Delivered Posted October 23, 2011 Report Posted October 23, 2011 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people's eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? I have heard the saying, "Satan made me do it" - but Satan has no control over mans "free will" - those who are blinded by Satan is because they choose to be. Just as those who corrupt the word of God, who speak one thing and do another are dishonest, and deceitful in the sight of God, are not born of the Spirit, for they are lost, walking in darkness, wolf in sheep’s clothing, either man is for God, or they are for the god of this world, it is mans choice, choose today whom you will serve. Is there hope for them? Yes there is, it is called "free will" of "repentance" - turning from the god of this worlds philosophy, that of corruption, dishonesty, walking in craftiness, the philosophy of the world that there is no black or white, Satan has blinded many to think because they are under grace that God no longer calls believers to obedience to His laws, the god of this world has blinded many to the truth, that the fruit of the gospel of the New Testaments light will be written on our hearts for the world to see, it takes us back to Moses who went before God without a veil, a man who loved God's laws, for they were written on his heart, the hope for those who are blinded to God's truth is to see that the laws of God is a light before their path, in order for those who walk in darkness to see and overcome their blindness, they must see the power of God in the believer, this is why God has commanded us to be a light to the world whose prince is Satan, in order for those who walk in darkness to see and to overcome their blindness, they must see the light, Christ teaches us its importance (Mat 5:16) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? Besides being a light in action and in deeds to the lost, intercessory prayer should be on our hearts, for the prayers of a righteous man avails much, understanding that our prayers will not force non believers to repent, but it is the power of our intercessory prayers that will overcome the demonic powers that rule this world, we believe that God's angels are fighting the powers that be, just as David's prayers to God took a few weeks to be answered, because of the fight between demonic forces and those of God, we believe there is power in the prayers of the righteous men of faith, for greater is our God, then the god of this world. Quote
ljmnkscart Posted October 24, 2011 Report Posted October 24, 2011 Yes there is hope for the blinded. With God all things are possible and it is the work of the Holy Spirit to draw a person to God though we can pray for our unsaved mankind. Quote
l.a. Posted October 24, 2011 Report Posted October 24, 2011 Though Satan has blinded people's eyes from the truth, there is hope if they choose to listen to the Spirit that lives in each and every one of us. They can listen to the still, small voice, which is the voice of God leading and guiding them. It is our job to speak the Word to unbelievers (I am guilty of 'shying away' from speaking the truth 'plainly.' With many I know that are hostile to the truth, I have been able to speak scripture that pertains to the discussion and pray for the Spirit to work in them) We can pray for the perishing and wait for His power to show. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to believe the truth or deny it. Quote
bruceerobert Posted October 25, 2011 Report Posted October 25, 2011 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people's eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? There is hope for those souls who are lost, and it is us Christians who needs to preach to them. But we have to let GOD do His work. If they listen with their hearts, they can accept Christ to become their personal Savior in order to gain salvation. What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? First, we must approach the sinful man, pray with them. And tell them about CHRIST JESUS. And let GOD takes over. The sinner has to accept CHRIST fully. How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? None. But we need to pray for those who are still around and who souls are lost. Quote
bruceerobert Posted October 25, 2011 Report Posted October 25, 2011 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people's eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? There is hope for those souls who are lost, and it is us Christians who needs to preach to them. But we have to let GOD do His work. If they listen with their hearts, they can accept Christ to become their personal Savior in order to gain salvation. What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? First, we must approach the sinful man, pray with them. And tell them about CHRIST JESUS. And let GOD takes over. The sinner has to accept CHRIST fully. How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? None. But we need to pray for those who are still around and who souls are lost. Quote
pegilee Posted October 26, 2011 Report Posted October 26, 2011 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? If the Good News we preach is veiled from anyone, it is a sign that they are perishing. Satan, the god of this evil world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe, so they are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News that is shining upon them. They don't understand the message we preach about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. Not many will find Christ without intercessory prayer. Quote
Travis63 Posted October 26, 2011 Report Posted October 26, 2011 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? Yes What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? Become available God either ordains or situations, events and circumstances after which He gives us the opportunity to be used. The choice s ours, will we implement the attributes of Christ at these times or will we choose not to. Most people when they say that they want to be used by God, most are really saying they want to speak, teach or have the results that some did in the Scriptures. Such as upon laying hands and the people were healed of the infirmity which hindered them. I believe that the same happening that are written in the Scriptures can happen in our day, I believe that they do happen in our day. What we as Christian have to do is be available when He calls, begin ready means adhering to the Holy Spirit, not taking advantage of being justified, walking earnestly in the process of sanctification. When we do as He tell us to do, He'll do the rest according to His Will. If the person is to be healed He will heal it is not us. The healing what He deemed needed may have been Spiritual where as we may have thought that it did not occur because the person physically is in the same state. As a Christian is being used the Fruit of the Spirit should be evident. As we move as Christ did then spiritual blindness can be removed. How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? I can't really say, God can do how He pleases to do with or without prayers, however His character according to the Scriptures indicates that He use people as a vehicle to do His work more so than not. Nonetheless when He called Abram out of darkness I cannot find a passage of Scripture associated whereby people prayed an intercessory prayer nor can I in regards to Moses. Quote
blezed Posted October 27, 2011 Report Posted October 27, 2011 Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? 1) Yes, there is hope for those that have been blinded to the truth. God does not wish to see anyone perish. That's why we should never give up in telling the Good News to those who are blinded. 2) The strategies that we must use to overcome spiritual blindness are a) earness prayer and intercession be open and honest in our communication c) declare the Good News of Jesus with clarity d) love our unsaved friends. 3) I do not know how many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer. I do know we are to intercede on their behalf. After all, someone prayed for me. I truly believe had it not been for the prayers of my mother, I would not be the person I am today. We are to pray for those that are lost and let God do the rest. Quote
Old Jerry Posted November 1, 2011 Report Posted November 1, 2011 Even though Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth there is still hope for them. It is through prayer and if the Lord gives you a chance, you can also tell them the Good News. But without intercessory prayer we won’t be able to show them Christ. It is our responsibility to show Jesus to them through our actions, but it is God’s job to call them. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 5, 2011 Report Posted November 5, 2011 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? Even when Satan has blinded people's eyes to the truth, there is still hope of them receiving the word of God and eternal life. For those persons we need to interceed for their souls, present the pure Gospel to them, love them and allow the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin. We must always remember that God loves everyone and wants all to be saved. Quote
Aussie girl Posted November 9, 2011 Report Posted November 9, 2011 If there was no hope, then we are wasting our time! God is greater than Satan and desires that all people be saved and come to know his truth (1 Titus 2:4). We need to share his heart desire. To overcome spiritual blindness we need to recognise who is causing it (Satan), and ask God to cause his light to shine. God’s power is great as it brought forth light into the word at creation and darkness was dispelled. So, God’s word can dispel spiritual darkness. Paul’s answer was to preach “Jesus Christ as Lord” (2 Cor 4:5). Our Lord is stronger than Satan and can bring spiritual sight. So, we are to preach and pray. Our prayers are to ask that spiritual blindness be removed, and that people’s hearts will desire God’s truth and not be hardened but rather will love the truth (1 Thessalonians 2: 9-10). Intercessory prayer seems to be an important ingredient, and is part of our love for people, and desire they will be saved. "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." (Romans 1:16) Quote
haar Posted November 16, 2011 Report Posted November 16, 2011 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? Yes, there is hope for those Satan has blinded their eyes. The following strategies are to be used to achieve this. 1. The gospel has to be preached to the ones satan has blinded. There is power in the gospel that leads to salvation. 2. Our prayers for them and the power of the Holyspirit can caused the veil on their face to be removed. 3. The act of getting these people back to the Lord involves a spiritual warfare that will require us to put on our full spiritual weapons: helmet of salvation, breast plate of righteousness, sword of the spirit, shield of faith , belt of truth and our feet adorned with shoes ready for the gospel. These strategies are necessary if many people will be drawn to the Lord or else only few will. Quote
linda bass Posted November 23, 2011 Report Posted November 23, 2011 Yes,there is hope for those who have been blinded by Satan from the truth of the gospel. The strategies we need to use to overcome spiritual blindness are: 1] earnest prayer and intercession 2] being open and honest in our communication 3] declaring the goodness of Jesus Christ with clarity-fighting falsehood with the truth 4] loving our unsaved friends in the same intensity that God loves the world Very few people are likely to find Christ without someone interceding on their behalf. Quote
Ashech Posted November 29, 2011 Report Posted November 29, 2011 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? Yes, that why Christ had given us the great commission. What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? Our prayers and life must be engaged to help them. How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? Rarely few. Quote
wifee Posted August 18, 2012 Report Posted August 18, 2012 2a)Those who blatantly refuse to love the truth they hear,will not be saved on day of judgement unless they turn to Christ. B)Spiritually blind unlikely to read bible so vital we keep on sharing gospel with them in a relevant way.We can engage in the spiritual battle,using spiritual weapons of prayer, oppose false teachings with clear,honest truth,in a loving way, God works through the gospel,prayer &our love for others, receiving all who turn to Him.c)God can do anything while we are alive,and through prayers of his saints,so praying for people is vital. Quote
Craig Posted September 15, 2013 Report Posted September 15, 2013 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer?   Since God's desire is that all people be saved, I believe that there is hope for the blind. Fervent prayer, daily Bible study, praise and worship, and service to the Lord are key strategies to use in overcoming spiritual blindness. Fervent prayer for the lost is a key strategy for opening their eyes to truth.  I don't believe many find Jesus without intercessory prayer. Quote
dixonle Posted September 4, 2014 Report Posted September 4, 2014 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people's eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer?  It is very evident that Satan is alive and very active in the world today as he was in the time of Paul and this letter to the church at Corinth. We continue to be in spiritual warfare with Satan winning the battle on a large scale as the eyes of the non-believers remain shut. With this spiritual blindness by God along with the command that we are to declare the truth, we must continue to seek strength for these days from the LORD to engage in the battle for the truth in a world all messed up. We are not to be ashamed of the Gospel but with boldness stand on the Promises of Christ our Savior.  We are also to engage in a consistent manner under all circumstances pray to God the Father through the LORD Jesus Christ. When we became believers we were anointed with the presence of His Spirit in our souls. It is upon that very Spirit on Whom we lean in intercessory prayer for the unbelievers. This is the best and most beneficial tool we have that will bring hope and certainly salvation to those who do not believe. Then their hard hearts against the Gospel will be opened and they will finally see the Truth and will be freed from that spiritual blindness.  I believe that no non-believer will come to know Christ without His people praying for their lost souls. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted May 12, 2015 Report Posted May 12, 2015 Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? Just because Satin has blinded the eyes to the truth of non believers, there is still hope for them. If they open their heart's and mind to the gospel, the Ho;y Spirit will begin to soften their heart. Strategies we must use to overcome spiritual blindness is to let the Holy Spirit use our lives and mouth's to proclaim God's word to them. We are not to use our own personal power to try to bring repentance, this would only hinder the word of God. Prayer is a strong strategy to help non believers to Christ. There maybe very few people who find Christ with out intercessory prayer. Many believers pray for years for a loved one who rejects the gospel, but ultimately they will come to Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Quote
Krissi Posted September 2, 2023 Report Posted September 2, 2023 I am surrounded by secularists so spend a lot of time in intercessory prayer. I'm certain you think I'd be optimistic or hopeful about those who Satan has blinded, and in many ways, I am hopeful -- I've seen hardened atheists melt numerous times. But being so deeply mired among secularists does make me wonder if some of them have already been chosen/damned, that is, if there's a truth to Calvin's double predestination (people are predestined either to hell or heaven), for there are people whose hearts are so hard that entreaties and prayers seem ineffective. Amazing grace that saved a wretch like me ... I continue to pray, not because I see progress, but because I have no idea of the verdict God has rendered. Perhaps they'll be saved at the last moment, during their final breath. I don't know. Because we don't know God's verdict, we're compelled to intercede for anyone we know (or don't know) who is not a Christian. That's the strategy we use to overcome their spiritual blindness, if it is to be overcome. There's a humility to admitting that the people for whom we have prayed for many years may not come to know the Lord ... ever. They can choose to ignore the gentle nudging of the Spirit. They can choose to ignore the giant screaming in their soul. Many do. Perhaps God knew all along that they would never bend to His entreaties. Only by grace do people come to know Him. Election and predestination are not ours to understand. Thus, we pray and hope. -- This may not be the answer you're looking for, but plenty of people have come to know the Lord outside of intercessory prayer. Paul was one of them. I suppose the earliest Christians could have been praying FOR Paul, but my hunch is that most of them were praying to be protected FROM Paul. Either way, God intervened directly in Paul's life. He blinded him and held him in "captivity" for three years so he could grow in the knowledge of what had happened on the road. In this case, it wasn't Satan that blinded Paul but God. To sum, I think intercessory prayer is important and even efficacious. People come to know Him, I believe, as an answer to prayer. My son recently accepted the Lord. My father, a lifelong, very elderly, hard-core atheist, admitted a few days ago that there may be a god. Am I absolutely sure there's a direct link between my prayers and their salvation? No. God may have worked independently of me, and probably did. He alone chooses and commands and makes the most blinded sinner into His saint.          Quote
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