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The truth that Paul seeks to communicate in the analogy of the treasure in a pottery jar is that the vessel, though containing the treasure that is great, is corruptible and will only last a short while. The clay pot represents us in our mortal human existence and the treasure represents the eternal Word of God with all it's great truth and power. The parodox is in the truth that the power of God and His plan for salvation lives in us. We our only the vessels that hold the truth; it's not about us.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? Paul is seeking to communicate to us that we are nothing and God is everything. Without God on our side, we are just “dust in the wind”. He is our creator and we should abide by all His laws and show our love to Him by loving everyone including those who are our neighbors.

What does the clay jar represent? The clay of jar represent us.

What does the treasure represent? The treasure represents the word of God in each believer.

What's the paradox here? It is not us and without GOD's power in each believer, we are nothing.


Paul is saying it is not about the jar or the container that the treasure is in, but it is about the treasure. The jar being us and the treasure being Jesus Christ and His power dwelling in us enabling us to do the things that He wants us to do.; to preach His Gospel to the world. The paradox is that we ourselves are weak, but strong when we have Christ dwelling in us.

  On 8/13/2011 at 5:54 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What’s the paradox here?

This light and and power in the precious treasure will now shine within us. It i held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar?

Treasure in a pottery jar would be deemed of great value, the hope of glory within a child of God is deemed of great value. We as Christians can take in that which we have received, as we are open to the Holy Spirit we receive every necessary supply just when the necessary supply is necessary. Secondly just as the pottery jar does not give commands to the treasure we do not have the treasure within us at our own command.

What does the clay jar represent?

Our bodies

What does the treasure represent?

The hope of glory, the greatness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the glory of God made evident through that gospel. It is the very light of God, and the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, reflected in the face of Jesus Christ.

What’s the paradox here?

Paradox - illogicality is that we of the earth, fragile, flawed and perhaps damaged are given such an honor to house such glory, such purity, such magnificent. That God trust us a being with the power of choice to harvest and share such a glorious gift.


What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What’s the paradox here?

The truth Paul is seeking to communicate is that the message of salvation in Jesus Christ has been entrused in us by God. We are just a vessel that holds the contents of God's love and power. Because our vessels are weak, He gives us His power to spread His message and to do His work.


I think that the truth that Paul is seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar is it is not about us but about Him. The clay jar represents us and the treasure represents Jesus Christ. The Paradox is that we have this great treasure in the weak vessel that we carry around with us.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What’s the paradox here?

Paul is seeking to communicate the value that we carry as vessels of God; vessels that He can use here on earth so that His will be done. The clay jar represents the container to God's extraordinary power, the treasure. The paradox here is that we are God's instrument here on earth. A container for God Himself to manifest through and communicate and touch the world.

  • 2 weeks later...

Paul is likening us to the clay jar – earthy, liable to crack. But what is inside the jar is in amazing contrast, it is a Treasure of great worth, a heavenly treasure that can never change or lose its splendour. When we have a great treasure we are very careful to put it in a secure place, like a museum or art gallery, and show it off as well as we can by putting a good frame around it, or placing it on a pedestal. The paradox here is that God wants to indwell our poor bodies. It is in the contrast, or despite the contrast, that his power will be revealed. We could clearly not produce such greatness, it has to come from the Treasure within.

“Lord, help me to show off the Treasure within rather than being concerned to focus on the clay pot”.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What’s the paradox here?

In Paul's analogy of treasure in a pottery jar, the clay jar represents us while the treasure represents the power of the Lord Jesus in us. Though we are mere mortals, weak and prone to sin, we have dynamic power of God in us to proclaim His word to the world. This is a paradox.


The truth Paul is seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in pottery clay is, it's not the container that's important,but rather what is inside or what it is being used for.

The clay jar represents us weak human vessels,subject to imperfection and breakage.

The treasure represents the all-surpassing power of God at work within us.

The paradox is, as weak and frail humans,we contain the love of Christ and His power. We are only a limited vessel, however, Christ in us is able to quench the spiritual thirst of a lost humanity.


Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7)

What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What’s the paradox here?

What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar?

To tell we are different now. What is important is the treasure in us.

What does the clay jar represent?

The clay jar represent our earthly body .

What does the treasure represent?

The precious Holy Spirit Who live in us.

What’s the paradox here?

Though we are weak but God's power makes strong to overcome hardship.

  • 8 months later...

3a)Paul contrasts message of the precious,awesome good news of salvation for all who believe in Jesus,with it’s container us, who God asks to share message.. B)jar-our human body, with all our failings,we are just imperfect human vessels liable to lose message,break container, before it is shared.a willing vessel is one that God can use C)treasure-knowledge of God &good news of salvation in Jesus D)we are weak,temporary &fallible, vs good news is from God,perfect,powerful, life changing,eternal. Paradox here is power in weakness.God entrusted this amazing message of hope for all to fallible us to share.

  • 1 year later...

Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What’s the paradox here?      


Like a treasure in a fragile pottery jar, God fills the believer with the light and glory of the Gospel message and his Holy Spirit.  We are like a pottery jar in that we are vessels for the light and glory of God (treasure), to the rest of humanity.  We are effective for the Kingdom of God because the Holy Spirit enables us to be effective.  We are not gods but earthen vessels filed with the glory of God.  So, while we minister to others, we must remember it is not us or about us, but about God Almighty the Make of Heaven and Earth.    


  • 1 year later...

Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What's the paradox here?


“It isn't about us” We bear the precious and awesome "light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ” (4:6), but we are just weak, human vessels, subject to imperfection and breakage. Our strength is from the Lord. Without the Lord we are useless, we are fragile, we are easily broken- Pottery vessels are useful for a while, but have a limited working life-then they fail, crack, break, and ultimately dissolve. We are like the clay vessels. Our strength is only in the Lord.


We are the fragile jars of clay and the treasure is the word of the Lord which is the truth of the Gospel.


It's a paradox. Paul says,"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” The paradox is that this powerful , onnipotent God entrusts the precious truth, the covenant that is to good to be true to such fragile instrument as the human species. That God so loved the world...

  • 7 months later...
  On 8/13/2011 at 5:54 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What’s the paradox here?

The truth Paul is seeking to communicate to the people by using the analogy of a pottery jar, is that he is just humble clay made from dust, with no use to use his own self for profit of what he preaches. It is the power of God shinning forth the knowledge he has that is truth from God.

The clay jar represents Paul or the disciples, they are similar to an earthen vessel, used only for a short time, then it's usable life is finished. As people are like clay pots or jars, we are usable for a time, then we age and pass away, but during our usefulness the Lord's light shines forth.

The treasure of the enlightenment the Lord gives us to understand God and his representation is the life of Christ. To be filled with this understanding and knowledge is indeed a gift, a treasure to cherish.

The paradox in use here is that we are similar to clay pots. All created from the earth, to be useful and then eventually pass away.      

  • 8 years later...

Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What’s the paradox here?

Hanks, above, wrote: "Paul contrasts a priceless jewel with its container. The jewel, or the treasure, is “the knowledge of God … in the face of Christ” (v6). The clay jar in which this treasure is contained, is our body which is subject to decay, and therefore powerless."  I found very helpful Hank's idea that Paul is contrasting the value of the contents with the valueless of the container. 

Still, God chose us, his valueless containers, to hold His most valuable truths and power. As many have pointed out, it's not about us, but about what's in that container. The prior verse says God made His light shine within us (Christ is shining within our earthenware container). When He shines within us, we can see the light/knowledge of His glory in Christ's face. 

I find this passage confusing. Somehow within us the Spirit resides. That Spiritual presence glows ... shines. The context is evangelism so the glowing light within us gives us knowledge about God's glory. In other parts of the bible, God's glory is described as blindingly bright; His Shekinah glory. Here, brightness is the face of Christ.

God has to put his Shekinah glory in lousy clay jars for a reason -- our pride. We have to be reminded that His power is His, not ours. And, in the context of evangelism, we must be reminded that the commission to preach is accompanied by the power to do so, but it's not a natural power or skill, but a supernatural power. 

God could have evangelized Himself. He could have told people about Himself directly, or even indirectly through general revelation such as nature.  But He chose to use us to tell people about Himself. It would have been easier and clearer for Him to speak, but He chose not to speak of Himself. I do not think this is due to His modesty, for God will loudly proclaim His own greatness when needed. I think, for reasons I cannot understand, that He put us here to be His mouthpieces, even though we're fragile, breakable, ugly, dark and easily reabsorbed into the earth.


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