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Testimonies are unveilings and disclosuores of Jesus Christ,"like the son of man"(1:12)which God gave him, to unveil to all believers. We as God's people, are intimidated. It is out of vogue to speak of life on earth as just the foundation to eternity!

Guote: HOLY,HOLY,HOLY, is the LORD Almighty, Who was,

and Is ans Is to Come.

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In a nutshell - example, example, example.

Testimony and witness are necessary for us to understand what to expect and how to deal with it and to show us that we aren't the only ones going through such experiences.

Jesus is the ultimate witness because he's "been there, done that". His live shows us the extremes - both high and low - of what our lives can be like.

Persecution comes in many forms, and anyone who's ever voiced an opinion or idea that didn't fit the "usual" views of their peers knows what I mean. I can think of no worse (non physical) feeling than to have that "Who the ---- are you and what planet did come from?" look directed at you, closely followed by derisive laughter and comments concerning your sanity and intellect.



One of the ways for people to spread the word of God, is through experiences of their own, through what they have learned in their walk with Christ. Jesus is the reason we have the opportunity to be with God. His importance is the foundation for which we build our faith on, and his words and our belief in his faithfulness and his death on the cross, to shed his blood for us are what will bring us to God the Father. He died for us so that we may live, and his faithful witness is most high. His walk on this earth was proof that God was loving and forgiving and that his actions were of the most faithful, that we could trust in him, which encourages us to trust in God.

Regardless of where anyone lives, there is persecution for following Christ. It pretty much says to expect it in the scriptures. Christians are belittled everyday here in America, a country that was built on Christian priciples and values. Children are suspended from school just for carrying a bible. The statue of the bible with the 10 commandments was distroyed because of Christian disbelief, you can now lose your job for talking God with someone because it is offensive to the person in the next room. Christmas time does not gaurentee being able to see a manger anymore with people being sued for showing them. I will not be afraid to tell someone how much God is in my life, but so many people are when a mob comes after them calling them names and ready to physically hurt them. It seems we are on the verge of darkness where our belief in thou shalt not is now called discrimination and worthy of jail, instead of being decent behavior.


Each person's personal experience of God's power in their lives always serves to strengthen the church - that's how I see it. When someone shares that a prayer was answered or a miracle happened my reaction is hey, this could happen for me too! Again when I hear of someone who suffers daily, but still is a shining witness, I know that the same God who strengthens him will help me in times of trial. This makes our Christian walk very real, not far away and only in the pages of the Bible.

In this passage, the testimony of Jesus, who came and lived and taught and fulfilled every one of His promises, and who is ALIVE is the greatest testimony anyone can have! Jesus is the faithful witness, because He came for a specific purpose - to set us free from sin - and He went through death to achieve it. If Christ died for us when we were still worthless, how can we respond with but with wholehearted love and a desire to do ANYTHING for Him? It is this love-response that made the early church go through all the persecution and still keep growing, and it is the same 'faithful witness' who strengthens servants of God today to be willing to go to unreached places and die for the Gospel.

Jesus died and there was something better ahead for Him. The victory over death and freedom for us.

I think (even for me) that we are afraid to be clear witnesses because we don't want to draw undue attention to ourselves (and are also not very sure if there is a heavenly inheritance ahead - that truth has not been internalised). We don't mind being known as 'good' people, but to be called a fanatic or worse is not acceptable. We try to rationalise instead of being led by the Spirit. We believe in the lie of the Enemy that things will get really bad if we stand out (like the lights we are called to be) and that there are consequences.

I wonder, what is the worst that can happen - we could possibly lose our jobs, even our lives, but can anyone take the heavenly inheritance Jesus has promised away from us? Never! It is strange, but when I step out of my so called cocoon of safety, I realise there are a lot of people who need Jesus and are ready to listen to us. We are more sensitive to the lies of Satan than to the whisper of the Holy Spirit. I feel so bad as I write this because even I am guilty of doing this. We need to start listening to the right vioce.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

When someone shares their experience (testimony) of how God brought them through difficult times in their life it encourages the hearer to trust God, belieiving that God will do the same for them. Hearing what God has done for others inspirers our hope and strngthens our faith as we face ourr own persecution.

Jesus' life and words are a faithful and consistent witness to the love fo God. Knowing some one cares always encourages us. Jesus made a great investment in our success. He cares and loves us and encourages us to be faithfull as well.

Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted? We love our comfort and want to maintain the status-quo.


After several readings of this question; I received one of those Ah Ha experiences, where the light bulb suddenly goes on! Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Therefore, I have chosen to obey Him and to emulate Him at all costs. My testimony, and my life, are the means by which this can be accomplished. Why then might I choose to hold back and not reveal Jesus in my life and testimony??? In one word it is fear.

God Bless us, Love ...Bro. Al


Testimony and witness strengthen faith and restore hope which would be needed in times of persecution, and are needed everyday as long as we are living in the world we live in. Faith is needed to remember that God is in control and will see His believers through the persecution and hope is needed for them to remember that there is a better place awaiting those who believe. This world is temporary.

Jesus gives us hope that one day we will be with Him and strengthens our faith by the example He set while on earth.

We fall short on our ability to witness and give testimony because of apathy and because of the fear of rejection by loved ones, friends or those in authority.

I pray that God will strengthen us in this area.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

In Revelation 1:5 it says: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the princeof the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood. Jesus died for our sins. He took the blame for us all and beared the burden. There is no reason why we as Christians should not be able to witness. People are so afraid of being persecuted by others who do not believe but we as Christians should not let that stop us for what we believe in and if we believe and be strong we can help others see that Jesus Christ is our Saviour.


I wonder if we have taken to heart that Christ is a personal God so much that we are afraid to share Christ because it is so personal. Christ is indeed a personal relationship but it is not to be hidden away in a silent cave of our hearts. Persecution in the church exists within our churches in the forms of non acceptance of other cultures, the way individuals dress, occuptaions, worship format, control of territories within the church, positions in the church, decisions outside of appropriate committees, etc.


I believe that testimony and witness in the house of god is very important, it provides the direct result of a growing and flourishing body. Jesus, being the ultimate witness, throughout his life as well as the forty days he spent in the wilderness being tempted by satan, had to be subjected to any and all temptations that we might be faced with, in order to be that perfect witness. So that we, the believer, could be the overcomer in any situation. there are a few different answers to the last part of the question that others have already covered, i will say this, if our liberties and freedoms were stripped of us, this would bring out the "real" christian from the "pretender", would it not? God bless, Wayne Iredale


It is important because with out the testimony and the witnessing to others we can not possibly be carrying out the Grate commission that God gave us before his death and it shows weakness of faith on our part,that we are not doers of the word. We have a dead a Faith. And Christ Christ wants to bless us, love us and keep us.

He encourages us through his word and the voices of those called out to preach and teach his word. He encourages us through blessings and through answering of prayer. And through his love for us.

We fail to be clear witnesses for God because of Fear of people and what there reaction might be toward us., because of our lack of Faith, because of our lack of Fear of God. We feel that our Faith is sufficient as compared to others that we fail to accept Gods word as truth. And we build our own Faith according to self..

;) Revelation proclaims Jesus' final victory over evil and assures believers of eternal life. It keeps doubt over the future from being important in our lives and offers encouragement in time of discouragement. Revelation reaveals completely who Jesus was and HIs positon in the future life. I feel we are so comfortable in our status as "Chrisitians" we don't want to risk the possibility of losing our status by coming off as being different even though we are encouraged to be strange and peculiar people.

1. Testimony and Witness builds faith and encourages perseverance of the saints under persecution. When Christians see those who have endured suffering and courageously faced death, it spurs them on to greater commitment, that sense that with God's help it is possible to hold on to faith without wavering. There is also an element of community - when one testifies it empowers the community to withstand persecution together.

2. Jesus as the faithful witness encourages us because he though tempted like us, though he knew the cross he was to carry - he continued to proclaim the Gospel. He endured the greatest possible suffering on the cross, he endured this suffering without complaint, with willingness - he gave himself completely, in obedience to God. This is a model for Christians in times of suffering.

3. Why are we afraid to be witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

We haven't experienced the cost of being a Christian. I think it is a combination of fear and pride and Biblical illiteracy. Many people have told me they are afraid of looking intolerant or judgmental or offending their pre-Christian neighbours even family members. They are afraid of not being able to give an answer to the tough questions that come their way. We are able to have the label Christian and yet be part of the mainstream of our society - and sad to say most of us like it that way.


Jesus as the faithful witness means we can believe what is written in the book. Jesus is always trustworthy and never changes His word.

We can get hope from this book when we face persecution.

We are too laid back & do not realize the importance of wittnessing. We are too afraid to be different or rejected by people to wittness too much for the Lord. We need Holy Spirit boldness in our lives.


Testimony and witness is so important to a church facing persecution to encourage, strengthen and build up. We all need to hear testimony and witness because there are time when going thru trials and tribulations, we need that spiritual support.

Jesus is the perfect "faithful winess" in that he bare winess to what is true and holy. Jesus is the first begotten of the dead, prince of kings, and He freed us from the bondage of sin.

We are afraid to to be clear witness in a culture where we aren't persecuted because we DON'T like to suffer. Even though we aren't persecuted, we are in a sense when it comes to the word of God. We might get our feelings hurt, doors shut in our faces, lost of love ones, even isolation. We can not let this stopped us because we are commission to share the gospel. PLANT THE SEED AND GOD WILL SEE TO THE GROWTH. HIS WORD WILL NEVER COME BACK VOID.


Gone are the days when the world viewed faithful christians with awe and respect. Satan has wokeup and is working hard to deceive christians and bring them to disrespect in the world. While there are many christians standing firm in their faith, withstanding persecution, with help of promised Holy Spirit, some are falling away and compromising with the world. Jesus Christ is the faithful witness to our testimony, before Father God and will plead for our eternal salavtion with Him



I feel that testimony and witness is so important in the present times. Coming from a multi-religious, multi-cultural society, I see the need to do so. Though we are living in harmony, and persecution is not present, there are the worldly goods, prestige, money, that can side-track one away from the Gospel values.

I believe that Jesus IS God and since He became man, suffered and died, and now lives again Jesus is the "faithful witness". By His examples, His teachings through reading and reflecting on His Word, am I being encouraged and supported to continue to strife to be His faithful witness.

I am one of those who is also being controlled by what others think ... and many times, I too, failed to be a clear witness. However, since I joined the convent and wear a religious habit, this has become a challenge and reminder for me to stand by what I value... yet I am still struggling for when the time comes for me to make a stand, fear creeps in and I am frozen!!

I pray with this course, I may be strengthened and be courageous enough to make the stand. :) Priscilla


Because without testimony or witness we lose hope, without hope we are easy prey for Satan's lies.

By showing us that by being a faithful servant and obeying Gods will, at no matter what the cost you pay on earth, you will have externial salvation.

We are afraid of being ridiculed or labled a fanatic, not being excepted by our family or friends. Also a lack of the Word of God leaves us feeling unable to be a strong witness for Christ.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

Jesus's testimony tells us that he cannot tell anything that is false because he did die and was raised again and that he rules over us as the sovereign

King of Kings and that he(Jesus) is with the Father and that everything the Word says about them is true :rolleyes:

Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution.  Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose?  How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us?  why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

The theme of testimony and witness is vital, in one way to the church that existed when John wrote this Revelation because they had had so little time to establish themselves after the crucifiction. Ever since Jesus died, they had been persecuted and scattered. They did not have the luxury we have where we can practice our religion without fear (in North America) and God Bless and keep those who are reading this from other parts of the world where this freedom as yet is unknown. Thinking back, without the constant encouragement from the church and the validation of the disciple who remained who was there in the presence of Jesus, most people would start to question themselves and their testimony. Witness is important. John is an important witness to this vision, Jesus was an important witness to the plan of God and the resurrection after death that could be promised to all of us.

Jesus died FOR us. He was totally faithful to God and his purpose on earth, dying for our sins on our behalf. He had never lied during his time on earth and was therefore a faithful and true witness to the church after his death.

I sometimes think that I have it too good. There's really no reason why I should feel afraid to be a clear witness in this culture. The only thing that may hold back a number of Christians (myself included) is that the standard of Jesus is VERY high. I'm a Christian in progress but not a good witness as an example of what Jesus would have me be. I have a LOT of growing to do yet before people come to me, knowng that I am God's child. We may be afraid because we are not comfortable yet in displaying Jesus through ourselves.


Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

To asure the Church that the testimony of Jesus Christ is the truth, and the things that John saw, and was told to write in a book, made him a true witness to the events that was to take place.

Jesus came to save the the world, not to comdem the world, and through his sacrifice on the cross. That we could be redemed of our sins, and have the blessing of enternal life.

First; let me say that I believe that we as Christians here in this society are being persecuted, and have been for a long time. This is why I believe the Church as well as Christians, are not standing-up for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They're afraid of being persucted.


Testimony & Witness are what we are called to do on this earth. We are to be ambassadors for Him & bear witness to His work in our lives. Therefore, a testimony and witness is central to our role as believers.

Jesus bore witness in flesh as to the depth of the love of God. He was our example and we are to bear witness to the impact of Christ in our lives.

We don't make clear witness because we are still afraid of the rejection of our culture and we don't fully believe the gospel. We are more concerned with the approval of men, rather than the approval of God.


We grow in faith as Christians and in character as human beings when we witness to others. Our testimony and the way we live our lives is the best way to convey our message. We are what we do! Living Christ-like is the best example for non-believers to follow. Jesus set the example, we simply need to follow in order to show others. With this walk, however, comes persecution from the secular world. That's just the way it is. It comes with the territory. If we are concerned or bothered about others labeling us as "wierdos" or "Bible-thumping freaks" we're missing the point. As believers we are essentially rebels, trend setters, we're breaking the mode and we should look forward to it. Just as we look forward to the rewards in Heaven. We need to let it all hang out. God will glorify the faithful.


Q1a. The theme shows there is hope for those who are persecuted.

b. Since Jesus is the first witness, and He was faithful. We need to be faithful in today's society.

c. The reason why we are afraid, is we have let society tell us how we can and can not speak about God. We need to be bold and speak up against society thinking and speak about God.

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