Pastor Ralph Posted May 30, 2003 Report Posted May 30, 2003 Q5. (Ephesians 5:27) In what sense is the Church "glorious" or "resplendent"? Is Paul talking about the present era or when Christ comes? How do you determine this? Exposition Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted June 3, 2003 Report Posted June 3, 2003 Glorious means radiant or in splendor. It means in not an ordianry form but in perfection. Paul is talking aobut the present church seen as Jesus sees it. We must learn to see the church as Jesus sees it a glorious church. Quote
Emy Oliveros Posted June 4, 2003 Report Posted June 4, 2003 The Church is "glorious" or "resplendent" when it is said to be without stain, without wrinkle, it is holy, blameless and washed by the blood of the Lamb. Paul is taking about the present era in a way to prepare the Church as the Bride of Christ whom He is returning for. This is the purpose of Jesus' giving Himself up for us - to live what Christ has meant us to be - a radiant and glorious Church. Paul is talking also about the time when Christ comes because this is what He is coming back for - a glorious Church. This is our position, who we are, in Christ and so our practice must go with it in this life now to be ready for His coming. Maranatha! Quote
DebChats Posted June 5, 2003 Report Posted June 5, 2003 (Ephesians 5:27) In what sense is the Church "glorious" or "resplendent"? It is sanctified and cleansed by the washing of the word. Is Paul talking about the present era or when Christ comes? The present. How do you determine this? Eph. 6:9 .. claims Christ to be in heaven. Quote
jaunita Posted June 5, 2003 Report Posted June 5, 2003 The Church...body of Christ, is glorious and precious in the sight of God, because His only begotten Son spilled His blood and laid down His life for it!...We are bought with a price. "And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts; in that day, when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth His own son"Mal.3:17. I believe Darleen is right, Paul is talking about the present day Church,(era) and the one to come. God see's us complete...a finished product! I heard someone say it this way....We are like a tapestry..standing in front up close, someone could miss the beauty of the woven fabric and entire picture....from above it can be beheld in all its beauty! This is how God see's the Church, decked out in all her finery, be-jeweled, as a Bride! Praise the Lord, that He see's us completed. Quote
linda bass Posted June 5, 2003 Report Posted June 5, 2003 Christ sees the church differently from the way we see it. He sees the church as glorious or in splendor-possessing a quality that is not ordinary. The vision of the glorious church is a picture of the future. However, we need to look at the present-day church in the same way that Christ does. He has already forgiven and cleanse us of our sins. In His sight we are holy and without blemish. Quote
Helen Williams Posted June 6, 2003 Report Posted June 6, 2003 The church IS glorious and grand because God through Jesus has cleanse and purified it. We are a church without stain, without wrinkle, holy and blameless. We need to look at the church the way Jesus looks at it. This picture now and the furture. We are call to be holy because God is holy. God would not ask something of us and not equip us for it. We have power to be victorious and the power within us is the Holy Spirit. We need to think in the spirit and not so much in the flesh. We can do all things through Christ that strengthen us. Satan wants to blind us to the truth that we can't be a church without stain, without wrinkle, holy and blameles. But you what SAINTS he is a LIE! Quote
sangra Posted June 6, 2003 Report Posted June 6, 2003 In what sense is the Church glorious or resplendent? Here we are speaking about the Church universal, the Body of which Christ is the head. Christ has made the Church glorious and resplendent or perfect because he himself is perfect, therefore the whole body is also perfect. Is Paul talking about the present era or when Christ comes? I believe Paul is meaning that the Church will be presented to its bridegroom at the parousia or second coming. However, just as individuals have been made perfect now since Christ died for our sins once for all, so it is also with the Church. Although it may not seem to be perfect all the time, anymore than we are perfect all the time, we still believe in faith that Christ has made his Body holy. Quote
Sunshine Miller Posted June 6, 2003 Report Posted June 6, 2003 As I read this I can see the Light of His Glory; reflective from within, outwardly shining for all eyes to see. A Whole Body of People who make up what is Called "The Bride". And in Anticipation we wait upon the Lord, for the Bridegroom is coming to take with Him His Bride. What Romance to know He comes "like a thief in the night"... needed no permission, but from His Father to come and gather His bride. Who says there are no Knights in Shining Armor? His Blood hath washed her ever so clean and He clothed her in His Glory; for all eyes to see. Oh what a Wedding Dress! Quote
Julie Posted June 6, 2003 Report Posted June 6, 2003 The church is glorious or resplendent for we are cleansed, pure, without sin, we are holy and blameless we are not condemed. Paul is talking about now for if not why did Christ give Himself up for her? Quote
Fernman Posted June 6, 2003 Report Posted June 6, 2003 Paul speaks of the church as glorious in the same way that God sees his redeemed people... through the blood of His Son. In the future, the Church will be seen in her Glory but today God does not see Her "splotches" because of what Jesus did on the cross. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted June 7, 2003 Report Posted June 7, 2003 We need to start living like what we are"holy".Glorious is an awesome word that is used in the quaility of the church.It is a picture of the future.We need to look at the present-day church in the way Christs looks at it.He has already forgiven and cleansed us.He has made us "holy'.Lets never forget what Christ did for us to make us what we are today.We are the church ,we as the church is Christ's Bride.Christ is coming to get His Bride"The Church".As a whole we must strive to keep the church "holy".Work together,love each other,pray for each other.Suffer for each other,for in the end there is a great begining. Quote
jbwalya Posted June 8, 2003 Report Posted June 8, 2003 The Chuch is glorious or resplendent when it is holy and blamess before God. Cleaness from moral impurites and also kind of spiritual filth and forgiveness of sin makes the Church shine gloriously in the presence of God like a bride before the bridegloom. Paul was talking about the Church that will meet Christ when He comes in His glory but it has implications on the present Church because those who have this hope to see Christ must purify themselves. ...and without holiness no one will see God. Quote
bergerjones Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 Paul is talking about both. If Christ's Church is made radiant by the sacrifice of Himself and the washing with water - baptism, now, that same church and all the members of the body of Christ are holy and blameless. We are ready for when Christ comes again to gather His body of people to go and live forever with the Heavenly Father. To me it's obvious - if we accept the gift of Christ's sacrifice of himself to wash away each and every sin by His blood, we are saved now and forever. If we do His will, which we will know through praise, prayer, being kept in the loop by the Holy Spirit, we will remain faithful. We will, through God's Grace, be ready when Christ comes again. We must be of one spirit, serving the Lord, through prayer and supplication, working to bring His kingdom on earth! Quote
bjcollin Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 Q5. (Ephesians 5:27) In what sense is the Church "glorious" or "resplendent"? Is Paul talking about the present era or when Christ comes? How do you determine this? Exposition The Holy Spirit washes us and clenses us through the Word to present us back to Jesus as radiant. This is an ongoing action, so it is both present and future when Christ comes back for His bride the church. I determine this because the language is in present tense. Christ sees us as His perfect bride both now and in the future, but we are still in the process of getting there in the present. Quote
Reeallen Posted June 19, 2003 Report Posted June 19, 2003 In what sense is the church "glorious" or "resplendent"? The church is "glorious" because of the new bodies we will receive when Jesus comes. We should always remember that Jesus is not talking about the building, but our innerman. We will move out of this old earthly body and receive our glorious bodies because we have been cleansed by the word of God. In order to receive this glorious body, we have to be found without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. We have to be holy and reain that way until Jesus comes. Paul is talking about the coming of Christ to collect his jewels. This is determined by our faith and belief in Jesus Chrit. Although we have never seen him, we do believe that he exist. Quote
Derek Posted September 6, 2003 Report Posted September 6, 2003 The Church, the Body of Christ is glorious and resplendent because it is the Bride of Christ. We must clearly distinguish between any human institution and the spiritual entity which is of Him. The Church, in these terms is always, always has been and always will be glorious and resplendent Quote
Liza Posted October 15, 2003 Report Posted October 15, 2003 'to present her to himself' - The Church which is described is the glorified Church, but is also so spiritually today - we are cleansed, clothed in garments of righteousness (white robes) and when we walk in obedience to Jesus daily we keep ourselves from being spotted by the world (the sin). There is also some striving in this age as we need to keep ourselves holy, we need to stand out as bright lights in the darkness, we need to show the world Christlike love and living. But ultimately, this is how beautiful the glorified Church will be. Quote
heatherdills Posted December 27, 2003 Report Posted December 27, 2003 The Church is "glorious" or "resplendent" because it is where we can come together with others who believe to praise and seek Him. Paul is tlaking about when Christ comes. I determined this becuase the church will be presented to Christ when the end comes and by that time, onlt the truly faithful and pure will remain. Quote
charliet Posted February 27, 2004 Report Posted February 27, 2004 5a The church has become glorious as God both cleanses and purifies the church and presents her to the groom in all her splendor. 5b It is a picture of the future. 5c In Rev:21:2 we read "And I John saw the Holy city the New Jersalem,coming down from God out of Heaven,prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." This is a glorious picture of the church as it will be throughout all the ages to come-"without spot or wrinkle or any such thing."Some do say however,that Israel is the Bride. But the Apostle says the Bridegroom is the blessed Lord,the Church,His redeemed spouse,and the two are linked together for eternity Quote
Helen Posted April 6, 2004 Report Posted April 6, 2004 The church is resplendent/glorious when we are walking in the works God has prepared for us to walk in (love, miracles etc) and thus reflecting Christ. When we are in receipt of "all the spiritual blessings in the Heavenlies" (Eph 1:3), walking in love, unity etc. this is a life so far different from that in the world, and the love makes it resplendent, and reflect our glorious God. Paul is talking very much in the present, about husband and wife relationships with each other, being like the love between Christ and His Bride the church. A husband who abuses his wife cannot get the best out of her, and make her bloom. Many wives pine for a husband who loves, understands and cares for his family with wisdom and self-sacrifice, and would give everything for him, and also blossom and reflect their husband's care. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted May 13, 2004 Report Posted May 13, 2004 Q5. (Ephesians 5:27) In what sense is the Church "glorious" or "resplendent"? When the Church is glorious and resplendent, it is without stain of sin, holy and pure. Is Paul talking about the present era or when Christ comes? Paul is talking about the Church as Christ Quote
MyBeloved Posted June 10, 2004 Report Posted June 10, 2004 Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. He is sanctifying the church with the washing of water by the Word. In the future the church will be presented to Him as a radiant bride with all sin removed. Then the church will be holy and unblamable. When I speak of the church I am talking of all who have been born from above by the blood of Jesus Christ. II Corinthians 11:2. Quote
Zegeye Posted November 24, 2004 Report Posted November 24, 2004 The Church is in deed glorious for Christ Jesus died for and spilled His blood for it to be without stain, without wrinkle, holy, blameless and washed by the blood of the Lamb. It is sanctified and cleansed by the washing of the word. Paul is talking about the present era and not only the future. This is the time when the the Church as the Bride of Christ is being prepared for His coming. Paul is talking also about the time when Christ comes because this is what He is coming back for - a glorious Church. Quote
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