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The theme of testimony and witness is so important as it adds gives credence to and authenticity of what is said or written. It seals it. Jesus gives us encouragement that whatever persecution that we are facing or about to face is temporary and that we can overcome it because He will give us the strength through the Holy Spirit in the same was that He overcame. The end of this evil world anmd the promises to those who believe in Him, as it is written in the Bokk of Revelation give us more encouragement that whatever sufferings we are to have are incomparable to the glory that we shall have in Chirst Jesus.

So many Christians are afraid to witness today despite the absence of persecutions (I mean the same proportion as what the early Christians had suffered) because they do not want to be considered as weirdos or out of this world (when we are called out), plus the fact thay they are afraid that their friends will tease them about witnessing when they themselves don't live according to the biblical standard of Christianity. And one thing, they are do not want to give up the worldly things that they are still enjoying. Satan has a lot to offer today than before in order to keep Christians away from their devotion to serve and glorify the Lord fully in their lives.

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It is because of Christians witnessing and testifying that they ARE persecuted. If all Christians sat quietly on the sidelines, there would be nothing for others to persecute them for really. Testimony and witnessing to one another as Christians builds us all up, encouraging us to witness our faith to those lost in Christ.

Sadly, we become afraid to witness because we may offend someone, or they might make fun of our faith in Christ. We tend to think of the "here and now", and no one likes to be looked down upon. BUT, we are commanded to count it joy when we are being persecuted for the sake of the gospel of Christ.

A good word of encouragement in Rev. 1:5 is that we are reminded of what God has done in the past for those obedient to Him, and that He destroyed those who were unbelieving. In times of persecution, these are reminders we can cling to.


1. Testify, testimony and witness are rooted in the material world, in human perception and experience. This is so much more powerful than giving an opinion or sharing an idea. It is saying this is what I saw (heard, touched, felt.) 'This is my experience.' It is real.

2. Jesus encourages us by his presence in human form. He can share his experience as well as confirming ours.

3. Our daily needs do not hang in the balance. We know that to be a clear witness means giving up some of our privacy and allow true fellowship to happen. We would rather be in control and let God be a partner rather than the boss. Only when we need to come to grips with addiction or something seriously wrong that we turn to God for help.

Persecution and slavery force a decision, living an ordinary life does not.


We on earth are to carry on the church and to live holy and godly lives as we look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. Jesus told us what God asked and did it without fail. To be a doer by speaking out is difficult when most are professed Christians so try to show love and compassion to all and praise God to be worthy


1- Because we need to hear the truth from a reliable witness and Jesus being who he is can be the most trusted withness.

2- Jesus as the faithful witness encourges us from the work he has performed for us by dying on the cross and by his resurrection. And becuase he is God.

3- We are afraid to be a clear withness because Christians are looked down upon and we are made fun of. You see it now on tv and in the newspapers. This is an ungodly world where it is not "in" if you believe in Jesus. You are "in" if you believe in withcraft and do drugs etc.

:wub::wub: JESUS IS LOVE


To witness to others in times of persecution, especially, proves Who Jesus is--Savior of the World, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, for why else would ordinary people put themselves at risk to proclaim Him? Take the disciples, for example. As disciples, they were weak, emotion-driven and fearful. After the Resurrection and the Day of Pentecost when they were filled with the Holy Spirit (Jesus' Helper), they went forth boldly, proclaiming Him even to the death.

So should we, as frail, fallible humans go forth boldly to proclaim Him, not being afraid of what others may think, say or do. For, after all, He has already won the war...we just have to fight the battles! I pray for the boldness and conviction to tell everyone about Him.

And, as for us (the United States) not being persecuted: we may not be in danger of being beaten or martyred (yet), but it IS persecution when we are no longer able to pray in our public schools, in our courts, or display our Lord's name and commandments!


To testify and witness God's word is important to understand that victory is already ours as long as their is faith and perseverence in the Lord. Jesus is supposed to encourage us because He has God's glory and power forever.

We are afraid to witness because of fear. Fear of rejection by our peers, fear of failure to influence and reflect the love of the Lord, and fear of being held accountable for our actions.


Hello Kent, Q.1 Jesus as( Faithful Witness)Jesus loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own Blood.Chaper 1,verse 8, I am Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the ending,saith the Lord,which is ,and which was,and which is to come,The Almighty.

Q.2 Why are we afraid to be a clear witness, Rev.Ch.1,v.10, I was in the Spirit,this shows John was walking in the Spirit,Roman'sCh.8,v 1, There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Jesus Christ,who walk not after the flesh,but after the Spirit. I fill that until I can stay walking in the Spirit I won't be a clear Witness and show the light of the Lord, here or in any country., God Bless You all, Love Kent


1. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose?

Christ's testimony as to the truth of one's beliefs would bolster the courage of believers being persecuted.

2. How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" supposed to encourage us?

Christ's testimony would be the most respected; it would carry the most weight with believers.

3. Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

Our beliefs are being attacked as never before in the history of our country. The Secularists are attacking Christian symbols in the public square, phrases that honor God in our pledges, prayers at public events and in government schools, and Christian testimonies. There is an overwhelming attempt to surpress the public expression of Christianity (and not too much an attempt to surpress the public expression of other beliefs.) The "Politically Correct" movements in schools, universities and the media are directed at the expression of supposedly intolerant Christian beliefs, particularly those related to homosexuality.

If we, in the face of the attacks, fail to attest to our faith, we will lose our ability to profess our Christian faith, to witness to others.

We must answer this challenge now through the courts, with legislation, in the media, and in our daily interactions. The saying "use it, or lose it" applies.


Others have said it so well - the testimony of others to God's faithfulness is the greatest encouragement to us in the face of persecution. As we hear of others' willingness to be witnesses, we gain courage to persevere and lay down our own lives.

I was so pleased to read the last part of this question asked as a corollary: "Why are we more courageous as witnesses when we're in persecution?" I don't know. "Well, when we're not being persecuted, why are we more cowardly?" Ah! Well, we're more cowardly because, as others have written, we are afraid of being separated out as different. We want to fit in, to have friends. Worse yet, we even justify our failure to be a witness; we say we want to fit in, in order later to be "more effective witnesses"!

I face this dilemma in a magnified sense because I'm a missionary. Do I fit in so I can build friendships and share the Gospel, or do I behave as salt and light in a culture of darkness and bland lack of interest in God? It appears that we should be friendly and reach out, but we must be wierd and different from the perspective of the worldly people around us!

How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" supposed to encourage us?  Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted.

Jesus the Faithful witness can be counted on by Believers/Christians to send them that which is true and dependable. My faith in Jesus encouages me in all things.

As to fear in our culture: I feel that it is inherent in mankind to protect themselves from ridicual. :(

Why do I not ask my acquantances about what their faith is? I don't want them to be uncomfortable. Simple as that! If I see any sign that indicates they will accept my witness I certainly do so.

I do know that my speech, my demeanor and no longer using tobacco or alcohol makes a definite impression on people. Some do not want my husband and me around them! :rolleyes:


Christ is my guide and my help, no matter what. He certainly can provide the strength that I need for witnessing no matter what conditions arise. Witnessing in our country seems to have taken a back seat in many churches. No one likes to be rejected by someone else. We feel that it is better if everyone likes us. So, I feel, that we don't open our mouths about our Lord as much as we should. There is always someone who is waiting to hear the message of salvation.


To be a witness and share a testimony is critical to a believer. We had to encourage each other. We overcome the enemy, by the blood of Christ, and our testimony. Because hope that is seen is not hope, we have that hope in Christ that he is, was and will be. I believe we do not step up and be true witnesses because we are men pleasers rather than God pleasers. We all to often hide behind the cross and forget to carry it into the world.


I think testimory and witness come from God and Jesus, both unchallengeable sources, telling us why we must keep the faith and what will happen if we don't. Jesus as the "faithful witness" encourages us by who He is and what He has suffered for us to fulfill the prophecy by which He saved us. Who could possibly know more than God Incarnate? Sometimes modern Christians are too worldly and it is not perceived as cool, hip or sophisticated because we live in such a materialistic society and much of the world is so detached from God.


We have the testimony of the Holy Spirit that leads us to Christ. We also have the witness of God's Word that points us to Christ.

As the faithful witness, Jesus acts as the role model for persecuted Christians to follow. They can rejoice in knowing that they are going thru the same persecution that Jesus went through.

I believe many Christians in America are reluctant witnesses because they are afraid of would friends and family will think. They don't like the idea of being made fun of or ridiculed among their co-workers.

Many are afraid of losing their friends.


Question No.1...

Testimony and Witnessing are inherent principles of Christian growth. When a church is persecuted, it never dies, but grows strong. It is a paradox but true. Looking at the courageous acts of the Holy Spirit alone in the lives of believers and witnessing about them to others who have not seen then, instills a sense of confidence and strength in them.

Jesus is the faithful witness of all things that we as believers do. And He testifies about them to the Father in Heaven. In this we find encouragement that we have an Advocate who pleads and testifies for and on behalf of us. In turn the Father bestows on us His benevolence.

Why are we afraid to testify....?

Reasons are aplenty. First is fear of rejection by peers. Second is lack of knowledge of the Holy Spirit's functions in our lives. We are supposed to draw power from the Holy Spirit and work with that power. We lack the desire to draw the power and instead live like Couch Potato Christians.

Question No.2.

The Father - Everlasting - Beginning to End - The Omniscient God- Forever everywhere, all the time. Jesus is the firstborn among the dead, who was raised and lives forever.

The Father never died, but the Son died and rose as the firstborn from the dead.

Question No. 3.

In Muslim and Hindu Countries, mainly.

Revelation is the forerunner for all tribulations to come in the end days. So for those who are being persecuted, this is a forerunner of things to come. Being persecuted now will strengthen witnesses, testifying for the glory of the LORD.


The Lord be with you today!

Just a different path to take on the first question that I didn't see anyone else bring up, besides the route of where others have went in their replies being the encouragement route, but I am also reminded of how it is in a court situation, or a trial. Yes, we our witness encourages us and gives us hope but when we give witness to the unbelievers around us we are in fact also making the case against them as well. Think about it, when the unbeliever stands before the judge, God almighty what evidence will the almighty have against them? Our testimony as to how we witnessed, behaved and were mistreated by these persons. Rarely in a court will a person be convicted on the witness of one person. Not only will the almighty have the intentions of the heart, but also our testimony.

Jesus is the first witness....he is the faithful witness because He did not compromise his message or his testimony and remained faithful which leads into our last question of our inability to be faithful witnesses even in a culture where we are not "severely" punished for our message. But I do believe the shift in this country is moving in that direction. We are already ridiculed for our testimony and our choices...and I can only forecast it as getting worse. Jesus' example to us was the perfect one, and our Lord being the only perfect in the flesh should encourage us as even our petty attempts to be witnesses of our Lord's plan and will are just that only petty. Remember that folks...when you mess up :D


I think one of the things that makes a testimony so strong is that it's more than just a story...assuming the one testifying is reliable. A story is just that...a story. A testimony or a witness is stonger than a story. Stories can be fact of fiction. Testimony is true. Because Jesus is faithful (a reliable witness), we can trust His story to be true. I think our testimony can sometimes be perceived as a story to the world, thus we feel looked down upon and feel shy to tell the story of our lives that is indeed true.


The theme of testimony and witness is important to encouraging and strengthening a church because by definition a testimony comes from one speaking from personal experience to others who believe, but as yet have not seen or experienced for themselves. This testimony, then, confirms that what they have believed, is in fact, true. So to those who believed John's version of who Jesus Christ is, but who were struggling to see any evidence of the promised abundant life, John's revelations from the Risen Christ himself was a tremendous encouragement and confirmation that the one in whom they had put their faith was indeed trustworthy.

Today, I believe we are ineffective or perhaps non-effective witnesses because we do not have the same assurance of faith that John had, that the risen Jesus Christ is powerful and willing to fulfil the promises he gave to those who believe in his name, ie abundant joyful life. If we ourselves have not experienced this, then we cannot really authentically convince others.



I think that ones life itself should be the wittness.

There are so many emty words going around this world, that it may be sensible to be reluctant to add more of them.

But if you are an example in your life, people will ask: "Why don't you want to use a small tiny lie here?" Now they will listen to your answer, because they want to know it, and you can be an effective witness.

The opposite would be to walk around the world, telling people all good stories, but then coming home and beat your child.


Testimony and witness is important to encourage and strengthen because the devil loves to make us feel "unique" in our suffering and trials. I know sometimes I get in the "nobody knows the troubles I've seen" mode and feel very alone and misunderstood. When I hear someone else's testimony, it somehow makes me feel stronger and able to withstand the enemy just knowing that I am not alone. Revelation 12:11 tells us our testimony is the key to being an overcomer - "And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives unto death. Jesus as the faithful witness encourages us because he is the perfect overcomer and he was tested just like we are and was tempted just like we are. Scriptures tells us he was fully man and as such, he felt the same temptations and pain that we do - and he overcame it! I think our fear to be clear witnesses in this culture in this culture is plain and simple - we seek confirmation and approval from man sometimes more than from God, and the fear of disapproval or alienation from our peers keeps us from stepping out.


Testimony and witness is important to encourage and strengthen because the devil loves to make us feel "unique" in our suffering and trials. I know sometimes I get in the "nobody knows the troubles I've seen" mode and feel very alone and misunderstood. When I hear someone else's testimony, it somehow makes me feel stronger and able to withstand the enemy just knowing that I am not alone. Revelation 12:11 tells us our testimony is the key to being an overcomer - "And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives unto death. Jesus as the faithful witness encourages us because he is the perfect overcomer and he was tested just like we are and was tempted just like we are. Scriptures tells us he was fully man and as such, he felt the same temptations and pain that we do - and he overcame it! I think our fear to be clear witnesses in this culture in this culture is plain and simple - we seek confirmation and approval from man sometimes more than from God, and the fear of disapproval or alienation from our peers keeps us from stepping out.

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