Nic Posted October 21, 2011 Report Posted October 21, 2011 Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? God is a Holy God; very much different from the world today. When we spend time with God we too become different, changed and when this time is deliberate and repeated then gradually we become more and more like God. What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Sanctification Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? Yes I have noticed a change in the degree of glory I experience today compared to a few years ago. I believe it is because I spend more time in the Word of God now than I did then. Quote
pegilee Posted October 21, 2011 Report Posted October 21, 2011 Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? Quote
pegilee Posted October 21, 2011 Report Posted October 21, 2011 WHY IS CHARACTER CHANGE DIRECTLY RELATED TO TIME DELIBERATELY SPENT IN GOD'S PRESENCE? WHAT IS THE THEOLOGICAL WORD FOR THE PROCESS OF MATURING IN CHRIST? HAVE YOU NOTICED A CHANGE IN THE "DEGREE OF GLORY" YOU'RE EXPERIENCING NOW COMPARED TO A FEW YEARS AGO? WHY OR WHY NOT? We fix our eyes not onwhat is seen, but on what is unseen. For wht is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Theological word is sanctify. Yes, I feel I have noticed a big change in the degree glory because I am a much stronger Christian, now and my whole and true devotion is to Christ, on a momentary basis............. Quote
pegilee Posted October 21, 2011 Report Posted October 21, 2011 WHY IS CHARACTER CHANGE DIRECTLY RELATED TO TIME DELIBERATELY SPENT IN GOD'S PRESENCE? WHAT IS THE THEOLOGICAL WORD FOR THE PROCESS OF MATURING IN CHRIST? HAVE YOU NOTICED A CHANGE IN THE "DEGREE OF GLORY" YOU'RE EXPERIENCING NOW COMPARED TO A FEW YEARS AGO? WHY OR WHY NOT? We fix our eyes not onwhat is seen, but on what is unseen. For wht is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Theological word is sanctify. Yes, I feel I have noticed a big change in the degree glory because I am a much stronger Christian, now and my whole and true devotion is to Christ, on a momentary basis............. Quote
ljmnkscart Posted October 22, 2011 Report Posted October 22, 2011 The more time you spend in the presence of God, prayer, studying of the Word, meditation, Church services the more you will be drinking in of God and His Character becoming more like His Son, Jesus. The theological word for the process of maturing in Christ is sanctification. I have definitely seen a change in the degree of glory that I am experiencing now compared to as little as two years ago, because that is when I was finally broken and turn completely to God. Quote
Travis63 Posted October 24, 2011 Report Posted October 24, 2011 Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? As a person willingly spend time in God's presence, because it was their desire to spend time before God, they will desire as well to please Him. As one absorbs what He impart be it from prayer, meditating, studying His Word, etc the greater capacity they will have to reflect His glory. Character change is directly related to time deliberately spent in God's presence similar to the moon and the sun relationship, they both are there however the moon reflect the sun's glory. God is the superior in our case and as we with reverence deliberately spend time before Him we gain a greater capacity to reflect His glory. What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Sanctification Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? I cannot answer this question honestly, I believe that the most truthful answer would have to come from those within my environment, those that know me, those that know about me and those that I encounter. I do know that I have changed in my preception, and I am conflicted by the change that I'm in. Why or why not? Since the church I attended faithfully separated, for a year I visited a myriad of fellowships. Unfortunately this fellowships differences their personalities and their doctrines broaden my perception in a negative manner. Each believed that Christ was Lord, however some of the difference greatly differed according to the Bible. I am still a strong believer in assembling (having organized fellowship) and I have settled in at one place. I no longer attend spiritual buffets, yet that year opened my eyes. I pray without ceasing that the Lord revives me, and touch me whereby I can worship Him among the brethren as earnestly as I do when I am not among the brethren. I fully realize that there is ministry outside the four walls however, when I am within the four walls it would be wonderful at each gathering that I would experience fellowship vise repeatedly seeing the difference. I'm not blaming anyone, I'm praying that the Father would heal me! I want Him to change me and I live for that change. I want to be more like Jesus! He was great in every environment, I long to be as He was, as He is! Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 27, 2011 Report Posted October 27, 2011 Character change is directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence because He is influencing me. This is true with the friends that you keep. If you are in their presence you change, maybe like they are but you will still change. The theological word for the process of a maturing in Christ is transformation. I have noticed a change in the “degree of glory” I am experiencing now compared to a few years ago. I am taking the bible more serious and the preachers that I listen to seems to make more since to me. I let the things that really irritate me just roll of my back. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 1, 2011 Report Posted November 1, 2011 Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? Character change is directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence because His character is imprinted on the person who spends time with Him. The theologically word for the process of maturing in Christ is sanctification. Yes, Praise God I have noticed a change in the "degree of glory" in me compared to a few years ago. I can concur with the writer of the song Dr. Wilson sang, those earthly things that I once craved and longed for has been replaced with a desire for heavenly things; and more and more I long for God's image to be perfected in me. Quote
Aussie girl Posted November 8, 2011 Report Posted November 8, 2011 God’s presence changes us. We cannot sin in God’s presence, and we begin to see his beauty more clearly, and long for this same beauty to be in us. God’s beauty helps us see the contrasting ugliness of life without God’s beauty present. We begin to hate what he hates, and desire what he loves. This affects our daily choices. We begin to choose what please God, and we are changed in this process which is called sanctification, or becoming holy like God is. I think my sanctification process has been “on hold” for a while, but the desire is being renewed to be like Christ. A hard time in my life as perhaps helped me see the importance of those daily choices, and made me aware that I cannot make them without his strength in me. All the more reason to spend time in his presence, as it is here my strength grows. Quote
Trusting God Posted November 13, 2011 Report Posted November 13, 2011 Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God's presence? Character change is directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence, because the more time we spend with God the more we want to become like Christ, and it will enable God to change us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? The theological word for the process of maturing in Christ is “transformation.” Have you noticed a change in the "degree of glory" you're experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? Yes, I am noticing a change in the “degree of glory” I am experiencing now compared to a few years ago, because I am seeing and experiencing God’s glory in a more fuller way. Today, I am not afraid to speak out for the cause of Christ nor am I scared to stand alone when confronted with the truth of God’s Word. Quote
Ashech Posted November 28, 2011 Report Posted November 28, 2011 Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? Same as Moses' face shone as he spent 40 days with God. What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Transformation ! Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? I notice the change in my mind, heart and deeds. Quote
RodR Posted January 4, 2012 Report Posted January 4, 2012 Transformation (becoming increasingly more like Christ) is dependent on spending time with God and submitting to the Spirit’s guidance in all things. The older I get, the more I realize the need to give up my will for His. Quote
wifee Posted August 18, 2012 Report Posted August 18, 2012 4a)Character change is an inner change of the heart&mind which only comes through process of persistently spending time reading God’s word, talking with,singing to&listening to God.b)Sactification,(renewing of the mind, metamorphisis) is theological name for this process of change, as absorb more of Jesus &Spirit moulds me, enabling me to show more love, joy, peace, patience,kindness, goodness,faithfulness,gentleness,sel-control with others, to match status as believer,child of GodOngoing work of HS of God,gradually replacing unclean with more of Jesus holiness.c)Yes D)Ive changed since 2009,more open to the lord, grown through difficulties, reading &understanding God’s word more with help of Ralph’s studies,other believers &Holy Spirit. Quote
Craig Posted September 14, 2013 Report Posted September 14, 2013 Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? The more time spent deliberately in God's presence is more time that God has our undivided attention. The reality is, that more time spend with God will change a person's character. The theological word for the process of maturing in Christ is called sanctification. Over the years I have grown or matured in Christ because I have spent time with God and I have permitted the Holy Spirit to work in my life. I will continue to do so for as long as I live. Quote
dixonle Posted August 25, 2014 Report Posted August 25, 2014 Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God's presence? What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Have you noticed a change in the "degree of glory" you're experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? As we look into a mirror, the image in the mirror takes on the same as the original one; therefore, as we continue in our closeness with the LORD our image changes more and more into His likeness. As we see and experience the glory of God through the ministry of His Spirit, we are being transformed or changed or “sanctified” into the same image of God. At the Fall, that image was distorted and Moses was used to help the people gain the change through the Law. And now in the risen Christ and His Spirit we receive the same but not under the Law but in direct relationship with Him. The “image of God” includes every way in which we can be like Him: moral character, true knowledge and wisdom, God-given abilities, dominion over creation couple with our dependence on Him as Creator and giver of all things. We therefore “…with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the LORD, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the LORD who is the Spirit…” 2 Corinthians 3.18 ESV Quote
WinstonY Posted September 16, 2014 Report Posted September 16, 2014 Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? Character change is directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence because it is by the grace of God that we are sanctified. The process of sanctification is the gradual process of becoming holy and godly in our character to match our holy standing, which was brought about instantly through Christ's gift of salvation on the cross. It is God who through Jesus is able to transform us from a creature of sin. The catalyst for this change is the Lord. The sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit of God, the fruit of the Holy Spirit is gradually filling our character, replacing the common and unclean with the holiness and glory of the Lord. Yes' I have noticed change in the lat 13 years. I have been studying the word of the Lord. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ? Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Why or why not? Time spent in Gods presence will deliberately change our character because when we continually mediate on his word, pray and seek him with our whole heart, mind and soul, his Holy Spirit will cause us to change our thoughts, rid us of our worldliness and fill us with his character and love. The theological word for the process of maturing in Christ likeness is called quantification. We are gradually changed into Christ likeness so that we might be the first born among many brothers. In my many years of knowing Christ, I have experienced a maturing process. Many worldly desires are gone, because they now serve no use to me, only the things that interest Him are now my concern. This happens because once I was blinded by the desires of the flesh and Christ and the Holy Spirit have shown me that the ways of the flesh will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Still, I have a long way to go in my opinion, to get even closer to the glory of God, He has His work cut out for the Holy Spirit to sanctify me into Christ image. Quote
Krissi Posted August 31, 2023 Report Posted August 31, 2023 I believe that whatever we spend the most time on, particularly if involves mental or intellectual effort, shapes how we think. Our jobs could involve concentrated thinking about a topic or goal which is difficult to turn off. For the last six years, or so, I've been spending at least two hours in the word, commentaries, devotionals and study programs such as this one. My goal was clear -- to "change my mind." I wanted to think more "Christianly," that is, like a true Christian. I wanted to learn to trust Him. It took several years, but my thoughts are far more focused on God now. It's a spiritual process, not a contrived one. I do not sit down and say, "Self ... it's time to think about God," but rather thoughts of Him percolate upward during the day and night outside of my conscious control. I think this is the syn-morphic process of which Pastor Ralph writes. It's done by the Spirit, slowly, silently and without fanfare. My part is to discipline myself to study regularly and deeply, to fill my mind with ideas that glorify Him (or at least don't pull me down) and to remove all inputs that harm faith and practice such as television, music, certain art, movies, some social activities and people, obsession with the war in the Ukraine, etc. The more time I put into this, the faster the sanctification process seems to go, though there is not a one-to-one correlation and, at least in my experience, sanctification is more stair-like than linear, that is, it happens in jumps with plateaus, not a smooth incline forward. Sanctification is God's down-reaching into our hearts after we've prepped ourselves the best we can. He does the changing: obediently, we only set the stage. Quote
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