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The difference between the two speakers is none. The passages tell me that God and Jesus are one and the same and that both were there at the beginning of time and will be there when time ends. They also tell me that they are the one and only GOD and that we should praise and worship them as the only true GOD. :D

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That the Father has always been and always will be.

Jesus was with God from the beginning, But came to live on this earth to show us how to live and to serve others. And someday we will reap the rewards for what we learned from his life on earth


Verse 8 tells us that God declares Himself the Alpha and Omega, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. In Exodus 3:14 He says I am who I am. I love it. No explanation needed. Jesus in 1:17 says I am the First and the Last. That is the same as saying I am the Alpha and Omega. I am God. Jesus is God!

God Bless



By HIM (Christ) saying, I am Alpha and Omega, could refer to the first and the last letters of the greek alphabet, as well as to God's eternality and sovereignty, and possibly to the fullness of God's self-revelation.

We have to understand, that there was no one before him and there will be no after him. That he always was and always will be; the Loving Father and Creator of all. We do this by studying His word.


vs 1:8 - It is great news for me! It tells us that God is ever-living ... there is no end. He is both the beginning and the end. He is ever present and He is almighty! For me, He is Someone who I can turn to at any time ... at any place.

There is no difference between the two speakers. Jesus and God are one, without any distinction. Jesus is truly God taking on our humanity and was truly man, when He walked on earth. I feel greatly supported and encouraged that since Jesus has taken on our humanness, He truly understands all our emotions and pain... in fact ... He went through excruciating pains ... and died. Yet now, by the power of God, He is alive and still continues to be with us.

Priscilla :)


Everything is under His control. He surrounds and controls time as well as all in existance. God is the authority figure that demands our worship.

The words of God and those of Jesus are the same. This indicates that Jesus & the Father are one!! Jesus is fully man and fully God. He has all of the power & transcendance of the Father.


It just crossed into my mind, God is a spirit () not two, not three but one spirit. When Jesus was not yet born He was not Jesus, for that name belongs to the incarnated Word, yet He has the fullness of God, hence He has the Spirit of God. He is God in the flesh but who was He when He was not still in the flesh?

Surely, He was a spirit before He was born, but are there three spirits of God, the spirit of the Father, the spirit of the Son and the Holy Spirit? When we finally meet God who are we going to see? Jesus? the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of God, the Father?

Did God have a Son before Jesus was born? That would that the Spirit of the father reproduced. But the Spirit of Jesus had no beginning, hence He did not come from no one. If He was the son of God before He was born, then the Father is His beginning.

I believe that God did not and does not multiply His spirit, so then there is but one Spirit of God, He is the Father, He is the Son, and He is the Holy Spirit.

God is One.


The Father was always there from the beginning and is still there; Jesus is the beginnning and the end He is everything. He will always BE......He was with the Father in the beginning at creation "let US make man in the image" us is plural so they were all there...the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit...imagine, the fact that Jesus was there in the beginning knowing that He would be sent among us to fulfill a plan that his father would have for him and that He would be sacrificed for a non deserving people, how He must have felt......

The significance of this for our understanding is that Jesus is the same as the Father in that He is everything and all, the first and the last, he is our all in everything if we just let Him be what He was sent to be FOR US......


This passage reminds us that the Trinity does exist. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and are eternal. He became man in the form of Jesus, to suffer and die for us, but he is Lord and Spirit as well. Praise God!


Q2a. God is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the Almighty. Knowing this, nothing I go thru, He doesn't already know.

b. Jesus is the First and the Last, Jesus has gone thru everything I have gone thru. If I look at Jesus' example, then I see some guidelines.

Kitty Hamilton, Oh


It tells us that the Father is the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end. God is, and has been and will always exist. He is eternal.

The Trinity is truly a mystery of the bible. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one. The significance for our understanding of who Jesus is - if we believe in Him, we will have eternal life. This shows that both God the Father and Jesus as eternal beings. The only way to the Father is through his son - Jesus Christ.


This tells us that God has always been and will always be. Jesus has always been with the Father, but being sent to earth do die for us WAS dead, but now lives! And He is alive forevermore! Praises! :rolleyes:


Separate persons and yet the same person. I can not understand that. However I will believe it because it is what scripture teaches. Jn 14:20, 17:11

Jesus teaches his diciples this truth.

Also, God is omnipotent. An all powerful being can do anything at all, any time. God created everything exept Jesus (Jn 1:1,2). God created time. I understand time as linear, yesterday ,today and tomorow. God sees time like it is all happening at once, spread out before him. Jesus has the same characteristics as The Father. God is the only one who can forgive sin. Jesus forgave sins when he healed people. Jesus is God.


They are the same. The words are different only in the way that a high class persons grammar and wording are different than a commoners.

This question reminds me of the first time I took my husband along Hwy. 199 to visit my family in northern California. He grew up in Colorado and had never seen a Sequoia before, he couldn't stop staring out the window of the car and twisting his head around to try and see the tops of them. Being in the middle of the forest is one thing - it's gorgeous and quite and mysterious, the trees are incredibly tall and block most of the sky - but you don't comprehend what a Sequoia Redwood is until you happen across one the truly OLD trees. When you find one that you can hide a full-size pick-up behind and you get dizzy just trying to see the top of it, then you get a much better understanding of the granduer of the forest. Most of us have heard of "not seeing the forest for the trees" at some point in our lives, and I think God is the forest and Jesus is that one, huge tree that makes us realize what is surrounding us.

I think we sometimes get lost in the whole "loving savior" bit and forget that Jesus IS God, just in a form that is intended help us focus, internalize and personalize what God truly is.


:D Just let us remind ourselves :

John 1:1 " In the beginning was Word, and the Word was with God, and Word was God. He was with God

in the beginning."

John 1:14 "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from Father, full of grace and truth."


1. It tells us that God the Father is the beginning and the end of all things. He is from everlasting to everlasting. He is all mighty.

2. That Jesus identifies himself with God. The preeternal Word.


God is the All-the beginning, the end,, and everything in between--the totality of God. Christ is the Fathers chief heir by virtue of being the first to be raised from the dead with a glorified body. Christ is divine ruler over earth supremecy he is king of kings and lord of lords.


The Father is eternal--Creator of all things from the beginning of time to the end of days. Jesus, too, proclaims He is eternal--beginning and end of all time--in other words, He IS God, Creator, Sovereign Lord.


I believe this is one of those complex, yet simple questions with a variety of answers. as far as jesus and the father being the alpha and omega, beginning and end, this is complex. it goes beyond our limited understanding, everything we know has a start point and end point, but god is forever, endless and infinite. as far as the relationship between god the father and jesus the son with these corrulating scriptures, leads me to believe they are one and the same.


Revelation 1:8 tells us that he is the beginning and the end, the Almighty. Jesus is the one who is coming back to judge. He will decide whom has carried out his Father's will and hand judgement out accordingly. God is also the beginning and the end, but will send his son, Jesus Christ, to judge the world.


That the Father is soverign and rules over all, all that has happened and will happen.

And (in 1:17) Jesus was seen, he touched the author, and spoke "do not fear". He was human.

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