Steen Posted September 21, 2011 Report Posted September 21, 2011 I receive hope and peace from my faith in God. I could find some scriptual passages which were relevant to my friend's sufferings. Quote
chrisa Posted September 21, 2011 Report Posted September 21, 2011 I know that my daily strength comes from the Lord, and that I can lean upon Him in times of trouble. So many, many times He has held my head above the waters when I feel that I could go under. I talk to Him all the day; He is my silent listener, my courage, my inner peace. When others are angry, or upset, or grieving, my Lord is in the comfort that comes through the silence of just 'being there'. Sometimes, you don't have to say a word: God reaches out through your presence to touch and uphold the weary hearted. Quote
bmudrack Posted September 21, 2011 Report Posted September 21, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? From your personal daily relationship with God? How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? I know that through everything that I have gone through, am now going through and will go through, God has, is and always will be there with me to give me the strength I need to get through it. Looking back at some of the things that I have gone through, the struggles to get through nursing school. The backbiting that took place at my old church by people who wanted to control everything and put me down in the process -- I know that God was right there to stand by me and to hold me up when I had to speak out against things that just weren't right, both scriptuarally and morally. It may be a cliche, but He has been my Rock I stand on and all other ground is sinking sand. And sometimes when my faith falters and I begin to sink beneath the waves, like Peter, I feel His strong hands pull me up and envelope me in His massive, loving arms. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted September 22, 2011 Report Posted September 22, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? All things work together for good for those who love God. No matter what trials I face I know that God has my best interests at heart, even if at the time of actual trial it doesn't seem to be the case. From your personal daily relationship with God? I'm always aware that nothing happens in isolation. God is at work in all circumstances. Even if something bad happens it could be that God allowed that to perhaps save me from something worse. How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? I'm hesitant to offer counsel to someone suffering an illness or some serious problem because they may not be in the right frame of mind to hear that God is in control. Could do more harm than good. Softly softly in that situation. What words of comfort can you bring to others? Sometimes God waits until the 11th hour to rescue us so don't completely give up. Pray and lay it on the line that what you're going through is really testing your faith. God knows that already of course, but I believe He wants us to be honest and up front with Him about how we feel about any trials we encounter. Quote
Paul G Posted September 22, 2011 Report Posted September 22, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? From your personal daily relationship with God? I know that he cares and understands me, and that his love and mercies are beyond my comprehension! His Holy Spirit is within me, of whom is my Comforter! When I spend time with him first thing in the morning, I especially feel his presence & love. How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? Ans - I just emailed a friend who is going through lots of struggles right now, and needed my words of encouragement. Hopefully they will lift him up! Quote
Brandy Posted September 22, 2011 Report Posted September 22, 2011 I receive peace and comfort with knowing God is my father and of his powerful for his children. He forgives our sins no matter what we have done. He loves us unconditionally. Everyday I tell my friends how great our father is. That God and Our Savior walk beside me every day I wake up. Quote
Ramon Posted September 26, 2011 Report Posted September 26, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? From your personal daily relationship with God? How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? Answer;- What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? ? From your personal daily relationship with God?I received the peacefulness that I never had before(Romans 5;1- Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have2 peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ) The Word of God suddenly becomes alive in my heart,giving me the assurance of God’s faithfulness…That God will never leave nor forsake me(Heb 13:5)..and knowing that God is always with me,who can be agains me?(Romans 8:31)…. This is very comforting,that God loves me,independent of my actions and thoughts…God loves me because I make His Son my Lord and Saviour. How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering?By sharing the good news about God..the Gospel of Jesus Christ…the Faith of Jesus Christ that makes us righteous(Romans 3:22- namely, the righteousness of God through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction….Gal 2:16- yet we knowthat no on is justified by the works of the law but by the faithfulness of Jesus Christ And we have come to believe in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by the faithfulness of Christ.. By sharing the message that the Gospel of Jesus Christ..that Righteousness is a FREE GIFT for EVERYONE..all are qualified: Romans 5:17- For if, by the transgression of the one man,25 death reigned through the one, how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one, Jesus Christ! John 3:16- so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” 3 What words of comfort can you bring to others? THAT JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY,TODAY AND FOREVER-Hebrews 13:8 That GOD CANNOT LIE…HE WILL DO AS HE PROMISED HE SAID HE WOULD DO(Hebrews 6:14- saying, “Surely I will bless you greatly and multiply your descendants abundantly.) Hebrews 6:18- that we who have found refuge in him19 may find strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us through two unchangeable things, since it is impossible for God to lie Quote
debbiekay429 Posted September 26, 2011 Report Posted September 26, 2011 1. It is my faith in God that gets me through the tough times. Knowing that God is in control of everthing even when things look very out of control gives me great comfort. 2. So often the Lord speaks directly to me and my needs when I am in a close personal relationship with him. the best way to maintaine that closeness is being in daily contact with him through prayer,bible reading & study. 3. I have the perfect oppurtunity to give comfort to someone who is sufferin right now....just today my husband and I received a letter from a childhood friend of our sons who has made some bad choices the last few years and is now serving 6 months in prison. I was so thankful to learn that while he spent 45 days in confinement with nothing to do but eat, sleep and read, that he chose to read the bible. Which brought him closer to the Lord and allowed him to show him that there is more to life than the way he had been living it and that there is still a chance for him to turn his life around. Now he is in a differnt facility and in an answer to his prayers he is closer to his home so his family may visit him. He also has things to do to occupy himself and keep fit and said there is a library and church services where he attends twice a week. He also is going to AA meetings every week. He is still reading his bible and along with that the Left Behind series. So I hope to share comfort with him by writing to him and encouraging him in his closer walk with the Lord. I also intend to share things I learn in this very study with him. 4. The very first words of comfort I thouht of when I read this part of the question was..."Casting all your cares upon Him because he cares for you. " Quote
Ashech Posted September 26, 2011 Report Posted September 26, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? From your personal daily relationship with God? How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? My life is in God's hand. From your personal daily relationship with God? Sometimes God comforts me with His word in times of distress. How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? I share the comfort of God will let me forget my agony What words of comfort can you bring to others? Rom.8:28 all things work together for good for those who love God. As long as we still love God, we will experience the good outcome. Quote
Old Jerry Posted September 26, 2011 Report Posted September 26, 2011 The kind of comfort I receive from my faith in God is one of knowing that He is with me at all times. I know that after the suffering in this life that there is something that is going to be much greater then this waiting for me. The comfort of a daily relationship with God that I get is knowing that if I am willing to give my worries to Jesus, then I have nothing to fear. I have somebody to talk to when I am lonely and needing some company. You can share this blessing of comfort with a brined or relative who is currently suffering by encouraging them to give there to Jesus by taking to Him when things are bad. It won’t take away the pain but it will comfort them if they know that they have a God in heaven willing to listen to them. Quote
Hephzibah Research Posted September 26, 2011 Report Posted September 26, 2011 The kind of comfort I receive from my relationship with God is that all things are naked in his sight. Therefore, God always has the best answers to any perceived difficulty I am going through. At times, my relationship with God has enabled me to understand how Sin was causing difficulty in my life. With others, I am aware that understanding and coming into a knowledge of a vertical relationship with God can help to ease things going on the horizontal plane of life and living. God bless Quote
Delivered Posted September 26, 2011 Report Posted September 26, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? The kind of comfort I receive from my faith in Paul's God, the God of Israel, is that of "great encouragement" - I am encouraged greatly in knowing that I am a joint-heir with God's Son, and I am willing to suffer for that cause, I give praise to God, the Father of our Lord, for he is full of compassion, who through my "faith" I know He will be there in all my trials, as I stand firm in my faith in Jesus the Messiah of Israel. From your personal daily relationship with God? The Word calls me to daily take up my cross, and my personal relationship with God and His Son is seen in how I react to those afflictions that come my way, my "faith" will reflect the glory which only the Father gives, that of great comfort and encouragement. How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? The word is the best kind of comfort we can share with others who are currently suffering, however, we who have experienced suffering for Christ and have gone through it in "faith" are prepared and ready to comfort others with the comfort we have received from God. What words of comfort can you bring to others? Speaking God's words of truth to others are words that bring comfort and faith. Believers must understand that being heirs with Christ may call one to suffer for that cause, it is important that we understand, we are not alone, that God understands our afflictions and sympathizes with us, Paul teaches how important it is that we stand firm with them, being ready to comfort others with the same comfort we received from God, and not be as those who are bringing false teaching and discomfort and trials to believers, for there is no comfort to be found there. Quote
Raph Posted September 29, 2011 Report Posted September 29, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? From my faith in God I receive comfort of all kinds without any exception. From your personal daily relationship with God? From my personal daily relationship with God I receive redeeming comfort from troubles. How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? I can share by telling them my experiences as to how God comforted me and also to tell them what the scripture says about comforting. “It is no secret what God can do! What he’s done for others, he can do for you....” What words of comfort can you bring to others? These are words of comfort: “It is no secret what God can do! What he’s done for others, he can do for you....” “6 If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. 7 And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.” (1:6-7) Quote
Craig Posted September 29, 2011 Report Posted September 29, 2011 As Paul writes in this passage God is merciful and comforting to us in our troubles -- life is trouble. God's comfort is compassionate and merciful. Most of all it is comprehensive effecting all areas of our life. Peter wrote in 2 Peter that through His divine power we have all we need to live life and a godly life on top of that. In God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we have everything. Quote
Barbara A. Lee Posted September 29, 2011 Report Posted September 29, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? From your personal daily relationship with God? How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? I know that my God is my comforter…If I am troubled about something, I go to Him in prayer and ask Him to help me find a solution to this problem. I know that without Christ I am nothing… From your personal daily relationship with God? I know that God is with me ALWAYS! I seek His presence morning, noon, and night…I have a personal relationship with Him, and so can you… How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? We can show them this comfort by being there for them…By showing them that God is always with us, by the way that we act…By showing that LOVE of Christ. What words of comfort can you bring to others? We can show the THE WORD…The Bible…And tell them that while they go through tough times Jesus is always with them… Quote
grace_zone Posted October 1, 2011 Report Posted October 1, 2011 I find the comfort of God by knowing that I just need to know that I should be where God wants me to be. God has given me a sphere to work on and I just need to be faithful within that sphere or else i will coming out of that sphere. It comforts to know that if I stay within the grace zone God's grace is very evident because I dont need to be somebody but to be somebody God wants me to be. Within that grace zone I can tap always to the Wisdom Store of God which help me face any trial or difficulties and with that follows peace and joy that comes from the Lord alone. Quote
Travis63 Posted October 1, 2011 Report Posted October 1, 2011 Q1. (2nd Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? The comfort I receive from having faith in God, is that He is ALL, all wise, all knowing, ever faithful even when I am not, He's ever present; that He is loving, kind and patient. That He is available even when I don't understand that He is; that He is merciful and just. He helps, allows, give me PEACE of mind even when things are not optimal. From your personal daily relationship with God? From my daily, as I live move and exist He comforts me as I exhibits Jonah like traits, He comforts me as He encourages me during my thinking of Self to striving to align to His WIll. How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? Sometimes as they see the motive behind acts that I may conduct, when that observe my behavior. Sometimes through kind gestures and or by what I say. Sometimes by sharing experiences that I have had. What words of comfort can you bring to others? Words as the Spirit bring to remembrance, words that the Spirit gives me; Words with the intent to edify. The exact words would be dependent on the person and the circumstances. Sometimes just listening, genuinely listening can be empathetic, sympatric and or what is needed. Quote
maddog Posted October 1, 2011 Report Posted October 1, 2011 The comfort I receive gives me peace and assurance that God leads, guides, and protects me as I pass along this way. My obedience to God is the linchpin for His blessings. My daily walk reinforces my faith that through all things Christ will be my helper and protector. My daily walk combines meditation on things of God; the Word of God; the promises of God; and my increasing reliance on Him. Walking with God will be manifested so that others will see the God in me. Friends and family have witnessed my struggles, hardships, tears, and down times. More importantly they have seen me rise up like the Pheonix with strength of heart, body and soul. I am validated by what they have seen and they can feel my honesty and sincerity as we share. Because of my faith and commitment to live righteous, friends and family will be encouraged to lay their all on the Altar of sacrifice laid, knowing that trouble does not last always. Trust in the Lord for He is not a man that would lie. Everything the Word has told us has come to pass. He can do all things but fail. What ever you need God's got it. Relying on self leads to destruction, but, leaning on God leads to eternal life. Your choice. Life or death. Thank you Jesus!! Quote
Trusting God Posted October 3, 2011 Report Posted October 3, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? God has comforted me and have strengthened my faith by always being there for me. His promises have carried me through knowing that He is with me, and will take care of me. From your personal daily relationship with God? My faith in God comforts me in my personal daily relationship with Him, because of my relationship with Jesus, and His Holy Word, the Bible. How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? I share my faith in God with everyone who is going through trials, temptations, and His blessings. God has promised in His Word that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Knowing that I can take all of my problems to God for He has promised to take care of me and all believers. What words of comfort can you bring to others? Words of comfort I can bring to others are to trust, believe, and have faith in the promises of God. Quote
smurf1948 Posted October 5, 2011 Report Posted October 5, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? Knowing he is always in control and provides away out. From your personal daily relationship with God? How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? You can tell what things you've been through and how God has brought you through them. Quote
Chessley Posted October 19, 2011 Report Posted October 19, 2011 The comfort I receive from my Faith is knowing that God is always there for me. He guides me even when I fail to be guided, he speaks to me even when I fail to listen, he loves me even when I dont deserve to be loved, he forgives me even when I dont deserve to be forgiven. My comfort is knowing that my God have my back at all times. Many times we want to find comfort in soo many things( people, money, sex,work) and fail to reach out to the one source that can really comfort us. Maybe because of the time and dedication it takes to realise this, why us as humans choose this as a last resort instead of this being the first step? We are living in an age of fast results, needing instant comfort, instant prosperity, so we often fail to understand what God has in store for us, only if we would take the time and find this out, by reading Gods word, praying with the word,meditaitng with the word and living the word. Quote
linda bass Posted October 23, 2011 Report Posted October 23, 2011 The kind of comfort I receive from my faith in God is knowing for sure I'm going to heaven because I have accepted Christ. The kind of comfort I receive from my daily personal relationship with God is,knowing that He knows my needs and my cares. By going through trials,we can then encourage those who are going through the same thing. For example, I have been unemployed in the past. So I have an understanding of those who have recently lost their jobs and are seeking work. I'm able to better pray for those who are unemployed because I have a grasp of what they are going through. Quote
Rev. George Posted November 2, 2011 Report Posted November 2, 2011 Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? From your personal daily relationship with God? How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? Ans. Q1.- The kind of comfort I recieve from my faith in God is the comfort of knowing that God will never leave me nor forsake me. When I feel down, my faith in Him brings me back up. I get recieve comfort knowing that one day I will be in Heaven with my Father. My salvation brings me comfort, knowing and having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I would first of all sit there and listen to them and what they have to say concerning their challenge. Then I would offer prayer so that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit can bring them the comfort they need. Also I would offer them Jesus Christ and His salvation if they were not saved. Be still and let the Lord. God loves you and wants to get closer to you. He is the salvation of your life and can bring you joy everlasting. Praise God! Rev. George Quote
longhorn Posted November 8, 2011 Report Posted November 8, 2011 I am comforted by the fact that we have a loving God who is always listening no matter what words, phrases, or questions we have for him---he not only listens---he answers!!!!!! As Psalms 124;8 says---our help is from our God who made heaven and could we possbly loose with a God like that. Psalms 37 is my reminder chapter that he is always there. If your life has a worry---just read that chapter and then pray. The "do not fret and worry" part is my biggest hurdle. I can worry the chickens right out of their feathers-----then I remember---Oh---God doesn't want you to worry---turn it over to him and let him handle the situation. That is the comforting thing I know---the fact that I can just say "HELP" and it is there faster than 911. Quote
fireball3 Posted December 28, 2011 Report Posted December 28, 2011 Q1faith pleases god he knows all we all should do what is pleasing to god? 2.To have a relationship talk to the lord about anything he will listen stay pluged in to him we are lost without him! 3.I love to witness to people share what the lord has done for me how he changed my life amen. 4.speak words of encouragement to them be postive not negative sit and listen to what they are saying be a ear to them love covers a mutitude amen Quote
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