BarbaraR Posted September 22, 2003 Report Posted September 22, 2003 These verses tell me that God has no beginning and no end. God clearly states that He is sending his Son. Jesus then states that He died and rose from the dead and uses the same descriptive words about Himself that the Father used. God is Jesus. Jesus is God. Parts one and two of the Trinity. Quote
linda bass Posted September 23, 2003 Report Posted September 23, 2003 Alpha and Omega-the beginning and the end Both Jesus and the Father,along with the Holy Spirit existed before the foundation of the world.(Jn.17:24) God has existed in the past (was), He exists in the present (is) and He exists in the future(is to come). The only way to God is thru Jesus. (Jn. 14:6,11) Quote
Bob in Delaware Posted September 23, 2003 Report Posted September 23, 2003 Once again, just a different path to take from the well covered in the previous posts....those of us who have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior have already seen this revelation....we...true believers in God's word already know that the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one even as difficult as it can be to fathom...and even worse yet to explain to a non-believer. I believe this revelation...the revealing of Christ as God...Son and Spirit will cinch it for those who have not believed. I have a friends who have said...."I believe in God" or "I believe in Christ", but they stumble over the concept of the 3 in one. These words we trust in reinforce it for us and build our faith in our understanding of who Jesus is. Quote
sangra Posted September 24, 2003 Report Posted September 24, 2003 The significance of these verses to our understanding of Jesus' identity is that Jesus is making the same claims as the Father, that they are both eternal, existing prior to any created thing and continuing to exist long after all creation passes away. Quote
Galina Posted September 24, 2003 Report Posted September 24, 2003 It is clear that Father and Son are one and for one purpose. The difference is : it is God Quote
Emy Oliveros Posted September 25, 2003 Report Posted September 25, 2003 Revelation 1:8 tell us that the Father is the Alpha and Omega, and the Beginning and the Ending. The Father is the speaker here in Rev. 1:8 and in 21:6 but Jesus is the speaker in 1:17 and 22:12-13. The significance of this for our understanding of who Jesus is is that we know that the Father and Jesus, the Son are one. And that they both share the divine attributes as God. Quote
patti Posted September 28, 2003 Report Posted September 28, 2003 The words spoken by the Father and Jesus have the same meaning. therefore my understanding is that God the Father and Jesus are one. Quote
student1 Posted September 30, 2003 Report Posted September 30, 2003 In vs 8, the Father is the Alpha & the Omega, who is, who was and who is to come, the almighty. In vs 1:17, Quote
Alice Posted September 30, 2003 Report Posted September 30, 2003 These verses prove that God and Jesus were united in all respects. This shows the true meaning of oneness. Being one in every way. It also establishes Jesus as being leagues ahead of all those "holy" people and "prophets" that the world tries to group Him with. Quote
HisSchechinahGlory Posted October 6, 2003 Report Posted October 6, 2003 Revelation 1:8 tells us that Father Is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. The significance is that Jesus is God and that all He has said Is. Praise God/Jesus/Holy Spirit!!!Hallelujah!!! Quote
Helen Posted October 6, 2003 Report Posted October 6, 2003 Revelation tells us that Father is the origin and the Finality of all existence, the past, present and future are in Him. He is the only power, Lord over everything, the unquestionable, the source. Jesus also claims to be the first and the last, Alpha and Omega. This means He is equally God, one with God, the human face of God. Quote
dparker777 Posted October 11, 2003 Report Posted October 11, 2003 God always has been from the beginning and always will be throughtout eternity. We need not be afraid, for he has died for us that we may have eternial life. When he returns as the conquering King, he brings his faithful servevants their reward. Quote
Mike Dickinson Posted October 20, 2003 Report Posted October 20, 2003 #1 Q2. What does 1:8 tell us about the Father? The Father is the speaker here in 1:8 and in 21:6. But Jesus is the speaker in 1:17 and 22:12-13. What is the significance of this for our understanding of who Jesus is? God states His case clearly. He always was and always will be. Whilst Jesus says likewise, He is after all, co equal with God, He further cements the human aspect of His personality. The very crux of our salvation depended entirely on Quote
Paul Pinel Posted October 27, 2003 Report Posted October 27, 2003 Q. 2 - What does 1:8 tell us about the Father? The Father is the speaker here in 1:8 and 21:6, but Jesus is the speaker in 1:17 & 22:12-13. What is the significance of this for our understanding of who Jesus is? a) 1:8, tells us that the Father is an eternal Being. That HE had no beginning - [always was] - That HE is. This is to say that HE is now as HE was in the eternal past and will continue to be in the eternal future. When HE says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega", the beginning and the end, in that HE had no beginning and has no end, HE is saying that HE is the beginning, the creator, the sustainer of HIS creation. By saying that HE is the end, HE is stating to us that he will bring HIS creation to the state, condition, way in which HE originaly intended it to be. In 21:6 he says, " . . . it is finished . . . I will give the springs of the water of life without charge". What is the end? What is finished? HIS creation. HE has brought it to the point where HE wanted it to be. pure, in hte image of Jesus, having HIS grace and glory which HE gives freely to all that are there with HIM. What is the significance of both Jesus and the Fahter saying they are the ALpha and Omega. We should know that Jesus and the Father are one and the same. Jesus is a man, flesh, but HE is the Father incarnate. They are both one and the same. This we know can only be discerned spiritually by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Word, who in the beginning - [creation] - HE already existed, HE was with God, and was God. HE created all things that are. HE was and is life. This life gives light - [truth] - to all mankind, and this light cuts through the darkness - [lies] - and can never be extinguished. The Revelation of Jesus is the revelation of God the Father, who are one and the same. Who is who HE is. May GOD the Father reveal HIS truth to all and reveal the lies and twists of those who oppose Christ Jesus, in the name of Jesus we pray Amen. Quote
helenruth Posted November 18, 2003 Report Posted November 18, 2003 What does 1:8 and 21:6 (the Father speaking) and verses 1:17 and 21:6 (Jesus speaking) tell us. It is God himself speaking. Jesus confirms He is God as His Father's words "I AM the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, who is, who was, and who is to come." One and the same. Jesus is God Almighty! Praise You Lord! Quote
seekingGod Posted November 28, 2003 Report Posted November 28, 2003 Revelation 1:8 tells us that the Father is the Alpha and the Omega, God All-Mighty. Jesus says in 1:17 that He is the first and the last. The significance of this to our understanding of who Jesus was. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. Jesus is God make flesh The second part of the Holy Trinity Quote
Debora Posted December 9, 2003 Report Posted December 9, 2003 Q2.What does this tell us about the Father? The Father is the speaker here in 1:8 and in 21:6. But Jesus is the speaker in 1:17 and 22:12-13. What is the significance of this for our understanding of who Jesus is? The Bible tells me in 1:8 that the Father is the one who is in control. That He is eternal existence. The Father says that life is everlasting and He is the provider of everlasting life. It is through the Father that everlasting life is. That he freely gives to those who ask at no cost from the spring of the water of life. He gave Jesus the living waters and Jesus will offer it to us. It is done, and now available for us if we want and ask. But I see that he placed his Son, Jesus, the firstborn, the one who conquered, who overcame to be in a position of authority. Jesus witnessed to John after he died and rose and said "do not be afraid". He appeared to John. Jesus conquered death and received eternal life claiming the promise what the father gives freely. Jesus is testimony and witness to the fact of the Father's promise of salvation. Jesus is one with the Father, as the Alpha and Omega. The Father it says gave Jesus reward and gave power to ruler over us, to judge by what we may do. It is through Jesus we may drink the living waters. These passages reveal that Jesus has authority, over me and you. It is Jesus who we are under. There is a heirachy where God is first, and who is in control then Jesus. It will be Jesus' approval and through Jesus that we can be united with the Father. The Father gives us Jesus as the way, the truth and the life. Jesus is like a doorway for us to enter. Jesus is given a postition in the Father's Kingdom in these passages. He also says do not be afraid to John. John and Jesus are friends. We are friends of Jesus. Jesus' words are encouraging and strengthening to help go thru what one may. I am also reminded that Jesus is watching us, given the authority by God to give to everyone according to what each has done. It is free and at no cost says God that we can have like Jesus was given and that is an eternal spring of water. A spring to drink from of living waters that is everlasting. I think there is no better friend than to have than Jesus, as brother, to walk with hand in hand in this world to be encouraged and strengthened by. Quote
eddhildreth Posted December 24, 2003 Report Posted December 24, 2003 It tells us that Jesus is the risen Christ from the dead, who is now alive forever, and has always been. The Father also states the very same things as the Son... the Alpha and Omega....the beginning and the end. This shows us their equality. Quote
vankirkg Posted January 10, 2004 Report Posted January 10, 2004 Q2. What does this tell us about the Father? The Father is the speaker here in 1:8 and in 21:6. But Jesus is the speaker in 1:17 and 22:12-13. What is the significance of this for our understanding of who Jesus is? 1. 1:8 speaks of God the Father as the author and finisher of all things who purposefully reveals Himself to us in His time. 2. Jesus speaks in like manner to the Father revealing that He is truly God. This is a great comfort to all who read Revelation. Quote
tranquil Posted January 12, 2004 Report Posted January 12, 2004 Rev. 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, saith the Lord" tell us God is the begining and the End. He is the begining, as he is the author, creator of all things and he is the end as he brings all things which are here revealed to a conclusion. John 1:1-3 says "In the begining was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". All things were made through God. The WORD refers to JESUS, the only begotten of the Father who became flesh and dwelt among us. This claims that JESUS is a seperate individual from the Father and yet he himself possess Deity (He was God). Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 5, 2004 Report Posted March 5, 2004 Q2. What does this tell us about the Father? The Father is the speaker here in 1:8 and in 21:6. But Jesus is the speaker in 1:17 and 22:12-13. What is the significance of this for our understanding of who Jesus is? God said He is the Alpha and the Omega, the One who is, who was, who is to come. Jesus said He is the First and the Last, and He will come again. What this is telling us is that Jesus and the Father are one. Quote
donnakds Posted March 13, 2004 Report Posted March 13, 2004 What does 1:8 tell us about the Father? The Father is the speaker hiere i 1:8 and in 21:6 But Jesus is the speaker in 1:17 and 22:12-13. What is the significance of this for our understanding of who Jesus is?1:8 tells us the Father is first and last. 1:17 quotes Jesus as saying He is first and last. This signifies and proves to us that Jesus and God are one. Jesus is God Quote
treddi88 Posted May 11, 2004 Report Posted May 11, 2004 Jesus and the Father are one. I also think of the scripture in John 1. The Word became flesh, and how in Genesis God spoke, and it was created. That painted the picture I needed to understand the two are one. (Two parts in the Triity.) Quote
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