bergerjones Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 We must each one, as part of the Body of Christ, think positively about each of the other members, loving each one and showing that love in every way. We must pray for each other, includig ourselves, tht we might cease personal criticism and "accentuate the positive." We must stop our criticism of each other, the pointing out of weakness and what we judge to be failure. it is not up to us to judge each other. We must love and support each other in thought, word and deed. Then we can bring others into the Body of Christ Only in this way can we truly be members of Christ's Church. If each one of us who took this course begins the process of love, others around us will respond to that love. Christ's Church will grow and God's Kingdom will begin to grow here on earth as God intended. He wants His people to know Him and love Him and His creation, all people. We are to pass forward His love. Christ's Church has lasted this long. With renewal of purpose - of love -through praise, prayer, study of God's Word, action on our part - we will, with His Grace, be able to strengthen His Church and do His will. We will be ready when He comes again, to go with Him and live with God the Father forever in love. We can do all things through Christ who stengthens us. Nothing is impossible for a child of God. Quote
Betty Crowell Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 I have learned the congregatin "us" should be the dwelling place for God. The church building has no meaning. It is the people of the church that provide a dwelling place. Believers in my church have allowed petty differences to effect the unity in our church. We have lost our pastor and one half of the congregation. Praise the Lord for this study!. I felt led to talk to the ladies in my Bible study about the value of encouragement and how destructive criticism is. This study,(Vision for the Church) was an answer to prayer and has been a great help to me in communicating this message. Christ has the power to transform us into all that we can be. Quote
Walter Ice Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 The past 5 weeks have actually been very sobering. What I have truly been convicted of is that we are indeed the lukewarm church that John wrote of in Revelation. The strength and the power and the glory of Christ represented in the Church is muddled at best. We have become so fragmented by our "doctrine" and our "tradition" that it is difficult to tell the difference between us and the Pharisee's and Saducees of Jesus' time. I hear the prayer of our LORD as he pleads, "Father, let them be one as we are one." And my heart sinks... I realize that I have to be like him. If Jesus were walking with us in the flesh today, where do you think he'd be hanging out? Not with the giants of theology and professors of religion..he'd be with people like me..and you...and people in San Francisco and New York who are broken and mired in their sin and he would be loving them..that is the church, that is our purpose. Since when did we suddenly become so enlightened that we no longer have concern for our broken brothers and sisters? When did mercy and grace become strange to us? The reason that we cannot fix this despondent society is because we have taken ourselves away from it and have set ourselves as it's judges. Jesus said to be seperate from the's desires and idols..not it's people! We need to wake up church! He has called us..for a time such as this. -In the love and mercy of our LORD Jesus Christ, -Walter Quote
Engchong Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 The church is understood in two senses - the group of local believers in a particular geographic area, as well as the universal or catholic sense of all believers in Christ everywhere. Although the church as it exists in the world does not seem to be unified, yet we know that as believers we should be persuing unity. The church, like the nation of Israel, is now considered to be the people of God. This image is further extended to that of being the body of Christ, of which He is the head. We are also known as the temple in the Lord....a dwelling place of God in the Spirit (Eph. 2:21-22). A standard of holiness is expected of the people of God. As the bride of Christ, the church must also be holy (Eph. 5:25-27). Quote
Gurdian Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 Blessings, I regret not being able to answer all the questions, but I surely enjoyed the study and the answers of everyone. What convictions has God formed in you through this "Vision for the Church" Bible Study that will make a difference on how you think about, value, and act toward your own local congregation? Every day I think about the power that is with in me as a member of the body of Christ. When I am discouraged and think about the power of the church, it moves me to seek comfort in the body, so, today I value the church even more. Towards the greater Church around the world? The very experience of the bible study with many brothers and sisters in Christ from different parts of the world has opened my eyes. I now understand a little bit better how much I need my family in Christ to learn more about God. May the Lord Bless you always, Raul Gurdian Quote
Valerie Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 Sorry I cannont give an evaluation at this time as owing to unforeseen circumstances(illness) I have had to put my studies in a folder till a bit later. I know they will be excellent as always. Quote
Kate Khwa Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 "vision of the church" has certainly helped me to see the Bigger picture, it also came in timely as our church is praying and fasting for God's direction for our church. I'm a new christian in a young church. Quote
Tom Gilbert Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 I see my involvement with others in my congregation now as more of a "we" approach. We are all there to worship and turn to God and Christ. The Holy Spirit works through all believers and the diversity of the fruits of the Spirit are good for the entire body. I believe in a universal church - one body of Christ - so I see a responsibility to be part of that work on a larger level. I see the importance of church on a local level and church on a global level. Quote
Gail B. Posted June 11, 2003 Report Posted June 11, 2003 This study has given me much insight into Jesus' intent and will for unity in the church and has caused me to look at how I as a member of my local body can keep and support that unity through the spirit in the local body as well as the body at large. Quote
smofield Posted June 11, 2003 Report Posted June 11, 2003 I enjoyed this Bible Study very much. For me you summed it up best in lesson #5 when you said 'If we who are leaders begin to look at the church as holy and glorious before the Lord, we'll begin to preach and teach differently. We'll worship differently. We'll speak about the church diffferently - and we'll begin to actualize the Church as it should be.' We are to busy tearing down the church, it should be this way or that (our way). Or to busy tearing down other churches. What better way to get our eyes off of Jesus Christ than to get our minds on differences in the church body. There is no big I's and little U's in the body of Christ. We are all big in the eyes of God. We all have a job to do (part of the body). Let's start looking at the church as it should be and do our part to make it that way. Thank You for a study well done. God Bless! Quote
trotter Posted June 11, 2003 Report Posted June 11, 2003 This study has reinforced for me the need in our church. Surprise, only about 10% of the congregation actively works for the church. We need to find a way to make people understand that they are to serve, not only be served. This will promote unityand help people to discover their individual ministries. This study also caused me to see the need to reinforce the focus on Jesus, His teachings and commandments in order for the church to truly be His instrument here on Earth. Quote
Maxie Posted June 12, 2003 Report Posted June 12, 2003 What convictions has God formed in you through this "Vision for the Church" Bible Study that will make a difference on how you think about, value, and act toward your own local congregation? Towards the greater Church around the world? Hi Dr. Ralph. I'm sorry that I have took so long in answering last question for the wrap-up on the study on Vision for the Church. I have been very sick in the last two week. I just got home from the hospital yesterday, and still have a ways to go before I'm well. I'm ok, just need some time to recupt. I have not been able to finish to course yet but plan on doing so. From what I have done so far. This is my thoughts on the subject. That we as Christians need to get out of the pue's and out in the commutity, and do what God has ask us to do, and thats to spread the Gosple. To bind the one that has closed the eyes of the lost, and then we can open them to the Gosple of Jesus Christ. AMEND Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted June 12, 2003 Report Posted June 12, 2003 This study has brought forward the importance of the Church to us as individual members and also the world=wide Church. Jesus told the disciples to "go into all nations and bring them the good news". That is the way Jesus ' mission for the Church is fulfilled. My local Church is my contact with Jesus and my hope of a future home in Heaven. Through the resurrection of Jesus we are given the power to be like Him but in order to keep this close fellowship we must find a local body to give up instruction and fellowship. The Bible tells us not to forsake meeting together as it is important to our spiritual welface. People feel they can be tuned into God and not need fellowship with other Christians. We all have times when we need support of others and to be sure we have God's support we need to go to other Christians. If you don't need help right now be available for those who need help. We are God's messengers on earth and need to operate through a church. The world-wide church unites a world af vastly different people and lifestyles to a common group with a common goal which is to go into all the world and spread the Word. Quote
afmsaka Posted June 13, 2003 Report Posted June 13, 2003 Dear DR Ralph, Firstly let me start by apologizing for not responding in time on the assignment. From the leading to and to the end of the Easter time I have been locked up in a sequence of responsibilities I could not escape as a pastor of the church. I must also bring this point to your attention that since the beginning of the studies, I have been copying the lessons into a file to study them later after I have completed what I am presently doing in the church. But by the few glimpses I have had into the studies, I am well convinced that presently I am in the right track in building up this local church, for last year I have been having a series of teaching on systematic theology and simultaneously running weekly leadership studies with the view of developing the vision for the assembly. Ephesians studies is going to be the best tool to train up local leadership and also a means of helping us to better shape up our vision for the church and to better equip both leadership and members in the church. What I realize is that the knowledge of how to equip members for the ministry will now be addressed in a most informed way. Thanks for the study, it was very much informative to me and I look forward to joining more of the same studies in future. In His service, T.H. Modise (Carletonville Quote
jbwalya Posted June 14, 2003 Report Posted June 14, 2003 The expositions from Pastor Ralph and also the contributions from other members of the discussion forum have both helped me to again a more deeper understanding of Christ Quote
gripofhisgrace Posted June 14, 2003 Report Posted June 14, 2003 Where do I begin? This lesson has reminded me in the strongest sense that it is not "our" church - it is His church. Our church is going through growing pains. We are all putting our heads together trying to facilitate this change. I think we forgot. It is His church and if we pray about it, He'll tell us what needs to be done. Collectively, we can achieve it. For those of you still looking for a church family. Don't give up. After having the experience of moving I am firmly convinced that God will put you each where you are needed. The best part of this study is hearing from all of you. The questions you ask, the situations you share, and the insights you have. It adds such a wonderful dimension to the study. Thank you all. Pastor Ralph you've done it again !!!!! susan Quote
Liza Posted June 15, 2003 Report Posted June 15, 2003 This study was a real eye-opener....especially the first lesson where I was confronted with the awesome power at the disposal of the Church. We expect so little from God. Now, I expect much, much more from God and I can SEE results when I pray with faith in that power. Another thing that really struck me is how little emphasis (in my church) is on what we do for the church - the attitude is what can I get rather than how can I serve. I am asking the Lord to help me have a servant's heart where His church is concerned to do all that is His will through me for His church - for ultimately, it is His Church and not man's. I must say I learnt a lot of new things and have been tremendously blessed through this study! May God continue to bless you and use you tremendously through this Bible Study. Yours in Christ, Liza Quote
weward Posted June 16, 2003 Report Posted June 16, 2003 I have learned that the church is a community fo faith. We are a family with specific roles. We all are needed. We may not all agree on everything. However, what is important is that we work together to do our part ot fulfill the great commission. Quote
Reeallen Posted June 23, 2003 Report Posted June 23, 2003 As I began studying the "Vision for the Church" Bible Study it led me to believe that now I have a clear understanding of the "church" which is myself and all others who are walking in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The convictions that has formed in me is that of knowing who we are in Christ Jesus and that we as a church need to keep our temple clean and free of sin. We must renew our church (body) boldly every day before the throne of grace. This study has made a great difference in my thinking of value and action toward the local congregation. It is time now for us to be real women and men of God and let the church know that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. It also let us know that in order for us to be a body and operating in the spirit of God, we have to be united. As I foresaid, we are many members but only one body. I enjoyed this study so much. It has made me a bold person for the Lord. Thank you very much. Quote
Reeallen Posted June 24, 2003 Report Posted June 24, 2003 The convictions God has formed in me through "vision for the church" Bible Study that will make a difference on how I think about value, and act toward my own local congregation and towards the greater church around the world is knowing that we are all one in Christ and we need to spread the word of God every where we go. My conviction of being slothful when it comes to making time for studying more has now given me a greater desire to study the word of God and be prepared for fulfilling my obligations to the Lord. In my local congregation I am more prepared to be more active in Bible study and doing whatever is assigned to my hands. Thank you Pastor Ralph for this study. I have enjoyed it very much and I am telling others about it. This is the second evaluation I have done. Quote
Michelle1976 Posted June 28, 2003 Report Posted June 28, 2003 What convictions has God formed in you through this "Vision for the Church" Bible Study that will make a difference on how you think about, value, and act toward your own local congregation? Towards the greater Church around the world? What convictions has God formed in you through this "Vision for the Church" Bible Study that will make a difference on how you think about, value, and act toward your own local congregation? Towards the greater Church around the world? I have learned that we should come to church to worship the King of Kings and to love on him...I also know that we shouldn't take it lightly bc that is God's house...We should all love and come together to win the lost and bring them to the full understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ...We are all one body in him and we all need to work together and do what he has called each of us to do...He has a work for each of us... In Christ Jesus, Michelle Quote
Joe Strait Posted July 8, 2003 Report Posted July 8, 2003 My sister is currently dying with cancer. She is 58 years old. She is not expected to live much more than a couple of days. At the start of this study the doctor had pronounced her cancer free. Now the cancer is completely through her entire body. God has been good to me throughout this ordeal. I have seen the Church at her best. A couple of years ago I moved 140 miles away from where I was living in Michigan to another part of Michigan for a job. (I know now that it was God that moved me as I am now closer to my sister and the rest of my family). When my pastor from my old church heard about my sister he and his wife came to visit her in the hospital and to provide comfort and support for our family! He also checks on us periodically to make sure we are doing OK. Also another pastor from a completely different denomonation has been up to visit her just about every week she has been in the hospital. He has traveled from about 30 miles away. This is an important part of the church in action. Many family members that are not saved have expressed a renewed interest in spiritual matters as a result of what they have witnessed. No telling how much seed is being sown through these couple of acts of love for the brethren. Praise God for all His blessings!! And thank you pastor Ralph for providing this study. My only regret is that because of the circumstances I have not been able to keep up with my postings. Perhaps next time, Lord willing. Quote
LLeweLLyn Posted July 31, 2003 Report Posted July 31, 2003 More than anything, the study confirmed for me that i was not where i needed to be when i was a member of the church in which i grew up. I realized from reading that many of the things that felt so wrong when i did them were biblical and scriptural, but i didn't know enough scripture to know that. The shame of the situation and many like it is that it is those church leaders who do the poorest job of educating their members that have the greatest hold on them and retard their progress the most because those members have no basis of comparison until and unless they leave. Quote
cking Posted July 31, 2003 Report Posted July 31, 2003 The subject of the true body of Jesus Christ is miss represented very often,and biblical teaching on this is very much needed, denominations have distorted what the biblical concept is and have caused disunity. Thanks for your study. Quote
Evance Hector Posted July 31, 2003 Report Posted July 31, 2003 Dear Dr. The impression formed in my mind about the church,is this. (1) The Church of God must be united,for it to be effective. (2)It is impossible for the various voices in the speak as one, when they openly disagree on the interpretation of scripture. (3)The standards of the Bible are being watered down to meet the currupt standards of the world. (4)In order for true unity to take place,we need a return to Primitive Godliness,where Faith is the real essence of our Christianity,and the "Thus Saith The Lord"remains supreme. Yours Sincerely E E Hector Quote
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