Pastor Ralph Posted March 11, 2011 Report Posted March 11, 2011 Q2. (Numbers 12) What was Miriam Quote
Commissioned Posted April 3, 2011 Report Posted April 3, 2011 Q2. (Numbers 12) What was Miriam’s and Aaron’s motivation for speaking against Moses? Miriam’s and Aaron’s motivation for speaking against Moses was the need to be seen by the people as having equal authority to Moses. Why do people seeking power feel a need to discredit the existing leader? People seeking power feel a need to discredit the existing leader so that the people they lead would become disloyal to the existing leader and put their allegience with those seeking to become the new leader. How did Moses handle this provocation? Because he was a humble man Moses handled the provocation by letting God chastise them and later interceded on their behalf. How might he have handled it if he were a proud man? If Moses was a proud man he might have put Aaron and Miriam out of the camp or he might have had them killed for questioning his position. How did the Lord handle it? The Lord handled the situation by bringing leprousy upon Miriam, which barred her from the camp for seven days. Quote
charisbarak Posted April 3, 2011 Report Posted April 3, 2011 Their motivation for speaking out against Moses was to try to attain power. People think that if they can list the reasons why they are better than the incumbent, that people would think more highly of them. Moses let God handle the situation. Moses wasn't in it for the power. Had he not been humble, he would have used his power to fight for more power. God answered by explaining to Miriam & Aaron that they had been wrong to accuse God's humble servant. He punished Miriam by leprosy for a time. Quote
hanks Posted April 4, 2011 Report Posted April 4, 2011 Q2. (Numbers 12) What was Miriam's and Aaron's motivation for speaking against Moses? They resented Moses Quote
JanMary Posted April 4, 2011 Report Posted April 4, 2011 Q2. (Numbers 12) What was Miriam's and Aaron's motivation for speaking against Moses? Pride, self righteousness, jealousy and a judgmental spirit! They did not approve of his Cushite wife (Now Miriam and Aaron talked against Moses their brother because of his Cushite wife....) Perhaps they felt they were "the real deal" and he was less because he married someone other than a Hebrew. (An Egyptian or a Cushite wife was not prohibited as were Canaanite women) Why do people seeking power feel a need to discredit the existing leader? I think the real motive is that the person doesn't feel qualified on their own merit or they'd have been chosen, so in trying to tear down the leader, they believe they have built themselves up. How did Moses handle this provocation? He interceded for Miriam to be healed. He showed compassion, as the meek man that he was, rather than wanting her to be punished. (I still wonder why only Miriam was leprous when it was written that "Miriam and Aaron talked against Moses......" Perhaps once again, God was preserving Aaron's dignity as he would be the high priest.....just me musing) How might he have handled it if he were a proud man? He more than likely would have left her to her leprosy believing it served her right, and maybe asked that Aaron would get the same punishment. How did the Lord handle it? Swiftly and thoroughly with justice and compassion. "Suddenly, the Lord said to Moses......" He came down in power, confronted them with what they had said, validated and affirmed Moses as His chosen leader so there would be no more questioning his authority, and with a very visible and disgusting consequence for their sin, lest others want to talk against Moses. The Lord heard Moses plea for healing and relented to just 7 days outside the camp to both discipline her rebellion, and as an example to thwart anarchy. Quote
shema Posted April 5, 2011 Report Posted April 5, 2011 Q2. (Numbers 12) What was Miriam’s and Aaron’s motivation for speaking against Moses? Narrow-minded, prejudiced and jealous, Aaron amd Miriam probably felt that they were better than Moses.For instance, they were more 'correct' in their social behaviour than Moses (who had married a Cushite woman.)Being of the same family, why should the one who was less correct in his behaviour get all the power and recognition.... was what they thought. (ii) Why do people seeking power feel a need to discredit the existing leader? By running down others , they think they are lifting themselves up. (iii)How did Moses handle this provocation? He may have been upset, but did not retaliate in kind.He seems to have remained silent. (iv) How might he have handled it if he were a proud man? He would have retaliated in kind. He would have asked God to punish them and not pleaded for mercy on their behalf. (v) How did the Lord handle it? He did have mercy, but they didn't get away scot free.They were disciplined. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted April 5, 2011 Report Posted April 5, 2011 Q2. (Numbers 12) What was Miriam’s and Aaron’s motivation for speaking against Moses? Perhaps they thought they could do a better job of leading the people of Israel than Moses was doing. The issue with Moses's wife was just an excuse to launch the rebellion. They were clearly jealous of Moses and his close relationship with God. In their immaturity they didn't realize that rebellion was not the way to get ahead of Moses in the eyes of the people and of God. For my two cents worth I reckon Zipporah was the woman in question. I reckon that if Moses had remarried it would have made the papers and been included in the Biblical account. Besides, he was far too busy to even think about a second wife. Why do people seeking power feel a need to discredit the existing leader? The ambitious person is frequently impatient. Such a person can't wait his/her turn for the limelight. There are two ways to get ahead, be it in business, Church matters, or whatever. The first way . . . and indeed the correct way . . . is to lift your game. This is also the hardest way. The other way to "elevate" yourself in people's eyes is to drag down and discredit the person above you. That's the easiest way, and the most dishonorable way. Unfortunately it's the path most often taken. In my experience, people who set out to discredit others eventually find that they have to expend as much energy and take as much time as it would have taken to lift their own game in the first place. Sometimes in the short term they may gain an advantage but in the long run the karma police will have their way. How did Moses handle this provocation? According to the passage in Numbers, Moses didn't do anything at all. He let God handle it. It was God who called the meeting to dress down the dissenters. Now THERE'S a lesson for all of us right there. If we're in the Will of God, get out of the way and let God handle it. How might he have handled it if he were a proud man? Moses could quite conceivably have called down fire or any other punishment and I reckon God would have backed his play. Moses's remarkable humility really shone through in this situation. How did the Lord handle it? Well firstly, with remarkable restraint! A week's solitary confinement with leprosy for Miriam and nothing is recorded against Aaron, which leads me to think Miriam was the instigator. Aaron was probably a bit weak and indecisive and therefore easily led down the rebellion path. It had happened before. God did dress them down thoroughly though. He put them in their place. Eventually Aaron matured (at a hundred years old too, mind you) into a great high priest but at this time his maturity was still a ways off. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted April 5, 2011 Report Posted April 5, 2011 Miriam and Aaron's motivation for speaking against Moses seems to be discontent and jealousy. It comes out first as a criticism against his choice of wives, complaining he married a Cushite, but this wasn't the real problem. This was just nit picking that always comes out from an underlying issue. The real problem comes out when they voice wanting to be God's spokespersons. They are jealous of the relationship Moses has been given and the authority in it. It's rebellion. They want their say. They want to share in his place instead of being content in their own. People seeking power need to discredit those in power so they can look like a better option. They want the place of the one over them, so the pecking begins. They can always find people of spiritual immaturity, who believe anything without finding out for themselves the truth of anyone or any situation and they use these people as a gossip mill to spread discontent and lies. I believe this always demonstrates false power because real power is from God. He raises His people up and if any have to get there by getting someone out of the way by deceit and lies....well then we know who the father of all that is. Real leadership is established by God and takes time to cultivate in humbleness. But His will for them will prevail. Any leader in God's will, knows to wait. Wait on the Lord. He's their strength and shield. How did Moses handle this provocation? I find it interesting that Aaron turns to Moses and pleads for mercy for Miriam and asks for his help. Ah Ha! Now he turns, confessing their sin. He HAS to plead to the authority given to Moses by God. He recognizes this. Moses in turn, asks God to heal Miriam. This shows his concern for the people. He could have worked out his own feelings at their rebellion in a negative way. It's frustrating to not be listened to when you know you have good for the people. But his ultimate concern here is forgiveness and restoration. God though, says she must go outside the camp for 7 days because she is unclean. She can come back, but she must have consequences. He has her follow the law given to her and only then will she be restored. This reminds me of how important truth with love is. Without truth, rebellion flourishes, but truth spoken without love damages. When the two are combined, truth flourishes in a loving way. Quote
Delivered Posted April 9, 2011 Report Posted April 9, 2011 Q2. (Numbers 12) What was Miriam's and Aaron's motivation for speaking against Moses? I do not know Miriam Quote
Travis63 Posted April 10, 2011 Report Posted April 10, 2011 Q2. (Numbers 12) What was Miriam's and Aaron's motivation for speaking against Moses? Pride, self righteousness, jealousy and a judgmental spirit! They did not approve of his Cushite wife (Now Miriam and Aaron talked against Moses their brother because of his Cushite wife....) Perhaps they felt they were "the real deal" and he was less because he married someone other than a Hebrew. (An Egyptian or a Cushite wife was not prohibited as were Canaanite women) Why do people seeking power feel a need to discredit the existing leader? I think the real motive is that the person doesn't feel qualified on their own merit or they'd have been chosen, so in trying to tear down the leader, they believe they have built themselves up. How did Moses handle this provocation? He interceded for Miriam to be healed. He showed compassion, as the meek man that he was, rather than wanting her to be punished. (I still wonder why only Miriam was leprous when it was written that "Miriam and Aaron talked against Moses......" Perhaps once again, God was preserving Aaron's dignity as he would be the high priest.....just me musing) Hello JanMary, I'm just a babe, and I believe that the answer to your question can truthfully only answered on the other side of heaven. I don't know if we will want to know then, because our focus will be different. Taking 1st John 3:2 out of context: Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. The part that says we shall be like Him, our focus and knowledge will differ than it does now. I think, I believe that Miriam was punished / afflicted, more than likely because she was leader in this attempt at insurrection, verse 1 has her as in lead by placing her name first. She was the initiator of the conversation. We can't based Aaron's total character on an incident however here is the bases as to way I also believe Miriam lead the conversation. Previously Aaron demonstrated that he was easily swayed by the multitude wanting a god to worship. How might he have handled it if he were a proud man? He more than likely would have left her to her leprosy believing it served her right, and maybe asked that Aaron would get the same punishment. How did the Lord handle it? Swiftly and thoroughly with justice and compassion. "Suddenly, the Lord said to Moses......" He came down in power, confronted them with what they had said, validated and affirmed Moses as His chosen leader so there would be no more questioning his authority, and with a very visible and disgusting consequence for their sin, lest others want to talk against Moses. The Lord heard Moses plea for healing and relented to just 7 days outside the camp to both discipline her rebellion, and as an example to thwart anarchy. Quote
Travis63 Posted April 10, 2011 Report Posted April 10, 2011 What was Miriam's and Aaron's motivation for speaking against Moses? Jealousy, envy, ignorance, they desired to have a greater esteem among the people than they had. They wanted be seen by the people as having equal authority with Moses. Why do people seeking power feel a need to discredit the existing leader? They basically attempt discredit to existing leader in hopes that they would be chosen as leader. Because of the jealousy or envy within them lies a void (weakness and neediness) they are attempting to fill. Some do so because of a self esteem issue, they desire that people have a better impression of them. They may do as Absalom did unto David. Some are arm chair quarterback they say that they could do anything better than the existing person in charge. Some are just negative people, they will complain about anything just because. How did Moses handle this provocation? Miriam's and Aaron's complaint among themselves was, "Hath the LORD indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us?" According to verse 4 God handle the situation, He suddenly speaks to all three, and Moses did not interrupt. God distinguishes the difference in relationship between he and Moses, and He with Miriam and Aaron. Then the Lord chastise them and physically punishes /afflicts Miriam. Moses being meek, compassionate and faithful cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee. Moses handled this situation in a way that was pleasing unto God for He not only heard Moses prayer He spoke again unto Moses and He adhered unto his request. (Note: God answered Moses prayer but He did so in His own manner and in His time. Moses request was "Heal her now" God gave counsel, if followed 7 days later she would be restored.) How might he have handled it if he were a proud man? It is difficult to say, these were his family member, I fully understand that some family members have kill their family member (Cain / Abel), however that's not always the case. He may have argued with them or set some sanction upon them. If Moses were a proud man vise being meek he may have out of anger still went to God to solve the problem but he may have petitioned a prayer as David did on many occasions, a prayer that I have heard many in our day lay before God. A retaliatory prayer, "God get them! How did the Lord handle it? Miriam became a leper and was banned from the camp for seven days as a father would have done for a rebellious daughter. Aaron and Miriam realized the error in their ways. Aaron was contrite, however I'm not sure if there was more afraid fear then reverence fear. I believe that he was more so scared straight. Quote
Raph Posted April 11, 2011 Report Posted April 11, 2011 Miriam's and Aaron's motivation for speaking against Moses was power struggle. They were jealousy of Moses as being their authoritative leader chosen by God and that is why they were even questioning why only Moses if God speaks to all of them. People seeking power feel a need to discredit the existing leader because of pride; they feel they are better than the existing leader. Moses handled this provocation by continuing to be humble. He was not fighting for power; actually he wanted to be relieved of leadership but he continued to lead because that is what the Lord wanted and he was so obidient that he could not go against the wish of the Lord. If he were a proud man, I think he might have handled it by punishing Aaron and Miriam himself. The Lord handled it by telling Miriam and Aaron His disappointment and then bringing sickness to Miriam and ordering his isolation from the camp for seven days. Quote
Goshener Posted April 11, 2011 Report Posted April 11, 2011 Answering Q. 2:I think it is jealousy that causes the matter. The most general ones of the human being mortal sins are the pride and greed. So I do not see any strange things which occurred to the three of them; for besides being as an important lesson to all of us, we should always aware ourselves of this popular weakness for this common trick of discredit the existing leader is being used till nowsaday. I suppose since Moses is trying his best to be good and meek leader he did not have to exercise anything for at once God intervened and settled everything God's way. Moses did plead to God for them later. If Moses were a proud man he might take vengeance or react angrily or strongly as a man could think of. Miriam became a leper and for seven days she had to live outside the camp. Quote
l.a. Posted April 11, 2011 Report Posted April 11, 2011 Q2. (Numbers 12) What was Miriams and Aarons motivation for speaking against Moses? Why do people seeking power feel a need to discredit the existing leader? How did Moses handle this provocation? How might he have handled it if he were a proud man? How did the Lord handle it? Miriam and Aaron do not seem to see Moses as a strong leader. They see power as the trait of a good leader. They see themselves as ones with a powerful personality and superior to Moses and his personality. People as such are only insecure with their own lack of control and lash out at others to strengthen their own authority. Though they tried to discredit Moses for his meek character, this same character shows strong when he pleads for their lives and forgiveness for their sin. If Moses were a proud man, he may have felt justified in God's judgements and shown a 'see who I am' type of attitude towards their punishment. The Lord compared His discipline to that of a good father. He shamed them for their behavior, but forgave them and gave them another chance to show their repentance. Quote
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