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Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

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Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

"..that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no." (Exo. 16:4). God provided manna to again show the people of His power and provision. God was again allowing the people the opportunity to believe, trust and have total faith in Him, which would cause them to obey His commands. The manna ceased because the Israelites had arrived at Canaan. "..they did eat manna until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan" (Exo.16:35). Once the people reached a land that was inhabited and could find food on their own, the manna stopped.

The manna was taken for granted because the people had to do nothing to produce it. All the people had to do was gather enough for each day (except the sabbath). On the sixth day they were to gather enough for two days. The people received manna every day at no cost or labor, and took for granted the provision provided by the Lord. People may take for granted provisions provided them which they get totally free.

An every day provision of God which may be taken for granted is the breath we breathe. However, nothing not a breath, can be taken for granted. Every little and big provision is a gift of God.


GOD PROVIDED MANNA FOR THE PEOPLE: This was a reminder to forget the bondage of slavery in Egypt as God would provide manna for his people.

Sometimes we use excuses of the past to grumble. However, these people who were free could no longer reflect on the past as God was there to meet their needs.

THE MANNA FINALLY CEASED BECAUSE: As The people reached the promised land, there was a need to keep faith in their God; and, to participate in providing food for themselves. However, always remember that God delights in people who do not grumble. Therefore, give thanks for the rain as well as good crops - etc.

I THINK THE PEOPLE GRADUALLY BEGAN TO TAKE THE MANNA FOR GRANTED because they grumbled and thought they could rely totally on themselves in leadership - etc. Their attitudes changed as soon as the camp was run over by snakes. Therefore, this was a constant reminder to give thanks to the Lord for His provisions.



Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

Why did God provide manna for the people? Two reasons: They needed food and to demonstrate He would take care of them.

Why did the manna finally cease? The same reason a mother's milk ceases; the baby is old enough to transition to a new level of feeding.

Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? Familiarity breeds contempt.

What provision of God are you taking for granted? None. I am fully aware that "nothing just happens." I thank God that while there are levels of living that would appear to be more secure; the real security lies in the fact that God has provided all that I need. Day by day, moment by moment, I never forget what Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 9:2, that "anything can happen to anybody, including me." The Grace of God is my security. :P

Guest SnighRag
Pastor Ralph, on 01 February 2011 - 06:46 PM, said:Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?



Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

God provided mama for the people. It would seem that being in the desert, there would not be much to eat. God watched over them carefully. Teaching them that He would take care of them and maybe they would learn that. Even today we need to celebrate the Sabbeth Day as being a Holy Day. As Christians we need to know that God will provide if we follow His Word, and trust Him to lead us through hard times.

The manna finally stopped after 40 years as they reached the Promised Land.

The people didn't have to work for this manna. God just provided it for them. They just had to believe in Him. That's all.Also they should have been more thankful.

At times we forget that everything we have belongs to God. Our homes,cars,children,etc. We are the stewards of our homes, bank accounts,children. EVERYTHING WE HAVE BELONGS TO OUR GOD.....Thanking Him for this blessing would please Him a lot. Daily!


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

God provided Manna because the Israelites ran out of food.

Manna ceased cause the Israelites reached Caanan.

That's what we do when we are blessed-we assume that the blessing is always going to be there.

I was taking my job for granted, until I lost it. I had a good-paying job, and my husband and I had about everything we wanted. But the economy tanked, and I lost my job, and that was my wake-up call. Don't take advantage of God, or He'll pull the rug out from under you!


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

God provided the manna to the people of Israel so they would have food to eat every day. God does not lead people to death nor does he lead people to starve. God will provide what we need, not necessarily what we want.

God stop providing manna for the Israelites when they entered the promised land and ate of the first harvest.

When we have something like manna everyday (except Saturday), day after day after day, we feel that it will be there every day, even if we don't think about it. It becomes common place and we forget to thank God for what He provides us.

God does provide my needs every day, but sometimes I begin to think He will do it without my thankfulness. Then I need to praise God for all His goodness that He bestows on me all the time. My life would not be, if God did not take care of me in all situations. I tend to forget that He provides me money to live on to buy the things I need.


God provided the manna because there weren't enough sources of food in the desert.

The manna ceased when food sources increased.

I'm sure they took it for granted--we sure do right now.

We need to be sure to be thankful for all the Lord has provided--and does so on a daily basis!


I believe that God had provided manna to the people for two reasons. First, and most importantly, it was to be used As food to keep their strength up and to keep them from starving while they fulfilled God's calling. Secondly, I believe that God delivered the manna as proof that He is with them and that they should curtail their grumbling.

Once the people arrived in Canaan there was no need for God to continue the manna since they now had access to the foods to which the Canaanites were blessed.

Taking manna for granted: Like anything else that one can rely on to be on hand in abundance everyday one begins to care little about where it comes from as they use the product. These people were no different. Each morning as the dew dissipated they found the ground covered with the wonderful, tasty manna that kept them from starving. At first they were thankful for this blessing but as they "harvested" each morning it became routine,and with the routine the thought of who supplied this food was placed somewhere in the back of their minds.

My family and I are in no way perfect and we do fall short from time to time. However, we work our best to keep in check our blessings so that we do not take anything for granted. We had gone through some very strenuous times, but the Lord had seen us through. We never took for granted his blessings and acts of love...we thanked him for his help and utilized the methods He taught us to deal day-by-day.


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? To feed them to stop them from starving

Why did the manna finally cease? When they no longer needed it in order to feed themselves (because God had made other provision for them by bringing them to the promised land

Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? It had appeared without fail every day 6 days per week for 40 years. It is human nature, and very easy to take something, in particular which provides such a basic need as this for granted.

What provision of God are you taking for granted? I don't think I am, but I could very easily see how I could fall into that trap. A year ago, I was in a very difficult financial position. I had no job and funds had just about run out. I literally did not know how I was going to pay the next bill which came in. God provided for me and has continued to provide for me over the past year. The difficulties are not over, but I am not in a position where I don't know where the next penny is coming from. It could be very easy to relax in this position of relative certainty and comfort and take God's continuing provision for granted. The truth is though that I owe everything I have to God. I know that He will continue to provide for me, but I should never take that provision for granted.


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people?

God provided manna for the people so that they would know that the LORD, Jehovah, Israel’s God is good and gracious, kind and merciful, that He is mindful of his covenant and promises to Israel, and will supply their wants, providing for them all things necessary and sufficient for them.

However, Jehovah provided manna for the people also to test their “faith” - God said to Moses, “I will rain bread from heaven, and the people shall go out and gather a certain amount each day, that I may prove (test) them, whether they will walk in my law, or not.

Why did the manna finally cease?

The main reason manna ceased for that generation was because of disobedience, they did not pass the test, they did not obey the voice of Jehovah; instead they continued to murmur against God and against Moses and Aaron, God servants, even after God had shown them His mercy, they continued to walk in unbelief, the clincher was, they did not believe the good report of the spies, which incensed Jehovah against that generation and God said that this murmuring people would not go into the promised land he promised to their fathers to give them.

Manna ceased after the next generation up to 20 years of age, along with Caleb and Joshua, men of faith, renewed their covenant with Jehovah, as Joshua circumcised them who had not been circumcised while in the wilderness, and together celebrated the Passover, eating of the unleavened cakes and old corn, they will not eat of manna anymore, they will eat of the fruit of the land.

Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted?

God continued to bless them with manna, not because of their complaining, but because of His promise to their fathers, so they therefore took it for granted, God would have to continue, even if they did not pass the test and not walk in faith, they thought it was all about God and not about them.

What provision of God are you taking for granted?

This is a great question, it reminds me how important it is that my heart be circumcised, I want my life to pass the test, for God has called me to walk in faith and obedience, being ever careful I never take for granted Jesus, God’s Manna sent from heaven, God's Passover Lamb.

God’s Son is my bread of life and my allegiance is to Him, not wanting to ever take for granted God's promise sent, seen in the work of the cross, understanding full well, Jesus calls me to be to be obedient to His God and father, the cross calls me to write Jehovah’s laws on my heart, to be filled with the Holy Ghost, so that I would not walk in disobedience and unbelief, not taking for granted, God’s Manna sent from heaven, for me.


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? He said He would take care of them and He did.

Why did the manna finally cease? For the same reason we take the bottle from a baby; he is now capable of feeding himself.

Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? Familiarity breeds contempt.

What provision of God are you taking for granted? Absolutely None! I am suspended in God's Grace every second of the day and night. I know that God is everything, everywhere, all of the time. I know that it is only by His Grace I live and have my being. I know that it is true as stated in Ecclesiastes, anything can happen to anybody, any time. But God. :rolleyes:


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

The manna was provided to give the people something to eat. God could have just caused the people not to be hungry but He did not work that way. We are suppose to work to eat. The people had to get out in the morning and pick up just enough manna for the day. It is suppose to be if we don't work we don't eat.

The manna ended when the people got to go into the promise land and could find the abundant food there.

We always take for granted what is there all the time. If we have good health we take it for granted, if we have a good roof over our heads, we take it for granted, and so on. We need to learn to thank God for every little thing we have and to not take anything for granted.

Everything that I have regularly. Pray for me that I will stop taking every day things for granted.


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people?

The manna was God's perfect food for them, His provision, to train them in dependence upon Him...so that they would recognize that He is our provider of all things. They'd been enslaved for 400 years and He was renewing and retraining their minds and hearts to a deliverer and personal God.

Why did the manna finally cease?

The manna was a wilderness provision...a necessity, as there was no other source of food for them. Manna was a miraculous outpouring of His love for them. It ceased when they entered the promised land and there was an abundance of food and water for growing crops.

Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted?

Because, like life, it was so "daily". They didn't have to search for it. It fell right outside their door. It was the same each time...no surprise or variety, always there and on time.

What provision of God are you taking for granted?

After losing nearly everything a number of years ago, I pretty much take nothing for granted! Although an experience last week shed new light on this answer. The Lord has provided for me to go to a ladies gym in my neighborhood for the past 15 years. Last week I arrived, and the door was padlocked and a sign said they were out of business. I was stunned, to put it mildly! I had assumed it would always be there. I had taken it for granted, and was no longer working vigorously, nor going as frequently as I did in the beginning years. He has opened a door for me to go to another, larger, better equipped gym, also in my neighborhood. Now I am eager to go, and to work out! I'm aware that in this economy, it too could close, so I'm going to make the most of it while I can! I have good health, for which I'm also grateful, and want to do what I can to maintain my body for His service.

My Father is an amazing provider....our old car keeps right on running, our clothes and shoes have not worn out (I wore an outfit on Sunday that was 34 years old...it looks like it was just purchased and received dozens of compliments! Only God could do that!) At nearly 70, I've cooked thousands and thousands of meals in my 50 year old pots and pans.....and while I'm thankful for the amazing variety and plentiful food, sometimes I wish manna would fall at my door! But on the rare occasions when I just can't face cooking another meal, In and Out burger down the street suffices! biggrin.gif

He reminds me that He is the bread...the manna...the Heavenly food that came down from Heaven to sustain me with all that I need, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. He came to me, right where I was. His mercy is new every morning. He will never leave me alone for one second! I will never take Him for granted for He is my life!


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

The desert terrain was not conducive to producing enough food to feed this nation of people, so God provided the manna as food for them daily and continued doing so until the reached the borders of Canaan. . .

- Yes, the people of Israel as well as people today take the the things that God provides for granted. . .

- More often than not the things that we take for granted are Hid grace, mercy, and forgiveness. . .



Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

One of the covenant names of God is, EL SHADAI, He is the God who provides. God provided manna for the people because he is their provider. God always has a plan. He sees the end from the beginning. All that the Israelite has to do was to stop grumbling, put their trust in El Shaddai and claim their provision.

The manna finally ceased because the people have reached the promise land. But that does not mean that God will withdraw his provision away from them. They still need God's protection, Psalm 91. For us believers our promise land is Jesus Christ. Once we confess him as Lord and Savior we have reached our fulfillment in him.

The people gradually began to take the manna for granted because they are looking at the manna with their natural eyes and not with their spiritual eyes. They need to see beyond the manna and see El Shaddai, their provider behind the manna.

I take God's provision of divine health and prosperity for granted.


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

1. They were hungry. He was proving to them that He could and would take care of them every day in every way.

2. They no longer needed it. They had reached a country where they could find grain to eat.

3. It was there, every day for 40 years, a certainty for them. They quit worrying about hunger and counted on God to provide for their every need.

4. So many times I count my blessings, but don't remember things like thanking God for putting me in the church I attend, my Bible study classes, things that mean so much to me. I am truely grateful to God for His mercies and grace. For healing us when we are sick, and providing our every need daily.


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people?

They were in the desert and there was simply no way to obtain enough food from what lived or grew there. God was also teaching them that He would and could provide for their needs.

Why did the manna finally cease?

The manna fell overnight right up until the Israelites entered the promised land. After that they could eat the food that grew in Canaan.

Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted?

I think it'd be easy to take for granted something that happened every day for forty years.

What provision of God are you taking for granted?

With all the problems I face daily I sometimes forget that I'm alive by the Grace of God. I pray over the little things, the fine details, of everyday life and I sometimes forget to thank God for the big picture.


Q3. (Exodus 16)

Why did God provide manna for the people?

Besides being food for the journey it was to teach the Israelites to observe the Sabbath


God provided manna for the people to show His supernatural mighty; that with Him there is nothing impossible. While Israelites were hungry and wondering what will become of them in the desert and started grumbling against their leaders, od gave them foof "manna" in the desert.

The manna finally ceased as they were able to get food from the land.

I think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted because it was there for a long time (forty years) so they start seeing it as their right and forgetting that it is God who is bringing the manna to them to show His love to them.

A tricky question but maybe the provision of God that sometimes I take for granted is my success in life. I sometimes think it is my capability that made me to succeed forgeting that, it is the mercy of Lord and His power that leads to my success.


God provided manna for the people to:

Give them food to sustain their physical bodies while out in the desert.

To answer to their grumbling that He knows them and knows their needs.

To show He is a faithful God, to be fully trusted and able to not only deliver them but to provide for them.

The manna finally ceased because His provision for them was met by providing an abundance of food in the land of plentiful that He had given them. He was still providing, yet in a different way.

The people gradually take the manna for granted because it became routine. Like us today, when we ask for a provision and have that given, the people then, lost the concept of thankfulness for the provision of what they had needed. They thought, as all our human nature does, of the next step, the next best, the bigger or better. They wanted meat. They got tired of bread, bread, bread! What they once marveled at....became mundane. What had been a "need" met became a "want" for better as so often happens.

What provision of God do I take for granted? Wow, really reflecting on it, there are many. This beautiful Earth and all of creation. Sometimes I marvel at it and some days I'm just "off to live my day." My health sometimes and my church. All I've been given. My home and food and income. I'm not saying I don't thank God for them ever, but there are days I'm just looking forward to the day and what He has for me to do and I forget to thank Him for the provisions He has given me to even begin the day in the first place. I am very blessed to be created, saved, to have purposes in Him and to be living those. There was a time I didn't know that. I have a beautiful family, a modest home and food. In lean times I have been provided for and in sorrow I was comforted. In sin I've been forgiven (Big time!) and in seeking He was found. When I cry out, He answers me and He shows me the way. I am truly blessed.

Thank you Father.

Thank you.


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

Like everything else we take for granted, the people took the Lord


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?


1.Why did God provide manna for the people?

What prompted God to provide manna,is to fulfill his promise to Moses that He will deliver the Hebrew people,from Egypt.It was given to them,because they cannot grow anything in the desert,and besides,they are constantly on the go.

The people are grumbling again to Moses,about their hunger,and to proove that God is with them,He rain manna to them.

2.Why did the manna finally cease?

The manna ceased,when the Hebrew people finally arrive at the Promised Land,a land flowing of milk and honey...

Joshua 5:12-And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land ; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

3.Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted?

The people might have been feed up,of eating the same food everyday.

4.What provision of God are you taking for granted?


I failed,to thank the Lord,for this wonderfull blessings everyday,that anyone missing from this will caused tremendous discomfort...

Thank you Jesus for all of These....


Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?

God provided manna for the people because he is a good God who provides for his people. Doesn't he let his rain to fall on the just and unjust alike. He heard the cries of the people and delivered them from Pharoah. He heard their cries when they where thirsty and give them water to drink. He did the same when they were hungry. The manna finally ceased when they reached the Promised Land and were able to take care of themselves. When we get things freely we tend to take it for granted. These people had nothing to do but to gather the manna no sweat, no hard word work just gather it up. There are so many things I take for granted one I would like to share is the abilty to sit for long periods. I have an injury to my back and before that injury sitting was no problem. I never visualized not being able to sit for long periods but now I no longer take sitting for granted. When I think about it even waking up, the air we breathe, Our successes, homes sometimes we all take these things for granted. Sometimes I reflect on these things and just say "Thank You Lord"

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