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Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom?

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Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? As with any tool, if it is unused, it is dulled. The Bible ways iron sharpens iron, the iron that sharpens us is in others as they sharpen their iron with us interchangeably.

What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? We die with our gift inside of us and never get to see the beauty of our gifts.

For Christ’s Kingdom? Souls are lost for the wrong reasosn.


When you are involved in a ministry, you are around other like-minded Christians. Fellowship goes on. Ministry happens and you fulfill Jesus' command to love others which gives you spiritual health because it gives you a purpose to your life. It's a winning situation. If you drop out of church, you set yourself up to be attacked by Satan and the world. You become weakened because you are hearing the Word anymore or around like-minded people. You have isolated yourself and weakened your position. Strength comes through daily prayer, regular church attendance, fellowship with like-minded people, and ministry. You isolate yourself and the world of non-believers stays the same size.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a)

Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? The best spiritual health is to be involved with the church, do your part, everyone can do something for the work of God, nothing is unimportant and everyone is needed to fulfill the whole body of Christ. I always looked at it like this be the best at what God gives you to do. Being part of the body of Christ and do not forsake the assembly 0f the church. At these crucial times we need to gather together even more to help each other, helping others helps your spiritual life grow continually you can never stop growing if you do you will die.

What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom? Everyone loses when you lose part of the body, Don't base your salvation on others, I come to church with one thing on my mind, I'm going to praise my God if no one else does. I would not be here today if it had not been for the church and someone praying for me, I owe myself to God and I give myself whole heartily to Him. Praise the name of the Lord.

I get excited talking about God, I hope everyone else will.


Brother Mike

Elder, in The Church of God at Dr's Inlet.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom?

We need the encouragement and fellowship of others who are like us. It's like people who drink alcohol-they only want to hang out with people who drink alcohol.

I don't go to church. I don't want to be entertained, and I don't like "clicks". I refuse to go to a church where the pastor spends one hour talking about all the activities and all the stuff going on at the church, and then spends 30 minutes patting himself on the back because he went to the nursing home, and spent 30 minutes ministering to the retired folks, then he spends 10 minutes preaching. I am looking for real, down-to-earth Christians who practice what they preach and then pass it on. Sometimes I think I'm asking for too much.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a)

Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry?

What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom?

When we think of the suffering our Lord had to go through and His love for us, we naturally want to serve Him. Because of His grace, mercy, and love we have been saved. This makes me so grateful and humbles me and empowers me to serve Him in any capacity at the church. I prefer serving Him by doing the work others are not so keen on. These menial tasks have to be done, and there are not so many volunteering to do them. By dropping out of church we are depriving ourselves of the opportunity of serving Him and at the same time the church is a bit less effective in the community.


Our spiritual health is calculated by how much time we spend with Jesus - praying, reading the Bible, helping others, filling the needs of others. Our spiritual health has nothing to do with obligations, other than what must be done. We have to realize that we do not earn our "spiritual health". We have good health because of our depending on Jesus as our LORD.

I have a problem with the word "church". Too many people today use that word to designate a building that Christians meet in. In realality, the church includes all believers all over the world. The question should be, "What are the consequences of dropping our of a local congregation - for the believer?"

Now if we go the Bible and read Acts 2:42 - "And the believers continued steadfastly in the Aportles teaching, in Fellowship, in prayer, and in the breaking of bread." Fellowship is important for a Christians spiritual health. It is like moving a "hot coal from the fire to be placed by itself, it will soon turn cold." A Christian needs a weekly time of fellowship to share problems and learn by the experiences of other Christians. Hebrews 10:24 - 25 and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works, not forsaking our own assemblying together, as the custom is, but exhorting one another, and so much more, as you see the day drawing nigh. (ASV) If congregations would teach and preach the truth, people would not reject the CHURCH today.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom?

Having a definite role in church (musician) has kept me attending even in the dry times of life and without that the good times may not have returned.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a)

Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry?

As I said before it is the Holy Spirit that God uses to speak to us…without the Spirit we have NO communication with God…

What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer?

We miss out on the FELLOWSHIP with other Christians. As a Christian walks, many times with other believers, we tend to LISTEN more effectively to the Holy Spirit.

For Christ’s Kingdom?

We need Jesus in our lives always..therefore we must fellowship with other believers to come together in Christ for His kingdom…


You can only make a body strong by feeding it properly and exercising regularly.

Spiritual health is the same way. We need to regularly be fed on the bread of God's word, but if we do not exercise our faith, it becomes flabby


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom?

Christian Spiritual health is closely related to involvement in Ministry because we are not only "believers" in Christ, we are disciples! When we become "followers" then that means we follow closely in the way of the One we believe in and we practice to become like Him. We can "say" we believe in anything, but if we don't act like we believe it, or live contrary to it, then I question what is truly believed. To be in ministry and faithfully serving in what God has given us to do, using our gifts and talents He gave us, is showing we truly do believe in Christ and what He Himself showed us to do.

I've learned in my walk, that I'm most in need of healing, when I walk contrary to Christ's teachings. For example, when I learn from His Word how little I love in a real sense, I can choose to continue in relationship with people in my old ways which is a very shallow love, or I can learn from Scripture and confess this and ask for help to love like Christ loves. I'm very challenged in that.....but I really reflect on His life and if I truly want to follow Him. I'm learning in His grace and His grace helps me to give grace to others.

What are the consequences for dropping out of church? I did that for awhile. In retrospect, I see that I did face so many challenges in the church. People who did not live Christian lives really discouraged me to the point of leaving, but really, I, myself needed the repair in my heart. I took the easy way out. I took my eyes off of Jesus. I lost hope in Him....so I had to reflect if I myself really believed in what He could do in it. I never quit reading the Bible at home and had "church" on TV. I had a time of peace and reflection, but God did call me back into another local church. Most importantly, I read in the Bible we are to continue meeting with each other and I wanted to be obedient to His Word. Has the new church been perfect? No, no, no. But, my attitude is somewhat better. I know if we don't love our brothers and sisters then we need to question if we love God. If everything is about "me" not "we" then do we follow Christ's life of sacrifice and humbleness? I had to question if I believed in God's hand in everything and if I could I lose the impatience and just wait. Could I love those who won't love me? I know now, the church is a place to grow. We aren't perfect. I'm one who is not perfect....but I can make a difference in accepting grace and giving grace with all of us growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Once that was settled, my eyes went to Him and what He would have me to do. It was as though all the things (the squabbles, the heart ache, the disappointments) that were in the fore front before, faded into the background. My mind focused more on serving Him. That gives great joy! Are the problems still there? YES! Am I tempted to enter in? YES! Do I fail sometimes? YES! But it gets easier and easier to walk away from it, giving it over to God or deal with it constructively and to not let the problems get all consuming!

After all! I have things to do that He gave me to do......and I love that!


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry?

Jesus gave the example of the "talents" not  being used being taken away. Muscles not used, atrophy. The mind not used becomes dull and foggy. Exercise increases oxygen intake which makes a healthier body. We are not islands who can "email in" our involvement....ministry is an interactive endeavor, believer to believer, where the rubber meets the road of our faith, our gifting one to another, and our dependence upon the Lord. We are called to be soldiers and warriors, not babies sitting by the side of the road of life with pacifiers waiting for our next bottle feeding. Jesus is preparing a Bride, not looking for a 45 minute date on Sunday morning. Jesus is our example of Servanthood...we are not above our Master, and are to serve as He leads us.

What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer?

Years ago when I was a new believer, a man who had been involved in our church and who appeared to be content and happy, but had wandered away from fellowship, committed suicide. I was shocked beyond belief that a Christian could commit suicide and asked one of the Pastor's how this could happen! He said "The wolf always looks for the lamb who is isolated from the flock...who does not stay close to the shepherd and is always on the fringe or outer edge of the sheepfold." That made sense to me and as I've grown in the Word I see that it is true, and is the serpents goal. If he can cause a church wound or enough disappointment to lure a believer away into isolation he has a much better chance of causing further harm or destruction in that life.

For that reason we are commanded in Hebrews 10:24,25 to " give attention and continuous care to WATCHING OVER ONE ANOTHER, studying how we may stir up love and helpful deeds and noble activities, NOT FORSAKING OR NEGLECTING TO ASSEMBLE TOGETHER AS BELIEVERS, AS IS THE HABIT OF SOME, BUT ADMONISHING (WARNING, URGING, AND ENCOURAGING) ONE ANOTHER, AND ALL THE MORE FAITHFULLY AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING." (Never more true than the days we are living in!)

For Christ’s Kingdom?

The example we use jokingly when someone acts peculiarly "He/she is one brick short of a full load", I think is a great analogy for this question, since Jesus describes the members of His body as "living STONES". When one falls away, that living stone is missing, and those gifts are no longer available to minister to the rest of the Body of Christ. We're "one brick short of a full load", and the body is not able to function to full capacity due to the loss, and the one who is missing has become easy prey to the wolf looking for an easy lunch.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a)

Why is a Christian's spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry?

A Christian's spiritual health is so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry because we are given various spiritual gifts which need to be manifestedd in order for the church to be effective. if we do not use such gifts, the church may fail to function effectively.

What are the consequences of dropping out of church --for the believer? For Christ's Kingdom?

For the believer, the consequences of dropping out of church are that the person fails to exercise his or her spiritual gifts in ministry, and he or she may not be giving of his or her finances to support Christ's mission in his or her community.

What are the consequences of dropping out of church --For Christ's Kingdom?

For Christ's Kingdom, the consequences of dropping out of church are that, the person fails to abide with Jesus' arrangement that the person must be part of a church because that is an integral part of Jesus'strategy to minister to his people and to the world.


6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

]Why is a Christian's spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? [/b]

It is automatic that a spiritual person's gifts will be used out in the world every day and also in working for his church. That is it, my story, and I thank God for making me an encourager, for being an evangelist, for helping me to help the ugly, and un-loved, for helaing my body and for regaining slowly my singing skills that were rusty. What greater joy could I have than this, to use my spiritual gifts as God would command me!

What are the consequences of dropping out of church --For Christ's Kingdom?

The only solution would be to start another church, or join some other church. The consequences of not being around other Christians would be so risky, for the devil it would be like shooting at ducks in a pond; we'd be dead ducks soon!

Why choose death? Life with Christ is incompatible, its a NO BRAINER !


6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

]Why is a Christian's spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? [/b]

It is automatic that a spiritual person's gifts will be used out in the world every day and also in working for his church. That is it, my story, and I thank God for making me an encourager, for being an evangelist, for helping me to help the ugly, and un-loved, for helaing my body and for regaining slowly my singing skills that were rusty. What greater joy could I have than this, to use my spiritual gifts as God would command me!

What are the consequences of dropping out of church --For Christ's Kingdom?

The only solution would be to start another church, or join some other church. The consequences of not being around other Christians would be so risky, for the devil it would be like shooting at ducks in a pond; we'd be dead ducks soon!

Why choose death? Life with Christ is incompatible, its a NO BRAINER !


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom?

Our Spiritual health is is related to our involvement in ministry by being a part of the body of Christ when one part doesn't work we all suffer. No matter how insiginficant our service may be you are serving! helping the community of the church. Like excerise it strenghtens us in our spiritual gifts to minister and Tithing to support Chist's mission. The Consequences of dropping out of church could be a growing apart from Christ and his family and a weakening in one's self ( lunch for a wolf). What a scary thought.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry?


1.I beg to differ,as much as ministry involvement is very good manifestation of Gods commision,..it does not necessarily reflect somebodys SPIRITUAL HEALTH.

This is also the first time I heard about Spiritual Health,as if the Spirit will get sick,and die,and will be unhealthy if we dont do something...

We have given a lot of term and call Holy Spirit a lot of adjectives..but if a Christian SPIRITUAL HEALTH is NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT,which the Father has promised to give...then I dont want any SPIRITUAL HEALTH at all.

And if that the Spiritual Health is indeed the Holy Spirit,then we stop labelling Him as unhealthy or Healthy..for He can neither be both.why?FOR HE IS GOD.



question 4

a. We remain humble and open to God and the Holy Spirit. We tend to study our Bible more, keep ourselves in communion with God more.

B. We miss Gods messaes sent to us thru our pastor and teachers. We tend to drift away from our Bible studies.

c. If we aren't in church, we usually don't tithe, which is an important need for the church to enable it to send missionaries to spread Gods word. Our own pastor and church also need money to live and grow and develop missionary programs in our own church and community


God has set up the church fellowship to encourage us & let us encourage others. It also keeps us accountable. If we drop out of church, we tend to stray--not get closer to God. For the work of the Kingdom, it suffers. Our gifts are needed to keep the church together & healthy.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry?

A. Having a sound, safe and strong foundation in CHRIST enhances, fortifies the ministry in my church. People will be able to witness the fruits of my ministry because of my healthy christian spirituality.

Q. What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer?

A. The consequences of dropping out of church would be that my brothers and sisters would not be able to benefit from the gift of mercy that GOD bless me with and I wouldn't be able to grow spiritualy with a congregation anywhere else.

Q. What are the consequences of dropping out of church - for Christ's Kingdom?

A. The expansion of his Kingdom would be effected. I would be effected um I could not be able to grow . I wouldn't learn how to spread the gospel if I wasn't taught by the church. So it's imperative that I don't leave the church.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry?

A. Having a sound, safe and strong foundation in CHRIST enhances, fortifies the ministry in my church. People will be able to witness the fruits of my ministry because of my healthy christian spirituality.

Q. What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer?

A. The consequences of dropping out of church would be that my brothers and sisters would not be able to benefit from the gift of mercy that GOD bless me with and I wouldn't be able to grow spiritualy with a congregation anywhere else.

Q. What are the consequences of dropping out of church - for Christ's Kingdom?

A. The expansion of his Kingdom would be effected. I would be effected um I could not be able to grow . I wouldn't learn how to spread the gospel if I wasn't taught by the church. So it's imperative that I don't leave the church.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom?

We must be actively involved in a fellowship because we need other Christians to grow and become a part of the body of Christ. Also the Bible tells us to do so. If we drop out of church we are easier prey for the devil, as we can easily become weaker and more like the world.

A Christian like this is no benefit to the church and is probably not impacting the unsaved people around them.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom?

It refers to sufficiency, here. Sufficient means adequate or competent. Paul placed his confidence not in himself or his own abilities but in the Lord. This is the answer to the question of sufficiency. The letter is a reference to the old covenant, that is the Ten Commandments written on stone. If we drop out of Church we no longer have the support we need from the Church.............also, then we cannot properly live our lives for Christ's Kingdom.


Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry?

When we attend church services and read the Bible daily, it do us a lot of good and we are spiritually healthy. I can compare this to our eating habit. If we miss a meal a day, we can feel the hunger really getting to our stomach. Our physical being is not well kept and we started to irritate and be uncomfortable. And if we don't read the Bible daily and pray and also go to church services that we can serve our LORD CHRIST, soon our soul will die of hunger.

What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer?

The consequence is that our faith diminishes. When Satan strikes, we won't know how to deal with what he sends our way and we can loose touch with Jesus Christ.

What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for Christ's Kingdom? In the movie Gladiator, the actor said to his war partners, "What we do on earth, echoes into eternity". Dropping out of church, we will definitely ended up in heaven. Nourishment for our soul will diminish for we won't be able to hear and exercise our spiritual gifts which GOD has given us.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom

We are a family and have a terrible enemy. WE need each other. For those who can't find a church nearby where the gospel is preached it is important to stay in the Word and be involved in someway with a friend or in a study like this.

Depends on the church! but the believer must stay close to the Lord and needs someone to be accountable too who is in the Lord. I am struggling with this issue. Many of the churches here accept anything that feels good. They don't seem to want the truth of eternal judgement and don't want anything to rain on their Sunday parade.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13

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