Pastor Ralph Posted September 16, 2010 Report Posted September 16, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to compel them to come in? In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? Quote
Moses 4 Posted November 30, 2010 Report Posted November 30, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? The feast in the Kingdom of God? It frees us to give ourselves without reserve to the Lord and his service. While many of us may not need to give up the comfort of our own home and bed to follow Jesus, we, nonetheless, must be willing to part with anything that might stand in the way of doing God's will. Another would-be disciple said he would follow as soon as he had buried his father. What he meant by this expression was that he felt the need to return to his home to take care of his father through old age until he died. The third had no obligation to return home, but simply wanted to go back and say good- bye. Jesus surprised these would-be disciples with the stark truth that nothing should hinder us from following the Lord. Was Jesus being harsh and rude to his would-be followers? Not really. We are free to decide whether we will take the path, which Jesus offers. But if we choose to go, then the Lord wants us to count the cost and choose for it freely. Pax Quote
masika Posted November 30, 2010 Report Posted November 30, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? In the gospel, abundant provisions are made for the spiritual wants of mankind God's invitation is extended to everyone God's invitation is free and full, and urgently presented by the Lord Jesus Christ Those who refuse the invitation will be excluded from the feast It is the duty of everyone to immediately and gratefully accept and obey the invitation of Christ Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted November 30, 2010 Report Posted November 30, 2010 What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? It is that urgent plea asking those near us...or even just people we barley know to share our joy of Jesus...the need is now....for us to share the gospel....the invitaion to the Great Banquet. In what sense are we the servants told to Quote
Travis63 Posted December 1, 2010 Report Posted December 1, 2010 What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? When I do so I make every effort to do as Christ did, I often use the example from John 4, the woman at the well encounter with Christ. I as well try to be compassionate and not appear as insincere, there is an adage, (misquoted because I have to go to work)"people don't care if they don't know you care". I have heard many fire & brimstone approaches. This is not bad all together but it is not effective to everyone. Nor is the way that I do so effective all the time. We have to allow the Spirit to lead us, it empowered the Apostles and it does us. What we must remember is that one may plant, another may water and God is the one who will provide the increase. The Spirit that lead us is also the spirit that draws. We must however be available, we make ourselves available by knowing Him, by loving Him, by being obedient to Him. In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? We who have accepted the call, the invitation are the servants, John 14:12 If ye love me, keep my commandments. One of His commandments is found in Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. If we love Jesus and adhere to the Holy Spirit's leading we will be aligned with the will of the Father and we will compel others by our witnessed life, our testimony (how He keeps us, how He saved us, how He guides us) and by our witnessing of the testimony of Jesus the Christ. In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We are that whom the servant compelled to come. Prior to our accepting the call, prior to our taking advantage of God's mercy, prior to our understanding that He had extended His grace, prior to our gaining a perspective of His sacrifice we too, many of us had excuses as well. Some in the like manner of the three men mentioned in this lesson [the impulsive man; (Lu 9:57, 58); the Procrastinator (Lu 9:59, 60); and Mr. Indecisive Disciple (Lu 9:61, 62)]. We are those who have been called whom no longer hide behind an excuse to come. Note: Those who now know Christ no longer use these excuses, some however may fall into complacency. The complacency is not, may not be consistent I pray that for those of us who may have done so to stir up the gift and more earnestly adhere to the leadings of the Holy Spirit. Quote
Seeking His Face Posted December 1, 2010 Report Posted December 1, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to Quote
Lion of Grace Posted December 1, 2010 Report Posted December 1, 2010 What does the call to the great banquet sound like? Good news! We once had an exchange student and he was saved and baptized while staying with us. When the Holy Spirit set the stage (Even the circumstances provided before to bring about his questions were amazing!) to tell Him the truth of Jesus, he responded, "No one has ever told me this good news!" I was even overwhelmed at that response! It was profound! I'm glad he knew without a doubt it was good news! Peace on Earth....Good will towards men. Unto you is born a Savior!" I'll never forget that response and moment! We are told to compel them to come in the sense that we are to be urgent. Not in a way to panic people, but to make the most of every opportunity and reach out in various ways. It may be some will see God through your loving actions, acts of compassion or through our testimony. Some will come when they experience forgiveness and others as they grow in the Word. Some will come as they experience care when they have grown tired or have fallen. Every opportunity is one we can say, "He did it for me too! Let me tell you about the one who loved me and rescued me." We already have been called and our seat is reserved! We should just want to fill the empty one next to us. Quote
Highohfaith Posted December 1, 2010 Report Posted December 1, 2010 What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? The call to the great banquet will sound differently to some people then to others.To some it may sound like a great invitation to get to know our Lord Jesus, to strengthen their walk with Him, to enter into His family.To those who are non believers it may sound like nonsense.But whomever we are extending the invitation to (which should be to whom all we meet,regardless of circumstasnces,denomination,race,creed,or color). We must be insistent and consistent in our pursuit to invite people into the Kingdom of God! We are compelled to "CARRY ON" the work that Jesus started in us and here on earth! Philippians 1:6 (NLT) And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. All people are called to the Kingdom of God, Jews and gentiles alike, regardless of race, color, circumstances, the invitiation is to all of creation! Those who accept his invitation are the 'chosen ones'. As Christians we are adopted into the family of God, and we become His sons and daughters. Quote
JanMary Posted December 1, 2010 Report Posted December 1, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? I'm not sure what this means... Do "I present the invitation in the urgent way it was intended?" Or "How does it sound to those who hear it?" I suppose it could mean both! The response may differ depending upon how I present it....if I "persuade" as Paul said, and share the Good News in love and the seriousness upon which each invitation rests, then Prayerfully, the hearer will receive it as such and accept His invitation. If I share out of duty or to "get the check mark in the box", the hearer may not take the offer seriously and reject the Good News. In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? I am to share from my heart the truth of the Gospel and hopefully what "Jesus has done/ is doing in my life today". I'm always excited when I share Christ, and gratitude pours forth for all that He has brought me out of and the goodness and mercy with which He deals with me each day. I am to be prepared in season and out of season to share: I was challenged as a new believer to write out my testimony, then edit it to 3 minutes which includes briefly: my life condition before I received Christ (not a litany of every gory detail...just the "flavor"), specifically how I received Him (include pertinent Scripture so the hearer is exposed to the Word of God), and how He has changed my life. This is so that on an elevator, or talking to the grocery bagger/ checker or whomever, in a short period of time the Good News can be shared effectively. I did this and to my amazement I've led a number to Christ in those brief moments.....which means someone had planted seeds, others had watered, and when I came along, was given the privilege of "closing" the invitation. At other times, there is only opportunity to plant a seed or water seeds others have planted...and the next disciple who comes along will lead the hearer to Christ. In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? We (any of us who have heard and said "YES" to His invitation) are the invited ones. He has called us. He has pursued us. He has sent His Word to us. He (in the form of His Holy Spirit) sought each one to persuade us to come into His Kingdom. And because He desires that NONE should perish, while there is still time we are to invite everyone we know to come with us. Quote
Marloes Posted December 1, 2010 Report Posted December 1, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to Quote
Guitar Jim Posted December 2, 2010 Report Posted December 2, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? To tell the truth, I've never witnessed to anyone by inviting them to the wedding feast of the Lamb! Didn't want to sound like a raving lunatic! I honestly believe that's how I'd come across if I did use the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven as a selling point for becoming a Christian. I don't believe we should become objects of ridicule because we want to bring people IN to the Kingdom, not scare them off by making them think they have to lose their marbles when they become Christians. I much prefer to tell people that God loves them and wants them to have Eternal Life through faith in Jesus. In what sense are we the servants told to Quote
hanks Posted December 2, 2010 Report Posted December 2, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? It sounds like our Lord Jesus is throwing an elaborate and festive banquet to which He invites guests. Through this God has invited us to enjoy His presence forever and ever. In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? With the help of the Holy Spirit we are to invite, in love, as many as possible to this Great Banquet. This we do by explaining the gospel to them as well as the doctrine of salvation. In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? It is by grace that we have responded and accepted a personal invitation to this Great Banquet from our Saviour. We have heard and responded to the Gospel call and have sincerely repented of sins and placed our trust in Jesus for salvation. Quote
Delivered Posted December 2, 2010 Report Posted December 2, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? The invitation has been extended already through God’s Word. God tells us that His servant is Israel, (Isaiah 49:3) Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified. It is Israel who have extended to us God’s word, God’s laws, His prophets, and most important God's promise to Israel, the Christ, the Messiah, Jesus, and then I think of how God blinded Israel, so that I a pagan, Gentile girl, who had no hope, could receive an invitation to the Banquet, I could be grafted into the true olive tree, whose roots are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the invitation extended to others sounds much like love, I want it to be the testimony of my life, ready for an opportunity to share with others, the joy that lives within me, and the soon coming Banquet, that is being prepared for those that RSVP. In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? The feasts of the Jewish nation were scheduled at specific times, but we do not know the specific time we will be called to the feast, so we must be ready, we must be prepared, for it is an act of worship. I recall how God poured out the Holy Spirit on all the Jewish men in the upper room who came to pray and celebrate the feast of Pentecost, and how God added to them daily, so it is in that sense that we who have been called to the feast, should reflect the Holy Spirit that lives in us, it is not just a promise to Israel, but it is also for the lowly, the poor, and the blind, who have come to put their trust in God’s Son, Israel’s Messiah, Jesus. Quote
SoiKosum Posted December 2, 2010 Report Posted December 2, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to Quote
janel Posted December 2, 2010 Report Posted December 2, 2010 Q4 The call to the Great Banquet when we extend the invitation to those around us, sounds like urgency, seriousness, excitement, joyous, happiness, and honored of the graciousness of God. As servants of the Lord, we are aware of the urgency of our mission. We need to urge the people of the importance of their spiritual lives and where they are to be when the final day comes. They need to surrender their lives to Jesus in order to be enjoy the Kingdom of God. It is by God's grace that we are called to the feast in the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we should stand firm in our faith and be ready in answering His call. Quote
Old Jerry Posted December 2, 2010 Report Posted December 2, 2010 The call to the Great banquet sounds like evangelism when we extend the invitation to those around us. But we also must make it sound urgent that they get on board otherwise they will be left behind. The sense that I the servants are told to Quote
l.a. Posted December 2, 2010 Report Posted December 2, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to Quote
alexandria Posted December 2, 2010 Report Posted December 2, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to Quote
Paul H Posted December 3, 2010 Report Posted December 3, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? It depends on the circumstances. Above all, it must be persuasive and given in love. My starting point in my own mind would always be that this person in front of me is missing out on the greatest gift ever given. The greatest peace the greatest joy. They just have to turn and hold out their hands to accept it. In what sense are we the servants told to Quote
Trusting God Posted December 3, 2010 Report Posted December 3, 2010 The call to the Great Banquet sounds like a sports stadium when someone hits a homerun in a baseball game, or when someone makes a touchdown in a football game. Even the angels rejoice when a sinner comes to Christ by faith. Luke 15:10 Quote
WALT39 Posted December 3, 2010 Report Posted December 3, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? When we extend the invitation to the people around us, we should be enthusiastic to tell about our relationship with Jesus and the fullness and joy that we have in trusting Jesus. In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? We must tell people that Jesus will return and in order that we can participate with His return, we must be ready for Him. Each person must come to Jesus and accept Him. Jesus tells us that we must tell the world around us and also demonstrate that we are one of Jesus' lambs. In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? We have taken the steps to know Jesus and allow Him to come into our lives. We are still learning about Him and have faith in Him. We have had to take the initiative to ask, seek and knock as described in Matthew 7:7. When we have entered into Jesus' life, we are a joyful people and therefore we are waiting for that invitation to the Great Banquet with our Lord and Savior. Quote
Summertime7 Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? The sound is all about how we present the gospel to those not in the Kingdom. People can always tell when someone is sincerely enthusiastic about what they believe in. I think more important than what we say is how we live our lives before them. We have to be yielded to the guidance and instruction of the Holy Spirit, and it with His power and anointing that we can present the sound of the Kingdom effectively. In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? We are encouraged and even commanded to share the good news with those that are still in darkness. In fact it is our obligation/duty/responsibility to do so, because the Father is not willing that any should perish. In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? We are those who have been called to feast in the Kingdom of God in the sense that we once was blind, lame, and maimed, but Thank God for His mercy and grace Quote
Ramon Posted December 8, 2010 Report Posted December 8, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? Answer: 1. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? Jesus died for all of us..for the saved and the unsaved.1 John 2:2- And he the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. Matthew 5:45-That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. So the call to the great Banquet is like sharing the Gospel to all people that The Lord has drawn near to you..John 6:65-And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. 2. In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? To compel them to come in,means to make them understand,to make them thirst,and desire to come. This only means that we need to make the invitation very strong,with encouragement and make them understand all the benefits,all the goodness,what will they become if they come in..tell them about all the good foods,all the good people whom they will meet inside,etc Quote
Guest Windy Posted December 9, 2010 Report Posted December 9, 2010 Q4. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? In what sense are we the servants told to “compel them to come in”? In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? Because we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, it is our job to tell everyone else about His wonderful love and what He did for all. It is by God's Grace, that we are call His Children. We need to stand firm for Jesus. Quote
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