nonna Posted March 14, 2011 Report Posted March 14, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses Quote
Travis63 Posted March 15, 2011 Report Posted March 15, 2011 Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? Really can't say, according to Exodus 18:24-26 Moses did adhere to father in law guidance (verse 24 - So Moses hearkened to the voice of his father in law, and did all that he had said.) Perhaps because Moses did not seek God's guidance in this process that it was not effective, Jethro as well said, " If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so." If it was that Moses did not acted upon Jethro's guidance until we have the recording in Numbers. Perhaps he did not because the examples that he saw and understood were likewise. He had seen leadership in Egypt, he saw that of his father in law, and he experience that of the Hebrews upon his return to Egypt. Moses saw these types of leadership, he saw only what was affront, perhaps what he did not see was that these leaderships actually did delegate authority, and that he previously had a role in the leadership of Egypt and that under Jethro. In Numbers 11:11-15 we see Moses turns to the Lord, he through various question that could be considered questions birth from frustration. And now the Lord blesses / ordains the concept of 70 elders (within verse 16 "whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people". Perhaps these are they from Exodus 18:24-26. What were the qualifications of these judges? Exodus 18:20- teachable; 21 - able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; 22 - available, accountable and willing (let them judge the people at all seasons) How is Moses' role similar to the role of leaders in Ephesians 4:11-12? Moses' role being similar to the role of the leaders in Ephesians was to be lead by the Spirit for the work of the ministry (servicing) , for the edifying of those assembled before him. He as well as a vessel / a conduit by way of the Spirit selecting 70 individuals not just to ease his burden, but to aid in effectively servicing and leading the people assembled. What is the importance of the anointing of the Spirit in Christian leadership? Concerning leading Christian and those to become Christian, without the anointing it would be of man. It would be as secular leadership relying on human wisdom to make decision. This would not be good pertaining to the Spiritual Life of an individual, a body. Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death. Being that it would not be good for Spiritual Life it may as well have influence and or an impact of eternal life. The importance of leading under the anointing of the Spirit allows one to be in the Will of God, without the anointing all service, all works done in this capacity are of the flesh! Without the anointing leaders who profess they are Christians lead people away from life. Matthew 7:21-23 without the anointing the leaders themselves may hear, " I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." "Christian leadership combines natural wisdom with listening to what the Holy Spirit says. Christian leadership relies on God's direction and His power to accomplish the task." Quote
Commissioned Posted March 16, 2011 Report Posted March 16, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? I believe it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others because he felt that the call to his position was a direct call from God and he wanted to serve God well. Unlike the time when he felt that he need Aaron to speak for him, now Moses can perform this duty, albeit the physical strain and time exerted was enormous. What were the qualifications of these judges? The judges were to be men with the following qualifications: 1) Capable 2) God-fearing, that is, those who revere God 3) Honest, trustworthy, who not only refuse bribes, but hate the very idea 4) Accountable. How is Moses Quote
tammie7 Posted March 17, 2011 Report Posted March 17, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 17, 2011 Report Posted March 17, 2011 I think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others because he didn Quote
Stan Posted March 17, 2011 Report Posted March 17, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses Quote
Barbara A. Lee Posted March 18, 2011 Report Posted March 18, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses Quote
Goshener Posted March 18, 2011 Report Posted March 18, 2011 Answering Q.4: It took Moses for quite a while before he could choose his delegates for he might have thought he had to undertake the burden alone, but after he consulted and discussed with his father-in-law, Jethro, he then chose his seventy true elders to carry out the minor jobs as his delegates. These judges had to be able and God-fearing men. The role of Moses in comparison to the ones in Ephesians is the one who works as pastor, teacher and the decision-maker for them. The importance of the anointing of the Spirit is to be the designated sign that God bestows on each leader His Authority, Love, Care and Leadership to His chosen peoples that each leader should accomplish his works the best one can. Quote
csreeves Posted March 19, 2011 Report Posted March 19, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses Quote
Noke Posted March 30, 2011 Report Posted March 30, 2011 By tradition a leader performs all the leadership duties himself, and it was until Jethro taught Moses to delegate, that he shared some responsibilites with the elders. The qualifications were that the judges should be capable, God fearing, honest, and accountable people. Moses' role is similar to the role of leaders in Ephisians 4:11-12, in that he equipped the elders wth the decrees and laws to become junior judges for the work of the Israelites. The importance of the anointing of the spirit in christian Leadership is to help the leadership to do the work of God adeaquately. Quote
nurselaino Posted March 30, 2011 Report Posted March 30, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses Quote
blezed Posted April 11, 2011 Report Posted April 11, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses role similar to the role of leaders in Ephesians 4:11-12? What is the importance of the anointing of the Spirit in Christian leadership? 1) I think that it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others because it was traditional, common role for kings, leaders etc. and he did not think of it being done any other way until Jethro pointed it out. 2) The qualifications for these judges were to be capable, God fearing, honest and accountable. 3) Moses' role is similar to the role of leaders in Eph 4:11-12 because the leaders were given special gifts for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and edifying of the body of Christ just as Jethro was telling Moses' to do in teaching and training capable people to assist him. It is all for the work of the ministry. 4) The importance of the anointing of the Spirit in Christian leadership is the combination of natural wisdom with listening to what the Holy Spirit saids. Christian leadership relies on Gods direction and His power to accomplish the task. Quote
pickledilly Posted April 21, 2011 Report Posted April 21, 2011 Moses was motivated by his desire to honor Yahweh and to live up to the responsibilities that he had been given. Without any specific directions for how to do this, he had been acting out of what he knew culturally. A patriarchal leader assumed all responsibility for decision-making within in family/tribe. This included arbitration of disagreements. But Moses’ situation was huge and became overwhelming because he was dealing with probably millions of people in this nation of Israelites. I think part of the reason God did it this way was for Moses to realize his need for help in accomplishing the work God gave him to do. Jethro offered God-inspired wisdom in suggesting that Moses select judges to share the work load. Moses would teach them God’s statutes, train them to apply the law, and oversee their assistance. They would be entrusted to handle ordinary run-of-the-mill disputes on their own. The more difficult cases would still be brought to Moses, the supreme court. These men were to be proven capable and competent leaders, possessing wisdom and discernment to judge. They were to be trustworthy men who rightly feared Yahweh, men who despised the lack of integrity and corruption of bribery (in other words, men who were honest). In acting on this recommendation, Moses was following the principles of spiritual leadership God later defined through Paul in the writings of Ephesians. The primary focus always needs to be 1)equipping God’s people for service and ministry, and 2)building up the Body in unity of belief and purpose, with growing maturity in the knowledge and character of Messiah. Without the anointing and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, “Christian leadership” isn’t really Christian at all. What is of the flesh is not of the Spirit, which means it may seem to accomplish some things but can never truly produce the enduring works of the Kingdom of God. Of course, God can use anything to accomplish His will and has certainly used man's efforts for His own purposes at times, but the heart that produced such works is not pleasing to Him or fully blessed by Him. Effort without the Spirit will be flawed and will ultimately miss the mark of those principles of spiritual leadership that Moses and Paul understood are required by God. Romans 8:5-8 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Quote
Ashech Posted May 10, 2011 Report Posted May 10, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses Quote
Trusting God Posted May 19, 2011 Report Posted May 19, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? It took Moses a while to delegate his judicial role to others, because it was the tradition for a king to listen to the problem of the people. Acting as judge was a common role that kings performed in many ancient Near Eastern cultures. King David performed this role (2 Samuel 15:2) as did Solomon (1 Kings 3:16-28). Allowing access to the top ruler was a wonderful tradition. But in an unorganized government, it was consuming and draining. What were the qualifications of these judges? The qualifications of these judges are recorded in Exodus 18:21-23: Quote
fireball3 Posted June 3, 2011 Report Posted June 3, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses Quote
Jen Posted September 19, 2011 Report Posted September 19, 2011 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses� role similar to the role of leaders in Ephesians 4:11-12? What is the importance of the anointing of the Spirit in Christian leadership? He didn't know that he could and it didn't enter his mind until it was suggested. They were to be capable men, of the very best character, God fearing, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain. Without the annoiting of the Spirit they can not do what only the Holy Spirit can perform. For within us lies no good thing, except the Holy Spirit. How merciful of Christ to maintain and uphold His church. He did not leave us alone for He knew we could not stand for even a moment but sent the Holy Spirit to minister, teach, guide, correct, rebuke and perform a good work in us until completion. To God be the glory! And we give Him praise for His mighty work in our dark hearts. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
wifee Posted February 21, 2012 Report Posted February 21, 2012 4a)Moses delegated in stages judicial functions first as instructed,didn’t appear to know he could delegate further. He was a humble and meek &may have held back waiting for God to put some of the spirit on the accredited leaders. b)Their qualifications were recognition as leaders by their own community, god fearing, committed to truth and justice, they had the spirit on of God on them. c)Moses served as a an evangelist, teacher, pastor, prophet and evangelist during period of exodus as God’s representative to the people of Israel. d)It is vital to have the anointing of the Spirit on those in Christian leadership, He equips to serve build up the body of Christ and empowers leaders,it cannot be done by competency alone. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted April 21, 2012 Report Posted April 21, 2012 Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? IT JUST NEVER OCCURRED TO HIM. What were the qualifications of these judges? TESTED MEN OF GOD Capable. God-fearing, that is, those who revere God. Honest, trustworthy, who not only refuse bribes, but hate the very idea. Accountable. They share the task with Moses, rather than displacing him. Moses remains the ultimate judge in the system. How is Moses' role similar to the role of leaders in Ephesians 4:11-12? HE HAD HIS GIFT AND OTHERS HAD THERE GIFTS; ALL ARE NEEDED What is the importance of the anointing of the Spirit in Christian leadership? MAN IS INCAPABLE TO DOING GOD'S WORK WITHOUT GOD'S SPIRIT. Quote
Craig Posted December 19, 2013 Report Posted December 19, 2013 I think why it took Moses so long to delegate authority was because he felt personal responsibility for his leadership role. After all God did directly call Moses to lead the people out of Egypt and lead them to the destination that God had for them. Moses had tunnel vision. It took someone standing on the outside to point out to him that the job he was trying to do was so overwhelming that it would destroy him if he didn't recruit some help. If he didn't delegate qualified help in leadership and being judges over Israel. The leadership qualifications were to be found in men who were: capable God-fearing honest accountable Like Paul's teaching in Ephesians 4:11-12, he was to train and equip those leaders to judge over Israel. Unlike secular leadership, Christian leadership involves the interaction and influence of the Holy Spirit in the leader's actions and decision making. Quote
Onerivertrail Posted October 26, 2014 Report Posted October 26, 2014 4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? I don't think that idea had occured to Moses. God had not spoken to him in this respect and Moses himself had to learn obedience, trust and faith in his walk with the God of heaven and earth. He was used to dealing with grumbling men who were not spiritual by any means. But now we see Jethro speaking this idea with wisdom to Moses. An idea takes root!! What were the qualifications of these judges? Their qualifications were capable, God-fearing, honest, trustworthy, and accountable men. How is Moses role similar to the role of leaders in Ephesians 4:11-12? The new testment leaders were not set up to do it all alone. They were to equip others through teaching and training. What is the importance of the anointing of the Spirit in Christian leadership? Christian leadership relies on God. The Spirit gives the power and direction in their role. They depend on this and not their own human wisdom. Quote
Paula Price Posted October 10, 2018 Report Posted October 10, 2018 Up until this time, Moses was taking instructions from God and doing what He told him to do. God had not instructed Moses to delegate responsibility to anyone else therefore, he did not think to do it. Perhaps God wanted to see how Moses would continue to handle his leadership of the people by not instructing him to delegate or share responsibility. Perhaps God directed the heart of Jethro to aid Moses in this choice. However it came to be, God's will and his direction for his people was still the focus. Those chosen as judges had to be God fearing, Holy and Righteous men who lived the life worthy of the position. They had to be trustworthy and doing the will of God. Their character would be the reason they were chosen. The anointing of the Spirit directs and lead and guides us in all things holy. He strengthens us to continue in the work of the Lord. We are to lead spiritual lives, holy and righteous and always doing the will of the father. Quote
Irmela Posted January 1, 2023 Report Posted January 1, 2023 Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses' role similar to the role of leaders in Ephesians 4:11-12? What is the importance of the anointing of the Spirit in Christian leadership? Sometimes an outsider can see things more clearly than those who are doing the work. Moses was trying to do all the work himself (and was wearing himself out,) and was not making a distinction between the major matters and the minor problems. He needed assistants and needed priorities. Jethro made suggestions to choose leaders from the people to help with the simple matters) In v23 we read that Jethro expected Moses to seek God's will in the matter. What seems like good counsel from men might be bad counsel in God's sight. Always ask for God's directions. {Warren Wierbse} According to Vernon McGee there are two kinds of wisdom, the wisdom of God and the wisdom of this world. He reckons that Jethro's proposal was based on the wisdom of the world. The qualifications of the judges was that they must fear God, must be men of truth, they must hate covetousness. Apostles (representatives) Prophets (speaking a message of God to the people) Evangelists (spread good news of salvation) Pastors and teachers (to shepherd guide and instruct) Moses' role was like the above. In Numbers we read that the ones chosen were given some of the Spirit that was on Moses, to equip them for the task. The anointing of the Spirit is very important for such a daunting task, to lead a diverse multitude all at different stages of spiritual growth. Quote
Krissi Posted March 28, 2024 Report Posted March 28, 2024 Moses heard God speak directly so he may have doubted that God's command would be extended to others as well. I imagine, after hearing God speak to him alone on the mountain, that Moses felt that God had set him aside for this task and it was his duty to perform it. The qualifications in the verse were accountability, honesty, God-fearing and competent. These are character traits which would be good in all of us. I do find it interesting that Moses didn't look beyond these traits. If a church needs an accountant or preacher, these four traits would be a good start, but there are worldly skills necessary as well. In Ephesians, the five-fold ministerial gifts are listed: teacher, pastor, prophet, apostle and evangelist. The other gifts are not mentioned in this verse. Moses was a bit of all of these. God had greatly called him. I'm not exactly certain what the "anointing" means. Obviously, it's a special set-apart or calling on a person to do a particular task, but it seems that it also validates that person for that tasks. The anointing gives the power to do the task and is teh calling to that task as well. That's how I see it, anyway. Some charismatics anoint often. It's a way of going beyond the prayer request ... beyond the proclaiming and decreeing, to claim or assert the Spirit's power on a particular person. Quote
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