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  On 3/11/2011 at 2:15 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Numbers 17) What was the root cause of Korah


Pride & power were the root causes of Korah's rebellion.

Some of the assertions were true, but he failed to see that the persons in charge were set there by God.

Challenging a spiritual leader is like challenging God, himself.

Moses realized that he could have been part of this rebellion had God given him the wisdom & courage to rule them. Ruling is like sheparding. You don't just shepherd the sheep when they're behaving!! A leader needs to lead--sometimes that includes building bridges!


Q4. (Numbers 17)

What was the root cause of Korah's rebellion?

The rebellion was led by Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. The party led by Korah was made up mostly of Levites. Their complaint was the preferred treatment Aaron


Q4. (Numbers 17) What was the root cause of Korah's rebellion?

Pride and envy resulting in rebellion and rejection of the the Lord's appointed men of authority. They were dissatisfied with just doing the service of the tabernacle..they wanted to be "lifted up" as priests and therefore judged Moses and Aaron, not understanding that they were not self appointed, but God appointed.

Which of their accusations were true or partially true?

They said "You take too much upon yourselves, seeing that all the congregation is holy, every one of them. Why then do you lift yourselves up above the assembly of the Lord?"Num 16:3. (Aaron had sinned grievously in making the golden calf, and in talking against Moses, yet had not been punished as Miriam was. Now he'd been elevated above the rest as priest. (God's doing, not Aaron's). The people resented Aaron's role and his seeming "holier than thou position".

Why is challenging the authority of a spiritual leader so dangerous to the challengers?

Because if the leader has been called by God (rather than self appointed), the challenger is fighting against God. ("You and all your company are gathered together against the Lord. And Aaron, what is he that you murmur against him?" Num. 16:11) That's a no win situation for the challenger, and can result in nothing good! God Himself will mete out the consequence and will stand up for the challenged leader.

How is intercession for a sinful people such an important part of a leader's job?

The Leader is God's representative and stands in the gap on behalf of the people....he/she must represent God's heart even in the midst of opposition by those he's/she's leading.

Guest twincaf
Pastor Ralph, on 10 March 2011 - 08:15 PM, said:Q4. (Numbers 17) What was the root cause of Korah

Q4. (Numbers 17) What was the root cause of Korah’s rebellion?

I reckon it was envy. Korah envied Moses' close relationship with God and his position of authority. Also, after their failed attempt to enter the Promised Land Korah probably decided it was time for a leadership challenge.

Which of their accusations were true or partially true?

Israel had been chosen as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. That didn't mean that everyone in Israel could actually serve God as a priest.

Why is challenging the authority of a spiritual leader so dangerous to the challengers?

Challenging the authority of a spiritual leader is dangerous only when the challenge is not based solidly on God's Word. You could find yourself fighting against God, as Gamaliel said many years later. I've been in enough churches in my lifetime to know what I'm talking about here when I say that in some cases the minister does get it wrong. My sister belonged to a church that ended up becoming a cult when the elders assumed complete control over the interpretation of the Word of God. They'd had a deliverance ministry, casting out demons and such, and one time the woman decided to talk to the demon to find out the weaknesses in Satan's camp. Of course the demon lied through its teeth but the elder couldn't see that. Next thing we knew they had set up all sorts of rules on how to pray and worship that were obviously based on a doctrine of demons! In that situation it was essential that those elders be cast down. They weren't, at least not soon enough and the city where my sister still lives has many people whose spiritual lives have been permanently scarred by that erroneous teaching. I challenged one of our pastors 20 years ago over his not conducting the worship service according to the truth in Scripture. I did it in private though and even so he didn't take it too well. We left that church when is became obvious he was determined not to listen to anyone. The pastoral team had an agenda that was at odds with what we knew to be God's direction.

However, if a challenge is based merely on human ambition then that can be dangerous to our spiritual well-being.

How is intercession for a sinful people such an important part of a leader’s job?

God has chosen to work through the prayers of the saints (that's us) and the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective for the forgiveness of sins.


The root cause of Korah's rebellion was believing a lie. They believed that because God had declared the whole of the people a Kingdom of Priests, that it meant they could now perform High Priestly duties of sacrifice. This wasn't true. Though God had declared them priests, He had specific duties for each person and tribe. Korah was to minister in the temple with the utensils etc. and carry the holy items when camp moved, but they were not to offer the sacrifices. That was for Moses and descendants of Aaron. Korah thought to do something that God had not given them to do.

The truth they believed was that Israel was to be a Kingdom of Priests, but the untruth they believed was what part they had been given in that. They thought it meant they could do ALL priestly duties.

Challenging the authority of a Spiritual leader is dangerous because one really challenges God's authority. I'm careful here though, as I don't want to encourage following anyone who just "appears" to have spiritual authority. That leads to Jim Jones and David Koresh. We have to test what is truly from God, but if we are convinced the leadership is, then no matter what, we are to listen to the authority placed over us. We do have God to appeal to if we disagree on anything. He is faithful. We can be content in our part and be thankful for the direction and guidance of a truly Godly leader.

Intercession is vital for sinful people because so often, what is needed is spiritual warfare prayed over them. Satan wants to claim many, but it is our business to be about God's work. We shouldn't focus on the sin so much as to be concerned for salvation for souls and changed lives through the power of The Holy Spirit. We need to speak truth with love, but another vital part of winning souls is intercessory prayer!

  On 3/11/2011 at 2:15 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Numbers 17) What was the root cause of Korah

Guest loyags
Q4. (Numbers 17) What was the root cause of Korah’s rebellion? I reckon it was envy. Korah envied Moses' close relationship with God and his position of authority. Also, after their failed attempt to enter the Promised Land Korah probably decided it was time for a leadership challenge. Which of their accusations were true or partially true? Israel had been chosen as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. That didn't mean that everyone in Israel could actually serve God as a priest. Why is challenging the authority of a spiritual leader so dangerous to the challengers? Challenging the authority of a spiritual leader is dangerous only when the challenge is not based solidly on God's Word. You could find yourself fighting against God, as Gamaliel said many years later. I've been in enough churches in my lifetime to know what I'm talking about here when I say that in some cases the minister does get it wrong. My sister belonged to a church that ended up becoming a cult when the elders assumed complete control over the interpretation of the Word of God. They'd had a deliverance ministry, casting out demons and such, and one time the woman decided to talk to the demon to find out the weaknesses in Satan's camp. Of course the demon lied through its teeth but the elder couldn't see that. Next thing we knew they had set up all sorts of rules on how to pray and worship that were obviously based on a doctrine of demons! In that situation it was essential that those elders be cast down. They weren't, at least not soon enough and the city where my sister still lives has many people whose spiritual lives have been permanently scarred by that erroneous teaching. I challenged one of our pastors 20 years ago over his not conducting the worship service according to the truth in Scripture. I did it in private though and even so he didn't take it too well. We left that church when is became obvious he was determined not to listen to anyone. The pastoral team had an agenda that was at odds with what we knew to be God's direction. However, if a challenge is based merely on human ambition then that can be dangerous to our spiritual well-being. How is intercession for a sinful people such an important part of a leader’s job? God has chosen to work through the prayers of the saints (that's us) and the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective for the forgiveness of sins.

Q4. (Numbers 17) What was the root cause of Korah's rebellion? The root cause appears to be that of


The root cause of Korah's rebellion was priesthood. Korah was a a clan of levites who had special duties but he wanted also his clan to be priests.

Their accusations which were true or partially true are that the whole community is holy and that the LORD is with them.

Challenging the authority of a spiritual leader is so dangerous to the challengers because as they can suffer severe punishment from the Lord.

Intercession for a sinful people is such an important part of a leader's job as it shows how much the leader cares about his people despite their disobedience, rebellio.


Q4. (Numbers 17) What was the root cause of Korah's rebellion? Which of their accusations were true or partially true? Why is challenging the authority of a spiritual leader so dangerous to the challengers? How is intercession for a sinful people such an important part of a leader's job?

The Korah rebellion, along with that of Dathan and Abiram, is the subject of chapters 16-17. This was actually an attack on the leadership of Moses and Aaron by a group of Reubenites and Levites, the latter complaining of their subordinate position to the Aaronic priests. Through divine intervention both parties were punished. The subsequent murmurings of the people against Moses and Aaron were punished by a plague halted only when Aaron carried a burning incense pan in front of the dying. This, together with the contest of the staves which ended with the budding of Aaron's rod, served to emphasize the authority of Aaron and the Levites to serve in the tabernacle.

The record of it is found in Numbers 17: Aaron


Answering to Q.4:I suppose the pride was the root cause for that rebellion.

The accusations they referred were partially true for God, of course, supports Moses and Aaron; Moses did not give them any malpractices but in contrary Moses did intervene, plead and ask for His pardon for them.

To challenge the authority of spiritual leader is basically dangerous to challengers because normally the spiriual leader of any group or community will be selected and supported through the intervention of the Holy Spirit who confirms the Holy Will and/or plans of God; which come from His infinite Holy Wisdom.

The good leader or shepherd must intercede for his people in every wrong or sinful matter as he is regarded as being closer to Christ than the normal laymen. Besides, the leader must also thank God as the situation(s) had been changed and even offer the praises and blessings to God for His limitless loving kindness.


What was the root cause of Korah's rebellion?

He wanted to be the leader himself.

Which of their accusations were true or partially true?

that Moses didn't listen to the assembly

Why is challenging the authority of a spiritual leader so dangerous to the challengers?

It can be challenging God Himself

How is intercession for a sinful people such an important part of a leader's job?

God acts on our prayers, and we all need intercession.

Besides this, a leader must love his people, and set an example.

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