiving a clean heart of flesh rather than a heart of stone, one who receives the Spirit of God so as to walk in His statutes. Its nature is of one who practices the truth in the light, manifesting good deeds onto God, one whose heart is tender towards God, trying to live a righteous life; he has been born from above, that of righteousness.

Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

I believe Nicodemus was searching for the truth, that he was seeking for the Messiah, who would rule in God’s Kingdom on earth, in Jerusalem, while Jesus was speaking about the most important part of being a citizen of the Kingdom of God and that is our spiritual need; so at this time I do believe Nicodemus was confused, just as Jesus disciples thought that Jesus would rule as Messiah, the scriptures tell us “If you search for me with all your heart you will find me.” I believe Nicodemus was searching for the truth with all his heart. Are we today making ready for the Kingdom to come to Jerusalem, ready for the King of Kings to rule and reign here on earth, I know I am.

P.S. Israel as a whole was blinded to the truth that Jesus would come first as the "Passover Lamb," (a mystery) so that the Gentile's could be grafted into the New Covenant God promised to Israel,of a new birth to Israel's stony heart; the Messiah who is Jesus, is coming to rule and reign here on earth, bringing peace to all who believe in the one true God, the God of Israel, who believe God did send His Son, His Lamb, to bring a new birth to the stony hearts of the Gentile people also, as God promised He would do.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

The Kingdom of God is not visible, material or of man. It is a spiritual reality. It can only be perceived by means of God's Spirit and water. Only if we are renewed and reborn by the Spirit and by water can we perceive it and enter in.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

That it is a spiritual kingdom that can only be entered by spiritual means. It is also only accessed on a personal level. You are not granted entrance because of your ethnicity.


The question he asks shows that he doesn't understand. Nicodemus speaks of a physical birth, not understanding that Jesus speaks purely of a spiritual rebirth.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

Jesus is teaching that to enter the Kingdom of Heaven one must have a change of heart. One must be born again of the Spirit that brings us into fellowship with God, and with one another.

The question Nicodemus had at first was concerning his belief about life after death. Jesus is teaching about the Kingdom of God here and now. To completely understand we first must realize that Jesus has not come back yet. We are one step closer to his return than at the time when Nicodemus asked his question. When Nicodemus asked his question Jesus had not yet suffered on the cross for us.

I think that Nicodemus came to understand what Jesus was teaching because he stood alone at the council of the Sadducees and Pharisees in speaking out for Jesus.



Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

I think that Jesus is teaching that the Kingdom of god is not of this world or a part of it,rather a spiritual domain that cannot be seen or entered without divine intervention.

First there is a need for a rebirth, this being a spiritual experience for-ordained by God and fulfilled by the grace and Spirit Of God.This rebirth is a gift from God to all those who accept it,by acknowledging Christ's sacrifice for our sins in His death and resurrection. We literally need to die to the world, and be born again into a kingdom set aside for us.

I think like most people today the idea of rebirth must have been quite confusing for him as can be seen by his response.He saw it as a physical rather than a spiritual birth.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

You must be born again (anew)to enter the Kingdom. Born of the water and the spirit. There must be a change.

No, Nicodemus knew of the law not of the spirit. His was rules and regulations,You must do this and don't every do that or you would be eternally separated. He had a knowledge of God but not a heart change, there must be a change.


What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? ANSWER: Jesus is teaching that, besides one's biological birth, one must also experience a supernatural, spiritual birth. Just as surely as a Christian is not merely biologically begotten but born, there is no such thing as a non-born-again Christian. To be a Christian we must be born again to Christ!

Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not? Answer: ANSWER: Nicodemis is perplexed by the second occasion of being born. His reply to Jesus indicates, not that he is contemplating being conceived again and entering his mother's womb, but that he is thinking of the end of the pregnancy, departing the womb in birth. He obviously does not understand that, in God's view, despite being physically alive, he is a spiritually dead man who needs God to resurrect him and give him the spiritual life that he lacks. He immediately relates Jesus' words to physical, earhtly birth, thus his thoughts take him in the wrong direction.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

The Kingdom is spiritually discerned and entered.

This means that you can't see or touch it, and that you can only enter if you repent.

Not only your body has to be born but also your religious understanding of Jesus.


The nature of the kingdom of God taught by Jesus was that it is a spiritual kingdom.

No, he didn't understand--he couldn't understand a spiritual entrance or rebirth.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5)

What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God can only be spiritually discerned, and only entered if we have been regenerated.

Do you think Nicodemus understands him?

No, Nicodemus did not understand Jesus. Even although Nicodemus was a learned man he did not recognise Jesus as God manifest in the flesh.

Why or why not?

He could only understand from a worldly perspective. Nicodemus only thought of Jesus as a great man or teacher. As a Jew, he had been looking for a Messiah to come and free Israel from the bondage of Rome. He did not fathom the concept that a man must be born again. Just as the first birth is necessary for physical birth, so a second birth is necessary for divine life.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

Jesus teaches that one must be born again to be able to enter the kingdom of God. I'm not sure that Nicodemus understands this concept (at least at the time). He asks Jesus, 'can a man enter again his mother's womb when he is old?' Because Nicodemus continued to follow Jesus, we can consider that the revelation of a 'spiritual birth' became clear to him.


Jesus teaches that the nature of the Kingdom is a spiritual one. He talks of being "born again." Born into the Spirit.

When we are born into the world, we begin our physical life and learn from people around us and through circumstances that surround us. We learn worldly things and how to physically survive, act and satisfy ourselves.

When we are reborn in the Spirit, it is a new birth where we start all over again, only this time, we learn Kingdom ways in the Spirit and by the Spirit. We are called and given spiritual eyes to discern and we learn a most excellent way to live and to understand the ways of God's Kingdom. It is a time of renewing the mind and focusing on spiritual things, letting the old worldly ways fall away. We die to ourselves as we do that, even putting to death anything in ourselves that has us clinging to the world. We are constantly being renewed by the Holy Spirit.

Did Nicodemus understand him? At the time I think he was confused, not understanding how a person could be born again. He was still seeing through worldly eyes and physical reality said to him, once a person is born, it's done. How could one then be born again! But, he was seeking and wanted to understand. There is no doubt to my mind, that he came to understand. God has promised that he will never turn away a sincere seeker and that if anyone seeks with all their heart, soul and mind, that they will surely find. On those promises, I know he came to believe and understand and was born again, which gives light to why he had part in the burial when Christ died. He did come to understand and be in relationship with Jesus as a follower and friend.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? He teaches that the Kingdom of God is not of this world and to be given access to this Kingdom, we have to believe and be born of the Spirit.

Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not? I don't know from this passage. Clearly Nicodemus wants to understand, but the final recorded words of Nicodemus in this passage is the question "How can these things be?" Did he understand after Jesus' explanation? It isn't clear, but in light of his involvement later in support of Jesus before the Sanhedrin (John 7, 50) and in the burial of Jesus John (John 19, 39), maybe he did.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

Jesus taught that the nature of the Kingdom is that it is Spiritually discerned and Spiritually entered. Basically this means that unless we are born of the Spirit and are taught and lead by the Spirit, we will not be able to discern or enter the Kingdom of God. I don't think Nicodemus will be able to understand this. First of all, Nicodemus was not a full believer, although he had seen enough of Jesus' miracles to be curious. Also, at that time, Jesus had not yet ascended back to heaven and so the Holy Spirit had not been sent. Without the Holy Spirit's prompting and leading, we will not be able to understand the Kingdom of God.


Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is personal, not national or ethnic, and its entrance requirements are repentance and spiritual rebirth.

Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

Being a devout Pharisee and a member of the ruling council, Nicodemus would have been familiar with God's promise in Ezekiel 36:25,26:

25 Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.

26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

With this understanding, Nicodemus would have understood what Jesus was saying to him.

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