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Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

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Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

Most of the time people are uncertain and really don't want to accept the responsability for other peoples problems. It takes a person with courage and a very good prayer life to face the adversaries of today, people want to grumble and complain over the smallest things. I have found the best way to overcome symptoms of grumbling is to get the problem fixed fast before it gets out of control. We call ourselves Christians, so we should be Christ like, I never read about Him grumbling and complaning, that solves nothing it just prolongs the problem until it becomes a situation.



  On 2/1/2011 at 11:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

People grumble and complain out of fear and a lack of faith. If we have faith we will not fear. Not having faith will cause fear because we cannot see a solution within our own strength, while in the midst of adversity. The result will be grumbling and complaining and crying out in despair, showing no hope. Fear and faith relate to grumbling in that without faith, fear will overtake and cause grumbling and complaining.

Any symptom of grumbling (i.e., fear of the unknown) must be met in the initial stage with fervent prayer. Prayer for renewed and greater faith, prayer for the continued presence and growth of God in my life; and, the remembrance of His past deliverances, answers to my prayers; and, the feeling of His peace when I depend totally on Him.

  On 2/1/2011 at 11:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? Because the can. They are conditioned to complain. Their approach to relief. :(

How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? With Faith, there is no need to grumble. With fear, there is no Faith.

What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? Becoming disenchanted at God's appointed leaders and those who follow them.

What should you do about it? Remember what Jesus told Peter when asked about John: "What is it to you..." :angry:

" When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, "Lord, what about this man?" Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!" (John 21:18-22)


Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?


Everyone has fear at some point. Our fear eithers turns us to God in faith or to grumbling and complaining (our natural in the flesh response).

When I find myself grumbling I have to adjust my attitude to one of gratitude for the goodness of God, first at the cross of Christ and then for all the blessings and deliverances He has graciously provided.

There is a difference between groaning and grumbling. God understands our natures and how we are made and patiently(!!) bears with us. What an awesome God He is!

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain?

People tend to grumble and complain when they're impatient for the result they're seeking.

Also if they see no end to a problem they're having they tend to complain in the hope that someone will do something about it. In my experience I've found that older people complain the most if things aren't to their liking.

How do fear and faith relate to grumbling?

In the case of the Israelites they lacked faith in God to do as He'd promised. Fear of God is the most likely reason they complained to Moses. The problems they had in the desert were very real though. They were scared because they faced an unknown environment and had no prior experience with thirst and hunger, let alone the enemies that awaited them out there.

Maybe they should have voiced their concerns to Moses in a more respectful way.

What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life?

OK, here we go: I read that God works for good in all things for those who love him. Tonight wouldn't be the first time I've asked God when that's gonna start! I mean, I'm really fortunate that God is in my corner. I'd hate to see what'd happen to me if God wasn't looking after me!

Business-wise, last year I had my worst year since 2003. This year's off to a good start. I wrote off one of the two old cars that I drive. The other one ran as sick as a dog and no one could fix it. At least I got to swap the engine and transmission from the wreck into the other one and kind of made one decent car from two. All that cost me heaps of money though. Just tonight I tore the front bumper half off in a parking lot when it caught on something as I backed out. (They're plastic these days. What total idiot thought that was a good design idea?)

Last year I was diagnosed with diabetes. I can't raise my arms sometimes for the shoulder pain that has been constant for over a year now, the result of the long biceps tendon in each arm snapping in separate incidents. My lower back (broken vertebra) is getting so bad that I can't even drive for an hour without having to get out almost screaming in pain from the sciatica and other referred pain in my legs.

I wasn't always a professional musician. I drove trucks and forklifts for 15 years, then got retrenched. I had a good job lined up to start but my old boss needed me to go work at the transport company that took over our work because I knew the products. So he "white anted" me at the place I was about to start and a couple of weeks later I snapped my bicep tendon working at the transport company lifting something too heavy and awkward and haven't worked a day job since. I've struggled to make a living as a professional musician for over 13 years now. I'm on a pension because of all my injuries and medical problems. I got no liability payout for any of my injuries either.

In 1982 I developed agoraphobia and I've asked God a million times to heal me. "My Grace is sufficient for you" . . . Yeah? I don't think so! The strain on my marriage was too much for my wife and we got divorced in 2007. All I got from the settlement was my clothes, my musical equipment, my rusty old home gym, and my superannuation money. The Global Financial Crisis drained my superannuation investment money so badly (I lost 40% of what I had invested and accumulated) that I can't ever afford to retire and I'll have to work till I fall off the perch.

Every time without exception when I make a bold yet cautious step forward in my musical career it seems the whole universe conspires to drive me forcibly back until I'm further behind than where I was before stepping out . . . in faith too I might add. Every time without exception when I tell someone I'm doing well or I tell people I have regular work at this or that venue for the next few months, sure enough I lose it all. I'll get undercut and badmouthed out of the place by my competition.

My Powerlifting career and my reputation as a Christian sportsman who gave glory to God for my success were ruined by the president of our Powerlifting association spreading lies about me so no one would believe me if I ever told them he was a proven paedophile! I promised his wife I'd never do that but he couldn't take the chance. Now I had God behind me all the way in Powerlifting and I lifted for Him, which was common knowledge at the time. What I want to know is why God allowed the enemy to get such a complete win over me? I'm not welcome at any Powerlifting events even as a spectator after the bad mouthing my former close friend gave me.

Every time some new problem arises I really try to see God's benevolent hand in it and I look for a positive thing that God can use the situation to create, but for the life of me I can't. It just keeps piling up. Do I complain to God? You better believe I do!

Like the Israelites my problems are real. They're ever-present.

"Many are called but few are chosen" rings in my ears all the time. I'm not a Calvinist but I have to wonder sometimes if I am one of the people God has chosen to be a child of God or if I'm wasting my time. Maybe I didn't get an invitation? Gotta ask the question.

What should you do about it?

You tell me. I suppose I could count my blessings. That won't take all day.


Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain?

Unmet expectations, inconvenience, impatience, fatigue, fear and anxiety, illness and pain, pride ("I don't deserve this!", "If I were in charge I could do a better job!", etc), hopelessness, disappointment, distrust, feeling that you're not being heard, or are ignored or "invisible".

How do fear and faith relate to grumbling?

Fear and dismay can paralyze and cause one to want to give up and quit! Then the grumbling starts.

Faith sees that God is Sovereign, knows what He's doing and why, and is willing to walk through the trial, difficulty, disappointment, trusting Him for a good outcome in the bigger "Picture".

What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life?

I can't think of any grumbling in recent years, but after a few years of waiting for God's promises (One was given in 1979, the other in 1988....still waiting and trusting.), I thought I knew how things were going to go, and when not only were the promises delayed, the circumstances got much worse, and I grumbled at the length of time it was taking. Sometimes I pouted and didn't want to pray. (that reminds me of our son when he was about 3 and was expressing anger and wanted us to "be sorry" about telling him no, or wait, said "Ok, then I'm not going to eat my ice cream!) When I was a child, one punishment we received was shunning and the silent treatment. It took time for me to realize that when God is silent, He's not giving me the silent treatment/ punishment. Jesus took all of the punishment for my sin/unrighteousness, on the cross. When I "got that", I realized He was teaching me to trust Him without constant reassurance!

What should you do about it?

The Lord showed me that I should talk to Him about it instead of doing passive aggressive things (Like not praying or reading the Word..."not eating my ice cream!") When I've brought it to Him in prayer and told Him that I was angry at Him, it felt like He smiled about my honesty, and led me to scripture that comforted me and showed me that He is constantly building my character, growing me up, maturing my faith, and wanting me to trust Him. That takes the sting out of whatever is going on that I don't like, and I have "new eyes" to see. Patience is an area He's been developing over the long years of waiting, and I don't grumble anymore....I know His timing is perfect and at the right time He will fulfill what He's promised me. Would I like it to happen now? Of course, but He knows the future, and I don't!

Another area I've had to learn is to not grumble to others...nothing brings us down more quickly than whining and grumbling and complaining from disgruntled believers. It's one thing to be honest with a trusted friend who will pray than to pepper those around you with grumbling buckshot.


Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain?

They complained to Moses about not having water for their families and cattle to drink, man cannot live without water.

How do fear and faith relate to grumbling?

I can understand why they were fearful; they were in the desert with no life sustaining water to drink, however, when they allowed their natural senses of fearing the unknown to grow into grumbling, arrogantly expressing their discontent, fear has now been replaced with

  On 2/1/2011 at 11:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

People want to grumble and complain when things to be done are not easy. We are a people of luxury and want the easiest way. God seems to be the object of our grumbling because He is the giver of all things. Being a Christian does not mean there is "no work, and only play". Fear plays a big part in our life, because it has respect attached to it. When we are fearful, we do not respect the presence of God in our life. We think that we can take care of all the things that are wrong with our life.

Being fearful cuts into our faith and trust of God in our life. Why do we have life insurance? Or why do we have any kind of insurance, when God is our life. Don't we trust Him? Don't we trust God to take care of us? And even our prayers get mixed up in this mess by always praying for someone who is sick or hurt to be healed. Did God say that we would never be sick or hurt? Out prayers need to be, "God help me or this other person to learn the lesson you are trying to teach us." Because we do not fully trust God, we have to have life and accident insurance to keep our lives going in the flesh.

Because I do not fully trust God with my life, I have to use the carnal insurances to keep myself going. That is not what I want. I want to put my life into the hands of God and not have to worry about every situation and its outcome. I believe I am striving to trust more and to follow God's commands more completely. Being that I am married, I need to bring my wife along with me, as I increase my faith and obedience. Being drawn closer to God, by cutting off the worldly baggage, I will see more of what I hope for in Christ Jesus.


Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

Fear causes people to complain.

When we grumble it makes the fear subside, somewhat.

I grumble when I don't understand something, or I need something and I can't get it.

What I should do in either situation is pray about whatever is bothering me, and I have done this-it works! Praise God! The Father always has a good answer for everything, and He says in His word that we should come to Him for everything. I am trying to do that.

  On 2/1/2011 at 11:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

People usually complain about the unfair treatment from others,lack of trust to authority and fear of unknown situation. When I feel angry with the situation where I was in or other people's behavior that hurt me. I should control my temper and not let it out of control, and I should pray to God.


Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

They grumbled and complained when, or as they came up against difficult situations. Facing these situations and not knowing how to react to them - and at the same time not be familiar enough with God to know of His love for them or His power to change every negative situation into a positive in their lives - they resorted to complaining and murmuring against their leader. . .

- Faith has no relationship with grumbling - however, fear results in grumbling. . .

- When situations are not understood, when things don't change or work-out as quickly as is expected or we would like them to - we sometimes tend to grumble and complain. . . The tendency to grumble or complain - or the act of grumbling or complaining can be successfully combated by the following actions: 1) meditating in the Word of God; 2) studying the Word of God; 3) prayer, especially when we are praying in agreement with the Word of God; and, 4) acting on the Word of God. . .


  On 2/1/2011 at 11:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? It is all they know. They feel helpless and must target the object of the helplessness.

How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? Fear cancels out Faith.

What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? Observing unqualified and ambitious leaders assigned and displaying the "Peter Principle" at the expense of people really striving to grow.

What should you do about it? PRAY HARDER!!!!!!!!!! :P Find a greater level of tolerance without submitting to apathy.

  On 2/1/2011 at 11:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?


People grumble and complain for various reasons ranging from extreme fatigue to frustration and anxiety. We can also add to this list extreme fear and panic; which we had seen in the examples Exodus 15-18. As we had seen in previous readings their fear and insecurities come from their inability to accept God's plans and to trust Moses and Aaron to carry them out exactly as commanded.

This continuous lack of support for their leaders breeds contempt and then anger with in the motions of the leader. In support, look at Moses response to the constant complaint of their thirst. Moses slammed his staff against the rock, disobeying God's (Nu. 20:1-13)command. This action will not fair well for Moses!

I really have no grumblings in my life. I may have a few uncertainties now and then but I know that I should trust my Lord with all issues. Through prayer and mediation not only do answers come, so do peace and tranquility.

  On 2/1/2011 at 11:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

Either they do not want to do what they are having to do or they think someone else should be doing it. Grumbleing and complaining shows a lack of faith. When I find myself grumbling or complaining about something I try to stop and think how I can make it better because G&C do nothing to solve the problem. Pray about it.


The reasons can be fear, jealousy or a bad memory.

Without faith = fear = grumbling


Get back to making God #1 in my life; keep my eyes on Him--not others; set a watch on my mouth.

Guest curere
Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it? Fear causes people to complain. When we grumble it makes the fear subside, somewhat. I grumble when I don't understand something, or I need something and I can't get it. What I should do in either situation is pray about whatever is bothering me, and I have done this-it works! Praise God! The Father always has a good answer for everything, and He says in His word that we should come to Him for everything. I am trying to do that.


  On 2/1/2011 at 11:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

-the reasons that people grumble and complain because of fear of death or suffering.

-fear produce grumbling but faith produce praises

-in may own life disappointment is a symptoms of grumbling,I heat to be disappointed.I must trust in God not people.

  On 2/25/2011 at 6:39 PM, Bondservantmccue said:

Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?

Most of the time people are uncertain and really don't want to accept the responsability for other peoples problems. It takes a person with courage and a very good prayer life to face the adversaries of today, people want to grumble and complain over the smallest things. I have found the best way to overcome symptoms of grumbling is to get the problem fixed fast before it gets out of control. We call ourselves Christians, so we should be Christ like, I never read about Him grumbling and complaning, that solves nothing it just prolongs the problem until it becomes a situation.



People Grumble and Complain because the Lack the Fear of the Lord,Because the Fear of the lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

  On 3/7/2011 at 11:58 AM, Tabi said:

-People Grumble and Complain because the Lack the Fear of the Lord,Because the Fear of the lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

-Fear and Faith has no relationship toward Grumbling.When you are in Fear,Doubt and Unbelief,Then grumbling will be the order of the Day in your Life.

  On 3/7/2011 at 11:58 AM, Tabi said:

People Grumble and Complain because the Lack the Fear of the Lord,Because the Fear of the lord is the Beginning of Wisdom


Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? They grumble because they are afraid. They are afriad because they lack belief.

How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? A lack of faith leads to fear and fear leads to grumbling.

What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it? I think in my life it comes out as dissatisfaction. When I feel this though I just have to look at what God has already done for me and the dissatisfaction and grumbling dissolves into praise and thanks.


People grumble and complain because they lack faith in God. We see our circumstances and we don't trust either the true leadership (Like Moses) set up over those circumstances, and that they will listen and receive direction from God in it, or we don't trust God to do what is right and over-ride false leadership (Like Pharaoh) set up by man. I think people are afraid to be honest too. Instead of coming out with concerns and maybe having input into how to address an issue, it is easier to grumble and complain in the background with anyone who might sympathize with us.

Fear and faith relate to grumbling because fear motivates us to think we won't be taken care of, that our needs won't be met or our "opinions" won't be heard. When we put our trust in men, that all may happen even with the best leadership, but if we don't take that fear to God who is faithful to deal with it (on His terms....but always with love and compassion and for our good)and trust Him in it, we can't get past it. He is our ultimate go to and we know His decisions are right. He IS our just ruler. He will help us...either to understand a leaders decision or to help make it right if that wasn't a good one. I had a devotional today on "great faith" and "little faith". In it little faith was somewhat overwhelmed with circumstances and obstacles and did not have fore sight to overcome, but sank in despair or grumbling or tears. Great faith saw beyond them and trusted in God's promises and kept moving forward. How true. Our faith in God and who He is and what He promises, makes every difference in overcoming anything. As said in a previous lesson though, people really grumble against God more than against leaders when they choose to grumble at all. The lack of trust is really against Him.

Grumbling in my own life? I think I try to be a peace-MAKER....bringing concerns directly to leaders over me to bring a broader vision to problems in the church, or to gain greater understanding as to the reason decisions were made, and I try to respect a leaders final say in it. I do take most problems to God if I really feel a wrong is in process, but sometimes if the "results" are slow in coming or I "feel" not listened to at all, then I can grumble. I tend to keep it with family members I trust, but still, I find myself entertaining thoughts of doubting the leadership that I for the most part trust, so I try to be mindful of that weakness in me.

For leadership though, (myself included) as difficult as it can be at times, it is wise to listen. Humbly listen to others. Then hold what is said up to God for examination. We don't have it all together either sometimes and the church is a "body" of many members with many gifts to have in place and operating together.

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