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What convictions has God formed in you through this "Vision for the Church" Bible Study that will make a difference on how you think about, value, and act toward your own local congregation? Towards the greater Church around the world?

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As a result of this five-week study, I am convinced, more than ever, that the Church is God's institution provided on earth as a means to glorify Him by showing His power and presence. We are to operate as a unit as His is unified, and minister to those around us who need His love and His answers. The Church, which He has ordained, is nothing to be taken for granted; it is a picture of His relationship as the groom with us, His bride.


HI all

Well what i got out of this, is Us as a church needs to all stand and work together. If any of us falls away or not do what God asks of us, we can slow down or even hurt or destroy the church.

This is not that simple like how people may think it is, being apart of a church. it is hard work and shows we need to always be prepared to do God's work, and help make our church grow for god and make it so strong, that when the enemy comes and tries to destroy God's church, he can not win.

This all begins with us (ourselves), we need to be strong with our walk with God. Each day we need to grow with God. and Make ourselves stronger with God . that when the enemy comes along. he can not destroy us, and lead us away from God.

(hope all that makes sence)

thanks for the study, it was great. and Great to learn more and more about our Great and mercyful God.

Can't wait for the next one.



What convictions has God formed in you through this "Vision for the Church" Bible Study that will make a difference on how you think about, value, and act toward your own local congregation? Towards the greater Church around the world?

Eph. 3: 10 summarizes my thoughts: "His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God whould be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms according to His eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Our church is going through some hard times, as our organist retired and out minister has given his 1 month notice. Now, more than ever, as an elder of the church, I need to focus on three things.... 1. What does God intend the church to be. 2. What is the result we are trying to produce, and 3. What are God's standards for measurement. Ephesians has clearly defined those answers for me. I have not taken the time to post answers very often, but I have enjoyed having the comraderie, and knowing there are other Christians out there who are learning and reading along with me. Thank you and please pray for our little church in Leeds, Maine!

A sister in Christ, Kimberly


Wow! Where do I begin?? None of us can remain an 'independent' Christian, out there doing our own thing! The Church is God's plan to build a body of Believers who posses various gifts, and a definite function to fulfill the Will of the Lord (not the 'work' of any man, woman, or child!). The strength of the Lord is magnified in the UNITY of His people working together! That strength will never be within an individual--it takes the BODY and its many members working together!

I have a much HIGHER respect for the Church, and for each of its members, and want to be unified with others to win others to Christ!


I have loved this study! I must admit, taking this study was a selfish act on my part...I had felt like my vision, for and about, the church, (Local) had been tainted by bad experience's through the years. Not to get to personal, I have a child who 15 years ago, was violated, in the church....so you can see where I'm coming from. The study has helped to remind me, that Christ loves His Church, so how can I not love, what He loves? As I said in the previous post, the body of Jesus, is a family, and as a family we will have problems...But through our love for Jesus, and our love for each other, there is nothing we can't over-come through Him. I'm believing God for complete healing, and praising Him for a "fresh vision" for His body. :rolleyes: God Bless you Pastor Ralaph, for the time and effort put in...and God Bless some of you that took the time to write me (seeing, in the Spirit, that I really needed it!)..... All of your post's have been a Blessing! Praying I "see" you all, in the next study. :lol: love, jaunita


I found that this study enforced my feelings toward the church. I feel that there are to many church goers that attend a church to feel good and actually do not know what they are attending for. To many pastors are leaning toward the politically correct instead of what we are taught in the bible by God to follow. Let us all move our church to follow the word of God.


What convictions has God formed in you through this "Vision for the Church" Bible Study that will make a difference on how you think about, value, and act toward your own local congregation?

I do not presently attend a church. I have not had good experiences with churches. I do know, however, that God does intend me to be in church with other worshippers and this study has increased my desire for being with fellow worshippers and my belief that I do belong in a church.

Towards the greater Church around the world?

It has shown me that if we do not gather locally, there is no greater church.


it is hard for me to sum up all the things I got from this study-- it came at a time when we as a church were studying Ephesians and i was asked to teach the inductive method -- it has been a time of soul searching for me and I am still immersing myself in Ephesians -- there is so much apathy in my church and I don't find a lot of interest in things spiritual -- that said the lesson that spoke the most to me was about unity -- I will continue to "chew on" the questions as I go to see family for a few weeks -- I know for sure that this will continue to be a real blessing to me -- THANK YOU Pastor Ralph -- I particularly like that you appeal to all of us and do not stress denominational things as these things are so dicisive -- just the opposite of the unity that Paul teaches. LOIS


Thank God for this study because I believe we have taken a good look at our personal self in regard to the church. We are a family that have been put here to be a blessing to others. We are to be that light that sit upon a hill that can not be hid. I will begin to really and truly look at the church the way God looks at it. I will live the life that God expects of me and if we all do this; this will build up the church. God has cleanse and purified us and wants us to live holy lives because He is holy. This study has open my eyes to a lot of truth about the church. Let each member in each congregation love the church like Jesus Chrsit. We will begin to see the fruits of our labor. Again thanks for the study. Can't wait for the next one.


:D There have been many times in the last couple of years that I have lost faith in the institution of the Church. I have been seriously hurt by the Body of Christ and its leaders in the past. By seeing how important it is to love the Body of Christ regardless of their treatment towards me, their jealousy, and cutting words; I have learned through this study to trust in its leadership but most of all God.

I have begun to see the bigger vision and looked beyond those who would try to hinder me in my walk with the Lord. I have now set my sights on those things above.

I with my Pastor have teamed up to start a Prayer walking ministry and am believing the Lord to give us our community as part of our inheritance. I have great love and support (from my Pastor) and this has taught me to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding and in all my ways He shall direct my path.

To God by the Glory.


I have come to realize that the church is one body.That i am not alone in what I feel in my needs for the church in it self.When I pray.I know their are others praying fot the same things.We all are in this together.When there are things you may want to do in your church voice what you think that may help build your congregation to others.Working together will accomplish great things in Jesus Name.The Vision of The Church"UNITY"Blessings to all and God Keep Ypu In His Ever loving Care.My special Thanks To Pastor Ralph!!Blessings Linda Stanley


I can't say that I learned anything new from the Bible study. I did learn something about the Greek text behind the Epistle. However, for the most part it confirmed what I already believed about the church. I know this is not what you would like to hear Pastor Ralph. Doubltless, you would feel better if I experienced an epiphany from the study.


Ed Rochon


Hi Everyone

Thankyou Pastor Ralph for this study & for the time & effort put in to it.

I think from this I realize we are all so important to Christ & we should pray for understanding & support for ourselves & other members in all things

Please pray that in our local church that Christs saving message will reach all those in our community in need & especially young people so they can continue work begun

God bless all.



During the five-week bible study, I realized that the Church is, indeed, a huge part of God's plan for His people. I realized that the Church is an institution that was created by the Lord to help His people stay on the path that He has set for them until the time that Jesus comes back to take us all up with Him into the heavens.


As they say, you can't pick your family. This goes as well for the family of God...if you want to be in it, you have to live with all the others. Of course, since you're going to be with them for all eternity, why not start now ? This study has helped reinforce my commitment to interact meaningfully with all those in His body who are brought into my path, rather than gravitating towards those with whom I am most comfortable in a fleshly sense. I can't be used productively if I try to edit the script as it unfolds.


The Ephesians study has shown the church has great power available to it, through Gods grace. Should we choose to sub,it to Jesus as our head and seek an active relationship with him, then this power is available to us all.

The church as a whole, however, is not it unity and there is much legalism and condemnation. The study, while not saying this in so many words, does show that unless the unity of the church comes about then division will always be there.

In the local church we must learn to show grace and love to others, rather than take umbrage at what may be said or done - let God's grace be apparent in and through our lives.

I look forward to participating in future studies


:) thank you Pastor Ralph for this wonderful study. In this world today we surely need to take all this to heart. Unity in the church is very important as we represent Christ as He lives in us. We are many members but united we make one body.

I have gained a new respect for the Church through this lesson and I can see that through unity others may be won to Christ.


The church is not about the building. It is about the people - people whom God cares so much about. I believe that each person must let themselves be filled with the Holy Spirit abundantly and live a spiritually-led life in order to bring about a revival throughout the whole church. The Holy Spirit will then be able to work mighty wonders that no one has ever seen before. Worshipping one God and moving in one spirit..


The church, that is believers in Christ, need to work together to "get the Word out". Too many times people focus on the differences and get hung up on things that are not really very important. Especially when we remember that we need to win the lost and strengthen our brothers and sisters in Christ.


I am very interested in making a difference in my local church. Seeing how Paul communicated with and managed his relaltionship with the church gave me a deeper insight into the impact passion makes in communications.

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