Annabelle Posted September 28, 2003 Report Posted September 28, 2003 Hi, my user name here is Annabelle, that was my mother's name. She went to the Lord in '86, and I always liked her name, so I decided t use it here. Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted? Quote
Alice Posted September 28, 2003 Report Posted September 28, 2003 Persecution, when intense and prolonged tends to weaken the persecuted. What is needed at that time is encouragement and strength to continue with renewed vigour. At such a time a personal testimony (which is a personal experience/knowledge) from one who has endured and overcome similar persecution provides the encouragement and motivation to continue holding on or simply stand up to the persecution. Jesus is the one who is our Hope. He is the one for whom we are willing to go the end of our everything because He has done it for us first. He has promised that there will be an end to the persecution and that end will be victory. So when Jesus testifies, His testimony gives us the necessary courage to gird up and continue to press on till He comes again to keep up His promise. We are afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted due to the fear of rejection, the pressure of popular culture and mainly the absence of a deep personal and intimate relationship and experience with Jesus. Most of us have just skimmed the surface of our relationship with Him. Unlike those who were with Him when He walked the face of this earth, our knowledge of Him is more head-knowledge than heart knowledge. For eg. If I was blind like Bartimaeus and had been given my sight back I would be compelled to be a clear witness to what I had experienced. The fear of man etc would be overruled by my own experience. No one would be able to stand up/say anything against what I had received. This intimate awareness is available to us even today even though Jesus is not physically with us and I believe that those of us who have reached out and availed of this are clear witnesses in the areas of their experiences. Quote
patti Posted September 28, 2003 Report Posted September 28, 2003 During these trying times of criticism of Christianity, bearing witness and giving testimony is a source of encouragement to "lukewarm" Christians as also to the non believers. Sometimes our words keep ringing in their ears and at other times it is the case of "Do not give what is holy to dogs - they will only turn and attack you. Do not throw your pearls in front of pigs - they will only trample them underfoot." (Mt. 7 vs.6) Jesus is referred to as "faithful witness" on account of his truthfulness and not being afraid of rejection. Being the son of a mere carpenter, he excelled in his knowledge and teachings in spite of being scorned at many a time. When it comes to us giving witness most of us sit on the fence in fear of being ridiculed and offending people we love. Quote
Nannette Posted September 28, 2003 Report Posted September 28, 2003 I am answering the first question of Revelation first lesson Jesus is the faithful witness, because he was first to die and be raised up again, the important part was His Ressurection. It is His encouragement to us for one day we will do the same. To be clear witness we cant be afraid to speak and embarrassed to speak Gods words. For me it is hard to do. I dont want to be laughed at to be rejected Quote
student1 Posted September 28, 2003 Report Posted September 28, 2003 Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? When you are feeling discourage and despair, the testimony and witness can lift you up. You can learn from someone Quote
juwulz Posted September 29, 2003 Report Posted September 29, 2003 With the current state of the world, I feel that sharing my testimony and witnessing to others is vital. The seeds that I plant may not bear fruit immediately. It is my hope and prayer that the people I meet are encouraged to seek Jesus and his grace. Quote
aguilar-j Posted September 29, 2003 Report Posted September 29, 2003 Q1. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose?. We are His children and have been chosen by the Father before we were born and His testimony is of substance and presence, to give us faith and hope to endure the atacks of unbelievers. How is JESUS AS THE "FAITHFUL WITNESS" The son of man, the perfect human being, He run the race and never took a short cut, I want to follow His desire for my life. Why are we afraid? Pride. we are afraid to lose what we have, all of is an illusion, we do not need anyone to persecute us. We do enough good of a job ourselves. All of is in the mind, we are not of one purpose, nor of one mind so we suffer our own persecution. That is why I am ever so grateful to be able to participate in something as spiritual as this. Thank you everyone for your thougths enrich my perception. Thank you. Quote
HisSchechinahGlory Posted October 6, 2003 Report Posted October 6, 2003 By testimony we share our life Quote
Helen Posted October 6, 2003 Report Posted October 6, 2003 I've just joined in on this exciting study. I think God is about relationship, striking deep chords and ringing wonderful bells within us who have His Spirit. He is Truth and truth is worth dying for - (a lie is not!) The Greek word "martureo" speaks both of relationship (being present with someone at a certain time/event) and "to death" or unchanging with circumstance even though it be death. When the church is facing persecution, we are standing up for someone we know and love through our experience. We continue to see His face! He is ours and we are His! Jesus did only what He saw His Father doing. It led Him through death to Life. We, too, are to do only what we see Him doing, and in so doingwill pass through mortal death (in some form or other) to Life. We are not motivated by fear of man or thing, but by Jesus Himself, whom we know and love, who went before us. Helen Quote
jlemons Posted October 6, 2003 Report Posted October 6, 2003 Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? We, who are fortunate enough to live in the U.S., have little knowledge of what real persecution is. That is; persecution unto death for declaring yourself a Christian or death/imprisonment for owing a Bible. Our persecution comes in the form of being ridiculed for our beliefs by others Quote
Mike Dickinson Posted October 20, 2003 Report Posted October 20, 2003 #1. Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? Being coaxed into a swimming bath when we Quote
Paul Pinel Posted October 27, 2003 Report Posted October 27, 2003 To witness an act or an incident, is to have experienced or seen the occurance. To testify is to recount what one has experienced, seen or heard first hand. A simple example is a witness in a court of law. That person testifies to what he/she has seen, experienced, etc. In Revelations, Jesus giving encouragement to the church and strengthening her for the current and future persecutions she will face by telling the church of the future glory she will have with God the Father in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus encourages us, in that, being the first born, the first to rise from the dead, we have more than ample proof that we all have eternal life because we also will be resurrected. HE is the Faithful Witness in that HE experienced, among them life as a human being, in flesh and blood, persecution, death and above all, resurrection, and HE resides with the Father in HIS kingdom. I think that because this culture we now live in does not really suffer any religious persecution, [encarceration, beatings, death, etc.] by the official government or other citizens, we tend to become lax in seeing the true fallen state of the grand majority and as a result of not "seeing" the sad condition, we are afraid to witness Jesus because we may be classified as "out of mind" and there is no real reason to witness because this culture is basically made up of "good" people. It will be these "good" people who will quickly turn against the true believers in Jesus in the end. Quote
Overcomer Posted November 9, 2003 Report Posted November 9, 2003 This question really gave me pause to think. Heb 11 & 12 kept coming to mind... esp Heb 12:1-2 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. How can we do any less if we're going to be called by His name? I liked a lot of the comments by the others about why we don't speak out. The US is such a hotbed of "political correctness" that sharing our faith is considered discriminating against other beliefs (huh? we can't have our own beliefs because it might step on someone else's toes? But they can have theirs and we can't say anything?) Fear of rejection, fear of not having all the answers - in a sense, even churches give us fear of witnessing because we're expected to take classes on evangelism (been to some myself!) before we're "qualified" to share out faith. Heck, the disciples never took any classes on how to talk about what Jesus had done for them! They just told others about what they saw, heard, and witnessed themselves! Quote
helenruth Posted November 18, 2003 Report Posted November 18, 2003 Verse 5 Jesus is the faithful witness (the Prophet), the firstborn from the dead (the Priest) the ruler over kings of the earth (the King). He is also our Saviour. Question 1 reassures us that good will truimph over evil, gives hope as we face difficult times, gives guidance when wavering in faith. Christ's message to the church is a message of hope for all believer's in every generation. How is Jesus the faithful witness supposed to encourage us? He is God. He is sovereign, greater than any power in the universe. He is in control! He is the Alpha and Omega - the First and the Last - the end of all existence, wisdom and power. We have all read the end of the Book and we WIN! How's that for encouragement! Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted? Lethargy. Too comfortable. We should shine as witnesses in this dark world but have become complacent. Our times of peace and prosperity can lull us to sleep. As in Rev. 3:16 we have grown lukewarm. Indifference led to idleness. The church can become hardened and self-satisfied. There is great danger in this. Quote
seekingGod Posted November 28, 2003 Report Posted November 28, 2003 Witnessing and giving testimony is to build faith in the d church and to give strength and courage to the followers and believers of Jesus. How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" suppossed to encourage us? Even though He died under persecution, He rose again to live evermore. To the believers that would die for His names sake, He gives hope of a greater blessing. Why are we afraid to witness? It is my opinion that because our life is "easier", we do not have the inner need for a greater hope. We do not allow ourselves to become completely, utterly dependant on God. People under persecution have to focus on their faith and the hope of things to come because their life is "harder". They witness and testify not only to build their strength and faith, but also to encourage and strengthen other believers. Their only hope is God. In our society, we depend either on ourselves or other people, therefore we do not see the need to encourage others or put God first. We have the tendency to conform to this world. Our comfortableness in our freedom to do so ,but as not to offend others who do not, we stay silent. We rely on things seen instead of having hope in the things not seen. Quote
Perry Rainey Posted November 30, 2003 Report Posted November 30, 2003 The testimony and witness theme of Revelation is important to the church facing persecution because it is through the working of the Holy Spirit in each follower of Jesus that when revealed to the body church that the group faith remains strong. As we hear what Jesus is doing in each others lives and as we tell other Christians about His working in and through us, our faith continues to grow. Then when persecution comes we can stand firm in faith trusting the "Faithful Witness" to carry us through. Jesus encourages us through His example while He walked on the earth in the flesh. His promise that He would send a Comforter to us when He returned to the Father is encouragement in the fact that His followers are indwelled by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is faithful in the promise of the Holy Spirit always being with us. He as well is a steadfast witness for His followers as He is in heaven with the Father. As humans we are afraid to be clear Christian witnesses out of fear for what other people may say about us or about the labels they may give us. In a time of political correctness we fall short in being faithful witnesses. We let fear of embarrassment or potential loss of "friends" restrain our witness. Could it be that we are not trusting or demonstrating faith that God will take care of us? Quote
Debora Posted December 8, 2003 Report Posted December 8, 2003 Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted? When I think of the meaning of purpose which is the end to be obtained and that end that I want to obtain is to be with the Father for eternity which is a promise given that of which is salvation, my goal or destination is eternity in heaven with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. One purpose Jesus had, was to unite us to the Father. So the theme of testimony and witness is very important I believe to that purpose. For testimony and witness gives us assurance. The word is the truth and is assurance. With and by the Holy Spirit we can acknowledge what is written to be true. So testimony is important for it gives assurance of the promise made by God. Witness is important for it gives us evidence. Jesus came and will come again. We know he came once for sure, for our spirit testifies by the Holy Spirit crying out Abba, Father. Testimony and witness affirms and confirms the mind and heart, giving encouragement and strenght to endure to the end. The occurrences of testimony and witness instills a deeper level of faith. Jesus to me is the faithful witness. God is the 'I am'. Am is the first singular of 'be'. And 'be' is to have actuality; objective existance; be by nature; lives. Jesus lived and was as a human and divine two natures, who is now by the Spirit of Christ and one with God, and who is to come as the Alpha and Omega who is like the 'I am". They have the same nature. Both God and Jesus 'be' as one. Jesus came to earth, sent by the Father to complete a mission. He died, rose and through our baptism(s), our acceptance of Jesus into our lives, we confirm the truth that he is the faithful witness at an inner level of our beings through Spirit. He completed the mission, we rejoice and are glad. Jesus witnesses to us now in Spirit. There is assurance by word and by Spirit that Jesus is the faithful witness. In response to the question why are we afraid to be clear witnesses. To be afraid means uncertainity or a lack of security and it not of God. I believe if one is afraid then one could be standing on shaky ground or, one who does not have a firm foundation of Jesus Christ to stand on. I believe one has to have the word and a personal knowledge of God, Jesus to give witness. It could be that those that do not have a personal relationship are afraid to witness. If we know someone, a loved one like a family member and have to go through something frightening it can be done if there is support given and we are not afraid. Like a child that is learning to ride a bike, he or she is afraid at first. The child is insecure and scared. But if daddy is with the child close by helping, coaching, teaching the child is not afraid and will learn and have boldness or confidence. Reflecting on my own journey it becomes easier to witness as I grow in relationship with God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I go to greater lengths and do what he asks more readily. I am secure in knowing He is right there all the time to rely on. More so than eight years ago. The more I know the more I want to speak about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to share and let others know about God, Jesus. What else comes to mind is what others may think of them after, if they witness. People are not willing to suffer or go through persecution or die for God. People determine how far they will go with God and draw a line to commitment, making partial commitment not full commitment to God. What holds people back is being trapped by the world. The world tugs on them and so does God. They chose the world more than God. The question could then be asked what is my priority in life. What is my goal. Is God first? What comes to mind is the priority Jesus and John placed God in their lives. They had a living relationship with God. Jesus had a relationship with the Father, and John had a relationship with Jesus and God. We see with such boldness what both did in their lives on earth as to being witnesses and giving testimony. Both as well went through sufferring or persecution for their faith, they gave their all and it did not matter what others thought. They were secure in their relationship, in knowing who is God. Quote
eddhildreth Posted December 24, 2003 Report Posted December 24, 2003 The theme of testimony and witness is very important to those who are persecuted now because it shows them that someone else has faced the very same things they are facing now. It empowers them, and encourages them to keep up the fight that has been passed down to them by the many who came before them with the same trials. Jesus willingly put himself in our place so that we may inherit the kingdom of God by his blood sacrifice, his suffering, his torment. He allowed man to crucify him on the cross, yet he still forgave us. There can be no more of a faithful witness than that. This inspires us to try and achieve all that he wnated for us. Though we aren't truly persecuted for the most part in this country, we are free to worship as we please, we are still labeled by our friends and peers. It is hard sometimes because we are forced in many cases to "draw lines" between ourselves and some of our loved ones, this affects our decisions to be witnesses. Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted? Quote
tranquil Posted January 6, 2004 Report Posted January 6, 2004 When we hear testimony and withness, it restores our life with spiritual hope. On looking at that time when John wrote Revelation, we find the peoples were persecuted and were scattered. There was no one to encourage them in church as we do have now. It is God's revelation to his son JESUS after he joins the fathers throne, hence the vision what John saw is the WORD OF GOD. His witness and testimony will encourage with hope and will reinforce the belief in JESUS CHRIST. JESUS CHRIST is a source of grace and peace. JESUS was faithfull in all things before his Father. He did not disobey. Jesus was not the first to rise from the dead, but he was the first to be resurrected to a new body and is seated at the right hand of GOD in the father's kingdom. He has all power both in Heaven and in Earth. JESUS is the one who loves us, his blood takes away our sin by giving us his sacrifice and perfect righteousness. Even there is no such persecution, yet we are afraid to witness because we are bound with satan. A clear witness means a complete surrender to JESUS CHRIST and for this we have to throw away all deeds of satan. This could lead us to throw away many worldly happiness which we are enjoying and we do know it is wrong. Quote
vankirkg Posted January 10, 2004 Report Posted January 10, 2004 Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted? 1. The themes of testimony and witness speak of personal, firsthand actions and knowledge on the part of a Christian. And our faith - to be genuine - must be personal and firsthand. Genuine Christian witness can allow a person to see, in me, a faint glimpse of the image of God and be strengthened, as no earthly agent could do. 2. Jesus, the incarnate Son of God, fully and faithfully revealed God to us. "If you've seen me, you've seen the father." We can be sure that we're experiencing the "real deal" when we experience Jesus Christ in our lives. I'm encouraged knowing that this Jesus, fully God, the first fruit of the new creation, is what I'm destined to become like. That's the substance of the Power unseen in me - the power to change lives. 3. Seems like the key word here is "clear". We can all witness to a degree. Having never been persecuted for my faith, I can only speculate that persecution somehow purifies the witness so that the result is a clearer image of the Lord. I'm often afraid to be a clear witness because my witness is impure containing elements of my own making (sin). Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 1, 2004 Report Posted March 1, 2004 Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? Hearing the witness and testimony of others helps me to keep my focus where it should be Quote
Norree Posted March 5, 2004 Report Posted March 5, 2004 Hi, my name is Norree and I am so excited to be here. This is my first study with Joyful heart and I am glad to be a part of it. I live in Lake Elsinore California. I feel that my testimony and witness is important because it is our identity to Christ. I also feel that if we are not clear witnesses, often times it is because of the verbal "persecution" either way it is said when we don't. Quote
donnakds Posted March 13, 2004 Report Posted March 13, 2004 The theme of testimony and witness is so important to us as a guideline. We hear how others handled thier faith - what pleases God, what pitfalls to avoid and how to avoid them. Jesus is the faithful witness as God in man form who faced all the temptations and many more trials than we most likely will ever face - remained faithful. He taught us by example and his resurrection is the testimony we need for the faith that bodily death is not the end of us. He is our testimony of everlasting life though faith and grace. We are afraid to witness - even though we have no persection - because of the human need to fit in - we dont want our co-workers - family - friends to think we are "weird" and dont talk with them about the things they are interested in. We want to be accepted and liked by those around us Quote
jicop Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 I think we live at a time when we increasingly need to witness to the World as Christians. We are "persecuted" by the new culture of abortion, homosexuality, euthanasy,and other so called reforms, which are not conform to Christ teaching. So we need to be encouraged by his example in order to live a life and to voice opinions which bring out the light og God to the world. The world starts of course by our fanily, friends colleagues, neighbourhood. Quote
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