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Luke 13:28-30 you yourselves= direct lineage (Hebrews) who thought they were privileged. John the Baptizer called them vipers Matthew 3:7-9 (to included those that remained under their influence). People from the four corners of the earth= those by / in faith. Those who are last who will be first, and those first who will be last= those who believed as Abraham did not just those who were born after the ordained seed of Abraham; Romans 9:6 For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: The fleshly, seed of Abraham, through their rejection of Christ, shall fail to attain unto the promise of Abraham.

The banquet of Isaiah 25:6-8 as well as the banquet in these passages of study (Luke 13:29) are "for all people" who come in and of faith in Jesus the Christ.

The great


Q3. (Luke 13:28-30) The great "feast in the kingdom of God" has guests from all over the world. Who are they?

It will be the marriage supper of the lamb, and will include all who are born again from every nation, and tribe and tongue and kindred....I'm looking forward to that awesome celebration! I am a member of a multicultural, amazing church, and I think of that celebration in Heaven looking much like we do....former Muslims, Messianic Jews, Black and white and every shade in between. Japanese, Hispanic, Chinese, Korean, Ethiopian.....I can't think of any not represented...all loving each other, appreciating our differences and unified around our Lord Jesus Christ. Our church has been referred to as a modern day miracle...I agree.

Who will be the ones "thrown out" of the feast?

Any who are not wearing the robe of righteousness which Jesus "clothes" us in at the point of Salvation.

Why will they be excluded?

They refused His invitation when He offered it to them here on earth.

If you are doing this study and you have not yet invited Him in, I urge you to do so today....He's knocking at the door of your heart, and He's knocking at the door of His soon return.....don't try to "gain more knowledge" before accepting Him as your Lord and Savior....He will lead you into all truth when you enter through the gate.


Q3. (Luke 13:28-30) The great “feast in the kingdom of God” has guests from all over the world. Who are they? Who will be the ones “thrown out” of the feast? Why will they be excluded?

The targets of the parable are the already religious who have no time for God; they are represented by the people who accepted an invitation, but when the food is ready claim they are too busy to turn up. The ones excluded from the feast are those who refuse to come to the feast clothed in the Armor of Christ Jesus! They refuse to repent from their sins, accept Jesus as their only Savior, they refuse to endure long suffering ( give up in the face of adversity - give into lives problems)they refuse to fight to get into the Kingdom, they give up, or they wait to late to come to the 'banquet'. These are the ones excluded! Those who manage to get in but are not clothed in the rigousness of Christ(the wedding garment - The full armour of Christ)are thrown out because they are not TRUE believers in Christ, they are believers in "talk" only and do not put the teachings of Christ into action.


Q3. (Luke 13:28-30)

The great "feast in the kingdom of God" has guests from all over the world. Who are they?

People from all four corners of the world who have asked for forgiveness of their sins, repented and have put their trust Jesus as their Saviour.

Who will be the ones "thrown out" of the feast?

People who assumed they would be there simply because they were related to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, will be thrown out.

Why will they be excluded?

It was thought only the Jewish nation would be involved in God


Q3. (Luke 13:28-30) The great "feast in the kingdom of God" has guests from all over the world. Who are they? Who will be the ones "thrown out" of the feast? Why will they be excluded?

There will be many surprises in God


Who will be a guest at the wedding feast? Everyone from any tongue, tribe or nation who accepts Jesus as their Bridegroom. Who trust in Him for salvation and enter into relationship with Him.

Who is left out? Those who reject Him and reject His Kingdom. They will be excluded because they are not of the family of God through faith in Jesus, nor will they have turned from worldly ways and accepted Kingdom living.


The guests at the "great feast in the kingdom of God" are all peoples,both Jew and Gentile, who have repented of their sins and accepted Christ as their Savior.

The ones "thrown out" of the feast will be those who have refused to repent and respond to Jesus' call of salvation. They are excluded because they haven't place their faith in Christ.


Q3. (Luke 13:28-30) The great “feast in the kingdom of God” has guests from all over the world. Who are they? Who will be the ones “thrown out” of the feast? Why will they be excluded?

The people who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord. Those who have denied and continue to deny the Savior. Because of unbelief!.


3 The guests from all over the world for the great "feast in the kingdom of God" are

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; all the prophets; people from north, south, east and west;

the Jews and Gentiles and all the faithful believers of Christ.

The sinners, and the anti-Christ.

They were excluded because they could not repent of their ways and still want to live

life their own ways and be influenced by the world.


Q3. (Luke 13:28-30) The great "feast in the kingdom of God" has guests from all over the world. Who are they? Who will be the ones "thrown out" of the feast? Why will they be excluded?

Luke 13:28-30 - 28


Q3. (Luke 13:28-30) The great "feast in the kingdom of God" has guests from all over the world. Who are they? Who will be the ones "thrown out" of the feast? Why will they be excluded?

Through the cross Jesus opens the way for us to enter into his kingdom. But we must follow Jesus in the way of the cross. To enter the kingdom of God one must struggle against the forces of temptation and whatever would hinder us from doing the will of God (even apathy, indifference, and compromise). The good news is that we do not struggle alone. God is with us and his grace is sufficient! As we strive side by side for the faith of the gospel (Phil. 1:27) Jesus assures us of complete victory! Do you trust in God's grace and help, especially in times of testing and temptation? Failure to seek salvations in Jesus means that sin remains in a person


The great "feast in the kingdom of God" has quest from all over the world. Who are they?

The quest will be people from all over the world Jews as well as the Gentiles. Anyone that has been born again and had a personal relationship with God through our Lord and Savior will attend this banquet.

Who will be the ones thrown out of the feast?

Those that will be thrown out are the ones that never confessed of their sins and repented.

Why will they be excluded?

Because they never responded to the Lords call on their live. These people probably had more than their share of opportunities and more than enough time. They only have their selves to blame.


The guests from all over the world are people who have faithfully accepted the Word of God and observed His requirements. The ones thrown out will be those who did not make a genuine effort to enter by the narrow gate. They did not earnestly desire a relationship with the Lord and so have no affiliation with Him

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