Pastor Ralph Posted February 1, 2011 Report Posted February 1, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God Quote
cogickaaro Posted February 22, 2011 Report Posted February 22, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God's glory important in the Exodus? How is recognition of his glory important to faith? To holiness? To reverence? What happens when leaders take for themselves the credit and glory that should go only to God? How can leaders keep themselves from pride? During the Exodus, it was important to show the glory of God to the Egyptians so they would know there is "one God", "Yahweh". "The I Am that I Am". The Egyptians had to understand the inferiority of Pharaoh and any other god compared to the power, might, and glory of the only God and King of the universe. It was important to show God's glory to the Israelites so they would be assured from generation to generation of the power and might of their God; and, so they would forever respect and faithfully serve their God by following all of His commandments. Having true faith in God recognizes His promises, his word and His might. It involves a commitment of your life to Him. Faith knows and gives praise to God, His might and His glory. Faith is confidence and trust in God which comes from seeing and experiencing His glory. Recognizing God's glory increases and inputes faith. Faith is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22); and, a gift of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12: 8-9). The Holy Spirit is the agent of holiness and imputes holiness as the fullness of God and godliness into the believer. Holiness commands obedience to God and His word in all segments of life. Identically, to reverence God is to worship, obey, respect and honor Him. We reverence God by obeying His word and commands, and giving honor and praise to the glory of God. When leaders allow the sin of pride, self-deception, high mindedness, and boasting to overtake them they allow themselves to fall into rebellion against God, which causes them to give themselves the honor and glory due to God alone. This in and of itself is a great sin. Leaders must understand that all glory and honor belong to God alone. Leaders must keep themselves humble at all times. God wants leaders to be humble in spirit, not thinking themselves as being more important than any other man. A humble spirit will keep a leader obedient and submissive to God's will; and, he will realize man's sinful nature before a Holy God. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted February 26, 2011 Report Posted February 26, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God Quote
IvoryEagle Posted February 26, 2011 Report Posted February 26, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God Quote
charisbarak Posted February 27, 2011 Report Posted February 27, 2011 God's glory --his honor--are above all. He deserves our praise. Belief in what God is doing & giving Him the credit for it is important. We give God the glory & the praise--it purifies us. We have right thoughts about God & what he is doing in our lives. When leaders take the glory it is surely pride. They're not willing to admit that God brought it about, not them. Leaders can keep themselves from pride by daily giving God praise for all and worshipping Him. Quote
iam4_1god Posted February 28, 2011 Report Posted February 28, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God Quote
Moses 4 Posted March 1, 2011 Report Posted March 1, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God's glory important in the Exodus? How is recognition of his glory important to faith? To holiness? To reverence? What happens when leaders take for themselves the credit and glory that should go only to God? How can leaders keep themselves from pride? . Exodus is still important to us today, because it is our Passover as well as in the time of Moses, "For our Passover also has been sacrificed, even Christ" [1 Corinthians 5:7]. "That by the grace of God he should taste of death for every man" [Hebrews 2:9]. Christ died in the place of the sinner. It is by His blood that we are saved from death just as the blood of the lamb saved the first-born from death; the saved will be passed over by the second death. He tasted of death for all, but He is not forever being tormented for all. In contrast to the Sadducees, the Pharisees were scrupulous. The outside mattered, but in a legalistic way. They believed in the resurrection, the last judgment, the truthfulness of the miracles reported in the Bible's historical narratives, and were so eager for the messianic age that they wanted everybody to get their house in order. Only when God's people obey the law in all of its details (even the rabbinical rules designed to guard against violating the actual prescriptions of Moses) would the Messiah visit Israel and vindicate his people in the last judgment. Today there are many Priests, Pastors and even Bishops who seem to invite criticism by what they say and do, but most are far less culpable than the priests and bishops of St. Francis Quote
Delivered Posted March 1, 2011 Report Posted March 1, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God's glory important in the Exodus? The importance of God Quote
IvoryEagle Posted March 2, 2011 Report Posted March 2, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God Quote
susannahwollman Posted March 2, 2011 Report Posted March 2, 2011 This is something I've always wondered about. When I think of honoring someone, it's usually for something I admire. A judge for being just, a clerk for helping me at a store, a singer for exquisite use of her voice, and so on. Then I realized that I was honoring them for who they are, much more so than for what they do. The same, I believe, is true in these verses. God is being God. He created man to worship Him. When man does not do what he is created to do, God must intervene. As leaders, we do not always know who will listen and who will not. If we are true to our word, walking the walk and not just talking the talk, we may receive the honor due us. However, if God cannot guarantee that His followers will honor Him, how can an earthly leader do so? I don't think that leaders should demand honor. If they are honoring God, He will also honor them. I wonder if any Egyptians came to be God because of what occurred in Egypt. It is a pretty compelling reason to believe! (John 10) 37 Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. 38 But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father. Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted March 2, 2011 Report Posted March 2, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God Quote
JanMary Posted March 2, 2011 Report Posted March 2, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God's glory important in the Exodus? Egypt was a nation who worshipped many gods and had no idea who the One true God is. His glory sets Him apart from every god, and honors Him as Lord of all. His glory, if "seen" with spiritual eyes, leads to Salvation in an open heart. In the Exodus it was also important for that sea of humanity to know that the God of glory was leading them through Moses. They had no idea the 11 day trip would take 40 years of trial and testing and that except for Joshua and Caleb, the entire adult generation would die before entering the promised land....the wilderness and His glory was all that generation would know of Him. How is recognition of his glory important to faith? His Word declares that He is the One and only, true, holy and living Creator God. Recognizing His glory, confirms His Word, and reveals His power and might to fight on our behalf in this fallen world, and demonstrates His victory over all, just as He's promised! To holiness? His glory is His radiant light....the outshining of His holiness, and reveals His righteous and just character and majesty. To reverence? His glory reveals that He alone is God, and worthy of our praise and worship. His glory defines Him as God and lets us know that we are not! We are His creatures who bow down in His majestic presence. What happens when leaders take for themselves the credit and glory that should go only to God? We have been destined and appointed to live for the praise of His glory! ( Eph. 1:12.) He shares His glory with no one. When a leader tries to take the glory that belongs to God, there will be a" humility option" provided, as with king Nebuchadnezzar who said "Is not this the great Babylon that I have built as the royal residence and seat of power and for the HONOR and GLORY OF MY MAJESTY?" While the words were still in his mouth the voice from Heaven said "The kingdom has departed from you" and he ate grass with the the beasts of the fields for 7 years until he snapped out of his pride and God restored him. (Dan. 4:30,31) How can leaders keep themselves from pride? Humble one's self so that God doesn't have to. Be faithful in worship! Heed conviction of the Holy Spirit when pride tempts. Ask God to "pounce" when He sees pride, and yield to Him as Lord. Keep focused on the fact that success or recognition is a sign of His blessing, and is not due to the leaders "power and might".... Quote
Guitar Jim Posted March 3, 2011 Report Posted March 3, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God’s glory important in the Exodus? This is the first time since Creation that God has fully revealed Himself to mankind on a larger scale. It's the first time He has revealed his Name as Yahweh. Even Abraham, God's friend, knew him only as El Shaddai. God is taking the first major step in establishing His Kingdom. It is important to God to be glorified in order for the people of Israel to understand just how mighty and powerful God is. How is recognition of his glory important to faith? If you want to have faith in someone you have to believe that faith is justified. If God was just a man-made idol, how could anyone have real faith in Him? God here is demonstrating that He is the Living God! The creator of Heaven and Earth. To holiness? God alone is truly holy. Trying to fully comprehend that is mind-boggling. Try to imagine what the world, and indeed the universe would be like if it had been created by someone who WASN'T holy. What if someone who wasn't holy, perfect in every way, caring, compassionate, and a completist had made the earth? What if it was created by someone to whom rough enough was good enough? That thought gives new meaning to the concept of chaos. To reverence? I totally believe in reverence. I believe that going into the house of God (church) to worship God is an awesome privilege. OK, we're told in Hebrews that we can go boldly into the presence of God, but we're still puny humans and He's still God, the God of the universe! Jesus is our brother and our friend, but He's still the Son of God! That's why I believe with all my heart that things like the "Toronto blessing" that gathered so much attention a few years ago couldn't have been of God. How dare people sit there laughing their guts out while the preacher is giving us God's message! What happens when leaders take for themselves the credit and glory that should go only to God? In that situation they're headed for a fall, big time. God WILL see to it that He gets His due credit and honor. How can leaders keep themselves from pride? Hide in one of the stalls in the mens room and listen to what they say about you when they don't know you're there! That'll keep you humble. Seriously . . . Keep reminding yourself that you're only in that position because of the Will of God. You're only the messenger. Francis Rossi, lead singer and lead guitarist of legendary British Rock/Boogie band Status Quo was asked once how he maintained such a humble down to earth attitude when he'd achieved so much and had sold millions of records. His reply was: "Our biggest selling album sold three million copies, triple platinum. There are 100 million people in Britain and 97 million of them don't even like me enough to buy my album!" I myself am regarded as a villain. Most of us would be surprised to know how little people think of us. Keep that in mind and you'll have no trouble staying pretty humble. Quote
pastor neal Posted March 3, 2011 Report Posted March 3, 2011 Question 4: The importance of God's glory in Exodus is straightforward. It demonstrated to the bemoaning Israelites that He was greater than the Egyptians God while gaining glory through the Egyptians through the damage that was caused to Pharaoh and his army. Only when we understand the true nature of our Lord and concede to the importance of His glory can we gain a true picture. As we follow Pharaoh and his band of soldiers we know that they worshiped their own god refusing to recognize the Christian God, "having never heard of him." Not being one to share His glory, God gains His accolade by hardening the heart of Pharaoh, who then believed his army was indestructible. Our Lord then saw to the fall of Pharaoh and his army. When we as leaders, take for ourselves the credit and glory that is due to God we actually send the wrong message to our congregation. We are telling them that we are to be glorified for all of the great works that are carried out by our Lord, for whom we were created to glorify. It is a mere step into this position and can be exacerbated by an active vanity. The important key to avoiding this pitfall is to remain humble, glorifying our Lord each day. Quote
hanks Posted March 3, 2011 Report Posted March 3, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God's glory important in the Exodus? Pharaoh mocked God. He thought of himself as god and would not bow down before our mighty Lord. All had to be shown that God is divine and demands obedience, respect, and honour. How is recognition of his glory important to faith? To holiness? To reverence? Everything in the universes should give honour and glory to our Heavenly Father. Once we open our hearts and minds, can we see His glory all around us. This demands our faith in completely trusting Him. His holiness provides a pattern for His people to imitate. We read later (Exodus 19:4-6) God commanded the people to obey His voice, saying that they shall be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. He demands total reverence; Quote
Raph Posted March 3, 2011 Report Posted March 3, 2011 God's glory is important in the Exodus because it shows that God is Divine, Powerful and cannot be mocked as Pharaoh was trying to do. The recognition of God's glory is important to faith, holiness and reverence as it shows his power to perform miracles where the mind of the human being cannot apprehend. It shows the need for us to believe, respect and follow what he wants us to do without questioning. When leaders take for themselves the credit and glory that should go only to God are doomed to their own destruction. They fail to understand that, all their successes are from God Leaders can keep themselves from pride by understanding that, they are also made to glorify God and not otherwise. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted March 3, 2011 Report Posted March 3, 2011 God's glory is important in Exodus because it reveals who He is. It reveals His power, strength, majesty, sovereign state and His ultimate reign over any other. To have faith in anything, we trust it to be truth. The people had not known God very well up to that point. They knew Pharaoh had power, they knew what their lives under him were like and they knew he could rule over them, but they didn't know the One who was called I AM, that was supreme over everyone. Who loved them and wanted to help them and be their TRUE God. Who would rule with kindness and compassion if they trusted Him and obeyed Him. I AM was much more than they had comprehended "Pharaoh god" to be. He wasn't a god at all, just an earthly ruler. What did they know of true holiness at this point? They only knew what they saw. God's glory revealed to them, showed them an awesome God. One who they could and would eventually put their trust in. Once they saw God and His character, then reverence for such a mighty Being followed. Who are we that HE should be mindful of us? We aren't much in power or strength or holiness as human, and that's the point. HE is glorious. HE is holy, HE is I AM and we bow down, we ask for guidance and wisdom and HE is gracious. He helps, He's kind and anything good we have or do is because He is in us and with us. When leaders take credit and glory for themselves...they forget God. They have lost perspective of who really does anything. They become prideful and arrogant, thinking more of themselves than is due. Unfortunately, they have people surround them that feed this lie and bad goes to worse and eventually the fall comes because God doesn't let HIS glory go to another. He is God. We must humble ourselves every day and accept the ways He helps us stay balanced. He doesn't always lead us to do great things....but often to the menial and quiet small things to serve in also. Sometimes both together! But He knows what we need and we need to be prayerful in asking Him for good direction in our lives and to remember HE is our source of praise. Not people or positions or titles. If man praises me, I can politely accept that, always giving credit to God, but when God honors me or praises me or blesses me....that is my real source of well being. Quote
daddyboy Posted March 3, 2011 Report Posted March 3, 2011 Why is God's glory important in the Exodus? God's glory is important because He wants the attention of the Israelites.They have been enslaved for over four hundred years. I would think that after that length of time the Israelites might have been skeptical about the ability of God. They had been preying and crying out to God to no avail. God was demonstrating to the Israelites through the miracles He was performing that He was God, the one and only and that they could place their trust and faith in Him. As to the Egyptians He was revealing Himself to them as well. Drastic measures sometimes requires drastic actions. If they had only submitted to God they would have been spared the heartache. Pride always comes before the fall. Here in this account pride in the heart turns to pain in the heart. How is recognition of his glory important to faith,holiness and reverence? To recognize his glory is to place our faith in Him and this is what pleases God. Our God is a Holy God and cannot look upon sin. Therefore if we accept Christ as our Savior we are covered in righteousness and are sanctified.Now God can look upon us as his children and he becomes our father who will always be there by our side. Reverence is the respect that is due to God for who He is and what he is. He gave His one and only Son as a sacrifice in order for us to become sanctified. We owe everything to God for what he has done and thus we are to give to God the reverence he deserves. By remembering that God is in control of everything. We are nothing apart from God and all things come from God. When we become prideful we can be assured that our fall is not far. Quote
alexandria Posted March 3, 2011 Report Posted March 3, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God Quote
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