Pastor Ralph Posted March 11, 2011 Report Posted March 11, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
IvoryEagle Posted March 12, 2011 Report Posted March 12, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? Interceded for God to the people. In what sense are you a priest? Same deal. As Christians and stewards of the Word. How do you function as a priest? Tell the world about Jesus and Praise the Lord. In what sense are you a Quote
NancyinBelize Posted March 12, 2011 Report Posted March 12, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a “royal” priest? In what areas can your personal priestly function improve? What did the OT priests do? The Hebrew God, our God, is Holy, pure, Divine. To serve God, and experience the presence of God, or communicate with Him it was necessary to make oneself similarly pure. (which is impossible, of course...but the priests tried with specific clothes and ritual washing and offering sacrifices for sin.) The "Average Joe" was not expected to be pure so he had to go to the priest to mediate for him. The priest would offer that God would bless Joe with forgiveness. Priests are chosen by God (or born into the family of priests). It is not a career or an elected office. The priests also prayed to God on behalf of the people, burned incense and kept a constant vigil (note Zehcariah). Another job was to read the law. Most people could not read and therefore the priests were the ones who held this written knowledge of God's law. Unfortunately they then became judges, as well. The priests were set apart to be an example for the people...not given to drink, desires of the flesh, etc. There's more jobs...what am I missing? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a “royal” priest? Hmmmm...prior to this study, "priest" had lots of negative connotations for me. Now I see the role differently. In some sense it is like a who goes before and lights the way (not with his own light but with the knowledge and word of God). This light that the Shepherd uses to show the way is received when he stands in the presence of God. God's holiness, this grace and wisdom are reflected in how the shepherd (priest) lives, talks, and choices he makes. The shepherd/priest offers prayers (not sacrifices) to God on behalf of the "regular Joe" who does not or cannot. The shepherd/priest conveys God's Word and knowledge that he receives. Pastor in Spanish is "shepherd" in English. I am a pastor of a deaf flock. I try to do all these roles...sometimes I spend more time in the "doing" and tasks that need to be done, focusing on the stress points that seem so urgent, than I do in the "mediation" and sitting in God's holiness...learning and listening. At all times I am aware that I am a model (not instead of Jesus but on this earth dealing with the common daily problems they all deal with). This is not a point of pride but a word of are being watched... be the shepherd...make Godly choices. Quote
Delivered Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? When Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and job, offered sacrifices up to God, they acted as priests. After Israel was delivered from slavery in Egypt and each family killed the Passover Lamb offering up to God their sacrifice, they acted as priests. In what sense are you a priest and how do you function as a priest? When I offer Quote
bokchoon Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
charisbarak Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 Priests in the O.T. interceded for the people with God. They'd sacrifice also. I have direct access to God - through Jesus Christ. I can intercede in prayer and encourage my sisters in Christ. I have been chosen by Him & I am His to do with as He wills. I can use improvement in all functions..... Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted March 14, 2011 Report Posted March 14, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
Ramon Posted March 14, 2011 Report Posted March 14, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a "royal" priest? In what areas can your personal priestly function improve? Exodus 19:6-And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests , and an holy nation . These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel . 1Pet 2:9 1 Peter 2:9- But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood , an holy nation , a peculiar people ; that ye should shew forth the praisesof him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light :Answer: 1What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? Priest basically in the Old Testament,represents God..The first time,the Word priest came in the Bible is in: Genesis 14:18-And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. Here Melchizedek is both King and Priest,and to Him,Abraham offered his tithes of His Loot,as a sign of Gratitude to God,who delivered Him,and make Him victorious. The priest are also the one,who worship and offered sacrifice in behalf of the people. 1 Samuel 1:3- And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the LORD of hosts in Shiloh . And the two sons of Eli , Hophni and Phinehas , the priests of the LORD , were there. This is the reason,why the Kingship of Saul was cut abruptly..for disobeying and doing the work of a priest,..the work which Samuel should do. 1 Samuel 13:9- And Saul said , Bring hither a burnt offeringto me, and peace offerings . And he offered the burnt offering. And notice what Samuel told Saul.That God intended Him,and his generation to be King forever in Israel.. It means,King David is just the second choice.It was King Saul,whom God has chosen to be King forever in Israel: 1 Samuel 13:13-14-AndSamuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly : thou hast not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God , which he commanded thee: for now would the LORD have established thy kingdom upon Israel for ever . 14 But now thy kingdom shall not continue : the LORD hath sought him a man after his own heart , and the LORD hath commanded him to be captain over his people , because thou hast not kept that which the LORD commandedthee. We are a priest as privelege,because of what Jesus has done... Rev 1:5-6- 5 And from Jesus Christ , who is the faithful witness , and the first begotten of the dead , and the prince of the kings of the earth . Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood , 6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father ; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever . Amen 1 Peter 2:5-Yealso , as lively stones , are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer upspiritual sacrifices , acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Rev 5:10- Andhast made us unto our God kings and priests : and we shall reign onthe earth. 2.How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a "royal" priest? In what areas can your personal priestly function improve? If we are born again and receive Jesus as our Personal Saviour,then we are a Priest,being washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. We function,as a priest by following God great commission and PreachGospel to all creature.. Mark 16:15-And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world , and preach the gospel to every creature. For all were called to sacrifice to God; and he is represented to be the King of that people, and Father of those of whom he was king; therefore they were all royal...royal priesthood..The highest form/status of beleivers,because of what Jesus has done,full of power,by the annointing of the Holy Spirit. We can improve,by knowing always who we are in Christ,and by the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Quote
pastor neal Posted March 14, 2011 Report Posted March 14, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
iam4_1god Posted March 14, 2011 Report Posted March 14, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
JanMary Posted March 15, 2011 Report Posted March 15, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? The priests stood daily as intermediaries between man and God, offering animal blood sacrifices when brought to them by the sinner, to "cover" their sin. They ministered unto God in offering incense, grain, and other offerings, kept oil in the 7 branched candle stick, cared for first the tabernacle then the temple and it's "furnishings", such as the altar, laver, etc. In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? Jesus my High Priest completed all of those priestly duties when He died, was buried and rose again. I'm a priest appointed by God as a believer to minister praise and worship unto Him, and to offer the "incense" of my prayers. How do you function as a priest? My function is to rest in Him, and to walk in the Spirit in obedience to His leading, wherever He leads. In what sense are you a "royal" priest? I'm a royal priest, because I'm a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.....a joint heir of Jesus Christ, our One and only High Priest, having been purchased by His blood and appointed. In what areas can your personal priestly function improve? I've struggled with "resting"......He and I are working on that! When I'm not resting, my worship is hurried and my prayers are sparse...because I'm wanting to get on with the "next thing". Quote
Guitar Jim Posted March 15, 2011 Report Posted March 15, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In those days the priests were the mediators between the people and God. They performed sacrifices to appease God and to purify the people so they could worship God. Theirs was a full time job because before the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the sacrifices were an imperfect way of initiating fellowship with God. In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? I have access to the presence of God through the sacrifice of Jesus on my behalf. Jesus is the High Priest forever and I, along with every believer am part of a nation of priests. I pray to God for people and I try my best to show God's love to people. I'm not real good at that. In what sense are you a Quote
onyon53 Posted March 15, 2011 Report Posted March 15, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
Jubilee Posted March 15, 2011 Report Posted March 15, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
Lion of Grace Posted March 15, 2011 Report Posted March 15, 2011 In the Old Testament, priests had to have a certain lineage. They had to purify themselves and be holy as they went before God into the Holy of Holies. They offered the sacrifice in atonement for the peoples sins. They were the only ones allowed into the inner sanctuary. We are priests now through the blood of Jesus. He is our High Priest who offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins. No longer do we need animal sacrifices to atone for our sins. Jesus was that sacrifice once and for all. Jew or Gentile. Jesus is our righteousness and our salvation and yet, we are called to be holy as He is holy. So, the same criteria should be ours out of love for Jesus, to purify ourselves, turning from sin, offering sacrifices of praise with servitude, praying for others and with access to the throne through Jesus, be in relationship with God, knowing His will and living for Him. This is the inner sanctuary made available to us. He is our Father, we are His accepted children. The lineage is now ours. We are a royal priesthood. Made for relationship with Him and to know the good works He has planned for us. We live for Him....not because of some laws to follow...but because He's our beloved Abba, Savior and Counselor. Quote
DrD Posted March 16, 2011 Report Posted March 16, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
parkerslope Posted March 16, 2011 Report Posted March 16, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
Paul H Posted March 16, 2011 Report Posted March 16, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? They were set apart for God's service and had direct access to God's presence. In what sense are you a priest? Like a priest, I have been set apart for God's service and can have access to God through Jesus. How do you function as a priest? Not very well most of the time. Life goes on and the key is to make God's service a central feature of that life whatever I am doing. That is the challenge. In what sense are you a Quote
Raph Posted March 16, 2011 Report Posted March 16, 2011 In the Old Testament priests served God and acted as God's representative for, and to, the other nations of the world. I think I am a priest in the sense that, I am required to serve Him by doing what He wants me to do; by following His instructions. I function as a priest by doing what pleases God. I am a "royal" priest in the sense that, I belong to God, who is Yahweh the King. My personal priestly function can improve in many ways understanding that,as a human being I cannot be perfect. There are stones on the way which make me fall but I have to rise and continue. Accepting and believing that, God is there for me is a sure way to ensure that, my personal priestly function improves. Quote
hanks Posted March 16, 2011 Report Posted March 16, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? They were man Quote
Commissioned Posted March 17, 2011 Report Posted March 17, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In the Ols Testament the priests were a group set apart peculiarly for God's possession and service, with free access to His presence. They were acting as God's representative for, and to, the other nations of the world cannot be ruled out. In what sense are you a priest? I am a priest in the sense that I am set apart for God's use and service. I am also God's representative here on earth. How do you function as a priest? I function as a priest in my daily functions as preacher, teacher, counselor, etc. In what sense are you a Quote
anne1151 Posted March 19, 2011 Report Posted March 19, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
csreeves Posted March 19, 2011 Report Posted March 19, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
SoiKosum Posted March 20, 2011 Report Posted March 20, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
SoiKosum Posted March 20, 2011 Report Posted March 20, 2011 Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a Quote
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