Goshener Posted March 28, 2011 Report Posted March 28, 2011 Answer to Q. 1:It is the weak Faith still of the Israelites, the influence so far of being used to worship the gods in Egypt which is yet lingered on in their minds and also the weakness of human beings to get hold anything visible and nearer to them. Aaron may not think to intend to commit sin himself at first but wanted only to control the situation; he then slipped and committed the sin when he joined the people to worship the calf himself later on. Worshiping the golden calf, of course, is the cause of our God's wrath. Anyhow, as HE is full of compassion he later on forgave the Israelites and honor His covenant with them. The idols I could think of right now should be the ones most of us - christians - use in decorating our Christmas seasons, but I do not think it is a sin for this kind of things is not to worship them at all. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 28, 2011 Report Posted March 28, 2011 I think that the people of Israel were so quick to make idols is because they thought they needed something that they could see to worship. They had seen everything that God had done for them when the escaped Egypt but they didn Quote
Stan Posted March 28, 2011 Report Posted March 28, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? Their hearts were still in Egypt, they had no fear or loyalty to the true God. Aaron gave the accuse that he feared the people, but I think He was a slow learner also. He needed leader ship training more than Moses. Things they bring into the church musical instruments, church decorating,things they spend their time doing instead of worshiping the true God. Quote
tammie7 Posted March 28, 2011 Report Posted March 28, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? I think the people was so quick to go to idols because they had not got the ways of bondage had not gotten out of they spirit yet, Aaron is the kind of leader that give people what they want if it is right or way and most of the time the person will do it before they ask. Some of the things that christains let in is wanting more money, working when they don't have to on sunday the day we are to be in chruch worshiping and praise God. Quote
l.a. Posted March 29, 2011 Report Posted March 29, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? The people of Israel had just left a 400 year bondage and, it seems as though, it was so much easier for them to go back to the familiar than to change. For some reason, they chose to forget the power of God that they witnessed and bring back the ways of the Egytians, which was idolatry. Perhaps Aaron was tired and did not want to fight with the people or maybe he wanted some glory for himself, as he would give the people what they wanted and gain their favor. Aaron did not seem to recognize the sovereignty of God; he may have believed that the people had favor and their loyalty to God's words were not of utmost importance. I can only imagine God's dissapointment at their actions; He had led them out of Egypt through a series of great miracles that were witnessed by all His people, but they chose the bondage of sin and death over His life giving words. Today, many churches are lead away by idols of pride, acceptance and wealth. Too many churches water down the Word in order to gain the acceptance of the people who insist that a merciful God could not possibly punish someone for mere disobedience. There are some churches that have accepted the sin along with the sinner, not acknowledging that the way of sin leads to death, leading many astray for the sake of high attendance and offerings. Quote
csreeves Posted April 1, 2011 Report Posted April 1, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? Idol worship was popular during these days, because it is too difficut to conceive a God that says even though you can't see me I love you and require that you serve only me. I think Aaron helped them because he got caught up in the dancing, wine, and women.Any idol makes God very angry. Some idolize the pastor or a leader. Quote
nonna Posted April 2, 2011 Report Posted April 2, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? Without Moses, they reverted back to old ways, Aaron gave in caved so to say, then tried to fix it by saying it was for Yahweh. The golden calf probably made God angry, disappointed and frustrated after all he has done. Churches today make celebrities out of their leaders and see them as idols, and Christian Musicians...there is also Power, Money, Social Standing and Standing in the Church, and even Church itself that people idolize. These days it seems there is little of God and alot of socialization and that is idolized also. Quote
Delivered Posted April 7, 2011 Report Posted April 7, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? God knew why, they were a stiff necked people, a stubborn self willed people are not a people of faith- faith in the one God of Israel. Because this man Moses, who they said brought them out of the land of Egypt, was not seen since he went up to the mountain that was on fire, displayed what faith they did have was in Moses, instead of the invisible God, and their hearts were still in Egypt, as they demanded Aaron make for them a god for them to worship. These people were quick to say yes I will be Gods covenant people, I will follow Gods laws, but as we see, a stiff necked people are not a covenant people of faith, they are a people who say one thing and do another, there is a word for that - hypocrite. Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? He may have been trying to appease, calm down this warlike, stiff necked people, until Moses returned, however, the real reason why Aaron allowed this great sin to be fulfilled in Israel is a question I cannot answer. How do you think the golden calf made God feel? One word WRATH! This sin was a deliberate sin, a deliberate sin is like shaking ones fist in the face of God, displaying - we do not fear the one true God of Israel! Q. What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? Anything we allow to take first place in our lives will lead us away from following Gods commandments, they will become idols of worship revealing to God impure hearts, instead of circumcised hearts, revealing a people who do not fear the God of Israel as we trample on the cross that God sent, the cross that took us out of slavery and calls us to be a holy nation unto God. Quote
Craig Posted April 12, 2011 Report Posted April 12, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? Idol worship was what they knew and it was ingrained within them. In Moses' absence they became anxious and looked for security in what they were accustomed to. I believe Aaron facilitated their sin to avoid a problem/trouble with the people. Worshiping the Golden calf probably angered, insulted, and saddened God. Christian churches allow themselves to be comfortable, inward focused, and worship the church service rather than the Sovereign of the Universe. Churches worship big numbers and productions. They worship entertaining pastors and praise and worship groups. In general the average church member is luke warm to cold. Quote
Craig Posted April 12, 2011 Report Posted April 12, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? Idol worship was what they knew and it was ingrained within them. In Moses' absence they became anxious and looked for security in what they were accustomed to. I believe Aaron facilitated their sin to avoid a problem/trouble with the people. Worshiping the Golden calf probably angered, insulted, and saddened God. Christian churches allow themselves to be comfortable, inward focused, and worship the church service rather than the Sovereign of the Universe. Churches worship big numbers and productions. They worship entertaining pastors and praise and worship groups. In general the average church member is luke warm to cold. Quote
linda bass Posted April 12, 2011 Report Posted April 12, 2011 I think the reason the people were quick to make idols,even after hearing that graven images were forbidden,was that they had grownup with and were used to the "gods" of Egypt. They got accustomed to seeing the Egyptian gods represented by carved images. Worshipping God who is unseen and didn't allow any idols of Himself to be made,was probably a strange concept to them. I believe Aaron may have went along with the rest of the people in their sin because he was afraid to go against them. He feared man more than he feared God. The golden calf idol made God angry. He was ready to destroy the whole nation. Only Moses prayers on their behalf turned away God's wrath. Some of the idols that Christian churches allow to lead them away from the pure worship of God in our day are church programs,watering down the gospel to make it pleasing to everyone,the obsession with church membership,etc. Quote
blezed Posted April 25, 2011 Report Posted April 25, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? 1) The people of Israel were so quick to make idols because of old habits. They were use to seeing and touching their God. 2) Aaron facilitated their sin because he was more concerned about pleasing the people than doing what was right. 3) The golden calf made God feel angry, hurt and disappointed. 4) The idols that Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in today's time is basically anything that we put before God. Quote
pickledilly Posted April 29, 2011 Report Posted April 29, 2011 With each day they waited on Moses’ return from the mountain, the Israelites drifted a little further from Yahweh, the relatively new god that had been revealed to them. Even with the unbelievable miracles and interventions, they did not yet trust Yahweh the way Moses did. And without their leader’s confident and steady faith, they faltered. Egyptians believed every aspect of life was influenced/governed by the gods. In Egypt, the Hebrews had seen all the (false) gods represented and embodied by physical images. They could have passed a temple for one of Egypt’s greatest goddesses, Hathor, about 2 days’ travel from the traditional location of Mount Sinai. Egyptians gods were believed to have regional/local rule, so they were “in her territory”. Among other things, she was thought to be goddess of foreign lands, which could have appealed to the Israelites as they journeyed to a land foreign to them. A statue was often considered to be a pedestal to invite the god to stand in the people’s presence and bring favor. The Israelites wanted something tangible and one of the most prevalent images of deity was the calf, which represented strength, power, fertility, and leadership. Calf idols were part of the worship of Hathor. It’s possible, even likely, that Aaron lost hope and expectation of Moses’ return and was making an attempt to worship/petition Yahweh in the ways he had known in Egypt. Regardless, he yielded to the people’s demands for a visual object of worship, an idol. (Most of this info comes from what I learned in the excellent study Fire on the Mountain, a unit in the Faith Lessons series by Ray Vander Laan.) This surely must have made God feel betrayed. insulted, angry. He had just taken them as His own people and made amazing promises to them in what was essentially a marriage covenant. In making an idol, they were rejecting that covenant and displaying their lack of trust. Our idols today of position, influence, personal comfort, money, family, and so many other things say the same thing to God. Any time we worship the desires of self, we indulge in idol worship. Quote
Ashech Posted May 11, 2011 Report Posted May 11, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? 1) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Because the Egypytian idolatary cultural influence was still embedded deep in their mind. Every god can helps them. 2) Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? He was afraid of those stiffneck Israelites who demanded an idol. 3) How do you think the golden calf made God feel? Really hurt and anger God. 4)What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? The many things we highly value above God. Quote
Trusting God Posted May 24, 2011 Report Posted May 24, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? The people of Israel were quick to make idols, even though, they knew that graven images were forbidden by God, because they had lost faith in Moses when he did not come down from the mountain and they wanted something to lead them. Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? Aaron facilitated the people of Israel Quote
fireball3 Posted July 4, 2011 Report Posted July 4, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? 1.They were still thinking as a slave ,and inpatient. 2peer pressure he wanted to give them something to shut them up. 3 angry 4traditions Quote
Jen Posted September 29, 2011 Report Posted September 29, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? It was their sin nature. They wanted a god they could see so they made one. They wanted instant ease and comfort. No waiting around for Moses for these people. Aaron 'just put the gold in the fire and out popped the calf'. That is too much! He didn't want to stand up to them and be unpopular. Angry and ashamed of the people. Anything that takes the eyes of the people off God and on anything else. Does anyone see anything here that makes them think of themselves? I do. Too impatient when God doesn't work fast enough for me. Too easy to take my eyes off Him and focus on whatever idol is there. Too hesitant to want to stand up to those who want to go the way of the world system. Oh Lord please don't give up on me. Thank you for your faithfulness since I have so little within me of myself. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
wifee Posted March 10, 2012 Report Posted March 10, 2012 1a)People had grown use to worshiping animal gods in Egypt for 400yrs.Their faith even hearing 10commandments had either gone or was too weak to resist temptation to worship animal god,especially when they hadn’t seen Moses for 40days. .b)Aaron’s memory of his forefathers faith &how God had been faithful to them in past had failed, and he practised syncretism,worshipping 2 gods.His leadership skills were not strong enough to stand firm in face of severe criticism from Israelites, and counter it demands with messages of reassurance.Instead he relented and gave into their pressure. c)God is opposed to sin, &injustice, of any sort,saddened by their sin,he was angry enough to destroy them and start again with Moses as leader for direction. D)Current day church idols -any role,person,specific pictures, money that takes our time,focus,energy away from following Jesus and doing what he asks of us trusting in the Word alone. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted May 5, 2012 Report Posted May 5, 2012 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? UNCERTAINTY AND FAMILIARITY; THE COMFORT OF FAMILIAITY. Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? IGNORANCE AND WANTING TO PLEASE IN THE MIDST OF HIS OWN UNCERTAINTY; THIS WAS NEW TO HIM AS WELL. WHILE GOD GAVE RULES AS THEY WENT; HE DID NOT GIVE CONTINGENCIES FOR DOUBT. How do you think the golden calf made God feel? ANGRY & DISAPPOINTED What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? APPROVAL OF MAN AND FEAR OF LOST IMAGE AND FUNDS. Quote
Craig Posted January 12, 2014 Report Posted January 12, 2014 The people of Israel were immature spiritually and apparently did not take Yahweh seriously. When left alone they returned to the gods of Egypt in whom they felt secure. They did not place their faith and trust in Yahweh. Aaron was afraid of the people and appeased them. I think the creation and worship of the golden calf was an insult to God and that behavior on some level disappointed and hurt Him. Especially after what He had already lead them through. Christians in the church today permit the things of secular society and the satanic world order lead them into worshipping material things instead of Yahweh. Gods of their own creation;. Times and people have not changed. Quote
Onerivertrail Posted November 3, 2014 Report Posted November 3, 2014 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Human nature looks for something to follow all of the time and something tangible. Yes they had the 10 commandments but all of this was new. The presence of God in the way He appeared to prove Moses was terrifying and I believe they wanted to continue on doing right but fell back to the ways of their own nature. Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? As some leaders do or those assisting leaders in their absence, just try to keep it together even at the expense of pure compromise. Aaron was trying to buy time until the return of Moses and compromised himself to keep the group together at any cost. I believe Aaron also fell in the trap of confusion of worship as stated in our notes. How do you think the golden calf made God feel? "ENRAGED" What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? Some christian churches are responding as Aaron. Please the people to keep them together at any cost. Give them easy rules and watered down sermons to maintain a group gathering and offerings of support for the building. Other churches give graven gods of human beings that are passed away but touching the image gives a promise of blessings to come. Raising up angels in the status of human beings and glorifying their importance. Everyone is given a god to make friends with or worship except for giving the people the God of Israel. Sad state of affairs in many churches today. Quote
Ademola Posted June 23, 2017 Report Posted June 23, 2017 Lesson 6: Q1 A. They were used to idol worship in Egypt B. Aaron is much likely to be afraid of blame C. God was angry with the people of Israel. D. Todays church has allowed the worship of money and worldly possession lead them away from pure worship of God Quote
Irmela Posted January 21, 2023 Report Posted January 21, 2023 Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? It is rather hard to answer these questions and very easy to point fingers. There but for the grace of God stand I and do the same. In Genesis 35:4 we find that the ear-rings were part of items of idolatry. From this one can see that idolatry was still part of their make-up. It had gotten entwined into their lifestyle again. Aaron asked for these items to fashion a corporate idol , viz., the golden calf, which was visible to all of them. Moses, the leader, who stood between them and God, was nowhere to be seen. The last was that he had gone up into the mountain. As the days rolled by and he did not return, the people started thinking differently about what they had promised, viz., to worship only One God. They then came to Aaron, the leader in Moses absence, and asked for gods to be made to go before them. They surrounded him. A picture is given of a mob saying , do this or else . . . Aaron does have the calf fashioned and then he builds an altar saying there will be a feast to Adonai. So he mingles worship of idols and worship of Adonai. I guess this made God feel rejected and very angry. When the people in later years clamored for a king, God said the people have REJECTED Me. Different churches allow different things. I guess very much the WORLD has entered the churches. Love of money, fame, fortune, grandeur, Quote
Krissi Posted April 13, 2024 Report Posted April 13, 2024 An idol isn't "just" anything that pulls us away from the worship of God ... many distractions and detours are not idols, though they can be sin. An idol is a substitute god, a god of our own creation. I've noticed that pagans/unbelievers/seculars tend to create idols when they give up on the true God. For example, the "green" religion makes an idol of nature and has instituted religious-like rituals and sub-beliefs that sustain their fantasy. Environmentalism is a godless religion -- loving nature as God's creation can be part of worshipping God, however. Thus, I think that people need God, that there is something constitutive in us that needs to worship, and that once God is rejected, political values, power plays, money and the shallow aspects of communal life (entertainment) become gods. It is shocking that Aaron so quickly conspired with the weak Israelites to jettison God for a substitute. Perhaps he was afraid of being lynched by the mob? Perhaps his own faith in God had been teetering? It's difficult to know why he was so disloyal to the God who had done so many miracles in front of him. God hates sin so he would have hated the golden icon. Individuals within churches have to be primed, because of their immaturity in faith or faithlessness, to abandon faith when the pressure toward unbelief is overwhelming to them. It's not that "churches" leave God, but that individuals within the church choose to worship another god. The church is not greater than the sum of it's people. Quote
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