hanks Posted September 29, 2011 Report Posted September 29, 2011 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? Our true leaders have been given authority over us, and we as believers must be submissive to their authority if the church is to function properly. If our leaders are teaching the Word of God we must obey. If not it would be better if we had never heard the Word of God. The leaders will have to give an account to God one day – so they have this extra responsibility. Especially if they were self-serving and have hurt the church. Any church can never be united without total obedience to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Quote
Barbara A. Lee Posted September 29, 2011 Report Posted September 29, 2011 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Self-serving leadership is tends to put the leaders at the top…This can hurt the church because it tends to send a message of “I am the Leader” of this church when he isn’t at all…Jesus Christ is the leader of the church, therefore he becomes self-serving, meaning serving himself not the people of the church… Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? I am obedient to one person, My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ…That being said, I am obedient to the leadership of the church, because God tells me I must be…Not to a self-serving leadership, but to a leadership that puts the people’s needs first… What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? The relationship between obedience and the church is Jesus Christ…If the leadership has the Lord Jesus In their heart then there won’t be any discord between the members and the leadership… Quote
Emanuel Posted September 30, 2011 Report Posted September 30, 2011 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? Obedience to servant leaders in the church promotes unity, no one likes disunity in "their family" and as such we bend to the authority invested in leadership. Obedience to self-serving leaders causes disunity in the church and besides that, our focus is skewed, we lean towards disunity and division. Leadership by any account should be towards service to Him and not self. Scripture places us under no doubt as to how we should relate to our leaders, respect and obey. There will never be church unity when self-serving or disobedience is allowed to flourish. Emanuel Quote
ross_laoshi Posted October 1, 2011 Report Posted October 1, 2011 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? Obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ enables godly leadership to operate effectively and to bring unity and God's blessing. Obedience to self-serving leaders takes the church out of God's will, and brings in dysfunction. I am obedient to the leadership, however if I see anything unscriptural I prayfully talk to them about it. We don't agree about everything, but we love and like each other. Obedience to servant leaders and to the Bible brings church unity. Quote
Delivered Posted October 1, 2011 Report Posted October 1, 2011 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? The key to the question is "servant leader" a servant leader is one who in love teaches God's truth, and it is to the truth that we must be obedient to. Obedience to God's truth is how the church will grow. How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? "Self serving" leaders teach from the "flesh" and the "church" is called to come out of the flesh and to walk in the Spirit, so, obedience to a self-serving leader, is opening doors for Satan to come in, crumbling its very foundation. Quote
bruceerobert Posted October 3, 2011 Report Posted October 3, 2011 Obedience and faith goes together. There won't be faith if there is no obedience. As a leader in the church, you must show obedient toward GOD first and then toward your brothers and sisters. You need to pray for obedience so you know how to discern what is to be obedient to and what is not to be obedient to. Obey Christ, but don't obey satan. We have to obey our church leaders, but pray to GOD to help us discern what is right and what is not. Quote
haar Posted October 3, 2011 Report Posted October 3, 2011 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? Obedience to servant leaders results into church unity. Quote
blezed Posted October 3, 2011 Report Posted October 3, 2011 How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? 1) Obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ to be strong and healthy. 2) Obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church because there will be nothing but dissention. 3) Yes, I am obedient to those whom God has placed over me. The scriptures tells us that we are to be obedient to those God has placed over us. That is why you must stay in the word. You need to know that your leader is following the word of God. 4) Obedience and church unity, both, are required for a church to grow. You can't help but to have unity if you are obedient. Quote
RedInkWarrior Posted October 3, 2011 Report Posted October 3, 2011 Obedience to servant leaders of the church helps them concentrate (with the help of the Holy Spirit) on the healthful spiritual growth of the congregation and focus on the positive feedback gained from our acknowledgment for their dedication and love for the church. But the church can get hurt if we exercise obedience without love and praise. If we have bitterness in our heart, we tend to "give" to the church, but we "give" without loving intentions. There will be no fruit behind those negative feelings towards our servant leaders. There has to be humility and love in the obedience towards our church leaders. I am all about obedience to those who are anointed by God to serve the church community. Why? Because they are sanctified and blessed to take care of the church. I can tell when they serve the brothers and sisters that there is growth, love and an anointed surrounding in our environment. What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? Growth, love, strength in GOD! Yay! Quote
Raph Posted October 4, 2011 Report Posted October 4, 2011 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? Obedience to servant leaders helps the church of Jesus Christ by making the congregation to listen and follow what the leaders are teaching them. Thus, the church grows in number and also in following what Jesus wants us to do as the servant leaders are telling us. How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Obedience to self-serving leaders hurts the church by giving the congregation wrong information, information not about God, but individuals. Self-serving leaders are there for their individual, personal gains and not for the spreading of the gospel. Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? Yes, I am obedient to those whom God has placed over me in the Lord because this is the wish of the Lord that there should be leaders and the congregation has to obey them. What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? The relation between obedience and church unity is in that, when there are leaders who are accepted and obeyed the people under them will be together and fulfill what the leaders are telling them. Quote
tammie7 Posted October 4, 2011 Report Posted October 4, 2011 Obedience to servant the leader is important because it cause the church to ride better without all the gossip and backbiting. Self-serving hurt the chruch because you are serving man and not God. Yes I am because these are the leader that he have over me because God know what I need and when I need it.The relationship between obedience and chruch unity is that the chruch rides good and there is social and spiritual order. Quote
patco Posted October 9, 2011 Report Posted October 9, 2011 How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? It's obedience so that their service to the church is not hindered by the church itself! They care for the flock, as God asked them too. Better for us to submit joyfully, so that they care for us joyfully, and do not get tired of it! I still need to learn to pray for my leaders in the Lord! How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Few will admit that they do, but it seems to me that many think they serve the church while actually searching to keep their priviledged position. So it is not always evident... While the church follows this leader, they watch at a model very different from the one of Christ, who left the glory of heaven, and came into the form of a man, not to be served, but to serve! ... and thus the church will gradually do likewise! And as everybody waits to be served, people are not reached, love is not shown to the world ... so the church fails to its mission! ... and nobody get served for long! instead, before, everybody's need was filled, out of love for one another! Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? When I'm not, the Lord points it to me ... but I've got a tendancy to be on the watch, not being impressed by impressive messages, but rather looking at people's attitude in ordinary things. When it appears to me that they do not make it a priority to always walk in love, but instead make a difference between rich and poor, highly considered people and others (thus living by human standards) ... I don't fear to oppose them, if they happen to ask something to the church that I judge not to be from God. What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? If somebody starts being disobedient, and is not disciplined, others will be influenced, and not fear. The attitude changes, as we consider ourselves, and our appetites, instead of searching to build the community. But the actual unity is the fruit of the Holy Spirit working in us, to have us serve each other, serve the community and the Church, thus being the ligaments that link the members to one another! If the ligaments are loose, the body just fall on the ground and each member is independent! Quote
Travis63 Posted October 10, 2011 Report Posted October 10, 2011 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? Obedience to Servant Leaders help the Church of Jesus Christ mainly because all are within the Will of God. Thereby we the servants become the vehicle, the hands within the earth accomplishing what God desires us to do. Just as those called out in the Old Testament were a great witness to God when they were in His Will so will we. Just as those in the New Testament were a great witness when they were in His Will so will we. The culture has changed however not the agenda. Love God, love people. How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Obedience to a self-serving leader hurts the church because the leader is not in the Will of God. All that is accomplished not being in the Will of God is of dead works. King Saul gives us a good example, unfortunately he remained king for a great period of time after he and the Spirit no longer communed. Being obedient to self-serving leaders promote their spirit, their will therefore God's Will isn't being carried out. The Church is a body, these whom do according to these spirits places a burden The Church. The Body can still function however being hurt / injured / damaged it cannot function as it was designed to. There can be leadership that fits any of these mentioned in this lesson by a self-serving leader. They can be a great leader and even effective, Ezekiel 34:2-6, gives an example. However just as these shepherds were out of the Will of God so are self-serving leaders who say they are followers of Christ. It hurts the people, it creates potential harms, it does not align with God's Will. Judgment begins in the house this leader if they do not turn from their self-serving ways will not met Christ in peace. Side bar: In essence they really are what as perceived as a part of the Church, in our eyes, in the eyes of many. However one day the Lord will say depart from me I knew you not. hurts Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? To the best of my ability I make efforts to be obedient. When / if I am aware or made aware that I was not I repent and ask for forgiveness. Why? As they follow Christ I will follow them, as they have aligned with God's Word without manipulation I have aligned with them. Why not? When I have known that something did not align with the Word of God, nor the Spirit's intent I have privately talked with the leader, and if the Spirit did not mediate whereby there was a clearer understanding to have us agree I simply acknowledge that I could not do the thing which was asked. What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? God is not the author of confusion, if there is not any obedience that would greatly hinder unity. The relationship is that it can foster harmonically relationships, it building community, it is pleasing to God. Some place heavy emphasis on the word love, if everybody just love, then we will have joy and peace. I don't disagree with that thought however to love God is to obey Him, to obey Him is to serve Him. Every member of the Church is a servant, that is to include church house leaders. Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 12, 2011 Report Posted October 12, 2011 Being obedient to servants leaders help the church of Jesus Christ because it keeps us united under one head. Then the leader will be able to teach us about Jesus Christ. To be obedient to a self-serving leader hurts the church because he is more interested in advancing his own agenda rather than that of the Lord. I think that I am obedient to those whom God has placed over in the Lord because it is the Lord that placed him there. So to be disobedient to the leader of the church is like being disobedient to the Lord. I think that the relationship between obedience and church unity is necessary so that we will be able to help each other rather than to destroy each other. Quote
Aussie girl Posted October 17, 2011 Report Posted October 17, 2011 Good leaders in the church serve Jesus Christ, so obedience to them follows a line of authority that is pleasing to God. It promotes unity in purpose and relationship, people working together and pulling in the same direction. A good servant leader will be in tune with those in the membership, listening and perceiving the best way to go forward, working in consultation and responsiveness to where the congregation is at. So, obedience ideally will be in a context of respect. Obedience to self serving leaders is dangerous, as this grows egos, rather than promoting God’s glory. Big egos are very vulnerable to self and other deception. This is seen so often, and at its worst, causes destruction of a church, but along the way there is unhappiness, and division. Where I find obedience difficult is where leaders are weak, and lack vision. I tend to go off and do my own thing. This study makes me reflect that perhaps in a situation such as this I should involve the leaders and give them the opportunity to lead and support and correct if needed. I realise I also need to pray for the leaders and the church and be more alert to opportunities where God wants me to be involved.. Quote
linda bass Posted October 23, 2011 Report Posted October 23, 2011 Obedience to servant leaders helps the church of Jesus Christ by respecting them and esteeming them very highly in love because of their work for the Lord. Obedience to self-serving leaders hurts the church because often these leaders are serving their own agendas and don't really care for those serving under them. I try to be obedient,most of the time, to those God has placed over me in the church because it is commanded in scripture that we obey those in authority over us. Recently I attended an Awana conference with our commander and several other leaders. Our comander told us what workshops she wanted us to attended in the various sessions. I kind of resented this because I was used to choosing the workshops that I wanted to take part in. Then I realized she probably had a reason for us wanting to attend those paricular workshops. The relationship between church unity and obedience is, it's impossible to have one without the other. Quote
Trusting God Posted October 31, 2011 Report Posted October 31, 2011 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? Obedience to servant leaders helps the church of Jesus Christ, because they are serving the Lord in humility. The church of Jesus Christ will grow when a leader brings themselves under the authority of God, by living a Christ like life, and that they are listening to and passing on the Word of God. How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church, because they are not serving God but serving themselves. Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? That is a hard question, because I try my best to follow those whom God has placed over me. Yet, it is hard to follow those who are constantly lifting up themselves with their accolades and status. Prayerfully, I follow everyone God has placed over me, because I do not want to be disobedient to God’s Word. What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? The relationship between obedience and church unity is that obedience refers to following God with humility and submission, and church unity means being one or being in agreement. Quote
RodR Posted December 27, 2011 Report Posted December 27, 2011 Confronting a brother or sister who has sinned is one of the most difficult responsibilities of a servant leader in the church. It is especially difficult in our age of political correctness and privacy rights. Submission to Christ includes humble submission to those He places in authority over us. Many church splits are caused by awkward attempts at church discipline and an unwillingness to come under authority. Unfortunately, the prevalence of self-serving leaders makes this even more difficult. We must stay in tune with the Holy Spirit in order to discern God’s mind in specific situations. Blind obedience might promote a façade of unity but unity that is out of line with God’s will is not the unity He desires. Quote
wifee Posted June 8, 2012 Report Posted June 8, 2012 3a)Servant leaders humbly listen to and pass on the word & direction of God through scriptures,if we accept&follow this direction,God will bless us in good ways,as we grow in faith,expansion of kingdom,&it makes leaders toil a joy not a struggle. B)Self-serving leaders are not putting God first humbly,this greaves the Spirit,when motives are not I best interest of church,leading church astray.c)I seek to listen to pastor/leaders & encourage them,as know following biblically based direction is vital for true fulfilment&church growth. C)Where there is obedience to Christ’s teachings,there is greater love for all&caring about others,sacrificially putting others before self, Christ’s love is seen & felt more,brings greater unity as there is complete harmony with the will of God.Better witness to others, better defence against enemy.better peace &harmony among members. Quote
Craig Posted August 28, 2013 Report Posted August 28, 2013 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? Obedience to servant leaders in the church of Jesus Christ brings about order and unity. It brings the congregation together so that it is operating off the same page and striving for the same goals. It creates a joint vision among members of the church. Obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church because the church isn't serving Jesus Christ. God doesn't bless self-servers. This particular kind of leader isn't meeting the needs of the church only his/her own thus hurting the congregation. Yes, I an obedient to those whom God has placed over me in the Lord. I obedient because it is my duty and responsibility as scripture directs. Quote
dixonle Posted August 19, 2014 Report Posted August 19, 2014 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1076 This verse tells us to stand firm and be obedient in everything. But that is much of our problem as human beings. We were born not with the idea of being subservient to anyone but have had to learn how to be in an obedient relationship with the LORD and with others. But specifically with the LORD, we are expected as His children to obey His commands, to be subject to His desires for us as they are what is best for us. This term continues to confront us throughout the Word, Dr. Wilson has presented us with numerous scriptures that help us to understand that obdience is an integral part of His commands. So the foundation to our servanthood before the LORD is to be in obedience to His desires for us and by so doing, the church is being advanced. Anytime we put “us” before the LORD, that is called “disobedience” because if the LORD is not our focal point, there is no way we could be obedient. Disobedience is a killer and can advance and permeate the church and all her programs. Obedience to the LORD puts Him in the position of placing blessings upon blessings on the church. Quote
WinstonY Posted September 9, 2014 Report Posted September 9, 2014 Lesson 2.3 Obedience is rather an ambivalent thing with Paul as far as his churches are concerned. (Ernest Best in Interpretation series, 2 Corinthians, Kindle edition, p 23) Paul does not command obedience from the Corinthians he begs them to act in an appropriate fashion.(v 8)On the other hand he demands obedience because of his apostolic position as having seen the Lord. Best suggests that as we exercise our pastoral care we often tend to face the same dilemma as Paul- it becomes easier to concentrate on demanding instead of pleading. To summarize , if we can plead with those who err than we often get a better result than demanding. The old proverb says “You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar.” On the other hand there are times when a leader must demand certain things in order to get a desired result. Wisdom and prayer are needed by a leader to discern when to plead and when to order. Obedience to self serving leaders can lead to a situation are performing practices which are indecent and immoral and are hurting people and the church. This was the situation that was confronting Martin Luther in his time. Luther responded by issuing 95 theses on indulgences which led to the reformation. Paul who is pleading and demanding obedience did so with the authority of seeing Christ behind him while those who opposed him did not. If those in the church are teaching Jesus' gospel than if not we should be like Martin Luther. We need to test the doctrine against the scripture and the tradition of the church. Obedience to Jesus' Gospel is good. Otherwise we have a schism. Which may be good for the church in the long run. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted April 18, 2015 Report Posted April 18, 2015 Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? It is important that we remain obedient to our leaders in the church. They are the authority to watch over us and ensure of our growth in the Church And in Christ. Obedience to self serving leaders will eventually lead the congregation to serve him and his desires instead of the Church and Christ. It will also teach false doctrine and lead the Church astray. It is important that we ensure that the leaders are teaching sound doctrine and remain true to the word of God. We remain obedient to our Church, Pastor and elders knowing that they are keep guard over us and our eternal destination in the Kingdom of God. However, we all are to ensure they are leading correctly in the word of God and scriptures. Obedience to the Church leaders helps keep the Church in unity and in good standing with one another. They have been chosen by the Lord to oversee us and he has anointed them with the Holy Spirit and uses their gift of leadership to ensure we remain healthy in the Church and to the Lord. Quote
Krissi Posted August 20, 2023 Report Posted August 20, 2023 I have never been advised or told to do anything that I would need to obey by a pastor. Of course, in sermons, a pastor can admonish the congregation to behave or believe in a certain way, which I try to obey, but I have never heard anything in a pulpit that I didn’t know or wouldn’t have already agreed with. So where is the opportunity to obey? I’m sorry, but pastors and elder boards/vestries are simply not willing to direct the lives of those who go to their churches. Most pastors seem to feel no responsibility to know or be responsible for their sheep. I’ve never seen church discipline, though have heard of it, and certainly have known people, including the pastor and church elders, whose behaviour has been less than desirable. Outside of Pastor Ralph, who sadly is not my pastor, I have never met anyone who describes himself as a “servant leader.” Thus, obedience, for me, is completely internal. I obey the commandments the best I can. I obey the moral advice and dictates of scripture. My relationship to God is vertical thus my obedience to what I believe is His will comes directly from Him without intermediaries or influence from the church or other people. I exist in solitude. I have never challenged a pastor or the church leaders, but, frankly, they just don’t factor into my life at this point. I suppose people like me – I’m essentially a hermit caring for a very old man who cannot be left alone – destroy church unity by being outside the church’s scope of influence. It’s not my disobedience but my isolation that negates unity. Just a tiny point of light shining by itself ... Quote
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