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Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

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Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? Balance is essential in all things. Too much of a good thing is bad and one who seeks his own counsel is a fool. That being said, what CANNOT be measured is the real deal. Because of the "skill to study and repeat what one have learned," many just "skip" the Spiritual aspect and present their credentials. To the weak, this becomes a problem.

Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? Absolutely to the chagrin of those who would attempt to lead me otherwise.

Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister? If we donot have the heart to live in the Spirit, it is the blind leading the blind.


What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God?

Training is important so one has a good foundation in the scriptures and it needs to be balanced with personal submission to the Holy Spirit. This way God give guidance and direction for His will. It's the most healthy combination.

Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life?

I hear that still small voice in my everyday life. I wish I would listen to it every time I heard it!

Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

The Spirit's voice is giving us the will of God. God is speaking! God is telling us the right way to go! To do anything else is foolish.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6)

What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? God does not expect his people to be ignorant or illiterate, but knowledge is good but without the anointing behind it, their will not be much accomplished. Some of the greatest soul winners for Christ did not have much education, but they had a spirit of the anointing that would cause people to repent, because the anointing in these people would convict the sinners.

Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? I have learned how to , just sit down sometimes and listen to what, thus saith the Lord. The best learning I have experienced is by listening.

Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister? People are very comfortable around someone who will listen to them. It don't take long if you listen closely to people that they will tell you about everything you want to know.


Gifting is esssential but training makes it better. For years I have composed music but the music I composed after my formal training was better than that which came before. Less ended up in the bin and more in the score. This will hold true in any walk of life.

As for listening, oh yes but the secret is taking time out to listen.

While a general approach to ministry may be quite effective, a tailored approach will be better. This can only be achieved by listening or discerning what God is doing in a particular area. In listening rather than takling, we give God His place.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6)

What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God?

Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life?

Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

Only our Lord can make us competent to win souls for Him. Without submitting to the Holy Spirit there can be no ministry – we cannot do it on our own. For it is the Holy Spirit that empowers and enables ministers to understand scripture and to have an effective ministry. Yes, by the grace of God, I have been given the power of discernment and this helps me to stay on the straight and narrow. This ability would be vital for any minister and would enable him to spot false teachings.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

To be a competent minister, one would have to be able to live a godly life, and also be able to give sound spiritual wisdom and advice. I've known preachers and teachers that can quote scripture front and back, but their lives tell a different story. This would indicate to me that the minister or teacher doesn't know the voice of the Spirit of God. This, in turn, would seriously hurt the ability to be a competent minister.


We today need to have a good balance between our scholasic and spiritual training. Training in schools such as Bible Colleges and Seminaries is very important to learn the Word of God and how to share it with others. But it is a sterile training time with no "hands on" working with people and the guidance of Holy Spirit, Submission to Holy Spirit guidance is the most important aspect of a minister's work in the field, as it is easy to rely on our own wisdom.

Yes, I believe that Holy Spirit lives in me and talks to me in giving guidance in preparation for teaching, preaching, and visiting of people. Without Him, I lose the will power to make lessons and sermons and to visit people who have needs.

To feel good about what you are doing, a person needs the assurance of Holy Spirit in your life. I have seen too many so called "great Pastors" who want to use their own charisma and charm to make people look up to them and praise their "good works". Our competence has to be marked by Holy Spirit to be sincere and honest. In no way can we "tickle" people's ears and feel good about it. Our ability, our training, our surrender is nothing without Holy Spirit's fine tuning of our ministering. Man cannot set the standards for us to serve by, but God is our "TEACHER". And our trust is in Him.


We today need to have a good balance between our scholasic and spiritual training. Training in schools such as Bible Colleges and Seminaries is very important to learn the Word of God and how to share it with others. But it is a sterile training time with no "hands on" working with people and the guidance of Holy Spirit, Submission to Holy Spirit guidance is the most important aspect of a minister's work in the field, as it is easy to rely on our own wisdom.

Yes, I believe that Holy Spirit lives in me and talks to me in giving guidance in preparation for teaching, preaching, and visiting of people. Without Him, I lose the will power to make lessons and sermons and to visit people who have needs.

To feel good about what you are doing, a person needs the assurance of Holy Spirit in your life. I have seen too many so called "great Pastors" who want to use their own charisma and charm to make people look up to them and praise their "good works". Our competence has to be marked by Holy Spirit to be sincere and honest. In no way can we "tickle" people's ears and feel good about it. Our ability, our training, our surrender is nothing without Holy Spirit's fine tuning of our ministering. Man cannot set the standards for us to serve by, but God is our "TEACHER". And our trust is in Him.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

Training in Ministry is hopefully, learning the truth of the Word and in correctly interpreting it. We need to have that understanding to effectively minister to people. The balance of personal submission to the Spirit of God is in living what we know....not because of law, but because we love the Lord and want others to know that love. We can come out of any training "knowing" everything, but if our hearts aren't changed to embrace the truth of "living" the word, then we have nothing but head knowledge. Being Spirit led is totally different. We reflect God in Spirit living.

I see many coming out of seminaries with very secular training and running churches like businesses, and I see people that have no "formal" training totally abandoned in living for God. The real proof to me of anyone being commended is, do they know the Word, interpret it correctly and are their lives reflecting that they live for God's purposes.

Yes, I do listen to the Holy Spirit. He has the truth and is my counselor and helper and 100% accurate in knowing what to do. He teaches me, corrects me and encourages me. Can He use others in this, who have submitted their lives to Christ? Yes! And I'm always glad to find someone who God trusts to help me grow, but the measure in listening to them is comparing advice to the truth of the Word and what their lives reflect.

A competent Minister may make mistakes, but the condition of ones heart is always revealed. If they are submitted to the Holy Spirit and listening for His will, it shines through and outweighs the human aspects of failing sometimes. Even in failure, humbleness in one called to Minister always reflects God's truth in them.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God?

Training in the ministry help in learning the scriptures. but most important is to submit to the Holy Spirit for deep understanding, for interpreting the scripture and for you to share the word with others remember we are to be led and not to depend on our own understanding

Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life?

Absolutely!! Psalm 32 v 8 We are to be led by the Spirit of Living God

Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

Leader must live a godly life he is the ambassador of Christ he has to win souls for Christ.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

We need both Biblical knowledge and training and wisdom which comes from the Spirit. We can do nothing without the Spirit and we need to listen to the Spirit's voice to do service for God. Our enemy is cunning and only the Spirit knows what to do in any situation.

God Bless


Romans 15:13


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6)

What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God?

We need the training that the seminaries or Bible colleges offer, but we also need the personal submission to the Spirit of God…That being said we need a balance between both…For if we have on and not the other we become unballenced in our walk with Jesus.

Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life?

Most of the time…

Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

Because it is through the Holy Spirit that God is communicating with us…And believe me when I say it is hard to do because we are HUMAN and we do slip sometimes.


I am a scientist. When I was in school, there was nothing worse than a person who could parrot back the information needed to pass the test, but was totally incompetent in the lab. And that word parrot is important. This person can only speak to what has been spoon fed to them.

The book knowledge is of no practical value if it cannot be applied, but by the same token, you need the depth of knowledge that a formal education more effectively provides


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God?

Both are important, but first we must be CALLED, not self appointed. If that's the case, no amount of training can equip an endeavor of the flesh and self will. But when called, training, discipleship, equipping are as important as boot camp is to the soldier.

Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life?

I'm so grateful that I do hear His voice. Only once audibly, (Go Now! When I was unaware that I was in great danger. I thank God for the strong warning and that I didn't question, or I may have been either raped or killed  or both) but  usually a still small voice in my spirit, or a "check" when I need to stop or go a different direction. I hear of His love for me every day when I look at the things He has made which are so beautiful. Sometimes I "hear" a prompting to read a certain portion of scripture, and weep when it's exactly what I needed. I heard His voice in a huge thunder and lightning storm recently in the mountains, and marveled at His power and might, and the blessing of seeing how the rain had become nitrogen to fertilize the plants, in the process! I hear His voice at times in prophecies He's spoken through me, or to me. I have no sense of direction and will say "Father, I'm lost. Which way do I turn? And I'll "hear" an impression "Turn right at the next corner"...and so many other ways. I praise Him that He is not silent, but wanting us to hear His voice more than we even want to hear Him!!!!

Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

Balance is beautiful! A well trained minister who is submitted the the Lord's will and direction will be a powerful tool for the Kingdom of God, in His skillful hand. All the training in the world cannot further the Kingdom of God if the minister is not led by the Holy Spirit...he/she will be a failure or a shooting star who rises quickly on his/her own merit and charisma then burns out quickly and falls. So sad when we see this happen.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

The Balance between Training in Ministry and personal submission to the Spirit of God is a good sound knowledge of the Scriptures and an interpretation of them, to think critically, to ask questions Followed with experience in church, character formation, leadership development. All used by God to make us Competent and Sufficient.

This I believe my weakest point for me. I try but I don't know if can hear God correctly or at all. I believe that this is very important in order to a competent minister. How can you minister successfully and fruitfully if you can't hear God?


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6)

What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God?

While it is clear that, what is more important is the person's personal submission to the Spirit of God, training in the ministry is also important as it helps those under training to be able to interpret scripture and to think critically, to ask the important questions. Such training in the local church under the mentoring of a wise pastor is also very important as it is here in the local church where character formation happens along with leadership development and experience with evangelism and growth.

Are you able to "listen to the Spirit's voice" in your own life?

Yes, I strive to "listen to the Spirit's voice" in my own life.

Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

This ability is so important in being a competent minister as it makes the minister real, effective and able to produce fruits that will last.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

2 Cor 3;4-6-3:4 Now we have such confidence in God through Christ. 3:5 Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as if it were coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, 3:6 who made us adequate  to be servants of a new covenant not based on the letter but on the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life


1.     What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God?

There is really no such thing as balance between training in ministry(church and school)and personal submission to the Spirit of GoD..This is just my opinion,for when we TrULY RECEIVED JESUS AS OUR SAVIOUR,THEN WE SUBMIT TO HIM…TO HIS KINGSHIP OVER OUR LIVES…what happen next is the WORK OF THE SPIRIT IN US,whether by training in ministry,or in the local church…

I believe that even our decision to go into ministry,is not from us,because even our repentance is not credited to us(Romans 2:4-.. that God’s kindness leads you to repentance?)..

Jesus said, in John 6:44-No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.

And in case we forget it ,He repeated the same truth in John 6:65- So Jesus added, “Because of this I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has allowed him to come.”

He knows who is going to believe Him,and those who will not..(John 6:64- But there are some of you who do not believe.” (For Jesus had already known from the beginning who those were who did not believe, and who it was who would betray him.).

So everything will be a fruit once we are called,God will use as in His ministry,even it could be the most insignificant role,susc as usher,or car park attendant in the church.

The Key is receiving Jesus,and His finished work in the Cross…all other benefits will just follow…all other pre re quisite will just fall in its proper perspective.

2.    Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

The Holy Spirit will convicts us all the truth about God,He will witness to us that God is a loving,full of Grace,Merciful God..that all our sins are already forgiven..

Hebrews 10:15-18---15 And the Holy Spirit also witnesses to us, for after saying, 16 “This is the covenant that I will establish with them after those days, says the Lord. I will put my laws on their hearts and I will inscribe them on their minds,” 17 then he says, “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no longer.” 18 Now where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer any offering for sin.

I am able to listen to his voice through the Scripture,..sometimes the Word is just too real in my circumstances,and the assurance that I get is that as if I REALLY HEAR THE FATHER SAYING.”..RELAX MY SON…I WILL NEVER LEAVE NOR FORSAKE YOU”..

Without the Holy Spirit leading me to that Scriptures,without His guidance and interpretation,I could never understand that the WORD IS FOR ME.

Thank You JESUS.


Training is a vital preparation for service in any endeavor for God (and sometimes He trains us Himself with experiences before we have any clue of what He's doing!). But training should be a tool in God’s hands for leading and directing personal life and ministry. The Lord is the builder of His Church and we are to be His Spirit-led servants. If one is not submitted and committed to the Holy Spirit, even the grandest effort cannot be pleasing and honoring to God. Apart from the Spirit, this person will interpret and apply God’s Word according to human reason and understanding. God can use anybody and anything for His purposes, but when one is not yielding self and listening to the Spirit it will never be to the degree He would desire. A person can look quite together on the outside, but the inner man is always ultimately revealed. In the case of a minister, that disclosure often leaves a trail of wounded believers, hardened skeptics, and missed opportunities for the growth of God’s kingdom as the character of Christ is defamed.

The Lord speaks in various ways to His children. The first factor in hearing His voice is that His child is listening with "ears to hear". His living and active written Word (the Bible) speaks constantly. The Word that we study and learn is very often used by the Spirit as He brings it to mind to encourage, strengthen, motivate, guide, convict, and/or convince us. God speaks through His creation of His personal majesty, authority, power, compassion, consistent faithfulness, intimate provision, etc. Sometimes God speaks to us through other mature/wise believers.


a. Personal submission to God is an absolute necessity for ministry, but it is wise to have training so you can understand how to address the problems people bring to you

and counsel them wisely. You also learn to speak in front of others with confidence. God has give you the words in your heart and mind, and as you submit yourself totally to Him, He will open your mouth and help you speak.

b. Yes. Praying often , even if only a few words, singing praises to God, all keep your eyes and heart open.

c. It would help you resist the temptations of the devil, such as greed for money, illicit sexual desires, and keep you humble in mind and spirit.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God?

50/50. While it's vital to have the seal of the Holy Spirit on any ministerial endeavor, the experiences of those who've gone before, organized into a ministry training program can be of enormous help to anyone called by God to be a minister of pastor.

Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life?

Yes. The Spirit doesn't often make it clear to me what direction I am to follow but I've learned to be sensitive to doors opening and closing and to see opportunities when they present.

Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister?

Quite simply, a minister would flounder without the ability to hear God's voice and be sensitive to God's directions.


Balance is absolutely necessary. You need the head knowledge to teach & lead others. You must also lead/teach from the heart with the Holy Spirit's leading. I am learning to listen to the Holy Spirit more each day. I think if you have these things & God's call to the ministry it would be best--we need to speak to the minds & hearts of the people and if the Holy Spirit is leading much can be accomplished for the Lord.


Q. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God?

A. Regardless how one often trains in the ministry, it will not be effective if you don't have a personal relationship, guidance and blessing from the Spirit of GOD. There will be no fruit (good positive results) without the HOLY SPIRIT's help.

Q. Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life?

A. Yes, but unfortunately I have to admit as a born again believer I have strayed away from his advice many times, many times! And I fell short on not only on personal ministry training but battling the enemy. I'm working hard against my carnal nature and place further effort to obey and submit to the gentle guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT's voice.

Q. Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister? Well, simply put, with the Spirit's voice there is no wrong. You can place your whole faith on it and know that your ministry is in good hands from "THE TEACHER". :-)


Q. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God?

A. Regardless how one often trains in the ministry, it will not be effective if you don't have a personal relationship, guidance and blessing from the Spirit of GOD. There will be no fruit (good positive results) without the HOLY SPIRIT's help.

Q. Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life?

A. Yes, but unfortunately I have to admit as a born again believer I have strayed away from his advice many times, many times! And I fell short on not only on personal ministry training but battling the enemy. I'm working hard against my carnal nature and place further effort to obey and submit to the gentle guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT's voice.

Q. Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister? Well, simply put, with the Spirit's voice there is no wrong. You can place your whole faith on it and know that your ministry is in good hands from "THE TEACHER". :-)

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