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The theme of testimony and witness of Revelation is God is Sovereign. He is greater than any power in the universe. This is a book of hope. He was, is, and always will be. Jesus, His son, is witness to the fact. He walked among us, he died and rose again. He knows the Father. He is the Father. This gives us hope. Jesus freed us from all of our sins. We are afraid to be witness because we are persecuted! No prayer in schools, no Bibles, wanting the 10 Commandments out of the courthouses while still swearing or affirming on the Bible. No we are persecuted. But we are afraid to witness because of what people will think of us or what they will say. The only one we should be concerned about is our Father in Heaven. "Faith without works is dead.." according to James and so it is. God will judge us.

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Testimony and witness are important because they show God's LOVE in ACTION. Even as a child I remember my Dad testifying, "God is still on the throne." When I get depressed with the condition of the world, this memory gives me renewed hope with the knowledge that this world is NOT my home.It is a valley of tears and Christians are being persecuted today. In America, we are persecuted just not in extreme physical ways as of yet. . In today's time, Christanity also is not NEW like it was in those days. This makes it worse in some ways. The reason I say that is many negative things have been done in the name of Christ or under the "Christian banner" that does not exemplify the LOVE that Jesus taught. Jesus is the EXAMPLE and the "faithful witness" because he always taught LOVE. The greatest commandment is to "LOVE". Christ witnessed to those who were not "lovely" and in fact were often considered "scum" in their communities. They chose to change and follow the teachings of Christ's LOVE. I do wonder how it was for them. After all, they were in the midst of "life's circumstances" and had to survive also. Many became Evangelists and gave their lives to this cause. However, some continued living life as in the woman at the well who had been married so many times and Christ forgave her telling her to "Go and Sin no more". She couldn't totally change her circumstances of life. How did her actions change? Did she struggle like I struggle and other Christians struggle to change with love of God at the core of her being?

When I was about six years old, I invited Christ into my heart at my Sunday School Teacher's invitation. When I told my Mother she wasn't excited though she was a strong Christian. What I didn't know was she didn't think it was "possible" due to the "age of accountability." However, what they forgot was JESUS is LOVE. He, himself said, "Let the little children come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of Heaven." It is the childlike wonder and love that we must be witnesses of. For me, the reason it's hard to witness in this culture is the concern that I will not be "understood". I don't want someone to think I am a "Bible Thumper who can't understand......" Man, I've been rebellious and been down just about any road you want to talk about. HOWEVER, even in the self made hell I created, Christ's LOVE reached me. THAT is what I want to share....I don't want to come off as "I am better than you because I am a Christian." Truth is, I am worse than so many people.......It's only the LOVE of Christ that has given me new Hope and Reason to continue to live. IF I can share this in a way that touches other people's lives without "turning them off"....Then, that is what I want to do. I think I'm overly concerned that I will "turn someone off". I was way turned off by church for many rebellious years. After what I'd seen other so called Christians do, I threw out the "baby" with the bath water. I know what it's like not to want to have anything to do with this "religion stuff". Also, I don't want people looking at my life and thinking, "SHE is a Christian?" I fail a lot. I know I don't always live like I should. I do the best I can and I know God is working on me. I know there's a long way to go for me to be the creation he intended. I try to share with people, "Don't look at me. Put your focus on the God of LOVE because I am human. Humans including myself can fail you. GOD never can. Sometimes I pray, "Lord, I am willing and I do believe. Help my unwillingness and unbelief........You are LOVE and i adore YOU!" That to me is the essence of this scripture.


Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

Jesus' testimony and witness to the church facing intense persecution is saying I am with you and you are going to stand up against the evil one and this world system in testimony for me and as result it's going to be okay. You are going to spend eternity with me. Hang in there and overcome and you will be pillars in my Father's temple. Jesus told the disciples I will be with you always.

American Christians are afraid to witness in a culture where they are not physically persecuted because they are afraid to be verbally persecuted and don't want to seem out of sink with society. Paul said to Timothy that in the end people (the church), would have a form of Godliness but not power. Many Christians just want to fit in and be good citizens. It is more important to them to fit in than to witness for Jesus Christ. They do not want to rub anyone the wrong way or not fit in with the world as reflected in American culture.

  • 1 month later...

without testimony or witness you have no purpose. no goal, no reason.the holy spirit that lives in side us is our witness to the nations, we just have to speak it out.

our strength comes from the sacrifice Jesus made for us. just have to read what he went through and pass that on by the guidence of the holy spirit.

because to many people have been hurt by religion and they see Jesus as the head of religion when in fact he hated religion and everything about it.

  • 3 months later...

A)  Some believers have heard of the Trinity and believe Christ died for our sins. However, that is as far as it goes. Personal testimony and witnessing of what God has done for you, may very well be the key to unlocking their reluctance to witnessing themselves.  Seeing, personally seeing the difference in you is a great witness.  Seeing first hand miracles that have happened in your life, seeing the prayers that have been answered gives others the much needed encouragement and strength to go forth and witness, give testimonies about what Christ has done for them. Together this wins others to Christ who may never have otherwise.  Our faith becomes stronger as we hear of what Christ has done for ourselves and others.  The stronger the faith, the better witness we can be for Christ.  After all, Christ was the best witness and testimony that this world will ever see!!!!                                                                                                                                                                


B)  Jesus only spoke "truth".  The promises He made and miracles He performed were ALL examples of His truth.  He was obedient to God the Father----He suffered unimaginable persecution prior to His death.  Yet, He continued to carry ALL our burdens, sins, unfaithfulness to show us He is "the Truth, the Light, the Way".  He arose from the dead and ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God.  Oh, what a glorious time that must have been!  Knowing His promises have been fulfilled, are continuing to be fulfilled and miracles continuing to be performed only builds ones faith.  It is through His way, though hard at times---the road of straight and narrow---that leads us straight to Him.


C)  Our society has become one of labels, critical, judgmental, bad turning, flesh serving that rebels against any mention or thought of Christ.  Some if not more individuals are not willing to come forward and speak of Christ for these very reasons.  Fear of these things has put all individuals in jeopardy of loosing self-worth, doubting their beliefs, and loosing all hope.  Christians have become too lazy to speak out and take a stand for Christ for the reasons mentioned above.  Yes, it has gotten to the point of having what this country was founded on, replaced with worldly ideas----total separation of church and government. As Christians we need to stand together and speak out "no matter what the cost".  Take the stand for Christ, bring Christ back in the hearts of all individuals.  Don't be afraid of what one may be labeled as; Christ was persecuted! What makes us better than He?  Christ is worth being persecuted for!  ETERNAL LIFE!!!!!!!!


  • 1 year later...

What testimony is more accurate than from John who loved Jesus more than he feared punishment. Who is much more qualified than John who so devoted and one who walked, talked and saw the miracles Jesus performed during His days on earth ?  

It was assumed by the authorities that the banishment of John to this Island of Patmos would result in the following :-

a) loneliness, misery and death

B) he could nothing there to "campaign" for Jesus there

They were wrong to presuppose it for a God forsaken place. It was here that the Alpha and the Omega "got" him to write the dynamic and prophetic revelation as witness for him until the 2nd coming of the Lord - a great hope for the Church which was undergoing severe persecution.

Jesus is salvation to all believers. The pronouncement of blessings at the beginning of Rev 1:3 is for all who read or hear the testimonies of Jesus.

But sadly most of us, the believers today are caught up with our day to day survival that we give very little time for the Great Eagle (symbolic for God), let alone bear witness. It's time to 

  • 1 month later...

1a)The testimony &witness of how God has strengthened others in tough times,making a difference in there lives,brings hope to us when we are fearful,downcast in any way &others facing persecution.It helps build up our faith.

b)Jesus is a faithful witness because He is the truth,He is God. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.Jesus endured the worst persecution and overcame this,even death.Through him we have salvation and hope now and forever eternal. He witnesses to us by His Spirit to our spirit, and we come to know His voice.

c)Fear is powerful, when we are fearful of what people will think of us,we are constrained by it, and are more reluctant to speak of our faith.


  • 2 weeks later...

The writer of this book needs to possibly win over the trust of the people at that time. They were new to a new faith and a new way of thinking. He keeps stressing his belief on what he sees and what he hears. Jesus is the whole reason for the New Church. He is the whole basis and concept of love, honesty, trust and fulfillment. He died so that we may live. He is always with us. He faced life as we do but He knows that there is a lot more for us once we learn  to accept and live by His teachings. I feel that a lot of people look more on the worldly aspects than a spiritual aspect that the bible teaches us. We have fears about being labeled by those that really do not understand or do not believe. Some people might be afraid to admit that they really do not understand or really believe in what they say they do.

  • 4 months later...

I would like to comment only on the last part of the question; witnessing today. I believe the main problem we have is that of 'fear'. Many Pastors I have shared with, tell me they struggle with this problem and in Austrlalia today many of the young breed of Pastors spend most of their time in their offices like CEOs and spend little time among their people.

Fear, our srtongest emotion, is based on something that in most cases is not true - it is a lie! I have witnessed here, 'down-under' for about 30 yrs and I cannot remember any instant of anger or violence against me. Most people today in the west have a spiritual yearning but they don't understand the Christian gospel. We need to approach people being aware that the fear we feel is only an emotion (maybe from the devil: the father of lies) once we have shared something about the gospel, we feel great and wonder why we were so frightened. We in the west have become 'soft'

and ought to remember that Christians all over the world are threatened with death if they testify to Christ. 


John Callaghan,



I would like to comment only on the last part of the question; witnessing today. I believe the main problem we have is that of 'fear'. Many Pastors I have shared with, tell me they struggle with this problem and in Austrlalia today many of the young breed of Pastors spend most of their time in their offices like CEOs and spend little time among their people.

Fear, our srtongest emotion, is based on something that in most cases is not true - it is a lie! I have witnessed here, 'down-under' for about 30 yrs and I cannot remember any instant of anger or violence against me. Most people today in the west have a spiritual yearning but they don't understand the Christian gospel. We need to approach people being aware that the fear we feel is only an emotion (maybe from the devil: the father of lies) once we have shared something about the gospel, we feel great and wonder why we were so frightened. We in the west have become 'soft'

and ought to remember that Christians all over the world are threatened with death if they testify to Christ. 


John Callaghan,


  • 1 month later...

God gave John the words of Revelation to strengthen and encourage a suffering and fearful church. He knew that these people would need solid evidence that God was with them and that their future was secured. Therefore He testifies, He promises, through John, that the things He is revealing will come to pass. John himself was an eye witness of Jesus' ministry, death and resurrection. He had seen with his own eyes who Jesus is and what He could do. The people could trust John's witness. Jesus, the Son of God, who died for us, gives us these same promises today, to encourage and strengthen us, in a world filled with fear. Fear is a powerful weapon, used by Satan to keep us silent. We care what others think of us, way too much, and I think that this is what stops us from speaking God's truth.

  • 1 month later...

Jesus revealed to us the forgiveness, the great love, and the grace of the Father towards His Creation. He was and still is faithful to intercede for us, even when we seem to fail. We could testified of His Mercy and the promises of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. This is what give us  immovable hope to those who love God. .It is Jesus the author of our faith and we could be strong in the midst of persecution and we could be certain of the truth because we know where is our destined home.

  • 8 months later...

The theme of testimony and witness is so important for that purpose because it shows us that we aren’t the only ones going through the rough times. Jesus was crucified for our sins and never wavered when he was asked hard questions. I think that the reason that we aren’t such a clear witness in a culture where we aren’t persecuted is because we don’t want to be the outsider. Jesus and his disciples were always outsiders when they were on earth but they were persecuted. We just don’t to be outsiders.

  • 6 months later...


It is important that Jesus Christ himself is the witness. This gives believers complete assurance that these events will occur. We are encouraged to remain faithful because we know He is coming back for us.  Jesus is God, He cannot lie. We can look to the future with hope and confidence that He will come back for His church, because He said so..

There is more and more persecution of Christ followers around the world. We hear about it here in the US, how Islamic terrorists are beheading people because of their faith in Jesus Christ. I think as believers and followers of Christ we are not surprised that these things are happening. It says in the Bible that these things will happen. Praise God for the assurance that Jesus has overcome the world and He will be back to take us home.


  • 1 year later...

This book is dedicated to Jesus Christ alone. Because of what he has done for his people. Jesus loves us. He has freed us from our sins. He rose from the dead. We live because He lives. And, because of what He did on the cross shedding his precious Blood for you and me.

  • 6 months later...
  On 7/19/2003 at 10:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?


To strengthen His Church as it will be attacked by Satan and his legions of demons, which is already happening.  The reason testimony and witness is so important is because the devil is a liar and hates humans because we are God’s creation.  Also the devil is going to speak atrocities against God and blasphemy the Holy Ghost, for He is completely evil and does everything contrary to God.  He keeps us strong in the faith that His Church will not be overtaken by evil.  I wouldn’t say we don’t get persecuted, I get persecuted a lot and it’s suffering because I have done these people no wrong yet they hate me because I let my light shine.  I don’t know how but evil people know me and they don’t like me, but I only care a little as long as I have God in my side how can I lose??

  • 1 year later...


1.     Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose?

It is important because not only does this book tell what the church will experience, it also gives us hope in what awaits those who overcome & endure to the end.

2.     How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us?

Jesus proved his words when he was resurrected like he said he would. He promised the same eternal life for us and this was all coming from a man who never lied about anything.

3.     Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

Is it cowardice? Being too involved in & part of the world? I would think the fear of being beaten or tortured would be greater than the fear of dying. Perhaps it all comes down to just being too worldly. Or maybe the fear of losing an argument that might follow and not having an answer for everything that happens in the world(although we do need to know when to bridle the tongue. Regardless, it is dangerous ground.

  • 4 weeks later...

The Book of Revelation is written to give christians a first hand look of what is to come. John was testifies to everything he saw and what better witness than John to give witness of what he saw he saw in Jesus' life. Reading Revelation along with the Gospels gives me courage that here is hope and that Hope is Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sins. 

Even thought we are not persecuted in todya's culture we are still afraid to bear witness. I belove this is due to the fact that we are afraid to offend someone. We have seen were pople have stood up for their beliefs and the results. We have a tendency to want to protect ourselves and in doing so we are like Peter. We deny Christ in fear of being riducle by society.

  • 4 months later...
  On 7/19/2003 at 10:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?


Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose?

The theme of testimony and witness is very important to the church to whom Revelation is written because when encouraging someone it is more meaningful for you to offer encouragement and words that would strengthen if you are speaking from personal knowledge.  That you are empathizing and not merely sympathizing.

How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us?

Our Lord Jesus is the faithful witness because our salvation is because He gave his life as the sacrificial Lamb so that we can have eternal life.

Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

We are afraid to clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted probably because we are weak in our testimony.

  • Pastor Ralph changed the title to Q1. Faithful Witnesses

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