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Q1. Christ Our Passover Lamb

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Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19) In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb? In what sense are we marked with his blood? In what sense does God's judgment pass over us because of Christ's blood?

Christ is our Passover Lamb in the symbolic sense that as God commanded Moses and the people of Israel in the feast of the Passover to take every man a lamb, "Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male.." (Exo. 12:5). Christ was a male without sin (blemish) who sacrificed His life for the redemption of our sins. By the death of Jesus on the cross, the way was made for the removal of the guilt and power of sin; and, opened for us a way to God.

We are marked with the blood of Jesus because as believers, our redemption is acquired by the shedding of His blood on the cross. A continuing cleansing through His blood for our sins, allows us intimate fellowship with God.

God's judgment passes over us because "the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." (1 John 1:7). God's wrath passes over us because of the cleansing blood of Jesus. We must always resist the flesh and sinful nature of man through the power of the Holy Spirit living within us, and the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.

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Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19) In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb? In what sense are we marked with his blood? In what sense does God

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Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19) In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb?

The earthly sacrifices commanded in the Old Testament were never-ending. They were imperfect and temporary. They could never completely justify or purify anyone. The best these sacrifices could do was to make a person ritually clean so they could worship God without offending Him. We have to remember God is Holy in every way and can't look on sin. He graciously provided ways for imperfect sinful man to worship Him through the blood sacrifice of animals. These sacrifices were in force up to the time of Christ. With the coming and subsequent sacrificial death of Jesus Christ the way was opened for sinful man to worship God without having to offer an imperfect sacrifice. Christ became our sacrifice. He paid the penalty for our sins once and for all. Judgment is coming and because we have been saved through faith in Christ and by being united with Him in His death and resurrection we are spared that judgment. Christ's blood covers us and God won't condemn us.

In what sense are we marked with his blood?

By being united with Christ in His death and resurrection we share in His victory over sin as well. In the book of Revelation we see the people of God marked. I'd suppose it's something similar to that.

In what sense does God

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In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb?

Christ met all the requirements of God. Christ was without sin and lived the perfect life which qualified him as the substitute sacrificial "Lamb of God".

In what sense are we marked with his blood?

By placing out faith in what Christ accomplished on the Cross - and the blood that he shed- ours sins are covered. God can now look upon those who have received by faith what Christ has done, as being sanctified. Animal sacrifices were required that their blood would cover sin. These sacrifices where provisional. This was because the blood of animals couldn't meet the requirements needed. God had a much better plan in mind. In the age of technology in which we live this would be called an up-grade. Indisputably the plan for Jesus Christ was much more appropriate. No longer were the daily sacrifices of animals needed. Christ our Lord had only to die once and for all.

In what sense does God's judgment pass over us because of Christ's blood?

If we accept Christ as our savior through faith and become baptized, we are united with Him in His death and resurrection and are spared the judgment.

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Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19) In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb? In what sense are we marked with his blood? In what sense does God’s judgment pass over us because of Christ’s blood?

He paid the cost in advance by going to the Cross. He left us the gift of repentance when we sin. Because the price was so final; the accountability is high. Just Believe. If not. Expect God's judgment.

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Christ is our Passover Lamb quite literally because the Bible tells us that He who knew no sin became the very embodiment of sin in our stead that we, in our hopelessly fallen state, could be reconciled to our holy and blameless Creator who desires fellowship with us. How incredible is that! Praise God! Jesus was (more correctly, is) the lamb without spot or blemish whose blood tells God to "pass over" our transgressions.

We are marked with His blood in the sense that when He died in our place for our sins (past, present and future), we became consecrated for higher purpose. Just as the priests would dab a little blood on their earlobes (mental picture - that had to be really attractive...), Jesus' blood marks us as one of His redeemed.

Because of Christ's blood, God's rightful judgement of our sins has already been paid for by the sacrificial death of our blameless Lamb, God's very own son.

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Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19) In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb? In what sense are we marked with his blood? In what sense does God

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Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19) In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb?

The earthly sacrifices commanded in the Old Testament were never-ending. They were imperfect and temporary. They could never completely justify or purify anyone. The best these sacrifices could do was to make a person ritually clean so they could worship God without offending Him. We have to remember God is Holy in every way and can't look on sin. He graciously provided ways for imperfect sinful man to worship Him through the blood sacrifice of animals. These sacrifices were in force up to the time of Christ. With the coming and subsequent sacrificial death of Jesus Christ the way was opened for sinful man to worship God without having to offer an imperfect sacrifice. Christ became our sacrifice. He paid the penalty for our sins once and for all. Judgment is coming and because we have been saved through faith in Christ and by being united with Him in His death and resurrection we are spared that judgment. Christ's blood covers us and God won't condemn us.

In what sense are we marked with his blood?

By being united with Christ in His death and resurrection we share in His victory over sin as well. In the book of Revelation we see the people of God marked. I'd suppose it's something similar to that.

In what sense does God’s judgment pass over us because of Christ’s blood?

The Bible tells us that we have passed from death to life and will not be condemned. It was Christ's shed blood that provided that Grace.

Thanks Guitar Jim. This covers it. Can I copy your answers? (smile)

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Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19) In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb? In what sense are we marked with his blood? In what sense does God

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Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19) In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb?

The children of Israel were delivered from their bondage in Egypt by putting the blood of a lamb upon the doorposts of their houses, freeing them to worship God on God's terms; the Messiah Jesus, God's Passover Lamb came to deliver us from the bondage of sin and its curse, freeing us to worship God on God's terms as (1 Cor. 5:7-8) tells us, the Passover Lamb was sacrificed for us, so let us keep the feast, not with the old leaven of malice and wickedness; but with unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

In what sense are we marked with his blood?

We are marked with his blood when we through faith apply the Lamb's blood on the doorposts of our hearts.

In what sense does God's judgment pass over us because of Christ's blood?

All the houses that did not have the token of blood on their doorpost suffered the judgment of God. I am thankful for God

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Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19)

In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb?

In Egypt God had told His chosen people to slay a lamb and to sprinkle its blood as a sacrifice. This Passover Lamb which was killed as a substitute, was a type of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was to be without blemish, speaking of the sinlessness of Christ.

In what sense are we marked with his blood?

Although the death of Christ was great enough in value to pay for all the sins of the entire world; it is only those sinners who receive the Lord Jesus as Saviour that are forgiven. In other words they are marked with His blood.

In what sense does God's judgment pass over us because of Christ's blood?

It is because of the precious blood of Christ, shed for us, that God sees us as righteous. Christ is a lamb without blemish or spot, that is, He is absolutely perfect, inwardly and outwardly. It is this blood of Christ which was shed on the Cross and appropriated by faith, that brings salvation from our sins.

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Jesus Christ, the pure and blemish-free lamb, was sacrificed in order to achieve the same goal as the bleedings of the sacrificial lambs in the Old Testament...to wash away our sins. For those of us who are saved and reborn (important steps to take) we are redeemed and washed in Jesus' blood and protected from the wrath of God.

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Christ is our Passover Lamb in the symbolic sense that as God commanded Moses and the people of Israel in the feast of the Passover to take every man a lamb, "Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male.." (Exo. 12:5). Christ was a male without sin (blemish) who sacrificed His life for the redemption of our sins. By the death of Jesus on the cross, the way was made for the removal of the guilt and power of sin; and, opened for us a way to God.

We are marked with the blood of Jesus because as believers, our redemption is acquired by the shedding of His blood on the cross. A continuing cleansing through His blood for our sins, allows us intimate fellowship with God.

God's judgment passes over us because "the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." (1 John 1:7). God's wrath passes over us because of the cleansing blood of Jesus. We must always resist the flesh and sinful nature of man through the power of the Holy Spirit living within us, and the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.

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