pcmiller25 Posted March 21, 2011 Report Posted March 21, 2011 On 2/1/2011 at 6:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? I think the reason we hesitate when called to obey is because of our own sinful natures as well as believing the lies that satan tells us. If God's plan fits in with our to do list and how uncomfortable that choice will be also weighs in. Before you know it, we're asking ourselves if that was really God talking and we start making excuses. Its like joyce meyer says, "We do it afraid". It feels good to be used by God. We don't want to not act and extinguish the spirit within us. We look up fear in the back of the bible and meditate on the corresponding scriptures, we speak out those scriptures, saying it like its already been done thanking God. We spend time in prayer. Well trusting God when you are afraid shows you the character of God. You have to take baby steps before you can run. It's the small steps that build our confidence, not only in ourselves but in God. Leaders are ready to put God's will into action and they've had alot of confidence building experiences along the way. The cost is great, but they can handle it, they've had to climb mountains and difficult terrains but they can see their reward now. If it wasn't for climbing the hills they would've never been able to make it up the mountain. Quote
divinewonderful Posted March 31, 2011 Report Posted March 31, 2011 On 2/1/2011 at 6:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? we do get afraid to do things that God puts in our heart when we do not spend time with Him.You see the word of God tells us that we do not have the spirit of fear but of boldness, love and sound of mind. We deal with fear by drawing ourselves in His presence, the more we fix our mind in the Kingdom of God the more fear can not have room over us. Because fear is not of God, and the more we spend time exalting the word of God the more also fear depart from us. The relationship of fear to courage is fear destracts courage, so want's fear is there it destroys courage. Courage is required because it helps those who are weak and it attracts those who are still in the world,also it boost our faith. Quote
kcjim Posted April 1, 2011 Report Posted April 1, 2011 On 2/1/2011 at 6:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? We are afraid to obey God because we are not sure what is in our hearts is truly from God, especially if it is something that will put us in danger or discomfort. We can deal with this by testing our urges against scripture and the counsel of those in our faith circle. Courage is action in the face of fear. Without action nothing gets done, so no leader is without courage. Quote
pickledilly Posted April 1, 2011 Report Posted April 1, 2011 We’re afraid of the unknown, afraid of our own inadequacies, afraid of rejection or persecution or failures, afraid God might not really show up, afraid because we're looking at self instead of Him. Through a prolonged experience of testing/training several years ago, God taught me that the only remedy for fear is faith – not just intellectual belief, but faith actively applied to my heart in any given moment of doubt. The first thing to do when we feel fear that is causing us to resist God is to confess it. You must identify the problem before it can be faced. He taught me to use His Words, just as Jesus did in the wilderness temptations, to combat the lies that fuel disbelief. Even when I didn’t feel it, I spoke His truths into my own hearing to build that confident faith in Him and what He would do for good. And He taught me to be thankful for who He is and for His faithfulness to the promises He’s made. Courage really is simply the decision, the deliberate choice, to do what is right even when you’re fearful. Courage to obey God is deciding to follow His lead in spite of the fear. It’s understanding that He never calls us to do great things for Him that we are capable of, but that He always makes us capable for the task through His comprehensive ability! Courage is required in followers of Christ because everything God calls us to is in opposition to what human nature and the world says is right. When we obey Him, we’re going to seem foolish, face ridicule, encounter antagonism and endure rejection – often from members of the Body of Christ! You’ve got to decide ahead of time that you’re going to do what’s right regardless. Quote
Raksie Posted April 9, 2011 Report Posted April 9, 2011 On 2/1/2011 at 6:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? We are afraid due to a shortfall in our faith in Him. I deal with fear by speaking God's Word over it. Fear is the opposite of courage. You need courage to believe that God will sustain you every step of your way, thus being a child of God needs courage and is hterefore not for the feint hearted. Quote
fireball3 Posted April 16, 2011 Report Posted April 16, 2011 On 2/1/2011 at 6:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? 1.Afraid of failure not anuff confidence,doubt.2.Pray stand on the word of lord jesus tell the devil to go to hell trust n jesus have more faith the that he gave us use it .3.fear is to doubt ,give up ,lack of faith the devilwill try to come anyway he can if u let him,courage is to have faith ,trust ,confident, hope,strong believe.4.To be strong so the people can see the jesus in u let the light of christ shine n you thru u amen so the holy ghost can use you for the glory of of the lord so u can be a example if people dont see the jesus n you they wont follow amen Quote
Trusting God Posted May 10, 2011 Report Posted May 10, 2011 Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? We are afraid to obey God when he puts something on our hearts to do something important, because we are looking at our own inabilities. We are not depending on, or allowing God to enable us to do the work He is calling us to do. How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? We should deal with this fear in the power of the Lord. Asking God to strengthen us for the work he has called us for. Recognizing, like Moses with Aaron, God has a plan and many times we are not working alone. All we have to do is trust him, believing that He able to do what we see as impossible. What is the relationship of fear to courage? Fear is the opposite of courage. Fear shows weakness and feeling of anxiety and worry, whereas, courage shows bravery in the face of danger, difficulty, and uncertainty. Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? When I look at courage, I look at the life of Jesus. How can we, as leaders and disciples, lead anyone when we are fearful and scared to move forward in faith? If we serve a mighty God, who can do anything, then we need to show our faith by living out what we truly believe in our hearts before those who are following us, or looking to us for spiritual leadership. Yes, we have doubts and fears, but we need to let everyone know that in spite of the doubts and fears we will continue to lean on the promises of God. Quote
3cats Posted May 18, 2011 Report Posted May 18, 2011 courage is fear without feet...or 'courage is fear that has said it's prayers.' (dorothy bernard) 'courage is doing what you are afraid to do. without fear there is no courage.' (WWI fighter ace eddie rickenbacker) Quote
Ales Hubacek Posted September 7, 2011 Report Posted September 7, 2011 As for me, I am mostly afraid of these things: - possible negative effects in the area of relationships like refusal, anger, misunderstanding, mockery, .... - negative effects in physical area, e.g. that I will suffer some loss, like loosing job, loosing some of my comfort, .. - that I do it wrong and spoil something and then feel the shame and my insufficiency When I am afraid I do couple of things: I pray to God for getting courage, I try to rememeber stories and verses from the Bible that deal with fear and courage - like Joshua crossing Jordan, etc. I also try to remember stories from my life where God led me through tough things in past. Courage is a way to overcome fear and to do something in spite of fear. Courage is required for leaders because the role of the leaders is to step first into areas where people would naturally not step into because of fear. Quote
Spencersophia Posted December 19, 2011 Report Posted December 19, 2011 Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? Having a relationship with God is important. Whenever there is a relationship, we feel comfortable in working in the will of God. Whenever we are otherwise, then neglect, being careless, being fearful, and unbelief comes into play. How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? We need to trust God wholeheartedly. We need to understand God has our lives in his hand. He is in charge and takes good care of us. Reading and trusting God's word is full assurance to trust God fully. What is the relationship of fear to courage? God has given us a spirit of a sound mind, trusting God completely cast out all fear. Nothing makes you bold as having the assurance that God is in total control on your life. The presence of God in your life cast out all fear. Courage to go on and to do the will of God dispels all fear. Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? Courage will allow you to go on, courage gives you the strength to make the other step. Courage is the strength to stand up when it's easier to fall down and lose hold. It is the conviction to explore new horizons. Quote
wifee Posted February 1, 2012 Report Posted February 1, 2012 4a)We look to ourselves &our excuses from satan’s lies, rather than giving ourselves fully to God,trusting Him & obeying Him whatever. B)To recognise that fear is “us” limiting what God can do in us.it is our reaction to situation, rather than seeing what God can through it. C)Fear is emotional reaction. Perfect love drives out all fear. Courage is overcoming our fears. D)Each person has to fight satan who is trying to steer us of course, &instead step out of comfort zones,whether leader or disciple, and trust in God,obey Him & he will equip us. Quote
Godleadsme Posted March 29, 2012 Report Posted March 29, 2012 Why are we so afraid to obey God when it requires decisive action? We are afraid to obey God when required to make decisions because we are afraid of getting it wrong, i.e. not hearing God correctly and messing up, incurring wrath from multiple human sources, c) fear of rejection....loss of positive social interaction, d) fear of scorn and humiliation.... and of course fear of lacking the "right qualifications" to make the best decisions. How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? We are to trust God, pray, stand on His Word, step out, face the fear/decision, do our best, hopefully overcome the fear! What is the relationship of fear to courage? I think they are flip sides of the same coin in that the presence of one eclipses the other so that ithe opposite is extinguished. [in the season] Trusting in God and God's capacities extinguishes the fear of our own inadequacies. If we focus on our inadequacies we block out confidence and trust in God, thereby diminishing the courage of the Lion of Judah that resides within us. Fear is so painful that is is a true signal to us that we have to find courage or it will kill us, one way or another. Fear then serves the same function to our soul that pain serves to our body. It says, "something is seriously wrong......see the Great Physician, seek healing and live......i.e. choose life NOT death". As a bonafide child of God, on a life and death mission of mercy for the King of Kings, our inheritance is HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE in the midst of this chaos but we must choose it and sustain it through proper spiritual nurture instead of remaining trapped in terror. Then we can lead others out of bondage and fulfill our destiny. Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? Leaders have to make unpopular decisions sometimes. It takes courage to be o.k. with the general reaction of key stakeholders at such a time. Everyone who serves God will provoke the powers and principalities of darkness to react aggressively in order to shut them down. It takes serious courage to face the tide of evil that is a predictable backlash when standing for God and kingdom values. Few have this kind of courage when consistently under fire. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted March 31, 2012 Report Posted March 31, 2012 Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? WE GET IN OUR OWN WAY WITH "WHAT IF'S." IN MANY CASES THE ASSIGNMENT IS SO INCONGRUENT TO WHAT WE WOULD DO IN OUR OWN STRENGTH, WE START "THINKING." BAD DECISION... How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? GO BACK TO THE WORD AND THE MESSAGE WE RECEIVE. What is the relationship of fear to courage? OVER-RIDING FEAR REVEALS COURAGE. Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? LEADING IN AND OF ITSELF, MEANS UNCHARTED ACTIONS; WE MUST GO WHERE NO ONE HAS GONE BEFORE US. Quote
Katina Angelle Posted November 15, 2013 Report Posted November 15, 2013 Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? Although God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent the task of settling an ordeal or situation can bring about fear, even at God's request...fear of incompetence...fear of letting God down. How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? Remembering the promise of God that...He will never leave nor forsake us and the word are ways we can be encouraged, in the face of fear. What is the relationship of fear to courage? Fear is the inspiration behind courage. Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? Courage creates diligence and tenacity in leaders and disciples. It motivates them to do what is; otherwise, impossible in the face of fear. Quote
Katina Angelle Posted November 15, 2013 Report Posted November 15, 2013 Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? Although God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent the task of settling an ordeal or situation can bring about fear, even at God's request...fear of incompetence...fear of letting God down. How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? Remembering the promise of God that...He will never leave nor forsake us and the word are ways we can be encouraged, in the face of fear. What is the relationship of fear to courage? Fear is the inspiration behind courage. Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? Courage creates diligence and tenacity in leaders and disciples. It motivates them to do what is; otherwise, impossible in the face of fear. Quote
Craig Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? We are afraid to put ourselves out there and on the cutting edge of God's will for our lives because of the sacrifice often needed and the unknown path we might have to travel. We are afraid to move out of our comfort zones even when we know God is calling us to go. When we feel fear we must move forward in prayer and action. We must not fear have courage and trust in the Lord God Almighty. Courage is required in leaders and disciples because they are often required to be on the cutting edge of ministry for God and in the lives of others and the culture at whole. Quote
Onerivertrail Posted September 13, 2014 Report Posted September 13, 2014 Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? We are afraid to step forward at Gods request in the beginning like Moses. This is common among new christians and those who are not built up on the Word and in their position with Jesus Christ. If we are true disciples then we serve the One we love and His love helps to build us up. Fear is not from God. Fear is common in new relationships that are not tested as yet. A cleansed heart, a renewed life, one who has received salvation and is reborn should be in love with their Savior and gather courage from the love that died for you on a cross and has given you new life. Fear comes from being centered on self. Courage comes from being centered on God. We can take courage from our heavenly focus of the Lord and march forward as a leader in His ways. Leaders and disciples cannot complete their assiged course without taking this courage to do it. Quote
Tan Posted January 4, 2015 Report Posted January 4, 2015 Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? Sometimes the size of the assignment is frightening! Sometimes we don't believe we can be used by God or can do what God calls us to do. Sometimes we don't want to do it because we are uncomfortable or afraid of what people think, or how they will respond. I know fear has always been something I had and am still praying to surrender to God, and one thing I have learned is that we have to trust God and embrace our fears or the assignment that is placed before us. I heard from someone that you must go even when you are shaking in your boots. Meaning, trust God all the way! We have to use fear to propel us to go anyway because we will be humbled to see that we can't do anything without God and He will get the glory! God always told his people to be of courage and do not be afraid. We need the mindset to embrace our fears and trust God no matter how it looks. We believe what God says about the situation no matter what our five senses and the devil says. Quote
sfaucette Posted January 28, 2015 Report Posted January 28, 2015 On 2/1/2011 at 6:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? fear of the unknown is natural. whether we go where we have not gone before physically, spiritually, or mentally we are taken outside our comfort zone it takes time to get familiar and confident in new things whether it be a new job, new marriage or something else we have not experienced before. When I feel afraid I go to God. The Bible says to cast all our cares upon him for he cares for me. For Joshua God told him serveral times to have courage and to not be afraid. Couage is the wherewithall we have to use to lead others. If we are overcome by our aprehensions then others we are trying to lead will not follow because we will be seen as weak and indecisive. Quote
102253 Posted January 29, 2016 Report Posted January 29, 2016 I think that we are afraid because of a lack of faith in GODs word, that to do something decisive we must commit to and action and be willing to trust in the results of that action, even when it may look like GOD got it wrong because it is not happening as we thought it would We are to deal with fear with GODS word, we have nothing to fear because we are more than conquerors thru he that is in us. If he can move mountains and part seas, heal the blind and bring life to the dead what are we to fear? The relationship on fear to courage is to trust and stand on GODs word, but be prepared like David and take some weapons to the battle. And know that if you battled lions and bears and defeated them, what is an Goliath when GOD is on your side. We need courage as leaders and disciples' because we re going against the norm. We are standing up for what is right and many things that are not popular. We will face opposition so we must have courage ad not fear to be in the battle fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. . Quote
jdaco3 Posted May 23, 2016 Report Posted May 23, 2016 Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? I think we are afraid to obey God when he puts things on our heart is because of fear. Fear or rejection. Fear of the unknown. Fear of whether God will show up. And I was once told that when you know your purpose, then it puts things into perspective. A lot of people don't know their calling so decisions like these make it hard to be obedient to what God has asked us to do. A lot of times the way I deal with fear is by mostly giving up or tackling it. But I definitely engage in the former more so than the latter. But also when I am not in union with God, things fall a part even worse. But when I am in union with God I find myself living in more courage than fear. The relationship of fear to courage is that it takes courage to overcome fear. But when we become courageous, the fear is obsolete. Courage is required in leaders and disciples because its vital to the will of God. We need to be strong and courageous because no great person because great by being weak and fearful. We need to persevere through trials and fight the good fight. Quote
Ademola Posted May 18, 2017 Report Posted May 18, 2017 Question 4. 1.Quite often we limit God capacity and abilities to human being strength. We rather focus on the strength and wisdom of adversary instead of focusing on God who has sent us . 2. To deal with fear, our whole attention should be on God, the Almighty God ( Gen 17:1), not on our opponents. 3. There's no relationship between these two, because they are directly opposite each other. 4. Courage is required of leaders and disciples because of the responsibilities ahead of us which are often beyond human understanding, e.g healing the sick, casting out demons etc. Quote
Shogird Posted November 29, 2017 Report Posted November 29, 2017 On 2/1/2011 at 6:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? Expand It is really encouraging to read other people's responses here. In my situation, I experienced both the courage and fear. I truly believe courage comes after prayers and confidence in God's leading. I remember in the past I was courageous to make my decision and act upon it (my wrong understanding of God's leading and my deep desire to follow my will), only find out that I failed profoundly. Also, I remember a remarkable way of God's leading. In 2015, my sister's condition is worsened by her brain tumor. For some years I was trying to find help from doctors, but her brain cancer came to the point that I had to make the decision. When I contacted good doctors in states, the brain cancer tumor surgery and treatment cost was more than I can afford (100, 200, 300 grans and more). I throw myself to prayer day and night. The difficult situation was that at the time I was a staff member at the church and had a basic income. I had my pregnant wife and son. I was doing my graduate study and deep in financial debt. It seemed there was no way. During these difficult times, God reminded me of walking on the water with Jesus. With my prayers, my confidence started rising. I made the decision no matter what to help my sister who was with her two kids and a wayward husband who left her. The long story short, after long prayers and sleepless nights, I took a leap of faith and resigned from my job/ministry, took a loan and flew to another country to accompany my sister's surgery and treatment. I felt God marvelously supported me all the way in my journey. I was able to support my wife remotely with my loan, pay for my sister's surgery and treatment. I was able to continue my studies online remotely. In the process, I met many wonderful and helpful people in a foreign land. I met a minister who led my sister to Christ and baptized her in his small church. I was praying for my sister's salvation from her childhood. After the surgery and the treatment, my sister's condition is improved dramatically and she went back to her country. I came back from my long trip and I needed a job to support my family. God provided a job next month I came from my trip. It all went well, but unfortunately, my sister died next year, because her cancer was in an advanced stage. I truly believe that she is with Jesus now. Quote
Paula Price Posted August 30, 2018 Report Posted August 30, 2018 This question hits home to me and I am unable to answer. I know all the right things to say and I know what the bible says and I know what God requires. I have a fear of bridges and I will not drive across one. I prayed and asked God for a church to use my talent of playing piano and he gave me one for each Sunday. One requires me to cross two high rise bridges twice a month. I have found a friend to go to church with me on those Sundays so she drives me across! Thank you Lord.... but I have not mastered my fear to be able to drive myself across. I am praying continually and quoting my scriptures that He will remove this fear. I have not allowed it to hinder me in doing his service, however I found away around the fear to continue to be a servant in his service. " I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."........ " for God has not given man the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Quote
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