Stan Posted April 7, 2011 Report Posted April 7, 2011 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? It represented the offerer passing his sins to the lamb that he was about to slay.he slays the lamb because his sin are the cause of the lambs death and with out the shedding of blood their can be no remission of his sin. Jesus is the lamb of God His blood is all that was needed to cleanse all of us of our sins. Quote
Marloes Posted April 8, 2011 Report Posted April 8, 2011 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? Laying hands is to pass the sins. Slaying the animal is slaying your own sins. Other people aren't responsable for my sins. Only blood can wash sins away. That way, Jesus' blood washes all sins away. Quote
Delivered Posted April 8, 2011 Report Posted April 8, 2011 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? The system God set up with Israel to atone for their sins was seen as the Israelite put his hand on the animals head, signifying his sins were transferred on the animal, reconciling him to God in forgiveness and harmony. Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? Sin is a personal matter between the Israelite and God, and sin becomes more of a reality when one has to slay a perfect, innocent animal to cover ones sin. God wants mankind to recognize the seriousness of sin, it comes with a price. How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? Lev. 17:11 the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? Israels sins were truly covered as God said, the blood of bulls and goats were a system set up for Israel to atone for their souls, however, Jesus sacrifice brought atonement not just for Israel as promised, but also for the sins of the world. The blood of bull and goats were not able to take Paradise out and put it in heaven, the blood of bulls and goats could not take back dominion that was lost by the first Adam, the blood of bulls and goats could not open the seals of Gods justice, the blood of bulls and goats could not give to all who believe in Christ, Israel's promised Messiah the Holy Spirit, the blood of bulls and goats could not atone for the sins of the world once for all, it is only by the blood of Gods Lamb. Quote
Old Jerry Posted April 10, 2011 Report Posted April 10, 2011 The significance of the offerer laying his hands on the animal Quote
tammie7 Posted April 10, 2011 Report Posted April 10, 2011 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? This is when our sin was place on the animal by the priest lay of hand on the animal the person si goes to the animal. The person is to do the slaying because it is the person in sin. the animal blood is signicant because it is for the person sin that the priest have to sprinkle on the altar. Jesus sacritise because he took the place of the animal. Quote
linda bass Posted April 14, 2011 Report Posted April 14, 2011 The significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head in the burnt offering for individual sin is,a symbolic gesture of the sin of the person being transferred to the animal. I think the reason the offerer was to slay the sacriface rather than have the priest to it was as a reminder that the penalty for sin is death. Also to show that his rebellion against God resulted in the death of the innocent animal that took his punishment. The animal's blood is significant in the sacriface because life is in the blood. Christ was the ultimate sacriface. He is the perfect Lamb without blemish or defect. We have been redeemed from our sins once and for all through the shedding of Christ's blood, Quote
csreeves Posted April 23, 2011 Report Posted April 23, 2011 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? Burnt offerings were for many things-sin's yet, but also for thanksgiving. The laying on of hands is a representative of Jesus's laying on us as in prayer. The priests weren't suppose to kill or touch anything unclean. The blood signifies Jesus sacrifice on the cross. In the New Testament Jesus' death on the cross replaced the blood sacrifices. Quote
blezed Posted April 29, 2011 Report Posted April 29, 2011 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? 1) The significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head was for imparting one's sin to the animal taht God accepted as a substitute. 2) The offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it so they could get up close and personal with the process. 3) The animal's blood is significant in sacrifice because it was used to make atonement for one's life. 4) Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this because of his sheld blood. He was the perfect sacrifice. Quote
Ashech Posted May 11, 2011 Report Posted May 11, 2011 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? 1) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? To transfer sin to the animal. 2) Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? Be reminded of the pain in the penalty of sin. 3) How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? Significant is life is in the blood. Without shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. 4) In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? He gave His life and shedded His blood to redeem us from our sin once for all. Quote
Trusting God Posted May 24, 2011 Report Posted May 24, 2011 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? The significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal Quote
fireball3 Posted October 1, 2011 Report Posted October 1, 2011 q1.laying on of hands is accompanied by confession and involes inparting of one sins to the animal that god has accepted for a substitute god accepts from us a death of a lessor for a greater. q2.The priest dont do the slaying. it is in the hands of the sinner it is the penalty for our sin and rebellion against god. q3.Life of the creatureis in the blood and i have given it to you to make atonement for yourselfs on the altar it is the blood that makes atonement for one life . q4. Because hegave his life one time shed his bloodfor us he was the living sacifice for us amen. Quote
wifee Posted March 19, 2012 Report Posted March 19, 2012 4a)The offerer confesses his sin and in laying his hands on the animal he symbollically imparts this sin onto the animal, that God has accepted to be sacrificed as a substitute for him. The offerer killing the animal himself makes the act of sacrifice(atonement) more real for him (getting bloody)a reminder of the penalty for sin, deepen the memory of sacrifice, increase desire to not sin again, and receive more fully the cleansing by seeing the blood, and forgiveness when it is over and freedom to live holy again. C)The perfect animals blood is vital to make atonement for the offerers life.Blood is life of animal D)Jesus was the blemish free lamb that bore the full burden of all our sins when Christ was crucified on the cross.His blood shed as an atonement for us It was the ultimate sacrifice for us to be cleansed by his blood, so that we can come into the Lord’s presence and receive his forgiveness and power to live new holier lives for Him. We are redeemed “with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect" (1 Peter 1:19). Quote
IvoryEagle Posted May 12, 2012 Report Posted May 12, 2012 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SIN AND THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT THE SIN OF THE PERSON IS BEING CARRIED BY ANOTHER. Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? BLOOD ON HIS HANDS DISPEL THE NOTION OF DENIAL. How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? THE VERY LIFE OF ANYONE OR ANYTHING IS IN THE BLOOD. SOMEONE OR SOMETHING DIED FOR MY SIN. In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? IN ALL WAYS, ONLY IT WAS NOT AN ANIMAL IT WAS GOD'S ONLY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote
Onerivertrail Posted November 23, 2014 Report Posted November 23, 2014 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? The significance of the offerer's hand on the animals head is to show that the offerer is bringing this as his offering and atonement for his own personal sins. Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? The offerer must show it is his sacrifice for his own sins. How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? There has to be a blood sacrifice for the atonement of sin. In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and His blood was shed for all of our sins. Quote
Ademola Posted June 29, 2017 Report Posted June 29, 2017 The significance of the offerer laying of hands on the animals: The offerer is impacting his own sin to the animal God has accepted as a substitute for his sins. In order for the sacrifice to be acceptable the offerer/sinner must slaughter the animal. it's the blood that makes atonement for ones life Leviticus 17:11 Jesus Christ is the ultimate sacrifice. We have been redeemed with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. Quote
J BEN CHRISTOPHER Posted May 2, 2020 Report Posted May 2, 2020 (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? The laying on of hands confers the offerer's transfer of his sins to the animal. “Transubstantiation “. An act, that changes the form or character or substance of something. Also similar to the doctrine that the whole substance of the bread and the wine changes into the substance of the body and blood of Christ when consecrated in the Eucharist Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? The priest must first check the animal that it is free from blemish, only then it is fit to be sacrificed, but the slaying part is done the sinner is for him to see the pain with which the animal dies in his own eyes for the sins he has committed. At least next time he will not commit the sin anymore. Secondly it is an voluntary act of an individual, and no one interferes. In the case of Jesus the Pharisees, Sadducees, the Scribes, the Herodias and the Governor of the land, checked Jesus in all aspects before Jesus went to calvary and found him without blemish. Further, it was Jesus who gave his life to be crucified and no one killed him. This is an voluntary act of Jesus to submit himself to be sacrificed. How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? When Adam & Eve sinned they found themselves naked and tried to cover their nakedness, but God himself instituted the principle of Animal sacrifice and took the skin and gave them as a covering (temporal). But we must remember this was the first time ever that the blood was shed in this earth to cover the sin. In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? In continuation of the above principle, at an appropriate time God took the FORM of MAN and came to this world as Jesus Christ, and shed his blood. Again remember that this the blood of God, which is not like any human blood which has sin running through it. We are born in sin, and born out of man and women copulation. But Jesus was born from a virgin, and we don’t know what kind of blood it is, but one thing is sure it is the PUREST blood without sin, which is acceptable to God the Father as atonement for the sins of mankind. Jesus knew no sin, and he is as innocent like an animal which is brought to be slain. Quote
Irmela Posted January 28, 2023 Report Posted January 28, 2023 Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this? By laying his hands on the animal's head, the offerer, is confessing his sins and laying them on the innocent lesser being. The animal was taking his place. The offerer slays the sacrifice , to make it personal and more real. Life is in the blood. So the blood makes atonement for ones life. I was guilty of sin and should have been killed, but Christ came and took my sins upon Himself, then He offered Himself up to be beaten so His blood was spilt for the atonement of my life. He gave His life for me. He took my place. Thank You Lord for this MERCY and GRACE. Quote
Krissi Posted April 25, 2024 Report Posted April 25, 2024 The bible verse that has to do with putting our hands on the head of the sacrificed animal is found in Leviticus 1.3, ““If the offering is a Whole-Burnt-Offering from the herd, present a male without a defect at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting that it may be accepted by God. Lay your hand on the head of the Whole-Burnt-Offering so that it may be accepted on your behalf to make atonement for you.” Putting our hand on the animal about to be killed somehow connects the sinful human to the animal, specifically to the animal’s blood. It’s a practice that’s also practiced in New Testament times by the laying on of hands to bless, heal, anoint with oil and, most interestingly, to impart or acknowledge a gift of the spirit or special assignment by God. Such a ritual is tangible; a physical re-enactment of some sort of divine transference that cannot be seen. What happens in the animal sacrifice of the Old Testament is that the sinful person’s curse is transferred to the animal via the physical connection of the person’s hands on that animal. Frankly, i"m surprised that we don't have to plunge our hands in blood rather than put our hands on the head of the animal; so much of this is beyond what I can understand. I suppose the person making the sacrifice has to kill the animal because it symbolizes the killing of his own sin. The entire animal is burnt after the priest tosses the blood on the altar which may suggest that the entire sin has been burnt and therefore released or eliminated. I don’t understand why God chose this rather brutal way of eliminating sin. It’s not for me to know. I’m certain that the repulse I feel toward murdering an innocent, flawless, male animal was NOT felt in Old Testament times. They were used to killing animals for food, not going to Safeway to pick up a piece of bloodless meat neatly tucked under cellophane. Food in ancient eras had to be hung, I’ve been told, to drain the blood out of the animal before it could be cooked and eaten. Today, we spent effort to rid the meat of blood – in the Bible, our effort is spent collecting the blood. Blood to represents the life force in the animal, it’s “spirit” so to speak. For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life. Actually, the person sacrificing doesn’t collect the blood, but rather the priests. I’m not certain why it’s important for the person to kill the animal but not collect it’s blood, though perhaps the “holiness” of the blood renders it untouchable by mere non-priests. When Jesus was sacrificed on the cross, he was the last blood offering to God. Jesus’ blood “took away” the sins of the world. Jesus as a man was sacrificed so that His blood could be metaphorically “shed” on the cross as an altar to eliminate the sins of those who desired and understood, though through a glass darkly, what getting rid of one’s past sins really means. His life gave us life; the life of Jesus was in His blood (as was that of an animal) and the blood makes “atonement” for our sinful lives. This satisfies God. “The blood makes atonement for one’s life.” It’s interesting that the atonement isn’t for the sin, or described as such, but for our lives, as if everything we do has to be purified and atoned for. Quote
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