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Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God

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Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God's willingness to forgive us repeatedly for the same sin?

Matthew 18:21-22 - 21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked,


Peter had a definite rationale for saying "seven times." The Jews had ruled that one could only be forgiven three times, but never a fourth. Realizing Jesus would show more mercy than the Jews, he must have thought seven times was more than fair.

Christ's response shows how important forgiveness is. "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven" (verse 22). He means that we are not to limit our forgiveness to a specific number of times. As often as someone offends us and asks forgiveness, we should extend it. Further, even if he does not ask forgiveness, we should forgive him and treat him properly, setting the right example.



In terms of forgiveness, seventy times seven must be taken figuratively. It means that our forgiveness should have no bounds.

God is long-suffering. He leads and allows us to pass through circumstance after circumstance in order to teach us how He wants us to live. Some of us are probably well past seventy times seven yet He never tires of reaching out to us.


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God


When Jesus said that we must forgive a person 77 times or 490 times we should take these numbers figuratively.

We should take these numbers figuratively, because this is representational of the idea of unending forgiveness. In other words there is not end to forgiveness.

This teaches us of God


When Jesus said that we must forgive a person 77 times or 490 times we should take these numbers figuratively.

We should take these numbers figuratively, because this is representational of the idea of unending forgiveness. In other words there is not end to forgiveness.

This teaches us of God


When Jesus said that we must forgive a person 77 times or 490 times we should take these numbers figuratively.

We should take these numbers figuratively, because this is representational of the idea of unending forgiveness. In other words there is not end to forgiveness.

This teaches us of God


Figuritively--in other words, unforgiveness is not acceptable! God hasn't put a # on times He continues to forgive us, neither should we.


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God


Jesus teaching about forgiveness whether or 490 times means that we should continue to forgive our brother repeatedly without end. It therefore follows that he will forgive us over over each time we sin. What extravagant love and amazing grace!!!!

Thank you Jesus, thank you Father.


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God's willingness to forgive us repeatedly for the same sin?


1.Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of?

NO.We should not take it literally.It means that there are no standard/level or manner to weigh,how many times we forgive,or what are the sins that needs to be forgiven,and how serious are the offense.

Often times,we can forgive small offense but when it takes to something serious,done in our life or that to our immediate Family,that really hurts us, we tend to fall away from forgiveness and wants to get even.

Of couse,if it is against the Moral Society the culprit should be punished, otherwise we will fall into chaos and violence,but deep down in ma


Jesus was speaking figuratively when He said we should forgive 77 or 490 times. Jesus was trying to teach Peter and us that there should be no end to forgiveness. If we are willing to constantly forgive those who wrong us,then how much more is God willing to keep forgiving us when we constantly commit the same sins over and over?


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22)

Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively?

We should definitely take these numbers figuratively because Jesus was emphasizing the importance of forgiveness.

If figurative, what are they figurative of?

Jesus was clearly sending a message that forgiveness is not a principle to be numbered, but rather a principle we walk out continuously in our lives.

What does this teach us about God's willingness to forgive us repeatedly for the same sin?



Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God's willingness to forgive us repeatedly for the same sin?

I think we should not count how many times we should forgive. If we do so, God will do likewise to us. It will therefore mean that our sins will not be forgiven. The parable of the unforgiving servant teaches us to forgive since God forgives us everyday for we sin everyday.


Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of?

We should take this figuratively. This means to forgive without numbering the times that we have forgiven a person. We are to forgive just as Christ forgives us.

What does this teach us about God

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