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Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

Guest GlymnBiG
Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?


  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

Speak to the rock. He took the rod and struck the rock twice. He sinned because he did not follow the command of God. I believe he was frustrated, worn out, and felt the heaviness of the task given him by God. Leaders must recognize the sin and ask for forgiveness.


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock?

God told Moses to speak to the rock to bring water out of the rock.

What did Moses actually do?

Moses in anger, hit the rock with his rod.

In what way did he sin?[/d]

Moses sin in not trusting fully in God.

What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think?

Moses disobedience and rash words came because of his anger with the people's grumbling.

What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

Seek God's forgiveness and mercy.

Guest stepsy
Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? God told Moses to speak to the rock to bring water out of the rock. What did Moses actually do? Moses in anger, hit the rock with his rod. In what way did he sin?[/d] Moses sin in not trusting fully in God. What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? Moses disobedience and rash words came because of his anger with the people's grumbling. What must leaders do when they sin in these ways? Seek God's forgiveness and mercy.

Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? Speak to the rock.

What did Moses actually do? He struck the rock.

In what way did he sin? Disobeyed God's command while taking credit for the results. "we."

What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? Frustration, anger, over confidence, assumption involving God, and finally, an attitude of the "status quo." "We have always done it this way."

What must leaders do when they sin in these ways? Repent immediately and ask God's Forgiveness. :blink::o


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

God told Moses to speak to the rock to bring water out of the rock.

Moses struck the rock twice.

Moses sin by not trusting God. It is also disobedience.

Anger, disobedience, and insubordination were behind his sin.

Yes, I think so.

Leaders must judge themselves, repent and ask God for forgiveness, then move on with their leadership role.


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock?

God told Moses to gather the assembly together with Aaron and speak unto the rock before their very eyes and it will give forth Gods water.

What did Moses actually do?

Moses and Aaron did gather the congregation together before the rock, however, Moses spoke to the congregation instead of the rock, saying, you rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock? and he lifted his hand and with his rod he smote the rock twice.

In what way did he sin?

God told Moses and Aaron, it was because they did not believe, they did not support God, to sanctify Him through obedience, proclaiming Gods goodness in the eyes of the children of Israel by speaking to the rock, instead, Moses spoke to the congregation, speaking words that did not sanctify God, Moses spoke out of the flesh, calling the congregation a bunch of rebels, speaking must We fetch you water out of this rock and with that Moses hit the rock two times bringing forth water enough for the congregation and their beasts to drink.

This should have been a glorious moment for Israel, displaying to the congregation the awesome mercy of Israels God.

What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think?

What I think is, Moses was depressed and miserable, that he was at the end of his rope, he is now a very old man and mentally and physically exhausted, and most of all he was tired of seeing this people continuing in unbelief.

I also believe God understood this all too well, and it was because of Moses faithfulness that the water did flow, I also believe it was Gods mercy that Moses did not have to fight his way into the Promised Land, it belonged to the youth, that is why he allowed Moses to see the Promised Land and Moses will soon be taken home to be with his God.


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13)

What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock?

Moses was asked to speak to the rock.

What did Moses actually do?

Moses angrily struck the rock, not once,but twice.And also took credit for the miracle, by saying " We bring you water out of this rock."

In what way did he sin?

He was disobedient, striking the rock when he was asked to speak to it, and taking credit for it instead of showing God's glory.

What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think?

The complaining, nagging, intolerable attitude of the people would naturally have affected him.They were no different from their fathers before them.Moses must have been thoroughly exasperated.

What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

They should be filled with remorse, confess their sins and seek God's forgiveness.


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13)

What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock?

The Lord told Moses to take his staff in hand and speak to the rock and water would flow for all the people and their livestock.

What did Moses actually do?

Moses struck the rock twice, and at the same time calling the people rebels and stating that he and Aaron brought water out of the rock.

In what way did he sin?

Moses firstly disobeyed God by not doing exactly what God had told him to do. Secondly he drew attention to himself instead of giving God the glory for the miracle. Thereby dishonouring God in the presence of His people.

What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think?

I think Moses was mentally and physically exhausted by the constant bickering of the Israelites; for they had tested his patience to the utmost. It is most probably out of frustration that he acted this way. However, being a leader, he was without excuse and showing disrespect for God in front of His people would have to be punished.

What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

Immediately repent and seek God


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock?

He told Moses to command water to flow from the rock.

What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin?

Frustrated by the people's constant complaining Moses struck the rock with his staff as he'd done years earlier at God's command. His sin was not acting according to God's command but taking his own initiative contrary to God's command. He took credit for the water coming from the rock rather than say that God provides the water.

What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think?

Frustration and anger at the constant complaining from the people he'd led for forty years wore Moses down.

What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

Repent before God as soon as you realize you've acted incorrectly.

I had an experience years ago when I was a competitive lifter. Back in 1985 I became the first Australian to squat 600 pounds never having taken steroids and I had a ministry of sorts like Paul Anderson. Going to churches, men's groups, youth groups, etc, performing strength feats then preaching or speaking on whatever subject they asked me to, or giving my testimony. I ordered a new lifting suit from the American company that supplied them and in the manner of some high profile lifters I wrote, "Thanks for the 600 pound squat" by way of kissing up to them. I'd given the credit to the equipment supply company for the lift that God and I had worked on for years that was the cornerstone of my ministry. Barely two weeks after I'd finally made that lift in competition I was struck down with a virus that ripped 20 pounds of hard won muscular bodyweight off me in a week!

I eventually recovered, somewhat, and my other lifts climbed back up to what I'd been doing before I got sick but my squat never again went above 550, despite my training in the same productive way I'd been doing it for years with previously great results. That was my personal promised land to which I was denied entry. I didn't have a clue that I'd even sinned by writing that careless comment until many years later when I read this passage and the words literally jumped off the page at me! I repented of course, but by then I was too old to get that strength back and I don't believe God wanted to give it back to me anyway.

Moses was of course forgiven by God for his indiscretion, but God still didn't let him into the promised land. In the same way I know God forgave me but I still never got the big squat back again. I've had ministers tell me I'm wrong and that God forgives completely and restores but I know that didn't happen to me. God is Love, but He's also a destroying fire.

My advice to anyone who has been struggling in any area where you can't understand why things aren't happening the way they're supposed to is to seek God. Ask Him if there is anything you've done to dishonor Him or if you've perhaps unwittingly not honored Him and get Him to reveal it to you.


To bring water out of the rock, God told Moses to speak to the rock.

Moses actually struck the rock.

Moses sinned in two ways: first he disobeyed God's instructions to speak to the rock, instead he struck it and second he spoke to the people, as though he possessed the power to produce water from the rock by using the word "we" rather than giving God glory by declaring God's act of power. This had the effect of compromising divine holiness, which was an unpardonable act of insubordination.

I think the emotions and attitudes that were behind his sin are anger and arrogance.

When leaders sin in these ways, they should immediately repent and seek God's forgiveness and mercy.


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock?

God told Moses "Take the rod, and assemble the congregation, you and Aaron your brother, and TELL THE ROCK before their eyes to give forth to them water out of the rock...." V 8

What did Moses actually do?

Moses lifted up his hand and with his rod SMOTE the rock, TWICE, and the water came out abundantly. V.11

In what way did he sin?

God said to Moses and Aaron "Because you did not believe in (rely on, cling to) Me to SANCTIFY Me in the eyes of the Israelites, you shall not enter the land..." Moses disobeyed the Lord, and misrepresented God's heart of mercy and patience toward the people. "Moses was the most meek man on the face of the earth", but in this instance he forgot "his place" as under shepherd to God, and humility and self control were replaced with his angry "I'm sick of you stupid sheep, TAKE THAT!" behavior, which was honest but not what God required of him.

What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think?

I've seen this before in tired, burned out leaders who've "grown weary in well doing" having trusted in their flesh to lead rather than in God's strength. It's irritation which has turned into frustration then anger through long trials, then into resentment and finally outbursts of "wanting the sheep to pay for being stupid sheep who need a leader!"

What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

Admit their anger and bad behavior to God rather than blaming the sheep or justifying their actions. Repent. Ask to have the heart of a tender shepherd restored, and apologize to the sheep. (Use it as a teachable moment on how NOT TO BEHAVE). Then have an honest look at whether a break or vacation is needed, or delegation of some duties to others is in order if overwhelmed, etc.

Guest EmallCom
QuoteQ1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? God told Moses to speak to the rock to bring water out of the rock. What did Moses actually do? Moses in anger, hit the rock with his rod. In what way did he sin?[/d] Moses sin in not trusting fully in God. What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? Moses disobedience and rash words came because of his anger with the people's grumbling. What must leaders do when they sin in these ways? Seek God's forgiveness and mercy.



Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

He told Moses to speak to the rock.

Moses struck the rock.

Moses disobeyed God.


They must confess and repent.


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

God told Moses to speak to the rock and water would come out.

Moses struck the rock twice and said, "Must we bring forth water from this rock."

Moses was angry and his anger pushed him to be arrogate and he took any glory that God should receive and took it himself.

Anger, hurt, frustration, pride, and revenge were some of the emotions that Moses displayed in striking the rock.

They put the burden on the people complaining with anger and wrath without providing an answer to the problem.


God told Moses to "speak" to the rock for the water to come out.

Moses actually struck the rock (as he had before) for the water to come out.

Moses was angry and frustrated at the people and was inpatient with them. He did not listen to God's instructions nor follow them, so he sinned in disobedience and he sinned in anger and in doing things his own way.

When leaders sin in these ways, we must confess our sins to God, ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance in how we can overcome those areas in our lives, apologize for any damages done and in humbleness admit our own wrong doing or our part in it if it was involving a group, with more than one wrong, as is so often the case.


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

1. To take his staff in his hand, gather the people and speak to the rock.

2. Strikes the rock with his staff, and actually took credit for the miricle.

3. He did not follow Gods instructions exactly. He also did not give God the glory for the miricle of water coming from the rock.

4. Impatience, tiredness, anger with the people. I'm sure he loved his people and recognized their need for water, but they were STILL whining and complaining and wondering why they ever left Egypt.

5. Recognize our sin. Humble ourselves before our people and immediately ask God for forgiveness and call on Jesus for mercy.


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

Moses took his staff in his hand and gather the people and spoke to the rock, and then he strikes the rock with his staff, and actually took credit for the miracle.

Moses did not follow Gods instructions exactly. Moses also did not give God the glory for the miracle of water coming from the rock.

Moses was showing impatience, tiredness, anger and resentment with the people. Moses may have loved the people and recognized their need for water, but they have been continuously whining and complaining and wondering why they ever left Egypt even after 40 years. We should recognize our sins. Leaders should humble themselves before their people and immediately ask God for forgiveness and call on our lord Jesus Christ for mercy.


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

1.The Lord gives Moses very clear instructions.

"8 Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water."

2.Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff

3.Disobedience and Not sanctifying God

4 .He was angry at the people gathered to watch.

5. We are not independent leaders, but lead on God's behalf. When we err, we must immediately repent and seek God's forgiveness and mercy --


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? God told Moses to speak to the rock. What he actually did was to strike the rock twice.

In what way did he sin? First; He disobeyed God in that he did not carry out what God had commanded. Second; he did not give glory to God for the miracle which was to happen when he talked about the water being brought forth by himself and Aaron rather than as a result of God's power.

What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? I think that he just wasn't thinking. He had done a similar kind of thing so many times and maybe he was just taking it all for granted.

What must leaders do when they sin in these ways? Repent and learn from mistakes.


What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock?

Speak ye unto the rock before their eyes

What did Moses actually do?

And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice

In what way did he sin?

Perhaps more ways than I can think, however there were two transparent ways:

Moses disobeyed God's instructions to speak to the rock. Instead they struck the rock and spoke to the people, as though he and his brother possessed the power to produce water from the rock.

Because water came from the rock by striking it previously, Moses duplicated what he had done previously instead of doing as God told him to do.

They did not sanctify God. Numbers 20:12 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.

They did not sanctify God, bless Him , place Him first. Moses and his brother move by their present emotions. They did not act on His behalf thereby they misrepresented God, at this point the people did not know that God told them to speak to the rock. They saw the water come forth abundantly so they assumed that the water came forth because the rock was struck.

What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think?

Anger, frustration, disrespect, insubordination, etc..

What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

When a leader err and they recognize that they have done so, they should immediately repent and seek God's forgiveness and mercy.


Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

It is a great mercy to have plenty of water, a mercy which, if we found the want of, we should more own the worth of. Hereupon they murmured against Moses and Aaron. They spake the same absurd and brutish language their fathers had done. It made their crime the worse, that they had smarted so long for the discontent and distrusts of their fathers, yet they venture in the same steps. Moses must again, in God's name, command water out of a rock for them; God is as able as ever to supply his people with what is needful for them. But Moses and Aaron acted wrong, Therefore it is charged upon them, that they did not sanctify God, that is, they did not give to him alone that glory of this miracle which was due unto his name. And being provoked by the people. Moses spake unadvisedly with his lips. The same pride of man would still usurp the office of the appointed Mediator; and become to ourselves wisdom, righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. Such a state of sinful independence, such a rebellion of the soul against its Saviour, the voice of God condemns in every page of the gospel.



Q1. (Numbers 20:1-13) What did God tell Moses to do to bring water out of the rock? What did Moses actually do? In what way did he sin? What emotions and attitudes were behind his sin, do you think? What must leaders do when they sin in these ways?

It is a great mercy to have plenty of water, a mercy which, if we found the want of, we should more own the worth of. Hereupon they murmured against Moses and Aaron. They spake the same absurd and brutish language their fathers had done. It made their crime the worse, that they had smarted so long for the discontent and distrusts of their fathers, yet they venture in the same steps. Moses must again, in God's name, command water out of a rock for them; God is as able as ever to supply his people with what is needful for them. But Moses and Aaron acted wrong, Therefore it is charged upon them, that they did not sanctify God, that is, they did not give to him alone that glory of this miracle which was due unto his name. And being provoked by the people. Moses spake unadvisedly with his lips. The same pride of man would still usurp the office of the appointed Mediator; and become to ourselves wisdom, righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. Such a state of sinful independence, such a rebellion of the soul against its Saviour, the voice of God condemns in every page of the gospel.



Answering to Q.1: God told Moses to order the rock to yield water for the Israelites.

Moses struck the rock instead of using his vocal order as God has demanded.

Moses disobeyed and did not honoured God's word as he should.

Because of Moses' anger to the people and his uncareful practice to do exactly what God has demanded him to do were the causes of his sins.

When leaders are in this situation, I suppose that leaders should humbly and sincerely repent for our Good Lord knows very well of our weaknesses and full of generousity and compassion; and at the same time, leaders must plead and pray for His Grace and Strength, that leaders would not stumble and fall into the snares again.

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