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Q3. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) In what sense is Israel a


Q3. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) In what sense is Israel a “holy” nation? What does it mean to be holy? Why do you think that personal holiness is de-emphasized in our time?

Yep, Ivory Eagle..I agree. Being holy connotes being free of sin, pure, like God.

There are lots of wonderful verses where we are urged to be holy.

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." Romans 12:1 This verse links holiness with dedication to God's service...sacrificing our goals and dreams, subjecting them to God's will.

"Be holy as I am holy" (Lev 11:44, 1 Peter 1:16)

Why do you think that personal holiness is de-emphasized in our time?

In American Sign language there is a sign that means "saint"..."super Christian"...won't do anything "fun". It is like the I LOVE YOU sign with an "h". This is always used in a derogatory way. When a group wants to go bar hopping or some form of rabble rousing and one person says, "no thanks", the rest of the party-ers will use the "holy saint" sign as a jab. WHY? The present, the here and now, what feels good at the moment, impulsive fun is part of culture here in Belize as well as in the US. Anyone who spoils the fun by reminding them of what they "should do" is a "downer". Holiness seems to get in the way of fun, socializing, being free and happy. Holiness seems all too saintly and maybe boring.

Why is it de-emphasized? because it is difficult, not popular, the road less traveled, not "fun", separate. Most people would rather not rub against what the norm is doing.


Q3. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) In what sense is Israel a "holy" nation?

Israel was called to be a


Israel is set apart to & by God.

Set apart!

People have conveniently stated that it is old-fashioned, that things are more acceptable today--what is more accepted is sin! And the sinners have become more bold & outspoken!


Q3. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) In what sense is Israel a


Q3. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) In what sense is Israel a "holy" nation? What does it mean to be holy? Why do you think that personal holiness is de-emphasized in our time?


1.In what sense is Israel a "holy" nation? What does it mean to be holy?

They were a holy nation, Exodus 19:6; for they were separated from all the people of the earth, that they might worship the one only true God, and abstain from the abominations that were in the heathen world.

2Why do you think that personal holiness is de-emphasized in our time?

It was de emphasized,in our time because it always connotes to Work mentality..DO THIS...DO THAT...DONT DO THIS..DONT DO THAT...so that you will be right and Holy in the sight of God,making the GRACE OF GOD...NO EFFECT.


Q3. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) In what sense is Israel a "holy" nation?

Israel was chosen by God and set apart to the worship of God.

What does it mean to be holy?

Set apart to the worship of God. (That's why we were created!). Webster's says "Spiritually whole, unimpaired innocence". I love that! God sees me, because I am in Christ as spiritually whole and my innocence unimpaired! Nothing but the blood of Jesus can achieve that righteousness! Thank you Lord for the Divine exchange....my sin for Your righteousness, forgiveness, and eternal life!

Why do you think that personal holiness is de-emphasized in our time?

"SIN IS IN"...could be the new catch phrase:

Satan has been fiercely at work and at war with God, tearing down God's creation until a great shift has occurred! Morality and holiness is now ridiculed as old fashioned, out of date, stuffy. Many Christians, in order to "fit in" and to "belong" in the world we were told we are not a part of, have forgotten why we were created, and no longer live "set apart" lives. Chameleon living...set apart for God on Sundays, and entrenched in the world the rest of the week. The Gospel has been watered down as well, and many churches no longer talk about the blood of Jesus, sin, or holiness, because those things offend and may prevent a pastor from having a mega church and huge popularity!

I've lived long enough to have seen the names for sin totally changed so as to make light of it...Murder is now "taken out, taken down, offed, etc. Stealing is now "ripped off, pocketed, etc. Sacrificing infants to appease the gods is now "aborting fetal tissue", "getting rid of an inconvenience", "a medical emergency", etc. and on and on it goes....sin doesn't sound anything like God calls it anymore.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever....Sin is sin, no matter what we choose to rename it. The solution is still the same...I John 1:9.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness".


Israel was "holy" by their covenant relationship with God. He intended to use the people of Israel as a "holy" nation as a royal priesthood. They were instructed to live a holy life just as the priests in their day were instructed in purity and in being set apart by God for special purposes. They, by the covenant, now belonged to Him and were to be as children of God, not of the world.

Holy in the New Testament often means sanctified, set apart for God with conduct befitting those separated. So to be holy is to be in the process of sanctification. Do we "attain" salvation this way? No, we have that through grace, but believers are called to forsake sin and live a holy way of life. This desire should come out of the grace given through Jesus. To be holy and sanctified should be our desire.

Why is holiness de-emphasized in our day? We have become "menu" people who think with a "click" in our minds, we can "order up" our lifestyles to suit ourselves. I don't know how many times even in the church I have conversations on the Bible on any one subject that someone doesn't say, "I believe the Bible, but that teaching isn't truth for me." Most likely, it is a teaching they would rather not have to implement in their lives to confront the sin there. Then, it's all about grace and "between them and God."

The sanctification process can be hard. We have to face sin in our lives. We come to know how sinful we are as a people. We learn to rely on the Holy Spirit for change in our lives and suddenly we aren't so "popular" in the world. Sometimes, we stand all alone and painfully watch our friends leave us. We aren't understood because what is of the Spirit is at war with the flesh. But as we grow, we become aware that treasures of the Kingdom, are well worth losing the world for. All the "fun" here is only traded in for death in the Kingdom. We can try to "justify" anything....but the truth is in writing and we are blessed by our Father in Heaven to have it.


Q3. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9)

In what sense is Israel a "holy" nation?

Israel would become different from other peoples, devoting themselves to God, and obeying His laws. Israel was supposed to become a testimony to the whole world of how glorious it can be to live under the rule of God. They were chosen and set apart by God, not because of their goodness or merit but simply as the recipients of divine mercy.

What does it mean to be holy?

Holy means set apart and therefore different.

Why do you think that personal holiness is de-emphasized in our time?

We want to comply with societal norms so as not to stand out. Sin is rife in the world today and we need to separate ourselves from it. We need to make God bigger in our lives and ourselves much smaller. However, the opposite seems to be occurring. Today its all about me and I with the result that God is small in the lives of most people. No wonder we are experiencing all these catastrophic earthquakes.


In what sense is Israel a holy nation?

Israel is a holy nation in that God chose them and set then apart from the rest of the world to be holy.This was a promise God had given Abraham and his descendants.It was through Israel that Christ would come into the world to fulfill all righteousness for all peoples of the world who accept Jesus as their Savior.

What does it mean to be holy?

To be holy means to be separated. We are to be diverse from the rest of the worlds associations. We are to think like this " We may be in this world but we are not of this world". We are called to a higher calling other than the temporal or secular effects that this world has to offer.

Why do you think that personal holiness is deemphasized in our time?

It has been in a slow progression, that it may seem as not to be so bad of a deal. One small pace at a time can go undetected until the whole world has become contaminated. I have heard this statement "What we do in moderation our children will do in excess". We have no one to blame but ourselves for allowing satin to deceive us. There are ample scriptures that warn us of his deceptive influential powers.For satin is a liar and a great con-artist and there is no truth in him. Staying in a close intimate relation with our creator and studying the scriptures we have the shield of faith and by the single word Jesus he has no choice but to abscond.But be aware of satin, for he knows more on less if the Holy Spirit is present in our lives or not and if not, instead of fleeing he will turn on you and attack you. ;)


Israel is a "holy" nation in the sense that,the Lord declared it to be sacred, devoted to and belonging exclusively to Him. God.

To be holy means to be belong to God and practice what God wants us to do and avoid doing things that displeases God.

Ithink personal holiness is being de-emphasized in our time beacuse of many eartly temptations of the world. We fail to avoid these temptations even if they displease God and in some cases we may even try to justify them.


Q3. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) In what sense is Israel a

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